Deployed application on Heroku executes automatically - heroku

I am using Advanced Scheduler to schedule a cron job daily once at 12 PM. But the code executes automatically even though I have disabled the trigger and disconnected my GitHub repository. So far the code has executed three times in an interval of 2 hours.
I don't understand why it is executing automatically?
Any idea?


Oracle job alert for DBMS job

I am trying to create an alert for a dbms scheduler job if it is running for a duration longer than expected. For example, if a job that usually takes 2 hours to run is now running for more than 2.5 hours, I want to be notified.
What would be the best way to do this? Can I use Oracle Enterprise Manager for this?
I achieved this by setting the parameter max_run_duration in the dbms job.
An event will be raised if the job run time exceeds the time mentioned in the property.

Why is my laravel batch failing randomly with ModelNotFoundException?

I have a batch that is scheduled to run every day at 00:05.
On some days, a job in the batch fails immediately with the ModelNotFoundException.
However, the model that was not found does exist.
There were no change to any of the concerned models in the database. (Field, Category, Condition)
There is also no code in the application that allows to delete the category.
Retrying the job manually from the horizon dashboard make the job pass.
The dba said there are no error in the logs and no scheduled maintenance at that time.
What can possibly cause this?

laravel 6 - task schedule withoutOverlapping still overlapp with heroku

I try to run a task withoutOverlapping but the task still called every minute even if i add
Here is my task i have a sleep(240) to force the task to be longer than 1 min but the mails is still sent every minutes
$schedule->call(function() {
$user = User::find(4);
Mail::to('')->queue(new AccountConfirmation($user));
I use heroku with a scheduler here are the logs : the task "update_game" run every minutes even if the task takes more than 1 minute (with the sleep(240)) i wonder why
The Heroku scheduler starts a brand new dyno (basically, a server) every time it runs.
->withoutOverlapping() only applies to the current server, so it's not doing anything, because the next minute another server is running.
You'll want to call ->onOneServer() too, but to do that, you'll need to move off the file driver onto something like redis for your caching system, or you'll have the same problem - one server not knowing anything about the other, because they each have their own set of files.

Start wercker job hourly

I've just started using wercker and I'd like a job to run regularly (e.g. daily, hourly). I realize this may be an anti-pattern, but is it possible? My intent is not to keep the container running indefinitely, just that my workflow is executed on a particular interval.
You can use a call to the Wercker API to trigger a build for any project which is set up already in Wercker.
So maybe set up a cron job somewhere that uses curl to make the right API call?

how to check if scheduler backups ran successfully

on each of our remote servers a scheduler task is created that calls an .exe program that shuts down the databases at 10:00:00 everyday (it create database backups)and start it up again at a specific using the delphi application i need to now how can i check if the scheduler task backups were ran successfully(database shutdown and startup)...the ideas was to try and connect to the scheduler Task using delphi application and check the last run time(when didi it last execute or run the .exe using the DATETIME variable),status(is it running)..please assist i can connect to the server in delphi but i cant connect to the scheduler task in the server.
This is what I'm doing for my own automated backups: The application that does the actual backup updates a DATETIME column in the database with the last successful backup date and time. From the usual client application I can read the given DATETIME column and issue warnings if backups are getting old.
Advantages: Nothing complicated about it (KISS!), no need to figure out API's to read the scheduler, no need to figure out "exit codes" for when the backup started but wasn't successful, works even if backups are being made from multiple locations.
