magento extension "remember me" not working - magento

I am using the J2T Remember Me Checkbox extension for magento.
Has anyone tried this extension? Actually its not working, although I have made all necessary changes and updation for it, and from magento site also I have noticed its not working for most of people so I just want to ask is there any other change which I need to make that is not described here in link? Or its really not working?
Please suggest or share your view.

I also needed the feature and couldn't get this extension to work. With a bit of googling I found a bunch of really dumb suggestions that involve storing the password, in plain text, directly in the cookie.
That was never going to do for anyone who is serious about running a business so I attempted my own version that is secure and works first time. It requires you to check and possibly alter the session lifetime in your server's PHP settings or alternatively edit app/etc/local.xml and change the session_save value from files to db.

well I've just tried it, and cannot make it work. (v also)
Follow Jonathan's advice, ask te developper


Joomla 2.5.16 take up to 2min to load

A relative asked me to fixed a Joomla website (v2.5.16) who has been hacked last year, probably due to lack of update (is up to date now), unfortunately I have no information about this. The issue is that the front end take 2~ min to load. The administration is loading normally so whatever the issue is, it depend of the front end. I already disabled all modules one by one and switched the template with another one to make sure that thebug is not in template or plugins folders, without success.
I must add that the problem is "probably" more recent than the hack, according to this person. So maybe there was a script somewhere reaching a random server which may not work anymore.
PS : the website is on a shared hosting. I have the FTP access but no ssh.
I know that I don't give any details which can lead to resolve this, but I need more a method to track what can go wrong and where than a solution.
Thanks in advance,
We have written a lengthy post explaining why a website might be slow:
From the looks of it, it might that the website is still hacked. Try overwriting the Joomla files with a fresh Joomla install and see if that addresses the problem.
Solving this issue will probably involve some or all of the following:
updating Joomla and all third party extensions to the latest versions
checking for and fixing malicious files using or or similar
analysing the performance of the website using
(it's free) or similar to pinpoint and fix what is taking the most time to
If the website has been hacked, you may need to reset passwords etc once the malicious files have been removed. See for more information about securing the website once it is fixed.

Migration - Did I just lose all of my data?

Being newer to Ruby on Rails and while I have a fair understanding of certain areas, I am still learning. The one area I have difficulty is migrations/databases and I fear I may have had a terrible mistake.
I am currently working on building a blog and recently added a comments section. My next project was to have friendly URLs (using the friendly_id gem) and when I needed to create a new column for slugs, it seemed to already exist (from trying at a previous time I suppose).
Anyway, I tried to reset to an older commit but I know now (unless I am mistaken) that it has no affect on migrations? After some research I tried to rollback my database to undo whatever happened with the slugs. Ultimately, I went too far back that the only database I had was for my blog posts (and nothing for the users and comments).
I have since done a rake db:migrate and everything has been generated again but the content (via the localhost) was removed. I don't mind that because the content I have on my localhost does not have everything my live site does (, granted its not much there either.
Anyway, I am really lost at this point and concerned. If I git push heroku master in the console will my content be removed or will this happen when I update the migrations onto heroku? Is there anything I can do to revert prior to this whole mess happening?
I apologize for seeming quite confused (but I am 100% self taught and lost). I greatly appreciate any information anyone may be able to provide me.
Thank you so much for reading!
PS: Of course if it's possible that this may not affect my website at all, please let me know. I just want to know more information before going further - Thank you! =)
You need to read about backups on Heroku
Then - you need to create a backup of your production system on heroku and prove to yourself that you can load it, by doing so on your local system.
When you have your local system looking like your production system again, you will know that you know how to recover even if the mess does happen again.

Install Modx on FTP Server

I am pretty new to cms and hope you can help me. I'd like to install modx on a ftp server. My problem is my predecessor created a website with joomla. Now I want to create a completely new website out of the old one (just content, layout and design will be new), but with modx. I know how to built it, but i do not understand how to install modx and building the new website without crashing the existing.
Can someone give me a little step by step (if possible as simple as you can, cause i'm really not so familiar to the topic) on where to install (some kind of subdirectory?!); and what i have to adjust in modx so while developing the old website can be used without some kind of crossing (or if possible, to install modx localy on a flashdrive and upload the website somehow when finished?).
And how, if the website is finished, to delete the old one (deinstall joomla,...) and get the new one to the root directory.
Ps. Sorry for my English, isn't the best... I am a German :)
Thanks :))
I you have access to the server management or some kind of control panel, I would suggest create a new subdomain, such as and install MODx there. I would also suggest using a separate database, evenou though that is not crucial as you can use the default modx_ prefix to easily tell one set of tables from the old joomla ones.
Once you are happy with the new site, either transfer it:
or just change the DNS of your server to point the main domain to the new subdirectory. That would depend on your hosting prvider.

Local file link to shared dropbox files

Since this is my first time posting a question on stackexchange, please excuse me if I've not included anything. Suggestions for a better post are very welcome!
I'm looking for a way to create a file:// link in e-mails with a specific purpose. In my company we're all using Macbooks with Outlook as our e-mail-client. As soon as a specific document is updated, I would like to be able to e-mail a colleague saying: "here is the to the file". My personal link would be: file:///Users/<MyUserName>/Dropbox/Filepath.ext. However, this does not evaluate correctly on my colleagues computer. I have made it to work with a manual username change, but I'm hoping that there is a way to automatically fill in the username of that person.
My Question:
How can I make the link in such a way that it will always refer to that user's specific user folder?
Resources explored
I've tried working with file://~/ but that always gives a 'can't find the document' error. I've tried googling it but Dropbox and other services only point towards URL-links or to their website. Stackexchange hasn't provided me with an answer so far (Internal links / ":file//" links is without answer). Searching for 'computer independent file links' haven't given me any solace either.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
not sure if this is what you want. You can check the dorpbox API and read a bit about it. But an easier way might be IFTTT, a free tool which launch triggers. So basically you need to create a folder in dropbox for each user and then use this tool to make triggers for each user. You can send an email and include the new dropbox link and as well you can program the IFTTT to send a file://Users//Dropbox/USER_DROPBOX_FOLDER/{{FILENAME}} whenever a file is placed in his folder.

URL in Joomla does not work

I have a live joomla website which i copied on my development server which has the URL "". The base site works but when i click on a link it fails. The link is generated right: but then the sites goes to
Can anybody fix me?
Check your configuration.php file in your root directory. This line should say:
public $live_site = '';
If it doesn't change it. With that said, that's not the only thing you need to worry about. Make sure you have followed the proper directions on copying over a site.
I also highly recommend using Akeeba backup. It is free and takes care of everything for you. Really the only way to go. Although a word of warning with Akeeba backup, make sure to follow the documentation carefully, it will save you tons of time.
