emacsclient dialog on Windows - windows

I'm using EmacsW32 from http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/EmacsW32. EmacsClient works great - opening a file with it always uses an existing emacs. However, starting emacs for the first time opens a dialog with the text "Waiting for emacs server to start...", which is very annoying. Is there any way to suppress this dialog, or at least automatically dismiss it when it connects?
[EDIT] The issue is starting emacsclientw for the first time pops up this dialog, which connects to emacs-server, but then does not close. I'm looking for a way to make this dialog close once it connects, or not show up in the first place. It this possible at all?

Try an -a switch. -a is used to set a fall-back editor. In Windows you can't run emacs with --daemon flag, so if you run emacsclient like emacsclient -a emacs (given it is in your PATH) and you've set up emacs-server, then the first run of the emacsclient will start emacs server and all subsequent runs will use that server.

Not sure if there's been an update, or if I'm just impatient, but it appears as if the dialog closes itself, after a few seconds delay.


How to open a file in emacs from the terminal without a new instance of emacs opening?

Does anyone know why my terminal opens a new instance of emacs whenever I run emacs "filename" from my terminal?
My google results about the issue showed too many occurrences of people trying to do this liberately, but my emacs is doing this by default for some reason.
I've found no resolving cases in my init.el or ~/.zshrc
If emacs is already running, you can start a server (M-x start-server) from within emacs, and open files with emacsclient on the command line. You may create an alias for that.
Spacemacs has a dotspacemacs-enable-server setting in your init.el file (SPC f e d) to always enable the server.
This is a pretty normal default behavior for any program. If you have a cat process running in one terminal, and you run cat again in another, they're not going to somehow share: you get two copies of cat running. The same thing applies to emacs. There are configuration options to change this, basically by making the first instance of emacs act as a server. Then the second emacs still starts a new process, but instead of continuing to set up a brand new editor it just sends information to the server process.

My emacs client automagically terminates when switching applications [OSX iTerm2]

I try to be brave and switch from vi to emacs.
Now, I set up Emacs 26 on macOS via homebrew and start Emacs as daemon in the background.
I can use files using emacsclient -t. However, whenever I bring the Terminal into the background emacsclient exits within a few seconds.
See example Video here: https://cloud.familie-ganter.de/s/QwbK8cFBHnPjQ4d
I did a plain install. My init file does not contain anything except what you see in the video. The funny thing is whenever I start emacs directly in the Terminal, nothing at all happens when bringing it to the background.
What seems to be the problem?
I am lost …
I expect it to be something dumb and simple -- so please be nice, this is my first stackoverflow post.

shell: reuse backgrounded emacsclient windows, when invoking emacsclient

Is it possible to reuse backgrounded emacsclient windows, when invoking emacsclient?
Here's some background information (I mainly use emacs in terminal mode, not gui frames)
When the computer boots, an emacs daemon is started.
In the OS X terminal when I want to open a file, I do emacsclient /filename -nw
Now when I want to do bash stuff I press C-z to background emacs.
Now emacs appears in the jobs command. The fg command would also
make it re-appear.
But while I'm browsing around in bash, I see another file I want to open.
Now, how can I reuse that minimized emacsclient session with a single command?
Yes, put this in your .bashrc:
ec() {
kill %emacsclient 2> /dev/null
emacsclient -nw --eval '(find-file "'"$PWD/$1"'")'
Open files with ec file.txt. It's a bit hacky, but I think it will do what you want it to.
I open the file find-file so it'll stay open after you close the Emacs window (C-x C-c). Then when you open a new file, I kill the old Emacs window and open a new one. The effect is that the old file stays open forever, so it seems like you reused the Emacs window.

Cannot open multiple files with Emacs on Mac

I can open a single file with Emacs, no problem. But I'm used to Emacs on Linux, where typing emacs test.cpp & would open a new Emacs frame, leaving the terminal free. On OS X, however, when I try to open a new frame with emacs test.cpp &, the terminal shows a process was created but the window fails to pop up. If I push Ctrl+C, the terminal shows "Stopped", but I see the process is still running because I can see it in the task monitor.
How to solve this problem? Thanks!
The issue here is that the command emacs on Linux is generally just the Emacs binary itself, which opens a new frame (that's Emacs-speak for X11 or other GUI window) unless you specify -nw on the command line; in contrast, the emacs command provided by Homebrew is a shell script that calls /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs -nw "$#" (substituting the version installed for 24.3). So the Homebrew version launches as a terminal app.
You can make a shell script that just runs /usr/local/Cellar/emacs/24.3/Emacs.app/Contents/MacOS/Emacs "$#", and it would behave somewhat as you expect, except that you would be launching a brand-new instance of the Mac app, which would cause an additional Emacs icon to appear on the Dock. Such a thing isn't considered "Mac-like," but it's not the end of the world.
An alternate solution, which is used a lot across different operating systems, is to make one Emacs process a server and then use emacsclient to open files from the command line. Emacsclient can open files in the current terminal, a new frame (GUI window), or an existing instance of Emacs. For an instance of Emacs to run as a server just requires that you run M-x server-start within it, or put (server-start) inside your init file (~/.emacs or ~/.emacs.d/init.el).
My Emacs config has this snippet, which starts server mode automatically when I launch the GUI app:
(when (display-graphic-p)
Then, once Emacs is running (you can make it autostart upon login in System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items), type emacsclient -nw test.cpp to open the file in the terminal, or emacsclient test.cpp & to open it in an existing frame, or emacsclient -c test.cpp & to open a new frame. (Note that if you open it in an existing frame, you use C-x # to close the buffer without closing the frame, as opposed to C-x C-c.)
Note that the terminal emacsclient command I gave just now didn't use & but the GUI ones did. & at the end of a command line puts the process in the background, meaning it's not monopolizing your terminal. For whatever reason (probably because it wouldn't be sensible to have a full-screen terminal app running in the background), when you invoke the terminal version of Emacs with &, it just suspends itself. The same thing would happen if you pressed C-z within Emacs. To get it back into the foreground, type fg (actually you can have multiple background processes, in which case fg would just pick the most recent one unless you specified a job specifier; see bash's man page (man bash) and search for JOB CONTROL if you're interested in the details).

open a file in an emacs buffer while in emacs terminal

Suppose I am in terminal in Emacs (M-x term), and I list the following files in current directory:
Now I am in bash-3.2$ (terminal) and hope to open this .R file in another Emacs buffer and then edit. Is there a way to do it? This might be a trivial question, for I am a newbie to Linux and Emacs. Thanks in advance!
Remember that in Term Mode you can type C-c C-f to open a file (just like C-x C-f outside Term Mode). The prompt will already be on your current directory, so you just have to start typing the name of the file and autocomplete it with TAB.
I don't know the official procedure for what you want to do, but here is a procedure that works:
Either tell emacs to run as a daemon (Ref: EmacsAsDaemon) or in emacs start daemon via M-x server-start.
In the term, a command like emacsclient -n filename will start editing the specified file in the current window. Note, emacsclient also has a -c, --create-frame option to edit in a new frame. You probably will want to use a -n option as above, so you can continue using your term, after selecting it from the buffers list in another pane or frame.
If you start the daemon via M-x server-start in emacs, the daemon will terminate when you exit from emacs. If you set it up via reference mentioned above, use kill-emacs or save-buffers-kill-emacs commands or shell command emacsclient -e '(kill-emacs)' to stop it, as mentioned in part 6 of reference.
