Semantic media wiki - media

What is the scripting language used by SEMANTIC MEDIA WIKI?

PHP. Same as regular mediawiki.

Php is the scripting language.
sematic media wiki also uses wiki pipe language for editing.


I am new to CAPL and looking for its tutorials

Is there any data available regarding CAPL
Channels etc ,.
This application note is a brief introduction to CAPL, the easy-to-use C-based programming language and integrated programming environment inside both CANalyzer and CANoe.

Did Transcrypt support HTML 5?

Did this tool Transcrypt support HTML 5?
Yes, you can use it in combination with HTML5.
Several demos use the HTML5 canvas.
In fact you can use it for anything you can use JavaScript for.
Transcrypt only does the 'scripting'. It will support HTML5 as long as you spit 'HTML5' to the DOM/Browser.
So, the short answer is 'Yes, Transcrypt supports HTML5'.
You can find examples of using python for html5 programming in
Even game engines can be programmed easily with it. e.g.

why use Google V8

I don't get it. I'm a C/C++ programmer, what's the possible use of V8 for me? There are few examples and tutorials out there, and they all lack substance - I don't want to use another library to just add a couple of numbers or print something in a console window.
My question is: is there a real use for this technology, and if yes, then would be the scenario?
Also, can I do any part of GUI this way?
Help is appreciated.
"V8 is Google's open source JavaScript engine"
So the whole point is ability to write code in JavaScript, and run it quite fast (for an interpreted dynamic language). Google Chrome, which is written in C++, uses it for internal scripting — not only for regular web page scripting, but also for extension code. Let's consider this as a 'real use'.
So, if your app needs scripting, V8 may be good for you (JS is not a perfect language, but stil quite decent). As for GUI, you'll need to bind your GUI components with JS first, there's no built-in UI components (as Tk in TCL).
One real use of v8 is node.js. I hope that is good enough
Google V8 is a JavaScript engine.
I don't really think it is what you are looking for.
V8 is a JavaScript engine. The most common use for it is to allow users of your software to write scripts in simpler language than that your software was written with (C++ in your case).
It´s the same approach of Matlab, AutoCad, Microsoft Office, and etc.
If you write any kind of commercial application, you can expose some APIs and allow other developer to create addons for your applications without require them to know C/C++.
How about this for real use: You can use javascript as a debugging or testing tool - add a javascript console to your app and bind the commands of your GUI application to javascript functions, and you'll be able to test your UI application using javascript scripts. This way you'll reduce the amount of manual testing needed - manual testing would only have to verify that a correct command was excutes as a result of user action.
You can do GUI in javascript the same way that Qt is being used in Python and other scripting languages (see PyQt, and QtRuby, PerlQt, etc.). For how to create bindings for V8 you may want to check out this

Scheme instead of Applescript?

Can I use Scheme instead of Applescript on the Mac to automate apps such as iTunes, iCal, Mail, etc.?
There is no fundamental reason that you could not build another language to construct the messages (Apple Events) that are passed through the OS to other processes. Back in the days of Classic, the MPW shell had constructs for doing exactly that.
Apple provides Open Scripting Architecture to support this kind of thing.
Wikipedia reports that there are Javascript, Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl tools that can generate Apple Events with the Javascript OSA component being best integrated and a better MacRuby interface coming.
The result might not feel very scheme-like.
If it’s just that scheme is awesome, you are probably out of luck. But there are other options. appscript currently supports Ruby, Python, and Objective-C.
Combined with the ASTranslate application also linked on the appscript page, you should be able to do anything using appscript that you can do using AppleScript. I’ve used it to import FileMaker databases into MySQL, both directly and using Django, and also to control iTunes.
If you’re inclined that way, it might be possible to port appscript to scheme.
Silly suggestion(?) but: Douglas Crockford built a scheme interpreter in JavaScript, and you can script the mac (using OSA) using javascript. Could this work?

Create a Fully Featured Environment For Tcl/Tk Development Under Windows

I'm now learning Tcl/Tk, but as I'm running Windows, I want to create a fully featured(professional) development environment for this language, but I need to know:
Which tools I need to install(first of all)?
What are the IDEs that support Tcl/Tk development?
What is the best text editor to develop in?
Where I can find some librarys for it(if exists)?
It's possible to do some web applications with it?
It uses CGI?
Start off by installing ActiveTCL. It is free and includes TCL and TK bindings. If you have a favorite text editor you can use that. Make sure you have syntax highlighting. If you want something more advanced, I'd recommend Komodo. It is by active state and has a free version. It semantically understands TCL, so it is more intelligent than a standard text editor. For example it highlights syntax errors while you code.
Now write some code and spread the TCL love!
For an interactive Tcl shell, use TkCon
For an editor, I use Komodo or Vim
For web apps, there are FrameWorks, servers: TclHTTP, Aol Server, Apache modules, and of course CGI
For a text editor I would recommend trying jEdit; it has TCL syntax highlighting. When installed I would also recommend installing the following plugins (which can be done via the built-in plugin manager):
Project Viewer: Allows you to organise your files into projects, which gives it more of an IDE feel.
Editor Scheme: Gives you a set of pre-defined syntax highlighting colour schemes to choose from. My preference is for "zenburn".
As Byron mentioned, ActiveTCL is the place to start when using TCL on Windows. As for a text editor, I personally like SciTE, but any text editor that will do syntax highlighting will do (code folding helps as well).
The TCL wiki has the following page regarding IDEs:
If you are in need of a library providing specific functionality, I would first check the TCl wiki. There is no central repository of TCL extensions, but the wiki seems to be the central repository of TCL knowledge.
Yes, you can use TCL for web-based projects. You can find a bit of info here regarding CGI and TCL. Some webservers (AOLServer for instance) have a built-in TCL interpreter.
Others have already mentioned TkCon but most people don't utilise the full power of TkCon. It is much more than a REPL loop (for that you could have just used tclsh or wish). My favourite feature is TkCon's edit command.
edit some_file.txt
lets you view and edit files.
set my_variable "some value"
edit my_variable
lets you view and edit the content of a variable, even arrays
proc my_function {} {}
edit my_function
lets you view and edit the body of a proc. In fact, this is how I usually write non-trivial procs in TkCon.
If you're going to write code that needs Windows-specific functionality, you will definitely want to get TWAPI the Tcl Windows API library.
With regards to the mentions of ActiveTcl - ActiveState (the creators of ActiveTcl) have been developing an extension repository. Certainly there are extensions which do not (yet) appear there, but there are over 3000 entities in their repository at this time, so many extensions are present there. ActiveTcl comes with a program called "teacup" which provides a command line interface to the repository, allowing you to install specific extensions (or, if you are like me, allowing you to install all the extensions relevant to your platform).
The Tcler's wiki has a number of references to additional tools and extensions. However, your favorite web search engines are likely to turn up utilities, tools, extensions, and applications not yet documented on the wiki or added to the ActiveState repository.
MyTcl is a fairly nice IDE with a Tcl environment included, autocomplete, syntax highlighting, debugging, etc. It has a similar look and feel to Visual Studio. The homepage is in Korean, but it's not too hard to find the download.
