Scheduling with variable Resources - algorithm

(First of all, sorry for my english, it's not my first language)
I have a list of tasks/jobs, each task must start after a specific start time, needs to run for a certain time and has to be finished after a certain end time.
I can dynamically add and remove workers, so it is possible to execute 2 or more tasks at the same time if I have to. My Goal is to find a scheduling plan that executes each job successfully and uses the minimal amount of workers possible.
I'm currently using an EDF ( Algorithm and recursively call the function with a higher Worker Limit if it can't schedule all jobs correctly, but I think this doesn't work right because I don't have a real way to measure when I can lower the ressource limit again.
Are there any Algorithms that work for my problem, or any other clever ideas?
Thanks for your help.

A scheduling problem can often be solved very effectively by formulating it either as mixed-integer program (MIP)
or expressing it using constraint programming (CP)
For either MIP or CP, you will find both free and commercial solvers that can address your problem.
In both of these approaches, you put your effort into stating the properties that the solution must have, and the hard work of applying an appropriate algorithm is left to a specialized solver.


Need an advice about algorithm to solve quite specific Job Shop Scheduling Problem

Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP): I have jobs that consist of tasks and I have machines that can perform these tasks.
I should be able to add new jobs dynamically. E.g. I have a schedule for the first 5 jobs, and when the 6th arrive - I need to be able to fit it into the schedule in the best way. It is possible to adjust existing schedule within the given flexibility constrains.
Look at the picture below.
Jobs have tasks, each task is the same type of action. Think about painting of some objects with paint spray. All the machines are the same (paint sprays), and all of the tasks are the same.
Constraint 1. Jobs have a preferred deadline for completion, but the deadline is flexible to some extent.
Edit after #tucuxi answer: Flexible deadline mean that the time of completion can be extended by some delta if necessary.
Constraint 2. Between the jobs there is resting phase. Think about drying the paint. Resting phase has minimal required duration. Resting phase can be longer or shorter if necessary.
Edit after #tucuxi answer: So there is planned time of rest Tp which is desired, but flexible value that can be increased or decreased if this allows for better scheduling. And there is minimal time of rest Tm. So Tp-Tadjustmenet>=Tm.
The machine is occupied by the job from the start to the completion.
Here goes parts that make this problem very distinct from what I have read about.
Jobs arrive in batches of several jobs. For example a batch can contain 10 jobs of the type Job_1 and 5 of Job_2. Different batches can contain different types of jobs. All the jobs from the batches should be finished as close to each other as possible. Not necessary at the same time, but we need to minimize the delay between the completion of first and last jobs from the batch.
Constraint 3. Machines are grouped. In each group only M machines can work simultaneously. Think about paint sprays that are connected to the common pressurizer that has limited performance.
The goal.
Having given description of the problem, it should be possible to solve JSSP. It should be also possible to add new jobs to the existing schedule.
Edit after #tucuxi answer: This is not a task that should be solved immediately: it is not a time-critical system. But it shouldn't be too long to irritate a human who put new tasks into the algorithm.
What kind of many JSSP algorithms can help me solve this? I can implement an algorithm by myself, if there is one. The closest I found is This - Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. But I was not able to comprehend how can I glue it to the JSSP solving algorithm.
Edit after #tucuxianswer: No, I haven't tried it yet.
Is there any libraries that can be used to solve this problem? Python or C# are the preferred languages, but in the end it doesn't really matter.
I appreciate any help: keyword to search for, link, reference to a book, reference to a library.
Thank you.
I doubt that there is a pre-made algorithm that solves your exact problem.
If I had to solve it, I would first:
compile datasets of inputs that I can feed into candidate solvers.
think of a metric to rank outputs, so that I can compare the candidates to see which is better.
A baseline solver could be a brute-force search: test and rate all possible job schedulings for small sample problems. This is of course infeasible for large inputs, but for small inputs it allows you to compare the outputs of more efficient solvers to a known-best answer.
Your link is to, which appears to provide a library for specifying problem constraints to then solve them. It is not freely available, requiring a license to use; but it would seem that your problem can be readily modeled in it. Have you tried to do so? They appear to support both C++ and Python. Other free options exist, including optaplanner (2.8k stars in github) or python-constraint (I have not looked into other languages).
Note that a good metric is crucial to choosing a good algorithm: unless you have a clear cost function to minimize, choosing "a good algorithm" is impossible. In your description of the problem, I see several places where cost is unclear (marked in italics):
job deadlines are flexible
minimal required rest times... which may be shortened
jobs from a batch should be finished as close together as possible
(not from specification): how long can you wait for an optimal vs a less-optimal-but-faster solution?

Get All Permutations of Non-Conflicting Event Schedules

I am attempting to create a set of class schedules from a list of available classes and I want to be able to find the set of all possible (and valid) schedules that could be made from the list of available courses.
I am aware of the Activity Selection Problem/Event Scheduling Problem seen here and here but I do not know how to modify these algorithms to give me a complete set of schedules rather than just *a* complete schedule.
More succintly, how can the activity selection problem be modified to give a set of all possible non-conflicting event schedules?
I should also note that I believe that a solution to this would probably be in O(n^n) time, so if anyone has a suggestion for a solution to a complete scheduling problem that has a lower asymptotic running time, please share thoughts.
I am aware of the fact that this approach is a variant of recursive backtracking with some modification, but I can't seem to find anything in literature about it.
I would try ordering all of your activities based on start time. Take the first one, and suppose that it's in the schedule. Then proceed through the list and construct a schedule from the remaining classes that start after the first one ends. Once you've constructed all of these, repeat, but exclude the first class from your schedule. Your algorithm will just be recursively seeing what schedules result from the inclusion or exclusion of a class. Your runtime will be O(2^n) though (I don't think you can do it in O(n*2), but I could be wrong). I assume the specialized algorithms (for finding the best possible schedule) exist because the runtime for finding all possible schedules is so bad.

Algorithm to find resource-free slot

I am designing a project management app for a factory. The app is expected to produce draft project plans. To schedule a task, the app should check three conditions:
task dependency - do not start before,
machine availability, and
shift work hours
I keep track of machine engagement in machine_allocations table:
| machine_id | operation_id | start_timestamp | end_timestamp |
Shift hours follow a pattern.
Now, to find the earliest possible date-time for an operation I am thinking of a function:
function earliest_slot($machine_id, $for_duration, $no_sooner_than) {
// pseudo code
1. get records for the machine in question for after $no_sooner_than
2. put start and end timestamps into $unavailable array
3. add non-working times as new elements to the array
4. in a loop find timeslots which are not in the array
5. if a timeslot is found which is equal to or bigger than $for_duration, return that
My question is, is this a good approach? Are there simpler ways to do this?
Finding the earliest date-time for one operation at a time may not give you the best result. Consider the example where operation A uses machine 1 for a long time, operation B uses machine 1 for a short time and operation C uses machine 2 for a short time, but operation C must be done after B.
In this case, it is better to schedule B before A on machine 1, but your approach would not achieve this. Of course, writing and using software to manage this would be more difficult than what you have suggested, so you need to decide whether the benefit is worth the extra effort.
Have a look at Scheduling, Job Shop Scheduling and Scheduling algorithm.
First you need to think about what sort of information you can collect about tasks (such as dependencies, priorities, deadlines) and then decide how best to put it together.
You may find that an approach like you propose is good enough in your case. My addition to your proposed algorithm would be to sort the list of existing machine operations to make searching through them faster, that is you can stop as soon as you find a time where your operation fits because it's guaranteed to be the earliest time.
A relatively simple extension would be a priority system that allows you to bump lower-priority tasks forward (which may require the adjustment of their dependencies as well), but more complicated algorithms would consider multiple tasks at once and try to optimise the outcome. In the end it comes down to what's appropriate for your specific problem.
That depends when You want to plan work. If before starting work of machines then mayby a Branch&Bound algorithm, or something like it (mayby dynamic programming). If work have to planned when machines are working and You can not tell what jobs would be performed then for optimal solution You can not count (well I can't think about it). Mayby put next jobs on machine with smalles max time? Mayby a dynamic version of Ford-Bellmas alg (if you have couple layers of production). Hard to say.
I would do couple of approches and determine witch are best. The You can write an article about this :)

Constrained graph transformation in scheduling applications

I'm working on an interactive job scheduling application. Given a set of resources with corresponding capacity/availabilty profiles, a set of jobs to be executed on these resources and a set of constraints that determine job sequence and earliest/latest start/end times for jobs I want to enable the user to manually move jobs around. Essentially I want the user to be able to "grab" a node of the job network and drag that forwards/backwards in time without violating any of the constraints.
The image shows a simple example configuration. The triangular job at the end denotes the latest finish time for all jobs, the connecting lines between jobs impose an order on the jobs and the gray/green bars denote resource availabilty and load.
You can drag any of the jobs to compress the schedule. Note that jobs will change in length due to different capacity profiles.
I have implemented an ad-hock algorithm that kinda works. However there are still cases where it'll fail and violate some constraints. However, since job-shop-scheduling is a well researched field with lots of algorithms and heuristics for finding an optimal (or rather good) solution to the general NP-hard problem - I'm thinking solutions ought to exist for my easier subset. I have looked into constraint programming topics and even physics based solutions (rigid bodies connected via static joints) but so far couldn't find anything suitable. Any pointers/hints/tips/search key words for me?
I highly recommend you take a look at Mozart Oz, if your problem
deals only with integers. Oz has excellent support for finite domain
constraint specification, inference, and optimization. In your case
typically you would do the following:
Specify your constraints in a declarative manner. In this, you would
specify all the variables and their domains (say V1: 1#100, means
V1 variable can take values in the range of 1--100). Some variables
might have values directly, say V1: 99. In addition you would specify
all the constraints on the variables.
Ask the system for a solution: either any solution which satisfies
the constraints or an optimal solution. Then you would display this
solution on the UI.
Lets say the user changes the value of a variable, may be the start
time of a task. Now you can go to step 1 to post the problem to the
Oz solver. This time, solving the problem most probably will not take
as much time as earlier, as all the variables are already instantiated.
It may be the case that the user chose a inconsistent value. In that
case, the solver returns null. Then, you can take the UI to the earlier
If Oz suits your need and you like the language, then you may want to
write a constraint solver as a server which listens on a socket. This way,
you can keep the constraint solver separate from the rest of your code,
including the UI.
Hope this helps.
I would vote in favor of constraint programming for several reasons:
1) CP will quickly tell you if there is no schedule that satifies your constraints
2) It would appear that you want to give you users a feasible solution to start with but
allow them to manipulate jobs in order to improve the solution. CP is good at this too.
3) An MILP approach is usually complex and hard to formulate and you have to artificially create an objective function.
4) CP is not that difficult to learn especially for experienced programmers - it really comes more from the computer science community than the operations researchers (like me).
Good luck.
You could probably alter the Waltz constraint propagation algorithm to deal with changing constraints to quickly find out if a given solution is valid. I don't have a reference to hand, but this might point you in the right direction:
Have you considered using an Integer Linear Programming engine (like lp_solve)? It's quite a good fit for scheduling applications.

What is this algorithm called?

I'm trying to look up this problem but I don't know what it's called. The premise is this:
Given m machines and j jobs, where each job can only be assigned to machines i through j, I need to assign the jobs to machines so that I maximize busy machines at one time. I am only concerned with how they are assigned at time 0. I am not concerned with how I would schedule remaining jobs after a job is completed.
Once a job and a machine are assigned to each other, no other job or machine can act on either member.
Scheduling algorithm
As others said, what you described is a problem, not an algorithm. There are many techniques you could use to solve your problem. Which one you should choose depends on your needs. If you need the optimal solution, you must use a technique called integer programming. If you want a very good solution, not necessarily the optimal one, there are many heuristics you could use.
Like they have said you are basically writing a 'scheduler'.
As your 'j' jobs seem to be having equal priority may be you are looking at 'Round robin - time sliced scheduling algorithm'.
The problem is a variant of the bin packing problem, which has a wider variety of literature than processor scheduling.
Typical real world OS multi-processor scheduling algorithms don't operate with knowledge of how the long jobs will take, and account for other issues such as memory affinity, and trading the scheduler's complexity with the benefit of scheduling.
I have encountered get this kind of problem in modular avionics systems where you are apportioning jobs to nodes, and there you do know the expected timing and memory requirements for their jobs prior to the jobs executing.
Sounds like a scheduler.
As other have said, it's a scheduler.
It's also a classic problem used to demonstrate OOPS development, and in particular it used to be used as a very common sample application for Smalltalk programming.
