How to open a website hosted in MAMP on the Mac? - macos

I've installed MAMP on my Mac. Then, I put my website into the htdocs folder of MAMP. I started the Server. But how can I launch the website in Safari now? What's the URL to the website, when it's named "testsite" for example?

If it is named "testsite.html" then it will be at
Good luck with the MAMP fun that should ensue!

Have you tried localhost:8888? See Installing MAMP for more details.

click on the "open webstart page" then click on mywebsite on
mywebsite on the page.


Laragon Showing IIS Welcome Page Only

I've installed the latest laragon in windows 10, recently it was working but now it is only showing the IIS Welcome Page in all of my websites even if I created a new one for example a wordpress template and go to right click Laragon > www > test > this create a http://test.test/ but showing the IIS Welcome Page. Did I misconfigured something? It was working yesterday, and I'm new to Laragon.
It seems someone is using port 80, I've changed port and now works.

Activate downloaded Magento Tempelate in Localhost (xamp server)

i have downloaded theme in Magento CMS and now i want to preview this theme in Localhost xampp server. for that i have installed magento on local server.
but i dont know how to preview downloaded theme in xampp server.
i have copied app,js,media and skin folder to the folder in magento installation directory but nothing made. please tell me how i can solve this..
View page source to the admin page that you are looking for and view whether setup.js inside js/mage/adminhtml/wysiwyg/tinymice/ is loaded or not. This js file loads your wysiwyg editor on admin page.
This normally occurs due to mismatch on code. So, you can copy core magento js folder from fresh magento installation and overwrite to your working site.
Try once !!

XAMPP does not update

I got a problem. My XAMPP Server does not update the files. It keeps showing me the 'Welcome to XAMPP' webpage which is not even in the htdocs directory anymore. I've tried different devices and it keeps showing me the default page. No errors or something. I hope anyone could help me. Thanks in advance.
Got it working. Thanks to Carcigenicate. For some reason I installed XAMPP twice, and when I opened the htdocs folder via XAMPP it took the wrong one. If anybody got this problem check for double installs.

"object not found" after install xampp

I have installed xampp and start in xampp control panel.when run my localhost, http://localhost/phpmyadmin in browser,
it displays like "object not found", I referenced in stackoverflow site related to this post, and i followed but it didn't help.
Can anyone help me?
Thank you!!
Open the XAMPP Control Panel and start the Apache Service like the below given screen
Here is the full tutorial on XAMPP Installation
Wikihow tutorial -

Start firefox extension using folder

I'm new to Firefox extension development. I have gone through some basic tutorial. When I do as shown in the tutorial by placing the folder into profile folder/extensions folder, or in profile folder it made no change in the extension installation after restart.
Then, I have gone through this tutorial as well. I tried using the pointer object also. This also not working for me.
Firefox version I'm using is 14.0.1,
And When I try to install ESPN Crickinfo (you could be able find extension on-line) extension, It also not working. I couldn't open the options page of this extension even.
Any suggestions on this problem???
Try using a fresh profile
