Handle skype message using Ruby - ruby

Is there any library that allows to handle Skype messages using Ruby?

Take a look at this: http://rubyforge.org/projects/skyperapper
If you are using JRuby http://skype.sourceforge.jp/ might be a better option
For the public API doc: http://developer.skype.com/accessories

You can use the RestClient gem and the tropo.com service to send and receive Skype IMs. See the documentation for their REST api here:
They're currently not charging for the service that sends/receives instant messages.

There are currently two ways of accessing the Skype network in a sanctioned manner. The first is the Skype Public API, which requires talking to the official Skype client running on a local machine. The other is SkypeKit which I am led to believe has a very restrictive agreement attached to it.
SkypeKit for ruby is available as a gem here.
The following is historical only; Skype no longer supports the Public API for their client. I have also been working on a Ruby wrapper around the Skype Public API. It's far from finished at the moment but supports Windows and Linux currently (OSX should be easy to implement as well, however I currently don't have a Mac) and allows you to connect and send commands to Skype manually. Long term the entire API will be wrapped.
In the interests of full disclosure, there seem to be a few other projects hanging around too, however they seem to only target a single platform and the ones I found seem to be abandonware at the moment.

libpurple have a plugin for Skype, but this is not easy to Setup.
Unfortunately, Skype protocol is closed & encripted, so there are no good libs out there.


What's the difference between opentok SDK's and the opentok REST API?

Apologies in advance for the seemingly naive question, I'm a hobbyist developer learning the ropes. I noticed the opentok REST API documentation deal mainly with command line stuff, whereas the SDKs (web/node SDKs for example) come packaged with class instances, methods, etc. So is one a reference for the other? How/when does one use the REST API instead of the SDKs?
Vonage Developer Advocate here.
Our server SDKs provide a language specific wrapper for our REST API. Both are focused on session & token generation and archiving. This logic is usually processed on the server side.
The client SDKs are different in that they provide capabilities for the front-end.

Facebook Like Chat Messenger/phonegap and its requirements

Please I need venerable expert contribution on this only:
1.) Am trying to get insight on how to build a Facebook like chat Messenger using Ajax,Jquery,html5 and Phonegap as a Wrapper(For cross multiple platform). Is this a good idea or
2.) For Chat application I want to use either Ejabbered Client with XMPP or Web sockets. The chat will be require to
periodically display typing status, instant notifications, Messaging sounds etc
Between this two technology Websocket and
Ejabbered/XMPP which one is the best in terms of performance, latency reduction,cpu and Bandwith consumption reduction and battery life
saver etc. Again between the Ejabbered Client/XMPP and Web Socket which of them is supported by phonegap.
3.) Does every hosting company supports Web sockets and Ejabbered Client/XMPP Server
4.) Please emphasize on the reason why one is prefered to the other.
I just did an IM application using Jabber (XMPP) in native android, (not in phonegap); and it works like a charm.
Is it a good idea? - well, if you are good and quick at phonegap, then go for it.
For a comparison, this post might help you. I know XMPP better, it is a well-done IM protocol with lots of awesome extensions. Furthermore, this sample XMPP app on Phonegap might also give you good insight, if not anything more.
Many choices. Rent a cloud server. Begin with a free version Amazon EC2 server.
For my Jabber IM app, I installed the opensource OpenFire IM server quite easily on an Amazon EC2 Server where I quite simply run a Linux machine. This is a step-by-step tutorial on how to install and run a Linux OS up in Amazon with one click!

Does Cloud Foundry support web sockets?

I have deployed the play framework 2.0's sample websock-chat app onto cloud foundry, but the part after you join the chatroom doesn't display anything. I wondered if this was a websocket support issue, because the app works fine locally.
Yes, CloudFloundry supports Websockets, thanks to its gorouter component.
Support is also available on the PWS instance, on wss: port 4443, see official documentation.
Answering my own question, it appears according to https://cloudfoundry.atlassian.net/browse/CF-45, that the answer is no.
Now with latest updates in CFv2 it has a support for websockets (see this line in the code of gorouter, which is responsible for redirecting requests to your apps). I've written a proof-of-concept app in Node.js (for complete example see my answer here) and it is working fine for my local CF deployment, so I expect it would work for other frameworks and languages also.
However it is not yet working on https://console.run.pivotal.io/, as I suppose because they are not updating deployment of CF with each commit. Also there are some issues with IE 10 and Firefox (which might be CF issues), but in Chrome it works as expected.
if its websockets , then I'll suggest you must go for Jelastic , its easy and reliable.

NSServerNotificationCenter and a Linux server

In one of my Mac apps, I have the need of having PUSH notifications. Instead of using some custom solution, I thought I might as well give NSServerNotificationCenter a try. Apple's docs mention a notificationconf command, which my Ubuntu server does not have. The docs also mention that NSServerNotificationCenter uses XMPP.
My question is basically this - I have ejabberd running on my server, could I just connect to that from my code? How would I post a notification to a user using this? I also need a way to let my NSServerNotificationCenter know my user's credentials - I presume I would do this using an NSTask and run notificationconf setpass hostname username.
Does anyone know how I should go about setting this up? I also need to find a way to create a new ejabberd user when a user is registered through PHP, but that should be no problem.
Then again, if this isn't possible too easily, is there another way of doing push notifications on the Mac with an Ubuntu server running the server part?
Thanks for any responses, this topic is seriously confusing me.
My experience with this class suggests that it is really only meant to communicate with an OS X Server (i.e. Mac running the server package/version of the OS) and only meant to do push notifications for Mail and iCal. Very limited!
But XMPP is definitely the way to do push notifications here! I suggest you check out the XMPPframework project from the Deusty guys. It's a Cocoa implementation of XMPP and should work nicely with ejabberd (though I use OpenFire).
There are also a handful of PHP-XMPP frameworks. Check out xmpphp on Google Code.
Lot's more information for other frameworks and languages here.

How to retrive email from MS Exchange server on Android

I’ve been googling for a couple of days now! I’m looking at a way of integrating simple mail functions into my android app. A few people have suggested looking at K9 which I have done. This is obviously a fully featured mail client and has far more functionality than I need. I wanted to know whether there was a way using Android API's to connect and retrieve mail?
Any responses greatly appreciated!
There are third party API called JWebServices / JWebDAV . As far as I know they both working on Android
Not really, afaik are no Android APIs you can use for this purpose. You could use the ActiveSync protocol to connect to the Exchange server and pull down the email messages you need.
