A/B (Split) testing the shopping cart in Magento - magento

We would like to implement A/B (or split) testing on our shopping cart in Magento.
The new design is enough of a departure from the existing one, that we cannot easily create the test using something like Visual Web Optimizer. The only way we would be able to do something with VWO is to create two different URLs for the cart, displaying the original one in the normal /checkout/cart and the new one in /checkout/shoppingcart - or something like that.
Is it possible to do something like this within Magento or am I going to delve deeper into the code?
One possible solution I was looking at was (doing a really dodgy hack) copying the CartController.php and creating a new controller called ShoppingcartController.php. I'm not a fan of this, it's just way to dodgy...but as it's going to be throw away code, I think I'd be able to sleep at night ;)
I'm completely lost as how I could do this. Ultimately, it would be great if I could create two front routes, pointing back to the same controller...but I don't think Magento is that flexible.

One way to accomplish this, is to create two "views" (under one website), and use different URL's for each view, such as: www.site.com www1.site.com.
Once this is set up have Google's A/B testing functionality (or some other JS) direct users to the different views.
Good luck!


How do I get Magento to always give the /catalog/product/view/id/ style url for products?

I want Magento to always generate product urls in the format:
instead of the rewritten
The reason for this is mainly so that I don't have to worry if something happens to all my rewrites, or so I can feel free to truncate and rebuild core_url_rewrite if something goes wrong and it gets too big.
I don't want to stop using rewritten urls entirely. I like them for categories. I have fewer categories, and I very rarely change the names. I hate feeling like I can't change the name of a product because it will make the core_url_rewrite table grow and mess up any backlinks I've generated if I lose my rewrites. Also, I still want my current urls to work for as long as possible along with the /product/view/id urls.
Is there an easy way to do this without rewriting methods that I'm missing?
Or do I have to override some getProductUrl method? It looks like the answer lies in the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product? That class seems to use the getProductUrl() method in Mage_Catalog_Model_Product_Url.
But again, if there's some simple configuration setting that would do the trick, I'd rather do that.
Magento handled it by own. Please follow the below steps.
1.Login to the admin panel
2. Then System >> Configuration >> Catalog >> Catalog >> Search Engine Optimization
3. Then Change the settings as per your requirement
4. As per your current requirement "Use Categories Path for Product URLs" will be YES
5. Then try to reindex full Via SSH.
Hope it will works.

Magento, add a custom attribute to a customer address

I'm looking for a way to add a drop down for a customer's address (during registration, editing, checkout, etc..) that indicates whether or not it is a Residential or Business address. I have spent hours going through tutorials but they are all out of date or poorly written. I have read 6 different ones telling me how to do the same thing 6 different ways. Can someone outline a simple process that you need to do in order to add a custom attribute to an address? I'm on Magento 1.6
Try something like this tutorial at Fontis: Know More About Your Customers - Adding Custom Signup Attributes
Whilst this was written for, most (if not all) is still relevant for 1.6. I've done a very similar thing by allowing a customer to choose the customer group they wish to belong to, by following these directions.
Oh, and there are some great comments on the post as well.
These tutorials should give you a good idea how to do what you want:
Best regards

codeigniter extra url segments

I am making a site for a client and decided i would use code igniter.
The site essentially has two backends, one for designers, and one for a sales team. So after logging in, the user will be redirected to either
The sales team for example can view orders, containers, products, therefore i need a controller for each of these.
The sales need to be able to view, edit, delete certain orders...
Basically my problem is i dont have enough url segments to play with.
My thoughts on solving my problem
removing the orders, containers, products classes and making ALL of their methods as methods of the sales class, although this would mean a large number of methods and loading all models so it seemed kind of pointless.
removing the sales/designer classes and controlling what each kind of user has access to based on a user type stored in session data.
a way of having an extra url segment?
I appreciate any advice, I just dont want to get 3 weeks into the project and realise i started wrong from the beginning!
Use folders.
If you make a subfolder in /application/ called sales you can put different controllers in there:
orders.php /* Controller */
Then in orders.php you will put your vieworders($id) method and so on, and you will be able to acces it with domain.com/sales/orders/vieworders/id.
You can also make subfolders in the /models/ and /views/ to organize your files.
Now, Access Control is something apart and it depends more in the auth system you are using.
Give the user/designer a privilege, a column in the user table for example, check the permission of the user at the beginning of the function, then prevent or execute it.
This would be the exact way i would do it.
Seems like you should have a look into the routing class. Might be a dirty solution but rerouting the sales/(:any) to something like sales_$1 would mean you'd make controllers with names like sales_orders.
Same for the design part.
(FYI: $routing['sales/(:any)'] = 'sales_$1'; should do the trick; see application/config/routing.php).

Cheating traversal

I'm developing a plone4 site on which every user have a sortable inventory of items. The ATFolder's folder_content view is ideal for this. The only problem is that instead of an URL like this:
or this
the url should be:
I've thought in several solution, but each one have its own doubts.
Make the inventory content dynamic, depending on the authenticated user. I don't even know if this is possible on plone.
Somehow to cheat the transversal mechanism, so /site/inventory render /site/inventory/user.
Change the context before rendering the view. Again, don't know if possible.
Make inventory a subclass of ATCTContent, store the inventory data as annotation on the user and develop the ordering code all by myself. This is the option I'm trying to avoid.
What would you do?
Well, it'll be easy to define a inventory view that then uses the Authenticated User to render it's contents, which could be a simple delegation to an ordered folder that is stored at /site/users/user/folder.
The one thing that you have to remember is that user authentication happens after traversal. This means that when a view is instantiated (it's __init__ method is called) there is no user determined yet because that happens during traversal. Look up your user in the view __call__ or from it's template instead.
Having folder contents show contents that are not the contents of the folder is crraaaaAAAAzytalk. :) Don't do it. Either have a folder per user ( /inventory/user ) or make a custom view called inventory.html. You can make /inventory sho /inventory user but that is one step towards trying to make Plone to non-ploneish things, and that way lies a world of pain.
I don't know why you couldn't just call it /inventory/user? Seems easy enough. Then stick an action in the user viewlet, by the dashboard link, and your done! :-)
Plone is a content management system. Use it for that, as it's supposed to be used, and you'll be happy. Trying to force it to do things it doesn't want is like trying to build a sportscar out of a art deco sculpture. It might end up looking awesome, but it won't run very well. :-)

how to add more simple products into configurable products using magento API

How can I simply add new simple products incrementally to configurable products?
or do I still need to retrieve the 2 original arrays of the pre-defined configurable product (getConfigurableAttributesData and getConfigurableProductsData) first, append the new arrays and set them again? Is it worked for my case just as the first-time creation?
And if the new simple product owns a new attribute / attribute options, do I also need to create /edit the attribute first before adding?
Thanks in advance!
The API as it stands does not have the functionality to do this.
Your options are:
Extend the API. (Hours of fun)
Do it with Magento methods in your own module or standalone code that includes Mage.php.
SQL script mixed in with your existing API code.
Buy someone's module - (Hope your German is good)
The approach you take also depends on your SKU naming scheme, if you have a simple BASECODE-SIZE-COLOUR type of scheme then the SQL option can work a treat, and in next to no time, but will be heavily scorned on by Magento evangelists.
That means you are probably going to have to write your own code. Here is a very useful site that should help get you started:
As well as being able to import configurables (by a variety of means including SQL) there are also snippets of code useful for updating superattribute price differentials. No readymade complete solution, but, you may need to roll your own anyway depending on your SKU naming scheme.
Whilst you are at it you may also want to write some code to find simple products that are not hooked up to anything when they should be, i,e. the ones with no visibility.
