How do I Track Software Installs For Affiliates? - installation

Right now I track installs of a particular piece of software through the use of a cookie. (This is all windows currently.) Since the download comes from my site through a link I can give custom links to affiliates to figure out who to credit the download with. I also assign a unique id of sorts to the computer to track it. These get popped into the registry at some point in the future for persistence.
Now, there are more ways to spread the software rather than just through a download link -- I want the ability to just hand someone an .exe and figure out who gave them that. I could have a .ini file or something to hold the tracking code but that means I have to create an installer for each affiliate -- I'm not completely against this idea but I don't like it either.
Any easier ways? I know this is a common use case -- what do people do?

so I've come up with a solution myself -- it's just going to take a second to implement (since all my server stuff lives on *nix right now) but here is how it goes:
affiliate comes to website and wishes to signup
we shoot a post w/affiliate-id over to a windows web server
windows web server generates a inno script config file w/affiliate id and other stuff in registry keys section
windows starts another process that compiles inno script file (and supporting stuff) into .exe
once it is done it is shot off to s3 bucket
user is informed where to dl his custom .exe
so, no problem is impossible, it just might take some thinking to get it done


Get hardware id with inno setup script to prevent piracy

I just finished my program, now I want to build a setup with Inno-setup that gets the hardware id and and stores it into a file in the CD so that the program can be installed in only one computer with only one license. Unfortunately i am not good at all at Inno-setup scripting language. Anything you guys can do to help me will do, anything, even small hints,
Please help i am out of options right now.
I want to build a setup with Innosetup that gets the hardware id and and stores it into a file in the CD so that the program can be installed in only one computer with only one license.
You want to create a unique Installer and CD for every client?
Wow, that's a lot of work. It only makes sense for a really small business.
Anyway, in regard to getting a hardware-id:
There is no function in InnoSetup to get a "hardware id".
You probably mean some kind of identifier, like a hard-disk or motherboard serial number, right? You could decide to fetch some serial numbers or identifiers by querying the WMI.
But wait? You compile Innosetup on the developer machine, right?
The only hardware-ids you could possibly get at that time are IDs from your own developer machine. How do you get the hardware-id of your client, which is later trying to install your software from CD?
The whole approach doesn't make much sense and is flawed.
In general, doing this kind of protection in the installer is kind of useless.
Please handle your protection in the application, not in the setup.
You might use one of the following approaches: "API-Key" or "license-code" or "license file" or "hardware-dongle".
In other words: its always the same installer on multiple CDs, but the additional separate license code makes the difference - not during, but after the installation. The user simply enters the key or loads the license-file into the application and gets "Application registered to XY".

How can I show my app is not a keylogger?

I've created a simple Mac app that gives you statistics on your working behavior over time. For example, your average words per minute, what language you are typing in, usage of the delete key, etc. Interesting stuff! However, some test users have said they wouldn't use the app if they didn't know me personally, since it collects keystrokes like a keylogger.
Is there some certification I can get to show that I'm not doing anything nefarious? (I never keep more than one word in memory!) Or will it be enough to have my app signed? Or open-source that part of the code? (Other parts I know I cannot make open source.)
Distributing through the Mac App Store will help, since users can see that Apple has tried your application and found nothing nefarious in it. [Added:] Also, sandboxing your app means that your app is restricted to an explicit set of abilities, which technically-skilled users could inspect. Anything not listed, you're unable to do, so this would be an easy way to prove that you don't send anything back over the internet.
Another thing would be to save all data in user-readable files. No binary plists, no Core Data stores, etc. (Whether the XML variants of either of those should count as user-readable would be more arguable, but for this purpose, I think at least an XML plist would be readable enough. Not sure about Core Data.)
If the user can read all of the raw data you store using applications that they trust (such as TextEdit), and not just your usual fancy in-app presentation of it, then they can check for themselves, and eventually trust, that you're not storing anything they wouldn't want you to.
If any concerned potential users email you about whether you report their keystrokes to your own server via the internet, and assuming that you don't make any internet connections at all (not even an update check), you can recommend that they should install Little Snitch, which pops up a confirmation alert anytime any app tries to connect to something. When they don't see such an alert about your app, they know that you're not phoning home.
You might also, on your product webpage, include a link to a tech profile. Here's Jesper's article proposing them, and here's one example of such a document, for one of his products.
I would think that Gatekeeper would be adequate for most users. If it turns out an app is doing bad things, then Apple could pull the plug on a malware developer. So that and maybe some time live should establish your program as 'safe' to those who are not technically inclined (e.g. cannot understand your source).
Simply distributing it in your or your company's name can do a lot to build trust in an app (provided of course your other products/programs have not violated users' trust).
If you can get the application onto Apple's App Store, then that means they will have checked it for such problems. There's no way they'd knowingly allow a key-logging app on there. Also, signing the app with an Apple certificate ensures that if it has been downloaded from the App Store and later is found to be nefarious, they can black list it.
Open-sourcing code would also be a good idea. I assume you can't Open Source all of it because it doesn't belong to you? If so, then make it clear what technologies it uses and be as open and honest about what the application does and how it goes about doing it.

How to get your site trusted by AV?

I want to make an exe file available to download from my website, but when I do a test download, Norton deletes the file without any option to keep it. Presumably most AV does the same thing, so nobody is ever going to be able to download it.
Wrapping the exe in a zip seems to make the exe completely invisible to Norton, so that is one approach, but it just adds an extra step for users to go through. And I have downloaded exe files from other sites, so it is certainly possible.
Would signing the exe help? What other factors affect my site's apparent lack of trustworthiness?
Signing your EXE is probably the best way to go... As far as "trusting" a website goes, I can't speak for Norton but I know that McAfee has user feedback mechanisms for rating sites, and that's what their products use to filter bad actors on the web.
Putting the executable in a zip file is indeed the way to go. Norton is extreme pain, but most browsers and/or anti-virus applications will at least warn the user when he attempts to download an executable. It is more important to instil confidence in your users than to make life easy for them, and if they see any kind of warning message they are likely to pull the plug.

Supporting both This-User-Only and Local-Machine settings

I have an application that has to support modifying some registry data depending on the kind of 'installation' that is desired. At present, I have no problems hard-coding to either get elevation and do the changes to the entire local machine, but it is far from nice as ideally, I would also like to support per-user installations. I could hardcode that, but then I lose the local-machine stuff. To be precise, the changes in question involve file association changes, COM stuff etc.
How can I properly support both usage scenarios? Currently I use a set of ON/OFF checkboxes for the variety of associations.
Should I change this meaning on, for example, a MachineInstall file existing in my apps directory, and if not assume User install?
Is it an expected/valid/whatever usecase to say that someone might want to do some things for the entire machine, and some things only for the user? (E.g. mixing of the two.)
Or should I change the entire UI, move away from checkboxes and move to some sort of combobox going 'None/User/Local'? Then again, I think this might have some sort of breakage once you involve multiple users and combinations.
To give an indication, I personally expect the application in question to have its uses for everyone on a computer and as such lean towards the Local-Machine as a 'default', if that makes any sort of difference.
I am likely overthinking the matters quite a bit, so any and all input is very much appreciated. :)
Now, someone is probably going to say 'do not do all that stuff from your app, do it from the installer instead'. And they probably have a point, but the point is to allow easy changing of these settings from within the application. To top it off, I am not using .MSI install packages because they make working with 32/64-bit specific executables a disaster requiring merge modules, spawning other MSI's depending on the situation, and so forth (I forgot the details last time I dug into it and forgot about the matter). I don't have that knowledge, nor the time to learn all the intricacies of MSI installations, so it is out for as far I am concerned. To boot, my application is perfectly capable of functioning without any of those registry entries being present, and that is by design. In a way, one might compare it to be like Process Explorer from Sysinternals, which does not require an installer, but can be unzipped and take over the task manager etc without a problem if a user wants, or simply run stand-alone.

Installer or no installer?

There's lots of questions about installers but I haven't seen one about whether or not to actually use one in the first place.
What is the logic behind using them in the first place? Can't the user just extract it somewhere? But I guess it depends on the target user.
And on the subject of the actual setup: Can't that be done on the first startup?
It very much depends on your target audience, and what your installer needs to accomplish.
If your audience is technically savvy, and the installer just has to extract some files, and create shortcuts, I probably wouldn't bother.
If you need to modify system variables, register services, etc, definitely create an installer to make life easier for your users - regardless of how technically savvy they are.
You can always offer the option of installer / no installer, and let your users decide what they want. The number of downloads and resulting support requests will tell you whether you should utilize one or not.
And on the subject of the actual setup: Can't that be done on the first startup?
uTorrent used to do this (I'm not sure if it still does... I update automatically) and I found it a little confusing at first, since I'm used to installers. For users that are possibly clueless though, it's perfect.
For more complicated applications that have multiple files installed to several locations, I think it's better to have an installer. For a series of products we produce where I work, we have several 'flavours' of installer for each product: auto-update installers can be smaller as we know the user already has prerequisites. New users, though, get a larger installer.
I can't see any reason not to use an installer. When you use something like Inno Setup, creating the installer is no more difficult than creating a zip file, and you don';t have to explain to the user how to install.
Having an installer will help your users a lot.
The application will be installed at the right place
The user won't have to set links in program files himself, or copy the extracting content you suggest in a directory
Your application will looks more professionnal
The user will know that using the uninstall system of windows will safely remove your application without affecting the system
You need something which can set up the registry and install prerequisites before starting the app, that's why you need an installer :)
Including a well designed installer can also add value over the lifetime of the application by enabling the application to be updated and enabling the application to be uninstalled cleanly. Eventually the user will want to uninstall the application, and the ideal is to leave their computer in the same state as prior to installation.
