Rename file in Win32 to name with only differences in capitalization - winapi

Does anyone know a pure Win32 solution for renaming a file and only changing its capitalization, that does not involve intermediate renaming to a different name or special privileges (e.g. backup, restore).
Since the Win32 subsystem generally regards two file names differing only in capitalization as the same, I haven't been able to find any solution to the problem.

A test program I made with the MoveFile API seems to work. So does the rename command in cmd.exe. What have you tried, and what error are you getting?
This isn't relevant, but further testing shows that renaming a long filename in this way works but will change the short filename (alternating between ~1 and ~2 for example), incidentally.

Just use the normal MoveFile API. That call probably just turns into ZwSetInformationFile(..., FileRenameInformation,...) The docs for FILE_RENAME_INFORMATION states that you need DELETE access and the file can't be locked etc, but those restrictions will probably apply to other solutions also.

I do not believe there is a way to expose two files with identical names that differ only in spelling to the Win32 subsystem. Even if some how you were able to create these files, the most likely result would be that only one file would be accessible - defeating the purpose of staying soley in Win32.
If you want to go into the Native layer, you can create a file with NtCreateFile and InitializeObjectAttributes w/o OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE or you can pad the end with extra spaces (if you pad with extra spaces, the file will not be accessible from Win32 dos paths). See here: . I'm pretty sure you were already aware but I included it incase you did not know.

So long as your file is not immediately needed by another program, you can use my solution.
When you rename the file, capitalize, and delete the last letter. Then rename again and return the letter.


Is the ReplaceFile Windows API a convenience function only?

Is the ReplaceFile Windows API a convenience function only, or does it achieve anything beyond what could be coded using multiple calls to MoveFileEx?
I'm currently in the situation where I need to
write a temporary file and then
rename this temporary file to the original filename, possibly replacing the original file.
I thought about using MoveFileEx with MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING (since I don't need a backup or anything) but there is also the ReplaceFile API and since it is mentioned under Alternatives to TxF.
This got me thinking: Does ReplaceFile actually do anything special, or is it just a convenience wrapper for MoveFile(Ex)?
I think the key to this can be found in this line from the documentation (my emphasis):
The replacement file assumes the name of the replaced file and its identity.
When you use MoveFileEx, the replacement file has a different identity. Its creation date is not preserved, the creator is not preserved, any ACLs are not preserved and so on. Using ReplaceFile allows you to make it look as though you opened the file, and modified its contents.
The documentation says it like this:
Another advantage is that ReplaceFile not only copies the new file data, but also preserves the following attributes of the original file:
Creation time
Short file name
Object identifier
Security resource attributes
Named streams not already in the replacement file
For example, if the replacement file is encrypted, but the
replaced file is not encrypted, the resulting file is not
Any app that wants to update a file by writing to a temp and doing the rename/rename/delete dance (handling all the various failure scenarios correctly), would have to change each time a new non-data attribute was added to the system. Rather than forcing all apps to change, they put in an API that is supposed to do this for you.
So you could "just do it yourself", but why? Do you correctly cover all the failure scenarios? Yes, MS may have a bug, but why try to invent the wheel?
NB, I have a number of issues with the programming model (better to do a "CreateUsingTemplate") but it's better than nothing.

What does "\\?\" means before a path?

I'm having a look at the code of FastCopy, where I want to add a few features.
Internally, it seems that FastCopy stores its paths with a \\?\ before the path. eg. \\?\c:\Program Files\Adobe. These paths are passed on directly to Windows API functions like DeleteFile, RemoveDirectory, etc. so it seems Windows understands the format.
But what do these extra characters mean and why do FastCopy stores them that way?
The thing that's probably most relevant for FastCopy is that it allows you to work with file names more than ~256 characters long.
If memory serves, it also prevents Windows from parsing a file name looking for things like \\server\file to access a shared file (though you can still use \\?\UNC\whatever), but that's probably not what's really intended/relevant here.
You are referring to Long UNC paths : Hope that helps.
Generally that means it's supporting long file names - names up to about 32K in length.
It can also be used to specify UNC paths, e.g. \\?\UNC\server\share.
Without that support Fastcopy wouldn't be able to access all files properly.
More detail at

Getting safe temp folder in Windows

I need to get a safe temp folder where I could store temporary files for my application, but so far my research has lead me to conclusion that all approaches I've found are flawed.
The first idea was to use GetTempPath function, but that causes two problems:
The folder might not exist, so I would have to truncate folders one by one up to root, and recreate them if they do not exist back to full path (error prone, tedious)
From "Larry Osterman's WebLog" click it seems that GetTempPath might fallback to USERPROFILE or Windows directory and extract whole lot of files right in there, which is SUPER BAD(TM)!
In the same post, there is a suggestion to use GetEnvironmentVariable, but this seems a dangerous function to me (missing TMP & TEMP envvars for instance).
Is there a cleaner function I could use? Seems that SHGetKnownFolderPath has no clue what temp folder is.
Your program is probably not the only one to rely on GetTempPath, so it's reasonable to expect it to return a proper writable path. Especially since Windows automatically initializes the TMP and TEMP environment variables for you; someone would have to go to some trouble to override them, and it would be their responsibility to make sure the change did not mess up their system.
I would go ahead and assume GetTempPath works properly, and worry about failures when you try to create the temporary file - there are other errors that might occur at that time that you need to check for anyway.
An idea would be to get the path where your application is (GetModuleFileNameEx combined with GetModuleHandle(NULL) and GetCurrentProcess) since this directory cannot be deleted under windows as long as your application is running from it (maybe I'm wrong ...some years ago I couldn't do this :) ) and in this directory create a temporary directory.
Your first bullet point is the solution. Wrap it up in a method so that you don't duplicate code.
According to this answer, Boost's Filesystem library can be used for this.

Registry does not like long filename for shell commands or verbs

(if not applicable to SO, please refer to another appropriate place, thanks).
When using the registry to associate file extensions and application, I put in the full filename of my application, but that does not work well, only if I use the 8.3 filename.
for example ( taken from the registry) this works:
#="C:\\my\\path\\bin\\Debug\\bin\\myexe_~1.EXE /dde"
but this does not work :
#="C:\\my\\path\\bin\\Debug\\bin\\myexecutable.EXE /dde"
The action is called by right-clicking on the file in Explorer, I get the error :
"Windows cannot find 'c:\users\me\desktop\tata.toto'. Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again".
I'm creating the keys programatically with CRegKey and using GetModuleFileName to get the application path.
2 questions :
- I'm probably missing something in my registry entry ? (i've tried quoting the paths, but does not work)
- Can I get the "short" filename ? (searching a little bit seems that GetShortPath should work, but not always!)
(edit 22/03/2011)
I tried using quotes but it did not work (with /dde)
I decided to use normal parameters instead of /dde and it seems to work nicely with the normal path (not shortened like stated above).
I'm still not certain why when creating a simple MFC SDI project it will write out registry values with the old short name instead of the long name.
Thanks again.
Try creating the key with another couple of double-quotes (note between .EXE and /dde:
#="C:\\my\\path\\bin\\Debug\\bin\\myexecutable.EXE" "/dde"

Are there any invalid linux filenames?

If I wanted to create a string which is guaranteed not to represent a filename, I could put one of the following characters in it on Windows:
\ / : * ? | < >
Is there any way to identify a string as 'not possibly a file' on Linux?
There are almost no restrictions - apart from '/' and '\0', you're allowed to use anything. However, some people think it's not a good idea to allow this much flexibility.
An empty string is the only truly invalid path name on Linux, which may work for you if you need only one invalid name. You could also use a string like "///foo", which would not be a canonical path name, although it could refer to a file ("/foo"). Another possibility would be something like "/dev/null/foo", since /dev/null has a POSIX-defined non-directory meaning. If you only need strings that could not refer to a regular file you could use "/" or ".", since those are always directories.
Technically it's not invalid but files with dash(-) at the beginning of their name will put you in a lot of troubles. It's because it has conflicts with command arguments.
I personally find that a lot of the time the problem is not Linux but the applications one is using on Linux.
Take for example Amarok. Recently I noticed that certain artists I had copied from my Windows machine where not appearing in the library. I check and confirmed that the files were there and then I noticed that certain characters in the folder names (Named for the artist) were represented with a weird-looking square rather than an actual character.
In a shell terminal the filenames look even stranger: /Music/Albums/Einst$'\374'rzende\ Neubauten is an example of how strange.
While these files were definitely there, Amarok could not see them for some reason. I was able to use some shell trickery to rename them to sane versions which I could then re-name with ASCII-only characters using Musicbrainz Picard. Unfortunately, Picard was also unable to open the files until I renamed them, hence the need for a shell script.
Overall this a a tricky area and it seems to get very thorny if you are trying to synchronise a music collection between Windows and Linux wherein certain folder or file names contain funky characters.
The safest thing to do is stick to ASCII-only filenames.
