how to check if scheduler backups ran successfully - windows

on each of our remote servers a scheduler task is created that calls an .exe program that shuts down the databases at 10:00:00 everyday (it create database backups)and start it up again at a specific using the delphi application i need to now how can i check if the scheduler task backups were ran successfully(database shutdown and startup)...the ideas was to try and connect to the scheduler Task using delphi application and check the last run time(when didi it last execute or run the .exe using the DATETIME variable),status(is it running)..please assist i can connect to the server in delphi but i cant connect to the scheduler task in the server.

This is what I'm doing for my own automated backups: The application that does the actual backup updates a DATETIME column in the database with the last successful backup date and time. From the usual client application I can read the given DATETIME column and issue warnings if backups are getting old.
Advantages: Nothing complicated about it (KISS!), no need to figure out API's to read the scheduler, no need to figure out "exit codes" for when the backup started but wasn't successful, works even if backups are being made from multiple locations.


Deployed application on Heroku executes automatically

I am using Advanced Scheduler to schedule a cron job daily once at 12 PM. But the code executes automatically even though I have disabled the trigger and disconnected my GitHub repository. So far the code has executed three times in an interval of 2 hours.
I don't understand why it is executing automatically?
Any idea?

How can I make sure that my Autonomous Database automatic backups are scheduled when the instance is stopped?

The automatic backups are scheduled to run at night but I want to keep my ADB instance stopped at nights. What happens if the database is unavailable/stopped when the system tries to take an automatic backup? Does it fail or is it rescheduled?
Stopping your database has no effect on ADB taking automatic backups; it can still backup the database when it is in the stopped state.

Vbscript is working fine in cmd prompt but not working in task scheduler

I have a vbscript to get the records from Oracle database and need to get those records hourly basis.
When I ran the script from cmd , script is executing fine and getting records through email but when I schedule the same script from task scheduler , showing that task completed fine but records are not getting.
Do we need any permission to access the Oracle database from task scheduler
I have logged in the server with admin user.
Is there another way to schedule this script hourly basis.
Thanks in advance
Without some code I cannot help you much, I suspect this is an authentication issue however.
Note that the Task Scheduler does not take into account the currently logged in user when running, the script needs to authenticate itself with the database or set the "Run As" user in Task Scheduler if needed.

Windows Task Scheduler Issues

I have scheduled windows task scheduler to upload different text files to oracle database. Till date its working fine. But i have an issue that if any uploading was disrupted because of following reasons.
1) Database Machine Shutdown
2) Internet Connectivity Issues
3) Miscellaneous
How i will get this information about failure of task scheduled?
Windows itself (in the event log; a filtered view for each scheduled task is available in the Task Scheduler application) will record if the task failed.
For anything more you'll need to add diagnostic logging to your task's implementation.

Continual Reading Database Table with Spring Batch

I would like to develop an application which listens a database table and process the data immediately. Batch does not execute for only one time. It listens the table regularly, for example with 10 seconds interval. Whenever new data are inserted in the table, the batch starts the process.
Is it possible to develop such an application with "Spring Batch". If yes, can you please give some advice for it?
Thank you.
This goal can be archived using quartz ; just launch the job every 10 seconds and process, in your step, the new data. I haven't tried myself and can't check now (I'm writing from my mobile) but there are a lot of example on SO.
