UFTP is not working as expected - windows

I am using UFTP to transfer files within the subnetwork computers.
But when I used -H to send only particular computers instead of sending to all computers, it is not working as expected.
Let me explain in detail :
I have two windows machines in same network of IP's, respectively.
From one of the system, I used below mentioned command to send the file
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H, e:\setup.exe
But both machines won't receive those file.
But if I use this command both machines will receive the file.
uftp.exe -R 100000 E:\setup.exe
I want to know whether I made any mistake.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks in Advance.
Kindly revert back for any clarifications.

If ipv6 isn't enabled, it would look like this, converting the ipv4 addresses to hex (with a converter like http://www.kloth.net/services/iplocate.php):
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H 0xAC15AAC6,0xAC15B5D8 e:\setup.exe
But if you have an ipv6 address on the client, the client id sort of comes from the end of it backwards. Like if the address was "fe80::e5ca:e3ca:fea3:153f%5", the command would look like:
uftp.exe -R 100000 -H 0x3f15a3fe e:\setup.exe
(coming from "fe a3 15 3f")


SNMP (Ubuntu 18.04) on AudioCodes M500L not working

i try to monitor values with nagios over snmp from my two audiocodes SBCs (M500L).
For these i download two MIBs "AC-ALARM-MIB" + "IP-MIB_rfc4293" from https://github.com/librenms/librenms/tree/master/mibs/audiocodes rename it to .txt at the end and upload it to my ubuntu server in path /usr/share/snmp/mibs/.
Then i try to use the following command in command line.
snmpget -v3 -l authPriv -u xxxxxx -a SHA -A xxxxx -x AES -X xxxxx 123.456.789.100 AcAlarm:acActiveAlarmName
and i get the following output
AcAlarm::acActiveAlarmName = No Such Instance currently exists at this OID
I try to find out the OID from these in MIB Browser - seems like it is " .". When i use these OID i get same output.
Anyone has an idea?
SNMP treats all values as being entries in some database. OIDs are used to identify entries in this conceptual database. MIB files allow an SNMP manager to translate OIDs into a human-readable string, with an accompanying textual description.
The issue here is not that the MIB files are bad, or the OIDs are wrong, the problem is that, either the devices that hold this (imaginary) database do not support the entries you are trying to access, or that your user is not authorized to access those entries. A simple way to find out what OIDs are supported would be to do a full walk of the database, using something like snmpwalk <hostname>

Consuming function module with SAP Netweaver RFC SDK in Bash

I'm trying to make a request to a function in a SAP RFC server hosted at with user myuser, password mypass, sysnr 00, client 076, language E. The name of the function is My_Function_Nm with params: string Alternative, string Date, string Name.
I use the command line:
/usr/sap/nwrfcsdk/bin/startrfc -h -s 00 -u myuser -p mypass -c 076 -l en -F My_Function_Nm
But it always shows me the help instructions.
I guess I'm not specifying the -E pathname=edifile, and it's because i don't know how to create a EDI File to include the parameters values to the specified function. Maybe someone can help me on how to create this file and how to correctly invoke startrfc to consume from this function?
Thanks in advance.
If you actually check the help text the problem shows, you should find the following passages:
RFC connection options:
-2 SNA mode on.
You must set this if you want to connect to R/2.
-3 R/3 mode on.
You must set this if you want to connect to R/3.
Apparently you forgot to specify -3...
You should use sapnwrfc.ini which will store your connection parameters, and it should be places in the same directory as client program.
Sample file for your app should be following:
Documentation on using this file is here.
For calling the function you must create Bash-script, but better to use Python script.

Wireshark and T Shark DNS

I’m creating a small script to take the output from tshark and print it out to terminal. I'm trying to to only filter by requests made through the browser address bar.
So when www.facebook.com is loaded, the terminal only prints out facebook.com, rather than fbstatic-a.akamaihd.net etc .. (other DNS requests made through the requested website)
This program loops forever repeating dns requests and writes to the terminal.
Any ideas?
Would the following work for you?
$ tshark -r dns.pcap -T fields -e dns.qry.name -Y "dns.qry.type == 0x0001 and udp.dstport == 53"
The display filter (the part after "Y") is to limit the query type to be for A record (you want to avoid CNAME etc) in the request.
dns.qry.type == 0x0001 is for A record, udp.dstport == 53 is for DNS request.
Hope it helps.

Curl range not working(downloads entire file)

curl -v -r 0-500 http://somefile -o localfile
It should download just the first 501 bytes, no? Instead, it just downloads the entire thing. All 67 megabytes. Thanks curl! Could my companies proxy servers be blocking this feature somehow? I am skeptical about that, since the downloads themselves do work, just not the range feature. Am I missing something?
As a client you could always abort the download when you have received what you want.
By using head, you will be able to limit the download to 500 bytes, even if the server does not accept the range-header
curl -v -r 0-500 http://somefile |head -c 500 > localfile
It should download just the first 501 bytes, no?
It depends on the server. From man curl:
You should also be aware that many HTTP/1.1 servers do not have this feature enabled, so that when you attempt to get a range, you'll instead get the whole document.
As you can see in the response from the server, it's using HTTP/1.1. So it's not surprising that the range feature is not supported at the server side.
Please use the following command
curl -H "range: bytes=354-500" -O http://example.com/file.extension

how to know 2 lan pc is connetced with my program in php?

I have 4 PCs which are connected through the LAN. I am making a PHP program that will
differentiate each PC separately and i will keep each pc record.
But when i am getting an IP address i am getting same IP for all. I guess i should retrieve MAC address for all pcs separately, but i don't know how will i fetch MAC address.
I am using Linux OS.
Programing tips will be appreciated.
As far as I know, you cannot do this with PHP alone. However, if you have exec() rights on the server, the you might be able to use:
arp -a ipaddress
Where ipaddress is the IP address of the computer on your LAN. You would need to use something like regex to seperate the MAC address from the rest of the output.
I don't think that the mac-adress is included in the http-header. So it is probably hard to get it via php. I think you're better off trying to fix the ip-issue. Sorry I can't help you more.
Actually... searching around a little I found a possible solution:
$mac = `ping -c 1 $ip && arp -a | grep $ip`
You probably have to parse the output though. I get:
xxx.xxx.local ( at d5:c2:c3:13:a2:b1 [ether] on eth0
When doing arp -a
Like the post under states, you would need exec-rights.
Sorry, just realized that in order for this to work, you would need the ip... Which you don't have.
PEAR’s Net_Ping is a niffty wrapper class for executing ping calls from PHP. You can use it to check if a remote server is responding correctly. The library can be download from here.
pear install Net_Ping-2.4.4
require_once "Net/Ping.php";
$ping = Net_Ping::factory();
echo $ping->getMessage();
/* Number of packets to send */
$ping->setArgs(array('count' => 4));
$rawData = $ping->ping('google.com');
