How to retrive email from MS Exchange server on Android - exchange-server

I’ve been googling for a couple of days now! I’m looking at a way of integrating simple mail functions into my android app. A few people have suggested looking at K9 which I have done. This is obviously a fully featured mail client and has far more functionality than I need. I wanted to know whether there was a way using Android API's to connect and retrieve mail?
Any responses greatly appreciated!

There are third party API called JWebServices / JWebDAV . As far as I know they both working on Android

Not really, afaik are no Android APIs you can use for this purpose. You could use the ActiveSync protocol to connect to the Exchange server and pull down the email messages you need.


How to add ms bot in kaizala

I am new to kaizala. Currently, the kaizala is not supported as a channel in ms bot. Just wondering if i can use the directline api but not sure on the kaizala part.
Please help/guide me on this, especially on the kaizala part what exactly I have to do to integrate ms bot with kaizala if somebody have tried this before.
There are a variety of adapters you can use as a reference for building a Kaizala adapter of your own. I don't know which SDK you are using, but if you check out the BotBuilder-Samples repo and navigate to the samples folder you will see examples of how to use some of the official adapters. Once you know what you are looking for you can navigate to the SDK repos (for ex: and find the adapter code.
Another source is the BotBuilder-Community repo which has examples of non-official adapters that you can also reference, organized by SDK.
All of these should provide an understanding of how to go about building what you need. I haven't researched Kaizala, at all, but if they provide APIs for connecting to and interacting with their service, then you will want to integrate that into the adapter.
Hope of help!

MS Botbuilder and SMS using

I'm developing chatbots on MS botbuilder SDK (4). My new client have requirement to create chatbot that is connected to SMS, I was using twilio earlier for that very well but they using, so I would like to know what are my options: as i get it botbuilder SDK dont have out of the box connection to this provider, but maybe I can use directline or other approach somehow?
Another option I see is don't use botbuilder and just develop c# web app using Bandwith API.
And in general I'm interested in how we can connect to custom platforms if it's not web-based?
In order to accomplish this, you have a few options. Here is a couple of possibilities. Hopefully, others can chime in with more options for you.
One option is to build what is referred to internally as a "connector". Essentially you need to translate what bot framework speaks activity into whatever speaks.
Another option is to build an adapter like this one for Alexa.

Migrate parse installation object to firebase

I have an app which uses Parse and I want to migrate it to Firebase. I was extended the parse installation objects to send customized push notifications. I'm wondering if I can migrate these parse installation objects to Firebase and use it from Firebase.
There is no cookie cutter click-though way to import an app that uses into Firebase. The products are too different for that.
There are however migration guides for developers looking to migrate their iOS and Android apps on the Firebase site:
There is also a repo with parse-migration-tools from Firebase:
Finally have a look at this question, where experienced developers chimed in already: How to migrate data from to Firebase
[Disclaimer: Former lead of Parse Push. Author of parse-migration-tools]
I'm a bit nervous that you're out of luck if you're referring to "installation Ids". Firebase supports iOS and Android. Android devices aren't going to be easy to port for a few reasons, though iOS can be done without too much work. Let's break it down by the push backend:
Most people who talk about "installation Ids" are talking about Parse's self-hosted push network (PPNS or Parse Push Notification Service). This is hosted at and will go away in January. There's nothing anyone can do to keep those devices connected. As an FYI you'll also realy want to update your apps to disable PPNS because it will likely drain your customers' battery when they have a background service repeatedly trying to connect to a URI that isn't going to exist anymore.
If you're using GCM directly, you're still out of luck actually. Parse uses a version of GCM that's too old to work with Firebase. I tried to help fix it, but we weren't able to upgrade to GCM v4 and keep the Parse design style. The new Firebase SDK makes it possible to fix the issue and keep the Parse design requirements, but I'm far too overextended to build this right now. If someone wants to grab a shovel, I'd be glad to explain the right design.
iOS will actually work. I intended to make this turnkey in parse-migration-tools but won't have time until the end of the year. Firebase Cloud Messaging has a batchImport API for importing iOS tokens. I also wrote support for batchImport in parse-migration-tools to help you import your devices (and other data) faster. If I were migrating Parse Push from iOS, I would personally write a migration and bulkImport function that used batchImport to create GCM tokens and subscribed Parse Channels as FCM topics (note the batchAdd method; it may help you more efficiently do your initial import).
This should do the trick:
You can just importat all of the existing users device id's and FireBase will generate unique id's for them.

Building a web application to access Gmail

I am trying to build a web application which essentially traces all my subscriptions in my gmail account, something very similar to here. But I have no clue how to get started with the development process. Could someone suggest what tools / technology stack I need to be familiar to be able to implement something like this.
One possible case that I could think of was google app script but I want this more like a web app that I can share with people.
Thanks for the help in advance.
Google offer an API for developers that want to interact with Gmail.
Here you can learn how to integrate your app with Gmail.
They offer an SDK like library called Gmail Google Client Library in the following languages:
JAVA, .NET and Python

Can Connect to 3G Modem via GSMComm but cannot see any SMS

I'm trying to write an application that receives SMS messages into the app I'm developing (in C# if you care :). Research indicates the best bet is to use GSMComm library.
I've downloaded the library and using the demo app I have managed to connect to the 3g modem (a Huawei E1756) but when I query it for SMS's received it comes back with 0.
Interestingly if I use the software that comes with the application then I can see the messages.
Anyone got any clues on why this would be? Or other tips on how to retrieve the messages?
Depending on how the modem is setup, messages can be stored on either the SIM card or in phone memory.
I would check that the demo app is looking in both places for old messages.
I use gammu's smsd which can write to a database which you can then use your c# with.
it is supports a wide array of phones and modems including many Huawei models
It runs on windows and linux and has worked well for me.
the database has a simple inbox and outbox tables that you can use.
Try Clickatell to get an idea
