sharepoint connection error - visual-studio-2010

I have created a web application and site collection on a sharepoint server 2010 which is installed on remote server (Windows Server 2008). Everything is working, except that, when I try to create workflow for this site at Visual Studio 2010, it throws the following exception:

We have experienced that some things only work when you connect to the server using the name of the server, not localhost or the IP address.
Try connecting using the name of the server.


sql server 2012 express login error to sqlexpress

I downloaded SQlManagementStudio_x86.exe for Windows 7 32bits. I install SQL Express 2012 correctly. It connect correctly with SqlServer Auth to remote server but I cannot connect to localhost. I tried MachineName\SQLExpress and Windows authentication but it gives me an error message saying cannot connect.
Also in the Services I only see a SQL Server VSS Writer. it does not appear SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS).
What i am missing?

Visual studio debug access to external database

I have a question as to how the Visual Studio 2013 debug emulator for Web API works.
I had built a Web API project in Visual Studio 2013 to access a database on an external server. The code was built using VS2013's ASP.NET Web Application project template for a Web API application. Once built, running debug opened a browser window for localhost port 56618, which allowed access from Fiddler to test Http requests.
Once I had the project finished, I published it to a website using Web Deploy to IIS. However, whilst the page would open (now at localhost:9812), an http request would throw an Internal Server Error 500.
Perusing the IIS FailedReqLogFiles, I noticed that the reason that it was failing was that the database server was refusing access to '<Domain>\<machine-name>$'.
I added '<Domain>\<machine-name>$' as a valid login (windows authentication, as the connection string included "Integrated Security=true") on the sql instance with read and write privileges, and the problem was resolved.
The question is, why didn't the Visual Studio debug emulator have the same issue?
Because the emulator was running the website under the context of your own account (e.g. <Domain>\You). Your account had access to the database, so there was no issue.
When you published it to IIS, it started running under the context of a different account (<Domain>\Machine-Name - but there are other variants depending on how IIS is configured, and the version of IIS), which didn't have access to your database.

Error during connecting report services thought SSMS

HI i am getting problem to connect report service thought SSMS instance.
Unable to connect to the server at . The specified URL
might not be valid or there might be a problem with the report server
version or configuration. Specify a different URL, or contact your
server administrator to verify that the report server runs SQL Server
2008 or later. Additionally, if you are trying to connect to a
SharePoint-integrated report server, verify that SharePoint is
installed on the server and that the report server uses SharePoint
integrated mode. (Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.UI.RSClient)
i am using sql server 2012 i dont know why this error comes related to sql server 2008.
could any one help me.
Abhijeet D

Cannot connect to AWS EC2 instance in Visual Studio

I have an AWS server (MS SQL SERVER EXPRESS 2008 R2 with IIS), with an elastic IP of, security groups configured with HTTP, MS SQL and FTP, and I can connect to the remote virtual machine using the rdp file that amazon gives you in the console.
However when I try to connect via visual studio to test if the database is working, it gives me a "Login failed for user 'dbuser' error. I have a user called dbuser on my SQL Server (on the server side of course) with full access permissions etc. I also cannot connect to an ftp on the server, despite all guides and help doc. Something seems to be simply blocking my connection. I have tried the same thing on multiple computers.
Everything seems to be configured correctly except I suspect the server instance.
Can anyone help? PS I'm fairly new to web development, this is my first AWS EC2 server.
[UPDATE] I just tried to create a new instance in a different location, same thing, maybe I don't know how to configure the SQL Server on the EC2?
It appears that by default EC2 SQL instances have SQL authentication disabled.
In SQL Management Studio, connect as the built in Administrator account, then go to
Server Properties>Security>
Under Server Authentication, change to "SQL Server and Windows Authentication Mode"
Restart SQL
Your local accounts should now work
Try running in elevated mode (right click Visual studio and run as Administrator), solved some issues I was having recently.

TFS 2010: Service Unavailable 503

I've been trying to solve this problem for about a week now. I posted this question on Microsoft website and only received one reply, which did not solve my issue. The following is a combination of my posts on Microsoft website.
I installed and configured TFS 2010 on Window 7 PC 64-bit. When I navigate to http://localhost:8080/tfs in my browser, I get
Service Unavailable – HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.
Any help to solve this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Based on previous reading, I have done much work to figure this out. Following are the steps I have gone through to solve this issues. The list is fairly long, but I want to make sure all the information that may be pertinent to solving this problem is available.
I have uninstalled and reinstalled TFS many times
The application pool "Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool" is running
The application pool "Microsoft Team Foundation Server Web Access Application Pool" is running
Other website in IIS that point to the "ASP.NET v4.0" app pool seem to run fine.
If I point my other sites to "Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool" they
seems to run fine
The Windows user "TFS" is in the following rolls: Administrator, IIS_IUSRS, - TFS_APPTIER_SERVICE_WPG, Users
I'm able to run SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) as the user "TFS" and access the databases "Tfs_Configuration" and "Tfs_DefaultCollection"
I have confirm the account for "TFS" is not disabled or expired
For IIS application "Team Foundation Server", I Configured "Failed Request Tracing Rules" to log status codes 401.3-999
After IIS Reset and browser refresh, no files in the "FailedReqLogFiles" directory
No log information in IIS Logs
In Team Foundation Server Administration Console, I can change account info(Update Password, Change Account, Reapply Account).
In Team Foundation Server Administration Console, when I try to changing Group Membership or Administer Security I get the error "Team Foundation services are not available from server http://localhost:8080/tfs. Technical information (for administrator): HTTP code 503: Service Unavailable"
In Event Viewer, I do not see anything that may be of value
In Sql Server Configuration Manager, confirmed "SQL Native Client 10.0 Configuration - (32bit)", "SQL Server Network Configuration", and "SQL Native Client 10 Configuration" all have the following protocols enabled (Shared Memory, TCP/IP, and Named Pipes"
In IE confirmed that that Proxy server is not enable.
I installed Team Foundation Server 2010 Power Tools. The following are the Critical Issues returned by the tool
Accessing "AuthorizationService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Services/v3.0/AuthorizationService3.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
Accessing "BuildService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Build/v3.0/BuildService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "CommonStructureService.ListAllProjects" at "/Services/v1.0/CommonStructureService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable."
Accessing "GroupSecurityService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Services/v1.0/GroupSecurityService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
Accessing "IdentityManagementService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Services/v3.0/IdentityManagementService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "Integration Services ProcessTemplate.GetTemplateName" at http://MyServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/Services/v1.0/ProcessTemplate.asmx failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
Accessing "LabService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Lab/v3.0/LabService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "ProcessTemplate.TemplateHeaders" at "/Services/v1.0/ProcessTemplate.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable."
Accessing "Repository" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/VersionControl/v1.0/repository.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
Accessing "SecurityService" Web service at "/DefaultCollection/Services/v3.0/SecurityService.asmx" failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "TeamProjectCollection.GetDefaultCollectionId" at http://MyServer:8080/tfs/TeamFoundation/Administration/v3.0/TeamProjectCollectionService.asmx failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "VersionControl.Administration.QueryRepositoryInformation" at http://MyServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/VersionControl/v1.0/administration.asmx failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "VersionControl.Administration.QueryRepositoryInformation" at http://MyServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/VersionControl/v1.0/administration.asmx failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The Web service call "ConfigurationSettings.ServiceGetWorkitemTrackingVersion" at http://MyServer:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/WorkItemTracking/v1.0/ConfigurationSettingsService.asmx failed. Error message: "The remote server returned an error: (503) Server Unavailable.".
The follow are additional issues that were not critical:
SharePoint Products is not installed or integrated with Team Foundation Server.
Team Foundation Server is not configured to use the data warehouse.
Team Foundation Server is not configured to use Report Manager.
Results for rules that require access to Team Foundation Build cannot be included in the report.
Cannot validate the configuration of Visual Studio Lab Management. Results for rules that check the health of Visual Studio Lab Management will not be included in the report.
Paged pool memory on MyServer is over the warning threshold of 180 MB. This may not be a problem if a backup is currently in progress. Current value: 490 MB.
The follow are Information Items:
Computer: MyServer. Manufacturer: System manufacturer. Model: System Product Name.
The application tier connected to Team Foundation Server at 12/2/2010 9:09:49 PM.
The connection string in config file c:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Application Tier\Web ervices\Web.config on MyServer is: Data Source=MyServer;Initial Catalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True;.
The connection string stored in the Team Foundation Server registry is: Data Source=MyServer;Initial atalog=Tfs_Configuration;Integrated Security=True.
Logical disk C: on MyServer is 500 GB in size.
No Sharepoint Site is configured for this Team Project Collection "DefaultCollection".
No Sharepoint Site is configured for this Team Project Collection "DefaultCollection".
The MyServer is running the 64-bit version of Windows.
The SQL Server (MSSQLSERVER) service on MyServer is configured to run as user NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE.
The account Identity for the Team Foundation Server application pool on MyServer is MyServer\TFS. This is the same as the Team Foundation Server service account.
The Team Foundation Server Product Version is 10.0.30319.317
The Team Foundation Server Service Level is Tfs2010.RTM.KB2135068.P#3.
The MyServer has 1 processor(s) installed.
The MyServer has 6134 MB of memory installed.
Volume C:\ on MyServer is a mount point.
I started up a Virtual Machine with Windows 7. Installed and configured TFS. Everything seems to work fine on the Virtual Machine. With an environment working, I started to compare differences between the two.
Here are some of the differences I found between the two environments:
My primary computer is 64-bit and the Virtual Machine is 32-bit.
On my primary computer, IIS "Team Foundation Server Website" has a "aspnet_client" directory. On the virtual machine, this directory does not exist
On my primary computer, in IIS Manager for "Team Foundation Server" the section ASP.NET are the same on both my primary computer and virtual machine.
On my primary computer, IIS Manager IIS Section has these additional feature that the virtual machine does not include (ASP, Authorization Rules, CGI, IP Address and Domains, and WebDav Authorization)
On my primary computer, IIS Application Pool setting has a property call "Enabled 32-Bit Application". This was set to false and I changed it to true. Understandably this feature is not available on the virtual machine.
My application pool had been stopped as well and when I looked into why or how, I discovered that it was running under a domain account of one of our admins who initially installed TFS (months ago).
B/C of a corporate domain policy, he was forced to recently enter a new password for his account. Then after business hours last night, an update was applied to the IIS server on which TFS runs, and the update required a reboot. B/C the password of the identity under which the app pool runs had changed, IIS could not restart the pool, as the identity was still set to the original domain account and password.
Once I had the admin enter his new password with the app pool's identity, the pool would restart. However, b/c corporate enforces password expiration like every 90 days, I ultimately changed the identity to local system account in order to avoid this problem in the future (choosing local system may not be the best choice).
Start -> Administrative Tools -> IIS
{Server name} -> Application Pools
Right Click on Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool -> Advanced Settings
Identity -> Choose Custom Account -> Click Set -> Enter the username and password of the system admin
Stop then Start Microsoft Team Foundation Server Message Queue Application Pool
Stop then Start Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool
I got this error as well. In the application pool there is a TFS App Pool that was stopped. Once this was started again the 503 error stopped occuring
I never got it to work. I created a VM and installed Team Foundation Server (TFS) 2010 and everything seem to work good. To conclude, I'm not sure what was wrong, but if I install it on a fresh server everything works fine
The very first thing you must do is to ensure that the application pool is running.
I just ran into this problem. Our TFS server is not part of a domain. I noticed that the HTTP log file seemed to list IPv6 addresses at times and at other times IPv4.
I turned off IPv6 and we were able to once again connect to TFS.
Uncheck Limit connection on IIS to solve this problem.
Limiting Connections (IIS 6.0)
In my case... (my problems aren't related to how TFS is setup but accessed from a workstation)
I work for a large bank and have a sophisticated firewall/proxy - suffice it to say I have had to play with clicking various options to properly connect to our TFS AND connect to the Internet (to download Visual Studio extensions). I fix my error under the proxy settings in IE under OPTIONS | Connections | LAN Settings...
I've had some 503 errors from TFS myself, if my memory serves correctly (I can't test much as my test server is currently down) I had some issues with the versions of ASP.NET the TFS website was configured to use.
Check that ASP.NET is configured to use version 4.0 in IIS (right click the site > Properties > ASP.NET). Also make sure that no other non TFS sites are in the same application pool as your TFS site (actually a virtual directory in your TFS site) and configured separately (they don't seem to play well together!).
I just checked my team foundation services from application pool through inetmgr and found my services was not running.i started it and now i am able to connect to the server.
After installing several times I got it working with installing SQL Server 2008 R2 (Developer) instead of using SQLExpress.
I encountered the same problem today.
Resolution is start installation distrib of TFS and repair product
(in my way i re-install only tfs 2010 service pack 1).
Go to Application Tier in TFS Administration Console and change account; it may fix the problem
I very recently ran into a similar issue. One of our tools sporadically failed when attempting to contact our TFS resource. Comparing the machines in our TFS VIP, only one machine had IIS errors, namely (truncated): 503 8080 QueueFull Microsoft+Team+Foundation+Server+Application+Pool. A quick comparison of app pool settings showed that the good machine had a queue length of 1000, the bad had only 10. 1000 might be excessive, but 10 was apparently too small. I am yet to verify that changing queue length from 10 to 1000 fixed my issue. Hopefully I remember to complete my post! Hope this helps someone...
If the TFS server name is longer than 15 characters it could be an issue with the netbios name being different than the servername. In our case the AppFabric Service was crashing, and we had to use the following to fix the Cache Host name:
This resolved the TF24668: The following team project collection is stopped errors that we were getting, along with some TF400732: The request has been canceled. and TF246066: Team Foundation Server is offline. error messages
I have TFS installed on my local machine and TFS is running under custom account.
I solved 503 error by setting the App Pool credentials again (Microsoft Team Foundation Server Application Pool and Microsoft Team Foundation Server Message Queue Application Pool)
Another, pretty special reason could be, that you set "Logon as a batch job" in AD explicitly. If you do not specify this setting it defaults to "Administrators;Backup Operators". If you overwrite it e. g. to allow a custom account to schedule a task you must make to not forget adding the default values. Else exactly this problem 503 Service unavailable and a stopped app pool appears.
