External Data Source for Microsoft CRM [closed] - dynamics-crm

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Closed 10 years ago.
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The question itself is very tricky. But I'll try to break it down into pieces.
Let's say I have external datasources each of them providing my data model. Either a webservice, or database. What matters is that my Entities are defined and exists in separated systems than the Dynamics builtin database.
What I want to do is to use the capabilities of CRM, to handle Business Entities (Provided from the external source), aspects such as security, and UI. Are well managed inside the CRM. So I want to build my system, using this tool, but I want to be able to store and keep the data in my own sources.
In other words, is there a way in CRM (Through the webServices I believe), in which I can provide the entity, and have it managed later inside the CRM.
thanks in advance... I really hope I can find the answer here.

The only option you have is to synchronize the data stored inside Dynamics CRM database with your external sources.
With tools like Scribe from Scribesoft, this scenario is manageable.

About 50% of the functionality of MS CRM is implemented via rather convoluted SQL views/queries/stored functions etc. It is much more then a simple "table per entity type" data store. There is no way to keep live data "somewhere else", so you are stuck with import/export (as recommended in the previous answer).


best approach to make available excel reports to users on Local network [closed]

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Closed 12 months ago.
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For reporting purposes in an organization, someone exports the result of a query on an oracle database, after changing the date parameters every month, and sends the excel on outlook, to a receiver (analyst), there are different receivers (analysts) and different queries with With N:N (many-to-many) relationship between them
I m working on making this process more "automatic", I thought of these approaches:
Deploy a web application on my computer, with an Authentication page, then every user is taken to a list of reports that he is allowed to view, then he can choose a maxdate and a mindate value, and then he can download the excel file, with data exported from the oracle database
A batch script that's executed every end of the month (or a date chosen by the analysts), executing the oracle query, exporting the result to an excel file: 2.1 And then send the file on outlook 2.2 OR save the file on a folder on my computer, and make that file accessible on the local network by the different analysts
I want to get opinions on other approaches (hopefully more minimal and easiest to scale), and what's the pros and cons of the two approaches I've presented, and how I can best implement them
Option 1 sounds like Oracle Application Express (Apex). Even if you aren't an experienced developer, in a matter of a few hours you should be able to create a working web application.
What should you do?
talk to DBA, ask them to install Apex
when they provide login credentials to you (presuming they'll also create a workspace for you), create a new application
you'd mostly use Interactive Reports
if all data you need is in one table, even better
if not, you'll have to write a query which joins several tables, but hey - you already have those queries, haven't you?
Interactive Report lets users filter data in various ways
you can download result in Excel format so they can analyze data the way they are used to; or, perhaps even better, continue using Apex

Dynamics 365 entity access via. CDS [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a need to access Dynamics CRM data in a custom app. Is common data service is the right approach to achieve this? There is a need to read & write data from CRM entities, is CDS support write operation on CRM entities through APIs? Any other alternative approaches which should be considered for scale and performance over CDS? Any pointers for initial setup of CDS against a particular CRM org will be very helpful.
All I see from your question is Building an app with Dynamics CRM as datasource. Based on the enterprise data flow size, transaction scaling, security entitlements & available resource skill set - you have to decide the technology and architecture.
PowerApps (Canvas app) is low-code responsive app designer with Dynamics connector for two way dataflow, whereas Model-driven PowerApp is also cross-platform, cross-browser, responsive native app with strong security model built on top of Dynamics CRM system. Both should be scalable.
You can build app using React, Angular, Bootstrap technologies along with Dynamics CRM RESTful web api for CRUD operations to CRM entities.
You need CDS when you have multiple Dynamics ERP products like CRM, Finance & Operations and need to maintain the integrity of data between the system entities.

Querying database of Windchill using SQL [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Many vendors such as Microsoft with Sharepoint and Dynamics have made it impossible to access database tables directly in newer versions as they convert to Software as Service (SAS) offerings.
I am working with PTC Windchill and have developed extensive Oracle SQL Layer ETL processing. Is this a future proof practice within the context of this product line? Or in the future will I be required to work through some sort of DAL. If so, is there a recommended practice?
The information available from Windchill for Cloud appear vague and mostly suggesting to me virtualizion at the infrastructure layer, suggesting I would be able to query at the database layer for many years to come. Any confirmation, pointers or feedback would be appreciated.
Windchill offers extensive APIs for data access (and customization) in java. Starting from version 11.0, There are also some soap and rest web service for data access , but not for everything. It is always better to use API, they offer Data Abstraction Layer in a supported way. PTC would recommend that you refer to a consultant for this job.
But if you want to try:
There is a huge documentation about Windchill Customization, you can also create your own web services in java to access the data you want, if standard web services does not suffice. a starting point can be the Windchill help, and the javadoc located in the windchill server in this folder:
there are also some examples:
more documentation and appropriate training is available on https://support.ptc.com, only for registered customer users.

why The Repository Pattern and Unit of Work in MVC and EntityFramework? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am a .Net Developer. I jst want to know that why The Repository Pattern and Unit of Work in MVC and EntityFramework is Used. Plz tell me the scenario where I can use Repository and Unit of Work Pattern.
OK - First, the Repository Pattern. Why? Imagine the scenario where you have a database in your application - say, SQL 2000. You then want to upgrade the database to SQL 2008 and Entity Framework. If you don't have a Repository pattern implemented, this could turn out to be very tedious. Why? , well imagine that the data access is implemented using ADO.net. Very different from LINQ to Entities. So, the ADO.NET code would be littered through your data access calls.
Now, if your application used a Repository Pattern, it would call, for example, the GETCUSTOMER() method in the Repository. It does not care how GETCUSTOMER() gets its data, because its DECOUPLED from the actual data access. It only goes as far as the Repository. So, when you rip out your ADO.NET code and replace it with Entity Framework Data Access technology, you don't have to mess with the application, only the data access stuff.
UNIT OF WORK: Imagine this scenario. A Customer has just registered on your site. 1.You need to add their data to an Accounts section. 2.They have also subscribed to the newsletter. AND, 3. you need to send them a confirmation email to activate their account. These 3 thing ALL need to happen to successfully register a new customer and can be considered a UNIT of work. It has some parallels to a database transaction.

JD Edwards and Magento [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Have any body integrated ERP with magento like (SAP,Jd edwards) .
IS It Possible?
What things one must know to integrate ERP system with magento?
I can tell from JDE Side.
If you are using Latest Version of JD Edwards then you can use Business Services in JD Edwards these are written into JAVA.
If you are using older versions of JDE which does not support its little complicated. You need to populate records in Table which can use by both JDE and Magento and use scheduler Reports to upload data in JDE (using EDI Module may be).
You need to define strategy how you are going to pass data to and from Magento to JDE and keep them in Synch (Order Data and Inventory data and Advanced Pricing). This step is important because you need to keep in mind that magento and JD Edwards both have there separate Order management, Inventory Management and Advanced Pricing Module.
I have seen lot of failure when it comes to JDE or SAP talking with External Systems which has their own similar module.
JD Edwards is really complex ERP so dont even think about or passing data by yourself. You will need functional Expert who knows about functional aspects and JDE Technical who can handle business Service task and knows how to use JD Edwards Tool set.
Hope this is Helpfull :)
Yes, it's possible. There is many different ways to integrate them. Anyway, you will have to write code on the ERP side or on the Magento side or on both sides together. Magento has an API to create products, orders etc. More of Magento API can be found here: http://www.magentocommerce.com/support/magento_core_api
You should be able to use Application Interface Server and Business Services Server to make inbound REST/SOAP calls and use Real Time Events for outbound calls to integrate JDEdwards EntepriseOne with third party system like magento. review the JDE Introperability guide.
