How to get your site trusted by AV? - download

I want to make an exe file available to download from my website, but when I do a test download, Norton deletes the file without any option to keep it. Presumably most AV does the same thing, so nobody is ever going to be able to download it.
Wrapping the exe in a zip seems to make the exe completely invisible to Norton, so that is one approach, but it just adds an extra step for users to go through. And I have downloaded exe files from other sites, so it is certainly possible.
Would signing the exe help? What other factors affect my site's apparent lack of trustworthiness?

Signing your EXE is probably the best way to go... As far as "trusting" a website goes, I can't speak for Norton but I know that McAfee has user feedback mechanisms for rating sites, and that's what their products use to filter bad actors on the web.

Putting the executable in a zip file is indeed the way to go. Norton is extreme pain, but most browsers and/or anti-virus applications will at least warn the user when he attempts to download an executable. It is more important to instil confidence in your users than to make life easy for them, and if they see any kind of warning message they are likely to pull the plug.


How can I secure installed my windows service exe file from InstallUtil?

I have a windows service for a schedule some jobs. It will be sold for a price.
I created msi file for setup. After the install, installed folder have an exe file and dll's.(By the way, I am going to install service on customers' computer, so they won't be have msi file) I found out, this installed exe file can be installed with InstallUtil.exe. I have done some research but I cannot found any good explanation. My questions is, how to forbid install with installUtil for installed exe? I am new to this area, any help will be good. Thanks in advance.
If I understand correctly, you want to prevent people using your software without paying for it. Unfortunately, it is impossible.
Your code, when it runs on the client, is fully controlled by the client. While you can make things harder, in the end no matter what you do, it will always be possible to run it without your permission. Take any commercial software and then search on torrent for pirate versions. :)
You can go lengths in trying to secure it, and the effort needed from an attacker may become somewhat higher, but it is logically impossible to prevent copying if all of the code is on the client.
What you can actually do is offer your solution as an online service (like a most commonly a webapp these days). That way control remains with you.

How do I Track Software Installs For Affiliates?

Right now I track installs of a particular piece of software through the use of a cookie. (This is all windows currently.) Since the download comes from my site through a link I can give custom links to affiliates to figure out who to credit the download with. I also assign a unique id of sorts to the computer to track it. These get popped into the registry at some point in the future for persistence.
Now, there are more ways to spread the software rather than just through a download link -- I want the ability to just hand someone an .exe and figure out who gave them that. I could have a .ini file or something to hold the tracking code but that means I have to create an installer for each affiliate -- I'm not completely against this idea but I don't like it either.
Any easier ways? I know this is a common use case -- what do people do?
so I've come up with a solution myself -- it's just going to take a second to implement (since all my server stuff lives on *nix right now) but here is how it goes:
affiliate comes to website and wishes to signup
we shoot a post w/affiliate-id over to a windows web server
windows web server generates a inno script config file w/affiliate id and other stuff in registry keys section
windows starts another process that compiles inno script file (and supporting stuff) into .exe
once it is done it is shot off to s3 bucket
user is informed where to dl his custom .exe
so, no problem is impossible, it just might take some thinking to get it done

How do I do whatever it was that the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility did?

Microsoft's "Windows Installer CleanUp Utility" could be used to help fix broken installations of MSI-installer based products. When the installer failed in some strange way and left corrupt data behind, so bad that even Add/Remove Programs couldn't help, you could often fix things by running this utility and then running the application's installer again.
I just discovered that Microsoft announced a couple weeks ago that they were discontinuing this utility. They didn't merely say "we're not supporting it anymore"; they seemingly removed it from their site entirely.
I have to support a Windows program for a whole bunch of users. Given the number of users, every so often something will go wrong, and this program has been invaluable for me, as a last-ditch line of defense.
I know I could point customers to some third party site that has a cached copy of it, but this seems dangerous (malware potential and such).
So, are there any replacement products? Or, if not, how can I myself do whatever it is that this program did?
To be clear, I'm not asking for help like "how do I programatically modify the registry". I can do that fine. But I need to know what in the registry needs to be modified.
Thanks in advance.
Windows Installer CleanUp utility was never intended to be used in the wild. It was only meant to be used by software developers. If you occasionally have end users needing to use WCU you have some serious installer quality issues that should be addressed.
WCU only removes the Windows Instaleller meta data and doesn't actually uninstall any software. This leaves the machine in a very dirty state. These days with test labs becoming virtualized there's no reason to have this tool anymore. You just roll back to a prior snapshot and keep on working.
I've seen all kinds of online forums full of users who think they know what they are doing ( and don't ) suggest using WCU to solve various problems so in the end Microsoft decided to try to get the horse back in the barn.
I have old copies of WCU archived in my CM system so if you'd like me to generate checksums to help you determine if you are getting a good copy just let me know.
The cleanup utility was a wrapper around the command line utility msizap.exe, described here:

Private FireFox plugin

I'm looking at getting a FireFox plugin developed - but is it possible to create a plugin that is for private use only, so only those I share it with have it and not open to the masses? Need this for 2 reasons; 1) while in BETA and 2) for my clients use only to start with.
Of course: just distribute the plugin install package (XPI if I am not mistaking) to the target users.
Note that won't prevent leaks, if any.
You could also be more fancy and "lock" the plugin to a set of computers: you have access to the whole machine when you design a plugin (e.g. NPAPI based). Then again, a determined hacker can always find a way.
Yes, of course this is possible.
Extensions (mentioning these because the term "plugin" is often misused to mean "extension") can be packed in a .xpi file that can be opened and installed by Firefox; see also this tutorial.
Proper plugins are a bit more work, see the Mozilla developer wiki.
While this works mostly on a psychological level, prominently displaying identifying information such as the user's name/email address or a company name/logo, may also help prevent users from distributing your work because it is obviously personalized/tailored software, and they may not want this information to be distributed along with your software.
Also, once you do distribute your extension to your target users, you can digitally sign the XPI files for each individual user (i.e. fingerprinting individual files within the XPI package), so that you can track back any leaks.
In addition, you as the author of the extension are of course free to implement a simple "talkback" mechanism so that you can track use of your extension, along with all sorts of other information that may be relevant to you (i.e. usage stats).
Similarly, XPI files are conventional ZIP files, so you can also password-protect them to make it more complicated to install them without proper instructions.

Windows Help files - what are the options?

Back in the old days, Help was not trivial but possible: generate some funky .rtf file with special tags, run it through a compiler, and you got a WinHelp file (.hlp) that actually works really well.
Then, Microsoft decided that WinHelp was not hip and cool anymore and switched to CHM, up to the point they actually axed WinHelp from Vista.
Now, CHM maybe nice, but everyone that tried to open a .chm file on the Network will know the nice "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" screen that is caused by security restrictions.
While there are ways to make CHM work off the network, this is hardly a good choice, because when a user presses the Help Button he wants help and not have to make some funky settings.
Bottom Line: I find CHM absolutely unusable. But with WinHelp not being an option anymore either, I wonder what the alternatives are, especially when it comes to integrate with my Application (i.e. for WinHelp and CHM there are functions that allow you to directly jump to a topic)?
PDF has the disadvantage of requiring the Adobe Reader (or one of the more lightweight ones that not many people use). I could live with that seeing as this is kind of standard nowadays, but can you tell it reliably to jump to a given page/anchor?
HTML files seem to be the best choice, you then just have to deal with different browsers (CSS and stuff).
Edit: I am looking to create my own Help Files. As I am a fan of the "No Setup, Just Extract and Run" Philosophy, i had that problem many times in the past because many of my users will run it off the network, which causes exactly this problem.
So i am looking for a more robust and future-proof way to provide help to my users without having to code a different help system for each application i make.
CHM is a really nice format, but that Security Stuff makes it unusable, as a Help system is supposed to provide help to the user, not to generate even more problems.
HTML would be the next best choice, ONLY IF you would serve them from a public web server. If you tried to bundle it with your app, all the files (and images (and stylesheets (and ...) ) ) would make CHM look like a gift from gods.
That said, when actually bundled in the installation package, (instead of being served over the network), I found the CHM files to work nicely.
OTOH, another pitfall about CHM files: Even if you try to open a CHM file on a local disk, you may bump into the security block if you initially downloaded it from somewhere, because the file could be marked as "came from external source" when it was obtained.
I don't like the html option, and actually moved from plain HTML to CHM by compressing and indexing them. Even use them on a handful of non-Windows customers even.
It simply solved the constant little breakage of people putting it on the network (nesting depth limited, strange locking effects), antivirus that died in directories with 30000 html files, and 20 minutes decompression time while installing on an older system, browser safety zones and features, miscalculations of needed space in the installer etc.
And then I don't even include the people that start "correcting" them, 3rd party product with faulty "integration" attempts etc, complaints about slowliness (browser start-up)
We all had waited years for the problems to go away as OSes and hardware improved, but the problems kept recurring in a bedazzling number of varieties and enough was enough. We found chmlib, and decided we could forever use something based on this as escape with a simple external reader, if the OS provided ones stopped working and switched.
Meanwhile we also have an own compiler, so we are MS free future-proof. That doesn't mean we never will change (solutions with local web-servers seem favourite nowadays), but at least we have a choice.
Our software is both distributed locally to the clients and served from a network share. We opted for generating both a CHM file and a set of HTML files for serving from the network. Users starting the program locally use the CHM file, and users getting their program served from a network share has to use the HTML files.
We use Help and Manual and can thus easily produce both types of output from the same source project. The HTML files also contain searching capabilities and doesn't require a web server, so though it isn't an optimal solution, works fine.
So far all the single-file types for Windows seems broken in one way or another:
WinHelp - obsoleted
HtmlHelp (CHM) - obsoleted on Vista, doesn't work from network share, other than that works really nice
Microsoft Help 2 (HXS) - this seems to work right up until the point when it doesn't, corrupted indexes or similar, this is used by Visual Studio 2005 and above, as an example
If you don't want to use an installer and you don't want the user to perform any extra steps to allow CHM files over the network, why not fall back to WinHelp? Vista does not include WinHlp32.exe out of the box, but it is freely available as a download for both Vista and Server 2008.
It depends on how import the online documentation is to your product, a good documentation infrastructure can be complex to establish but once done it pays off. Here is how we do it -
Help source DITA compilant XML, stored in SCC (ClearCase).
Help editing XMetal
Help compilation, customized Open DITA Toolkit, with custom Perl/Java preprocessing
Help source cross references applications resources at compile time, .RC files etc
Help deliverables from single source, PDF, CHM, Eclipse Help, HTML.
Single source repository produces help for multiple products 10+ with thousands of shared topics.
From what you describe I would look at Eclipse Help, its not simple to integrate into .NET or MFC applications, you basically have to do the help mapping to resolve the request to a URL then fire the URL to Eclipse Help wrapper or a browser.
Is the question how to generate your own help files, or what is the best help file format?
Personally, I find CHM to be excellent. One of the first things I do when setting up a machine is to download the PHP Manual in CHM format ( and add a hotkey to it in Crimson Editor. So when I press F1 it loads the CHM and performs a search for the word my cursor is on (great for quick function reference).
If you are doing "just extract and run", you are going to run in security issues. This is especially true if you are users are running Vista (or later). is there a reason why you wanted to avoid packaging your applications inside an installer? Using an installer would alleviate the "external source" problem. You would be able to use .chm files without any problems.
We use InstallAware to create our install packages. It's not cheap, but is very good. If cost is your concern, WIX is open source and pretty robust. WIX does have a learning curve, but it's easy to work with.
PDF has the disadvantage of requiring the Adobe Reader
I use Foxit Reader on Windows at home and at work. A lot smaller and very quick to open. Very handy when you are wondering what exactly a80000326.pdf is and why it is clogging up your documents folder.
I think the solution we're going to end up going with for our application is hosting the help files ourselves. This gives us immediate access to the files and the ability to keep them up to date.
What I plan is to have the content loaded into a huge series of XML files, each one containing help for a specific item. This XML would contain links to other XML files. We would use XSLT to display the contents as necessary.
Depending on the licensing, we may build a client-specific XSLT file in order to tailor the look and feel to what they need. We may need to be able to only show help for particular versions of our product as well and that can be done by filtering out stuff in the XSLT.
I use a commercial package called AuthorIT that can generate a number of different formats, such as chm, html, pdf, word, windows help, xml, xhtml, and some others I have never heard of (does dita ring a bell?).
It is a content management system oriented towards the needs of technical documentation writers.
The advantage is that you can use and re-use the same content to build a set of guides, and then generate them in different formats.
So the bottom line relative to the question of choosing chm or html or whatever is that if you are using this you are not locked into a given format, but you can provide several among which the user can choose, and you can even add more formats as you go along, at no extra cost.
If you just have one guide to create it won't be worth your while, but if you have a documentation set to manage then it is the best to my knowledge. Their support is very helpful also.
