Is there any method or tool that list existing named pipes in a Windows box?
The sysinternals tool, pipelist, is designed to list the existing named pipes.
String[] listOfPipes = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(#"\\.\pipe\");
edit: Warning!
This approach may fail and throw an exception if any existing pipe name contains characters that are illegal for use in file names. Pipe names are less restrictive than file names, so it is possible that some pipe may have a strange name and cause this exception.
I am writing a Powershell script to find all named pipes.
I need to filter out pipe names which are expected and display the suspicious one.
I know how to get all the named pipes, but is there a place or document which mentioned which named pipes are to be there by default?
I got some problem with using FindFirstFile/FindNextFile. As I know it returns a handle but I'm not capable to use it with CreateFileMapping/ReadFile because value of returned handle is different than returned from CreateFile. First question: What's the difference between these two handles and the second: is it possible to convert this handle? My only idea is to get the file name and than use CreateFile.
What's the difference between these two handles
The first one is search handle. Underneath, there's an iterator reading the directory entry in the file system.
The second one is an iterator reading the file content. The file may even be on another volume than the directory entry you've used to locate it. To learn more about that, google "B-Tree" and then "NTFS"
get the file name and than use CreateFile
Yes, but you need to combine directory + file name. I usually call PathAppend API (CPathT::Append, to be precise) to do that.
Does anyone know a pure Win32 solution for renaming a file and only changing its capitalization, that does not involve intermediate renaming to a different name or special privileges (e.g. backup, restore).
Since the Win32 subsystem generally regards two file names differing only in capitalization as the same, I haven't been able to find any solution to the problem.
A test program I made with the MoveFile API seems to work. So does the rename command in cmd.exe. What have you tried, and what error are you getting?
This isn't relevant, but further testing shows that renaming a long filename in this way works but will change the short filename (alternating between ~1 and ~2 for example), incidentally.
Just use the normal MoveFile API. That call probably just turns into ZwSetInformationFile(..., FileRenameInformation,...) The docs for FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION states that you need DELETE access and the file can't be locked etc, but those restrictions will probably apply to other solutions also.
I do not believe there is a way to expose two files with identical names that differ only in spelling to the Win32 subsystem. Even if some how you were able to create these files, the most likely result would be that only one file would be accessible - defeating the purpose of staying soley in Win32.
If you want to go into the Native layer, you can create a file with NtCreateFile and InitializeObjectAttributes w/o OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE or you can pad the end with extra spaces (if you pad with extra spaces, the file will not be accessible from Win32 dos paths). See here: . I'm pretty sure you were already aware but I included it incase you did not know.
So long as your file is not immediately needed by another program, you can use my solution.
When you rename the file, capitalize, and delete the last letter. Then rename again and return the letter.
PLEASE don't tell me why you think its a bad idea. Just tell me if its a workable idea.
I want to create files in a folder with names like the following:
Is there some fundamental incompatibility in the characters allowed in email addresses and those allowed by a unix system?
I will be having a bash script reading the file names, subtracting the ".eml" ending, converting it into the "correct" usable format and sending an email to the address.
A simple test showed that it saved the above as files called
The only characters not allowed in a *nix filename are \0 and /, neither of which is allowed in an email address anyways. How your shell may handle symbols is another matter.
There are no characters disallowed in UNIX file names except / (directory separator) and ASCII 0 (string terminator), so there is no problem at a fundamental level.
Handling those file names in shell scripts is a different matter; it requires at least quoting every variable reference as "$FILENAME", and forgetting even one quotatino will create a very rare, insidious bug. (Also, many other utilities will fail on strange characters such as | or newline unless you consistently use the -0 option.)
So yes, technically your bad idea is workable :-)
Short answer:
przemek#linux-634b:~/tmp/email> touch
przemek#linux-634b:~/tmp/email> ls
Works perfectly;)
Long answer:
It depends on filesystem you're using. See Wikipedia entry which lists allowed characters in file names. Most UNIX file systems support all characters that can be included in e-mail addresses. Non-UNIX filesystems, such as FAT, however, may cause problems.
Note that your problems may come from improper escaping. Check how are you creating your files.
What was your "simple test"?
Typing abc and hitting tab?
The bash autocompletion will add a \ before every special character.
But this does not mean, it is stored with a \ in its name.
Use ls to see the true name.
There is no problem with such file names on systems which treat file names as blobs and allow all byte sequences, i.e. Linux. But they are not portable to systems which treat file names as Unicode strings and disallow certain characters (Windows) or transform file names (Mac OS X, canonical decomposition).
If I wanted to create a string which is guaranteed not to represent a filename, I could put one of the following characters in it on Windows:
\ / : * ? | < >
Is there any way to identify a string as 'not possibly a file' on Linux?
There are almost no restrictions - apart from '/' and '\0', you're allowed to use anything. However, some people think it's not a good idea to allow this much flexibility.
An empty string is the only truly invalid path name on Linux, which may work for you if you need only one invalid name. You could also use a string like "///foo", which would not be a canonical path name, although it could refer to a file ("/foo"). Another possibility would be something like "/dev/null/foo", since /dev/null has a POSIX-defined non-directory meaning. If you only need strings that could not refer to a regular file you could use "/" or ".", since those are always directories.
Technically it's not invalid but files with dash(-) at the beginning of their name will put you in a lot of troubles. It's because it has conflicts with command arguments.
I personally find that a lot of the time the problem is not Linux but the applications one is using on Linux.
Take for example Amarok. Recently I noticed that certain artists I had copied from my Windows machine where not appearing in the library. I check and confirmed that the files were there and then I noticed that certain characters in the folder names (Named for the artist) were represented with a weird-looking square rather than an actual character.
In a shell terminal the filenames look even stranger: /Music/Albums/Einst$'\374'rzende\ Neubauten is an example of how strange.
While these files were definitely there, Amarok could not see them for some reason. I was able to use some shell trickery to rename them to sane versions which I could then re-name with ASCII-only characters using Musicbrainz Picard. Unfortunately, Picard was also unable to open the files until I renamed them, hence the need for a shell script.
Overall this a a tricky area and it seems to get very thorny if you are trying to synchronise a music collection between Windows and Linux wherein certain folder or file names contain funky characters.
The safest thing to do is stick to ASCII-only filenames.