My emacs client automagically terminates when switching applications [OSX iTerm2] - macos

I try to be brave and switch from vi to emacs.
Now, I set up Emacs 26 on macOS via homebrew and start Emacs as daemon in the background.
I can use files using emacsclient -t. However, whenever I bring the Terminal into the background emacsclient exits within a few seconds.
See example Video here:
I did a plain install. My init file does not contain anything except what you see in the video. The funny thing is whenever I start emacs directly in the Terminal, nothing at all happens when bringing it to the background.
What seems to be the problem?
I am lost …
I expect it to be something dumb and simple -- so please be nice, this is my first stackoverflow post.


How to open a file in emacs from the terminal without a new instance of emacs opening?

Does anyone know why my terminal opens a new instance of emacs whenever I run emacs "filename" from my terminal?
My google results about the issue showed too many occurrences of people trying to do this liberately, but my emacs is doing this by default for some reason.
I've found no resolving cases in my init.el or ~/.zshrc
If emacs is already running, you can start a server (M-x start-server) from within emacs, and open files with emacsclient on the command line. You may create an alias for that.
Spacemacs has a dotspacemacs-enable-server setting in your init.el file (SPC f e d) to always enable the server.
This is a pretty normal default behavior for any program. If you have a cat process running in one terminal, and you run cat again in another, they're not going to somehow share: you get two copies of cat running. The same thing applies to emacs. There are configuration options to change this, basically by making the first instance of emacs act as a server. Then the second emacs still starts a new process, but instead of continuing to set up a brand new editor it just sends information to the server process.

Print terminal command output directly into vim - macOS

Whenever I enter a terminal command in vim (e.g., !echo hello), I am momentarily kicked out to view the result of that terminal command and then prompted with Press ENTER or type command to continue. This is a bit jarring. I would like to stay within vim and with the command output printed out at the bottom.
I know vim :read will take the terminal output and actually put it into my buffer, but that is not what I am looking to do. Here is some reading if you are interested in a tangent.
It looks like when I run vim in Screen I get what I am looking for, but I am trying to get this to work with tmux and the stock Mac terminal.
After a ton of research, probably too much, I got it! It looks like vim will send commands to the terminal, which in turn defines the behavior of how the terminal commands are processed from vim. Put this into your .vimrc file:
set t_ti= t_te= " show results from terminal commands within vim!
From what I understand, this just makes sure to send nothing to the terminal, which yields my desired results!
Side note: the above addition to your .vimrc file will also prevent the vim buffer from clearing when exiting vim (e.g., :wq). I am okay with this! It is kind of nice sometimes to see what you were just working on :).

Can't paste into MacVim

I copy text from outside of Vim. ⌘V in other apps pastes text without problem. In MacVim, it doesn't work.
In Insert Mode, nothing appears. In Normal Mode, I get E353: Nothing in register +. This happens when set clipboard=unnamed is on or off.
Oddly enough, this was working before. What's wrong?
If you are using tmux and sometimes you initially launch MacVim via the mvim command-line program, then you might be encountering the problem that prompted me to write the reattach-to-user-namespace command.
My guess is that clipboard access worked on prior occasions because you happened to have launched MacVim via a “normal” GUI method (e.g. the dock, Finder, Spotlight, etc.). The clipboard later became inaccessible after you had quit the prior instance of MacVim and relaunched it through (e.g.) mvim from inside a tmux session.
The core problem is that programs launched in certain contexts (i.e. inside a tmux session) end up with an environment that denies them access to certain services (e.g. the OS X pasteboard).
The initial launch is the important one here. New windows started by mvim-in-tmux (even without the above-linked wrapper program) should have access to the clipboard as long as MacVim was previously started “via the GUI” (maybe there are still some MacVim windows open, or maybe you have MacVim configured to keep running even when there are no windows open). Correspondingly, to regain access to the clipboard you will need to close all your existing MacVim windows, quit the application, then restart it in a way that has access to the clipboard (e.g. via the GUI, or “inside” the wrapper).
Once you have the above-linked wrapper program installed (it is also available through MacPorts and Homebrew), you can use a command like reattach-to-user-namespace mvim to ensure that if it ends up starting a new MacVim instance, then that new instance will have access to the clipboard. You might use an alias, shell function, or a script to make sure you always “wrap” mvim.
Several other commands also benefit from “wrapping” (pbpaste, pbcopy, nohup, launchctl (depending on which subcommand you are using)), so you may want to “wrap” your whole shell instead of the individual commands. The bit of the process environment that the “wrapper” modifies is inherited by child processes, so “wrapping” your shell will affect most commands you run from it. If you are using tmux, you could configure your default-command to automatically “wrap” your default tmux shells:
set-option -g default-command "reattach-to-user-namespace -l zsh"

Working on multiple terminals

I am using ubuntu terminal for my project and at times I need more than 5 terminals to be open at the same time and kind of juggle between them to see outputs of multiple programs running simultaneously. I am having hard time toggling between the terminals. Is there something that will hold all terminals together in one window and make my life simpler? I read somewhere that konsole does that for me, but I cannot bring up konsole for some reason and I am getting an error : bash: konsole: command not found.
Any kind of info/help is greatly appreciated.
Use tmux (and eventually, tmuxinator). It may have a slight learning curve but it'll be worth it, once you have it mastered!
Here's what an example session looks like.
If you want to try Konsole, try installing it first. It's part of KDE if that helps.
Ubuntu comes with gnome iirc. It has gnome-terminal as jasonspiro pointed out.
Have you tried using multiple workspaces? I'm using ubuntu 11 and if I find that I have a terminal layout I like to keep intact I simply place all of those terminals on a 2nd workspace. This can me done by right clicking on the terminal and clicking "Move to another workspace".
Use gnome-terminal instead. indicates to me that it comes with Ubuntu. It lets you open multiple tabs. Press Ctrl+Shift+T or click the appropriate menu command to open a new tab.
First, consider switching to ubuntu classic desktop. In clasic desktop you can move and resize windows like in um, windows, and then have multiple terminals visible at once.
Second, consider creating new terminals in the one terminal window. This can be done with CTRLSHIFTT
Third, alhough not much more useful for your purposes than the previous suggestion, have a look at screen(1), which is old, featureful, and no longer maintained, or tmux(1), which is still maintained. Either one can be run from a terminal. Both are installable from Software Center or synaptic.
You can use gnome-terminal. The script below will open 3 tabs running the respective commands..
cmd01="bash -c 'command in 1st terminal';bash"
cmd02="bash -c 'command in 2nd terminal';bash"
cmd03="bash -c 'command in 3rd terminal';bash"
foo+=($tab -e "$cmd01")
foo+=($tab -e "$cmd02")
foo+=($tab -e "$cmd03")
gnome-terminal "${foo[#]}"
exit 0

Launching server emacs from shell

I'm in a class that uses an implementation of Emacs on a school server. I'm on a mac running snow leopard, and I have my own implementation of Emacs on it. To access the server-Emacs, I ssh into the server and launch Emacs from its location there.
I'm relativly new to emacs, and I have a particular problem whenever I try to access the server-emacs from my local-emacs' shell-mode, having ssh'd into the server. It gives me the error that "Screen size -1x80 is too small", and doesn't launch the server-emacs.
I've the separate issue that when I try to do this in Apple's terminal, it does launch the server-emacs, but I really, really dislike the interface when emacs is launched within a terminal.
I've tried a couple of times to launch the server-emacs within a new window, in both scenarios, but apparently I'm not doing it right.
I think it'd be useful to understand what you're trying to do.
Do you just want to edit files on the server? If that's the case, read the documentation for tramp, and try:
C-x C-f //user#server:/path/to/file
If you really want to use the emacs running on the server, try creating a frame on your
(if so, look up tramp) If you want to actually use the emacs from the server, but have the window display on your mac:
ssh server
setenv DISPLAY mymac:0
emacsclient file &
This does assume you're running X11, and know how to resolve the display for your Mac. You can get X11 for the Mac here.
It's a bit hard to tell what you are doing, but you probably want to ssh to the server with an X tunnel, then run emacs there which will pop up the window on your mac.
First, don't use Terminal.
On your mac, start up X11 (google for XQuartz if you don't already have it).
Start up an XTerm (it should do this by default). From that XTerm, ssh to your server with the -Y option:
ssh -Y me#server.something
This should get you a remote shell and setup the DISPLAY environment to tunnel right back to your Mac's X server. Test it by running an xterm from there. If that works, you can instead run emacs. If that works, you can combine it with the ssh invocation:
ssh -Y me#server.something /usr/bin/emacs # or whatever path you need
You should set up ssh to not require a password but that's more than you asked for.
I think that Trey Jackson's suggestion of tramp (or the more old-fashioned 'ange-ftp) is probably your best bet.
In general, running emacs inside an emacs is never a good idea. You either want to run emacs on the server (in -nw mode inside the terminal, or via some $DISPLAY magic) or run it on your mac (via tramp). There isn't really a good way to do both.
