What will prevent LVN_ITEMACTIVATE from firing? - winapi

I am writing an app with raw windows API (opensource Win32++) where I have a ListView.
The problem I have now is that whenever an item in the ListView is clicked, the system/app will generate a warning tone/sound "ding". Furthermore, I noticed I cannot get the LVN_ITEMACTIVATE through item-dbl-click or item-keypress-enter, which would normally work if this problem had not occur.
Would anyone have any idea how this might be happening?
I believe there is nothing wrong with Win32++, it just could be one of the things I do is causing this. But my program has become quite big to dissect plus I have no idea where to start looking.
PS: I had my computer muted for the longest time, hence, I don't know when this started eventhough I had the listview since a long time ago. T_T

Start looking with a tool that can show you the Windows messages that the control generates and receives. Like Microsoft's Spy++. Compare it with a working list view to have an idea what might be amiss. Also check the parent window. I haven't otherwise heard of listviews that dingaling, the LVN_ACTIVATEITEM should fire the first WM_LBUTTONDOWN, no double-click necessary.


How to read content of WM_PAINT message?

My goal is to screen-scrape a portion of a program which constantly updates with new text. I have tried OCR with Tesseract but I believe it would be much more efficient to somehow intercept the text if possible. I have attempted using the GetWindowText() function, but it only returns the window title. Using Window Detective I have determined that whenever the window updates in the way I wish to capture, a WM_PAINT message is reliably sent to the window.
I have looked a bit into Windows API Hooks, but it seems that most of these techniques involving DLL injection are intended at sending new messages, not accessing the content of already sent messages.
How should I approach this problem?
When you say 'screen-scrape', is that what you really mean? Reading your post, it sounds like you actually want to get at the text in the child window or control in question - as text, and not just as a bitmap. To do that, you will need to:
Determine which child window or control actually contains the text you want to get at. It sounds like you may have already done that but if not, the tool of choice is generally Spy++. (Please note: the version of Spy that you use must match the 'bitness' of your application.)
Then, firstly, try to figure out whether the text in that window can be retrieved somehow. If it's a standard Windows control (specifically EDIT or RICHEDIT) then there are documented ways to do that, see MSDN.
If that doesn't pan out, you might have some success hooking calls to ExtTextOut(), although that's not a pleasant proposition and I think you might struggle to achieve it. That said, I believe the accepted way (in some sense of the word 'accepted') is here.
With reference to point 3, even if you achieve it, how would you know whether any particular call to ExtTextOut() was drawing to the window you're interested in? Answer, most likely, HWND WindowFromDC().
I hope that helps a little. Please don't come back at me with a bunch of detailed questions about how this might apply to your particular use-case. I'm not really interested in that, these are just intended as a few signposts.

random noise block on user interface by using JavaFX

I am writing a JAVAFX program and there are some random blockers which happen sometimes. But I've totally no idea where it comes and how to solve this issue.
Like the picture below, there should be 2 buttons but 2 blank areas block the button(even mouse events cannot be passed) and I cannot see anything.
Some blank areas blocked GUI
Since it is randomly generated, I've no idea how to debug to find them..Can someone give me some suggetions?
Really thanks a lot!!!
Edit: Does someone know why all animations in JavaFx program become lag after specifying -Dprism.order=sw?
This rendering issue maybe cause by incorrectly using multi-threads. Things like too many events from remote server come in, some of handlers are processing GUI tasks outside GUI thread.

Using GUI causes "Sleep?" making Audio stutter/stop

Okay, as Title says.
For example, i use NAudio to playback what i record (loopback if you want).
And if i click on the GUI (the top part, so i can move the window).
It will cause a "sleep", and when that happens the current activity (Audio playback) stops.
And then it continues afterwards.
But i want to remove that, as i don´t know any other application that has it, so it´s probably something to do with how i am programming.
Please keep it simple, i am extremely new to c#.
I am guessing on Bakckgroundworker or something, but i couldn´t get it to work.
So hopping for a more concrete answer.
This was just me not understanding that using the Main Thread in a window form will cause anything on the GUI to be run on it.
Meaning, if i move the GUI, that movement will be Priority over the rest of the code, so everything else will get paused if run on that thread.
Perhaps it differ from object to object, but in this scenario it was the case, so i just moved it to a separate thread and it´s solved.

pivot with in Panorma ....swipe both together

when i use pivot with in the panorama .pivot are used as a gallery view. i want to move pivot when i swipe it .but the problem is this because of both panorama and pivot are the same gesture event so both are they move .
i want swipe only my pivot view .
I would like some sample code or any other suggestion to do this.
so please give me a solution for doing this and
also give me a link where i easily understand this. Thanx in advance
You shouldn't have a Pivot in a Panorama control. End of discussion.
I believe it is achievable, because I've already solved similar issues with having WebBrowser control inside a custom horizontal-scrollable overview container like Pivot/Panorama, but believe me, it is NOT worth it. I've had to dig very deep into the visualstructure of the controls and attach my own manipulation-handlers to their viscera, manually choose which horiz/verti events to pass and which to cancel, and so on. This is not so easy, takes a lot of time, and doesn't guarantee that on the end you will have something behaving in a way you wanted to achieve in the first place. If you are not bound by some contract to preserve the shape of the UI, please, drop the idea and redesign your UI, just to save on your sanity and nerves.
But, if you are already insane or really want to dig where noone should, start on analysing your UI as a two rectangles: large pano and small pivo, and think which part should behave how on different possible touches/h-v swipes/h-v pans/pinches/so on. Write it down just to for reference, or soon you will probably start making small mistakes that will interfere with your understaning of the flow of the events.
I've checked the version I have, and "my" Panorama uses internally the UIElement.ManipulationXXXX events. In that case:
Display visualtrees of your UI and try attaching manipulation-events to every control. In those events, write/log which control's which handler was invoked. Then make some swipe/scroll on your APP and observe events. Analyze how they were bubbling and try cancelling (e.Handled=true) the manipulation-completed and/or manipulation-delta events somewhere between pivot and panorama. Your goal is to have the panorama see that e.Handled=true, while your pivot must see e.Handled=false. Your Pivot will probably see the event sooner than the Pano, so that point should be relatively easy.
If it fails to work, then you should check your version of the Pano, and check how it detects movements. If, for example, it uses the GestureListener - try the same trick with it. Etc.
And remember, you can always make your own horizontal-overwiew-container that will look like Pano, behave like Pano, and that will work with Pivo better - because it will be your code and you will tell it what and when to move. if you want to go this way, start on google and check all the preliminary Panorama previews that random people have published before that control was published by MS.

Get notification on Ctrl+Alt+Del

I know there is no way to block or ignore ctrl+Alt+Del within a program. But thats not what I want. Is there a way to only be notified if it WAS pressed? No interaction required, only notification.
Thank you!
I'm not sure why you'd want to do this, and I have a suspicion there's probably a better and cleaner way to accomplish your ultimate goal, but...
Off the top of my head, I would run a timer in the background of your application, and each time the timer fires, check to see if the Ctrl , Alt , and Delete keys were pressed. To do that, you'll have to use GetAsyncKeyState from user32.dll. I'd give you a code sample, but I'm not sure what language you're using. Play around with the interval for the timer to see what it needs to be to balance performance, yet still work.
Doesn't seem that there is an easy way to get a SAS notification, all articles I've found dealt with replacing GINA.
You might want to take a look at these:
Customizing GINA, Part 1
Customizing GINA, Part 2
C++ Q&A Typename, Disabling Keys in Windows XP with TrapKeys
If you only want to find out whether the user has locked his workstation, you should take a look at WTSRegisterSessionNotification in conjunction with WM_WTSESSION_CHANGE.
