pivot with in Panorma ....swipe both together - windows-phone-7

when i use pivot with in the panorama .pivot are used as a gallery view. i want to move pivot when i swipe it .but the problem is this because of both panorama and pivot are the same gesture event so both are they move .
i want swipe only my pivot view .
I would like some sample code or any other suggestion to do this.
so please give me a solution for doing this and
also give me a link where i easily understand this. Thanx in advance

You shouldn't have a Pivot in a Panorama control. End of discussion.

I believe it is achievable, because I've already solved similar issues with having WebBrowser control inside a custom horizontal-scrollable overview container like Pivot/Panorama, but believe me, it is NOT worth it. I've had to dig very deep into the visualstructure of the controls and attach my own manipulation-handlers to their viscera, manually choose which horiz/verti events to pass and which to cancel, and so on. This is not so easy, takes a lot of time, and doesn't guarantee that on the end you will have something behaving in a way you wanted to achieve in the first place. If you are not bound by some contract to preserve the shape of the UI, please, drop the idea and redesign your UI, just to save on your sanity and nerves.
But, if you are already insane or really want to dig where noone should, start on analysing your UI as a two rectangles: large pano and small pivo, and think which part should behave how on different possible touches/h-v swipes/h-v pans/pinches/so on. Write it down just to for reference, or soon you will probably start making small mistakes that will interfere with your understaning of the flow of the events.
I've checked the version I have, and "my" Panorama uses internally the UIElement.ManipulationXXXX events. In that case:
Display visualtrees of your UI and try attaching manipulation-events to every control. In those events, write/log which control's which handler was invoked. Then make some swipe/scroll on your APP and observe events. Analyze how they were bubbling and try cancelling (e.Handled=true) the manipulation-completed and/or manipulation-delta events somewhere between pivot and panorama. Your goal is to have the panorama see that e.Handled=true, while your pivot must see e.Handled=false. Your Pivot will probably see the event sooner than the Pano, so that point should be relatively easy.
If it fails to work, then you should check your version of the Pano, and check how it detects movements. If, for example, it uses the GestureListener - try the same trick with it. Etc.
And remember, you can always make your own horizontal-overwiew-container that will look like Pano, behave like Pano, and that will work with Pivo better - because it will be your code and you will tell it what and when to move. if you want to go this way, start on google and check all the preliminary Panorama previews that random people have published before that control was published by MS.


JavaFX drag in order to modify nodes

I'm here because my research and testing lead me nowhere.
I have made a little calendar application and now I want to improve the user interface with nice controls. I'm trying to achieve an interface where you can create an event by dragging over it (as you can do in Google agenda, in fact this a school project and I want to reproduce this week view).
For this purpose I have tried this approach:
For each cells of the area (a GridPane that contain VBoxes) I attach handlers that achieve that feature (setOnDragDetected, setOnMouseDragEntered and setOnMouseDragReleased). And it does the job well but in some case this don't work (if the mouse move over another event, which do no have the handlers, the drag feature stop).
As I saw this too heavy and subject to bogus (3 handlers x 7 columns x 48 rows = 1008 handlers !! ), I thought about other approach but I'm a beginner in javaFX and I don't know if there is other mechanism to perform this. (I thought about a transparent layout/pane that will handle this feature and act like a "touch screen" over my application but I did not found satisfying answers). Can someone enlighten me about this kind of problem ? For a good example of what I try to achieve take the behaviour of the Google agenda for an event creation with the mouse (I do not need to manage overlap of event). Thanks in advance !!
I post a picture of what the actual view look like.
So as Tomas Mikula suggest me I only attached my handlers to the GridPane (and not to each "cell" as I made previously): setOnDragDetected, setOnMouseDragOver, setOnMouseDragReleased and setOnMouseDragExited.
As the handlers are triggered on the GridPane, moving the mouse over other element doesn't stop the feature.
With this I reduced the number of handler, simplified the code (As I do not need to manage extra behaviours as mover over another child).
Thanks !

Is there a common navigation convention in an MVVM Light Windows Phone application?

As my app gets bigger I am finding that the same type of entity is appearing more and more throughout, typically in a listbox.
When someone taps on the entity, I want to navigate to the detailed view of this entity.
An example of this would be a product: it appears in a product list by category, it appears in search results, or it might appear as a saved favourite. In my instance, all of these would come from a table in local SQLCE storage.
Every time I surface the entity in some way that someone could tap on it, I basically cut the same code: subscribe to the SelectionChange event on the listbox, extract the entity, use MVVM Light messaging to signal that the selected entity has changed, then call NavigationService to do its business.
Has anyone worked on something similar and, if so, what have you came up with? Or more importantly, if there's some MVVM Light toolkit convention that I'm overlooking, could you please point me in the right direction?
Are you calling the NavigationService from code-behind or the View Model now? If the former, you could check the WP7 Navigation arcticle by LBugnion for triggering it from the VM. If you combine that with the EventToCommand behavior (like in here) you should be able to create a nice and clean "MyEntitySelected" command in the VM which takes the entity as a parameter.
I think the question here is, how do I deal with this without cut/paste the same code each time? If this is the case, maybe trying to package the entity/listbox thing in a XAML usercontrol! Take a look at this: http://www.windowsphonegeek.com/articles/Creating-a-WP7-Custom-Control-in-7-Steps
Then if the representation needs to be different, you could have a look at this: http://www.windowsphonegeek.com/articles/Implementing-Windows-Phone-7-DataTemplateSelector-and-CustomDataTemplateSelector ( this example does different styling in one listbox, but you can change this to only apply different style on each different page with a listbox on it )

WP7 Toggle switch in a Pivot control?

Is there any way to control the threshold of the flick action to on/off a toggle switch so that it doesn't mess with the pivot control's navigation?
Sorry, but I'm going to avoid you're question (I can't answer it anyway) and suggest you use a different approach.
You could (I assume) use a checkbox to just as easily provide the option to the person using the application. Afterall a toggle switch has the same functionality as a checkbox (specify/choose between two states) it just implements the interaction differently.
The toggle switch has not been designed/built (AFAIK) to support being used on top of something which also supports the same gesture.
As a general rule of usability, having controls on top of each other (or even next to each other) which support the same gesture is likely to cause problems for the user. Even if the problems are through accidentaly triggering the wrong gesture or expectations about how their gesture will be interpretted.
In summary: this is a really tricky problem to solve; I don't think you can with the controls as they are; and the problem goes away entirely if you use a different control for toggling anyway.
I've had the same problem with my codermate, we've been digging this for many hours and we finally reached the top of the hill and we came up with a solution.
This solution works for the bing map control:
on mouse enter: myMapControl.CaptureMouse();
on mouse leave: myMapControl.ReleaseMouseCapture();
And there you go, when you'll navigate inside the map the pivot won't do transition ;)
If you don't get the point, just poke me and I'm going to explain with real code (I'm quite busy right now).
This solution posted recently seems to be working out for people for dealing with gesture conflicts on pano / pivot. You might like to check it out.
Preventing the Pivot or Panorama controls from scrolling
Set the IsHitTestVisible = false in your root pivot control
The solution to this is simple, and comes from my experience with Android and iPhone application development.
simply make sure you only tap into the OnMouseLeave event - not the OnChecked or the OnMouseClick as these will accidentally fire just by touching the toggle.
You want make sure that they were touching it when they let go of the screen, and this (unless you put the toggle on the edge of the screen will almost never be the case

Should I hide or destroy UI elements?

I was wondering if, whenever I have a situation in which I have to hide some UI element temporarily, it is sufficient to hide it (many frameworks give this option) or I should delete the object in memory and recreate it later when needed again (with the same parameters).
What are the pros and cons of each solution? I was thinking that maybe by hiding the element you save state informations that may be important, and you also save the allocation time, so maybe it is the better way for elements that must be hidden for a short period of time. But what if the time becomes bigger? I would then have a non-needed object in memory for the whole time.
One example, to give a clear picture of what I am talking about, would be a toolbar that changes buttons based on some context change. That is, normally there are some buttons attached to the toolbar, but when the user select one action in some other part of the interface, those buttons must be replaced by new ones (one of which is the "Done" button). Similarly, when the user selects the "Done" button in the toolbar, it goes back to the initial state.
I don't know if this is a stupid question and maybe it could be that I'm doing something like premature optimization... but I will be thankful for all your answers.
I think that the general rule of the thumb is that elements that you plan to reshow, should be hidden; otherwise destroyed (some exceptions obviously apply). When/if this becomes infeasible, you could consider further optimizations.
It's a very good question. Here's what occurs to me:
Suppose (just for the sake of argument) you have lots of different forms that could be displayed in the same space. Then if you create/destroy controls, you are only paying at any one time for the controls that the user can see. On the other hand, if you hide/show controls, you are paying all the time for the large number of controls the user isn't looking at (and may never look at). So I always create/destroy. (Actually I keep previously used controls in pools so I'm not actually re-creating them.)
Many people store user state in the controls of the UI, but personally I hate that and I never do it. I think if some information is worth remembering it belongs in application data structure. This means of course, that the controls of the current visible form have to be "bound" or kept current with the application data structure. I just make sure I can do that no matter what.
I've had to be inventive to accomplish these in a way that simplifies application code, and as a result the method I use is not well known, which exacts another kind of price.
There is no general answer to this question. It depends on the system type, CPU and RAM restrictions, the number of UI elements in question, how frequently the UI is going to be shown / recreated, etc. Perhaps if you could give an example we might be able to give you more concise feedback.
Javascript objects are not like Windows (GDI) objects: they usually don't have a will to send/receive messages - almost passive. It takes less code to hide, right?
Perhaps it depends on total amount of interactive objects per user session.

Modifying a jQuery Plugin

I'm trying to modify Brian Reindel's Accessible News Slider plugin (sorry, it won't let me link to it and also to my work location), to allow a visitor to fill in multiple copies of a form, sliding back and forth between them. I need for the visitor to be able to add and delete copies of the form from the list. I've modified one of his examples and created a little function to add an element to the list. However, no matter how many times I call the function, it only adds one element, and the plugin is not aware of it; I can see it in the DOM Inspector, but that's it. What am I missing?
this is Brian. Since you're already using jQuery and the plugin, you would gain a great deal by using the library to append elements to the DOM within your custom function. I wanted to give you some guidance, since this is probably more work than you were inititally expecting. Here are some hopefully helpful tips:
The plugin calculates some wrapper
element widths based upon the number
of list items. If you add/remove list
items, then you would need to modify
the calculations that were made or
else it won't scroll properly. You'll probably experience the same types of issues for the click events on the next/previous buttons.
If you have events registered on
elements that you add/remove from the
DOM, then you will need to
re-register those events, since when
the elements are gone, so are the
events that were "bound" to them. It
doesn't look like this is your
problem though at this point.
If you're adding form elements to the
DOM on the fly using the "Add" link,
then the user's cursor focus is no
longer on the form elements, and the
slider is no longer really
accessible. As much as I love
plugging my own plugin, it was meant
mostly to demonstrate usable, custom styled accessible
JavaScript, and I'm not sure it is
flexible enough to do what you want
without some rework.
If you have more specific questions about how to do certain things to get you started on the right track, let me know, and I would be happy to help. Depending on how much you plan to use jQuery on your projects (and I highly recommend that you use it), try out the book Learning jQuery.
