solve 2147317562 (800288C6) Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy - vb6

When I tried opening VB application(which has .Net usercontrols embedded) I got error saying "error while loading the project" and .Net user controls are not loaded.
Then I tried adding components to the VB application then I got the error: 2147317562 (800288C6) Duplicate ID in inheritance hierarchy
I searched in net and understood that registry settings for VB are modified to VB5.I didnt understand that. please tell me how to resolve the error.
Its very URGENT

It might be possible, that something has corrupted your registry.
Try re-installing Visual Basic 6.0 including the latest Service Packs and then re-register all your additional COM components.


Visual Studio crash when Deploy SSRS Report

Using Visual Studio 2013, when try to deploy the Report, the session Crash
I attach the messages
Do you have any idea to solve this issue?
by Event Viewer
I already followed this way - BUT the issue has not been resolved.
I had the same issue here, and in my case the problem was a faulty installation of the SQL ADMd.Net components. Try and reinstall those.
There is a DLL, named Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdmomdClient.dll, which could not be found in my case. This caused a stackoverflow exception in my case. The admin reinstalled those components, and the DLL got installed, too. Deploying reports is now possible :).
I figured this out by attaching one VS instance with debugging enabled to another VS instance, with which I tried to deploy reports.
Also, I had to enable debugging for .NET Code in the settings.
I set a breakpoint at the function
And that's where I noticed, that the same block functions were called over and over, trying to load the DLL, but not being able to find it. It is the nLoad function.
This eventally caused the Exception, and the exception code 0xc00000fd, which is a Stackoverflow exception.
I can't post images here, but I hope it's still understandable.
Best regards,

cannot open visual basic 6.0 project due to component 'msconctl.ocx' not registered error

I have a project in visual basic 6.0 with an error message that,
'msconctl.ocx' or one of its dependencies not correctly registered:
a file is missing or invalid.
Can't figure out what is the problem,
i am also getting an error:- object or with block variable.
please help?
First, I'm pretty sure that you are talking about mscomctl.ocx (not msconctl.ocx), the Microsoft Common Control library, which is where you get all the common controls (text box, label, etc.) used in VB6. If you don't have this registered properly, VB6 won't run.
You haven't told us if you're using a 64-bit version of Windows or not. This makes a difference. In any case, you should be able to work out a solution by reading This.
MSComCtl.OCX was in 2012 modified in such a way that it became in-compatibable with legacy VB6 applications. MSComCtl.OCX prior to that was working fine. I ran into this and the only alternative left to me was to remove the control from the project ( in my case a Status Bar ) and use a Label field to cover the duties of the Status Bar. Once I was upgraded to a .Net Codebase I re-introduced the .Net Status Bar and things were back to normal. You probably didn't do anything wrong...its just a change to MSCOMCTL.OCX that once applied to your machine will break old VB6 projects that use that control. If you run or attempt to compile the app, VB6 should point you to the line(s) of code encountering the error. That will tell you which control is being victimized. Consider removing the control, and also the reference to MSComCtl, and creating workarounds. Sorry...just another nail in the VB6 coffin. I hate it but can't prevent it. Hope this helps.

MvcScaffolding doesn't work with EF4.1-Update

I recently installed the EF4.1-Update. When I made a new MVC3 Project and tried to add the MvcScaffolding using the PackageManagerConsole in VS2010 it wouldn't install it. Has anyone else
seen this? I removed the EF4.1-Update from my machine and MvcScaffolding installs correctly.
You might have to clean out the packages folder in your solution and reinstall the MvcScaffolding. Once you do this everything should sync back up.
Good luck and hope this helps some.
It does work. And it works beautifully
But I had some issues getting it all setup.
What error(s) did you get exactly I had a number of issues, but solved them one by one.
Did you get this sort of thing in PMC when VS started up?
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2943) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: Cannot convert the "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SecurityDescriptorCommandsBase" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Type".
If so either update .net Refelector (now costs), or go Tools > Add-In Manager and disable the .NEt Reflector add in ! THEN RESTART VS
Or if you try to scaffold something, do you get e.g.
Invoke-Scaffolder : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name -ModelType"
Do you get errors when you try to add a controller to your MVC 3 project?
Are you running on Windows (pre 7) + without powershell 2.0 installed?
Basically don't worry it does work, I think the order or installations matters, just work through it bit by bit, its worth it.
Did you try reinstalling the update after the scaffolding is installed? I already had the scaffolding installed when I installed Update 1, so i did not see a problem.
I've had this problem before when the scaffolding.config file was either not present, or not filled with the Default Scaffolders -- make sure its populated with the default entries for views, controllers, etc. I think there is 9 by default in version 1.0.9.
Old post I know but this is still relevant in project templates and autogenerated projects -- the scaffolding.config needs to have its defaults.

Add reference failing C#

I have a wcf service running and I was trying to implement a tcp model on it so I made a windows service and tried adding the WCF service as a reference to it which worked fine. But when i tried to build the windows service it gave me an error as "The type or namespace name '*' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)". In fact I tried to add my dal project as reference and the same error cropped up. I implemented a POC just to check if I am doing things correctly which worked fine. But it fails on my solution am I missing some configuration thing I am confused please help thanks.
It is important that you document the type name that it complains about to get a good answer. Avoid targeting the .NET client profile whenever you do something webby. System.Web.dll is not part of it.
Project + Properties, Application tab, Target framework combo.
Thank's for all the help guys I got the reason why it was failing all my other projects are having target framework as .Net Framework 4. But each time I add a new project to my solution they are been targeted to .Net Framework 4 Client Profile. Which I changed and everything worked fine. Thank's again for the help.

Add Web Service Reference Weird Problem in WP7

I have a WP7 project in VS2010 pro/ultimate and I have added a web reference from another project on the same solution. The web service project is just a normal website project, I just created .ASMX file. I tested the service using web browser and it works fine.
The problem is, after I added this service as service reference, I cannot reference it in my WP7 project and I can't view it in Object Browser either as if it doesn't exist.
I use local URL like 'http://localhost:12345/WebService.asmx' when I added the service, VS can see all the methods and can add successfully. Very strange for me and I don't know how to solve this issue.
Anyone can give me any clue on this? Thanks very much.
I've had a similar issues before- on one machine, a restart was required, on another, I had to uninstall ALL of my SL stuff, then uninstall Vstudio, then reinstall and reapply any SL add-ons.
Then it worked fine.
Also had a friend with the same issue- uninstall all, then reinstall worked for him also.
I believe these were machines with pre-rtm SL and Phone bits on them.
I've had a similar problem. I created a WP7 project using VB.Net. I built a WCF Class web service, a client side proxy class, and then a WP7 application with the service reference. When I added the service reference, the code generating utility would not build the required Reference.svcmap file detail (it only created the header information). However the project would still compile, yet I couldn't reference the service in code as it didn't exist in the underlying files.
I tried recreating the WP7 project in C# and everything worked. My guess is that the VB implementation of WP7 might still have some issues, however that is a guess only. I'm keen to see if anyone else has had the same issue specific to the VB WP7 template or if it is something else.
I bumped into the same problem, but it was fixed after a reboot as suggested in this thread by dethSwatch.
I do remember that a silverlight SDK update was installed a bit earlier, maybe the reboot is required after the update?
I think this issue might be related to the January Update to the WP7 tools. I managed to fix this issue by installing the VS10-KB2486994-x86.exe fix found on the above page. That sorted the issue I had with generating a client side proxy for the WCF service I wanted to call. Hope this helps.
