how to know 2 lan pc is connetced with my program in php? - macos

I have 4 PCs which are connected through the LAN. I am making a PHP program that will
differentiate each PC separately and i will keep each pc record.
But when i am getting an IP address i am getting same IP for all. I guess i should retrieve MAC address for all pcs separately, but i don't know how will i fetch MAC address.
I am using Linux OS.
Programing tips will be appreciated.

As far as I know, you cannot do this with PHP alone. However, if you have exec() rights on the server, the you might be able to use:
arp -a ipaddress
Where ipaddress is the IP address of the computer on your LAN. You would need to use something like regex to seperate the MAC address from the rest of the output.

I don't think that the mac-adress is included in the http-header. So it is probably hard to get it via php. I think you're better off trying to fix the ip-issue. Sorry I can't help you more.
Actually... searching around a little I found a possible solution:
$mac = `ping -c 1 $ip && arp -a | grep $ip`
You probably have to parse the output though. I get: ( at d5:c2:c3:13:a2:b1 [ether] on eth0
When doing arp -a
Like the post under states, you would need exec-rights.
Sorry, just realized that in order for this to work, you would need the ip... Which you don't have.

PEAR’s Net_Ping is a niffty wrapper class for executing ping calls from PHP. You can use it to check if a remote server is responding correctly. The library can be download from here.
pear install Net_Ping-2.4.4
require_once "Net/Ping.php";
$ping = Net_Ping::factory();
echo $ping->getMessage();
/* Number of packets to send */
$ping->setArgs(array('count' => 4));
$rawData = $ping->ping('');


UFTP is not working as expected

I am using UFTP to transfer files within the subnetwork computers.
But when I used -H to send only particular computers instead of sending to all computers, it is not working as expected.
Let me explain in detail :
I have two windows machines in same network of IP's, respectively.
From one of the system, I used below mentioned command to send the file
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H, e:\setup.exe
But both machines won't receive those file.
But if I use this command both machines will receive the file.
uftp.exe -R 100000 E:\setup.exe
I want to know whether I made any mistake.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks in Advance.
Kindly revert back for any clarifications.
If ipv6 isn't enabled, it would look like this, converting the ipv4 addresses to hex (with a converter like
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H 0xAC15AAC6,0xAC15B5D8 e:\setup.exe
But if you have an ipv6 address on the client, the client id sort of comes from the end of it backwards. Like if the address was "fe80::e5ca:e3ca:fea3:153f%5", the command would look like:
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H 0x3f15a3fe e:\setup.exe
(coming from "fe a3 15 3f")

Wireshark and T Shark DNS

I’m creating a small script to take the output from tshark and print it out to terminal. I'm trying to to only filter by requests made through the browser address bar.
So when is loaded, the terminal only prints out, rather than etc .. (other DNS requests made through the requested website)
This program loops forever repeating dns requests and writes to the terminal.
Any ideas?
Would the following work for you?
$ tshark -r dns.pcap -T fields -e -Y "dns.qry.type == 0x0001 and udp.dstport == 53"
The display filter (the part after "Y") is to limit the query type to be for A record (you want to avoid CNAME etc) in the request.
dns.qry.type == 0x0001 is for A record, udp.dstport == 53 is for DNS request.
Hope it helps.

Unix script to resolve hostnames from IP addresses

I've got a text file with a bunch of IPv4 addresses, and I'd like to know the hostname of each one in order to know if they are tor addresses. Is there a simple script that can help me to do that ?
You can loop using dig:
while read line
dig -x "$line" +short
Then given IPs 1 per line, you can run something like ./ < addrs.txt.
Caveats: DNS is not a 1-to-1 mapping, and reverse DNS is somewhat less reliable than forward DNS.

cant get dnsmasq to push multiple search prefixes

I'm trying to get dnsmasq to push multiple search prefixes to windows machines. If I look in the MS dhcp server, it looks to be using dhcp option 135, but any attempt to configure that eg
doesnt get pushed at all (I'm using tcpdump -i br0 -lenx -s 1500 port bootps or port bootpc | dhcpdump to view wat dnsmasq is sending)
I have minor success using dhcp option 15, but it only pushes a single name into the search prefix as displayed by ipconfig /all on windows
Any suggestions ?
Checking the ISC dhcp option list I found this:
119 Domain Search domain-search
One or more domain names, each enclosed in quotes and separated by commas
But note that dnsmasq actually provides you special option (although I'm not sure from which version it starts)
Our client machines (Ubuntu 18 server using netplan/systemd-resolve) were not requesting DHCP option 119, but I could solve the problem by forcing the server (dnsmasq) to sentd that option in the reply anyway:
Using the dhcp-option-force parameter makes sure that the list is sent to the clients regardless of what they ask for.

Getting the Hostname or IP in Ruby on Rails

I'm in the process of maintaining a Ruby on Rails app and am looking for an easy way to find the hostname or IP address of the box I'm on (since it's a VM and new instances may have different hostnames or IP addresses). Is there a quick and easy way to do this in Ruby on Rails?
Edit: The answer below is correct but the clarification Craig provided is useful (see also provided link in answer):
The [below] code does NOT make a
connection or send any packets (to which is google). Since UDP is a stateless protocol connect()
merely makes a system call which
figures out how to route the packets
based on the address and what
interface (and therefore IP address)
it should bind to. addr() returns an
array containing the family (AF_INET),
local port, and local address (which
is what we want) of the socket.
A simple way to just get the hostname in Ruby is:
require 'socket'
hostname = Socket.gethostname
The catch is that this relies on the host knowing its own name because it uses either the gethostname or uname system call, so it will not work for the original problem.
Functionally this is identical to the hostname answer, without invoking an external program. The hostname may or may not be fully qualified, depending on the machine's configuration.
IP Address
Since ruby 1.9, you can also use the Socket library to get a list of local addresses. ip_address_list returns an array of AddrInfo objects. How you choose from it will depend on what you want to do and how many interfaces you have, but here's an example which simply selects the first non-loopback IPV4 IP address as a string:
require 'socket'
ip_address = Socket.ip_address_list.find { |ai| ai.ipv4? && !ai.ipv4_loopback? }.ip_address
require 'socket'
def local_ip
orig, Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup, true # turn off reverse DNS resolution temporarily do |s|
s.connect '', 1
Socket.do_not_reverse_lookup = orig
# irb:0> local_ip
# => ""
Try this:
host = `hostname`.strip # Get the hostname from the shell and removing trailing \n
puts host # Output the hostname
A server typically has more than one interface, at least one private and one public.
Since all the answers here deal with this simple scenario, a cleaner way is to ask Socket for the current ip_address_list() as in:
require 'socket'
def my_first_private_ipv4
Socket.ip_address_list.detect{|intf| intf.ipv4_private?}
def my_first_public_ipv4
Socket.ip_address_list.detect{|intf| intf.ipv4? and !intf.ipv4_loopback? and !intf.ipv4_multicast? and !intf.ipv4_private?}
Both return an Addrinfo object, so if you need a string you can use the ip_address() method, as in:
ip= my_first_public_ipv4.ip_address unless my_first_public_ipv4.nil?
You can easily work out the more suitable solution to your case changing the Addrinfo methods used to filter the required interface address.
Simplest is host_with_port in controller.rb
host_port= request.host_with_port
This IP address used here is Google's, but you can use any accessible IP.
require "socket"
local_ip = {|s| s.connect("", 1); s.addr.last}
Similar to the answer using hostname, using the external uname command on UNIX/LINUX:
hostname = `uname -n`.chomp.sub(/\..*/,'') # stripping off "\n" and the network name if present
for the IP addresses in use (your machine could have multiple network interfaces),
you could use something like this:
# on a Mac:
ip_addresses = `ifconfig | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | cut -d' ' -f 2`.split
=> ['','']
# on Linux:
ip_addresses = `ifconfig -a | grep 'inet ' | grep -v | cut -d':' -f 2 | cut -d' ' -f 1`.split
=> ['','']
The accepted answer works but you have to create a socket for every request and it does not work if the server is on a local network and/or not connected to the internet. The below, I believe will always work since it is parsing the request header.
Put the highlighted part in backticks:
`dig #{} +short`.strip # dig gives a newline at the end
Or just if you don't care whether it's an IP or not.
You will likely find yourself having multiple IP addresses on each machine (,, etc). If you are using *NIX as your OS, I'd suggest using hostname, and then running a DNS look up on that. You should be able to use /etc/hosts to define the local hostname to resolve to the IP address for that machine. There is similar functionality on Windows, but I haven't used it since Windows 95 was the bleeding edge.
The other option would be to hit a lookup service like These guys will kick back your real-world IP address to you. This is also something that you can easily setup with a Perl script on a local server if you prefer. I believe 3 lines or so of code to output the remote IP from %ENV should cover you.
io = IO.popen('hostname')
hostname = io.readlines
io = IO.popen('ifconfig')
ifconfig = io.readlines
ip = ifconfig[11].scan(/\ \d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\ /)
The couple of answers with require 'socket' look good. The ones with request.blah_blah_blah
assume that you are using Rails.
IO should be available all the time. The only problem with this script would be that if ifconfig is output in a different manor on your systems, then you would get different results for the IP. The hostname look up should be solid as Sears.
try: Request.remote_ip
Determine originating IP address. REMOTE_ADDR is the standard but will
fail if the user is behind a proxy. HTTP_CLIENT_IP and/or
HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR are set by proxies so check for these if
REMOTE_ADDR is a proxy. HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR may be a comma- delimited
list in the case of multiple chained proxies; the last address which
is not trusted is the originating IP.
Oops, sorry I misread the documentation.
