Is it possible to hook the copy and paste of Windows Phone Designer and change its behavior? - visual-studio

I like the windows phone 7 designer but the copy and paste of textbox is irritating. It just keep paste the textbox at the very top. It would be much more productive that it paste below the previous textbox.
So would it be possible to change this behavior by hooking this with some IDE API ?

If you are using the visual designer, rather than using copy and paste, you can drag a new control from the toolbox and drop it precisely where on the form you want it.
The IDE isn't arbitrarily dropping the control at the top of the screen, it places it at 0,0. You could argue that this is as good a place to put it as any. In a true copy and paste, the physical location should be exactly the same but that would be confusing.
I would expect it to be quite uncommon to place one textbox directly under another without a textblock or somethign else in between. In any case it would be necessary to change the position from where it was copied. At least with the current behaviour you'll always know where the new control is.

Not sure about hooking into the IDE, but you might find it easier to just use Blend for the UI aspects. For example, if you have a vertical stackpanel, you can copy and paste and have each control appear below each other in the correct position.


How to rename controls rapidly in Visual Studio 2010?

I´m looking for a way to rename a bunch of controls, which is the fastest way?
Also, is it possible to change the name prefix of the controls to a custom one like so:
| Properties |
(Name) | TextBox1
(Name) | txt1
as default name when inserting the controls on a form?
I think the answer to #2 is "no," that is not possible.
As to a fast way to rename controls, you can go into the text view of the form designer and do an incremental search to move from name to name, so you don't have to click each control and then go back to the property grid.
A bit more intuitive would be to use the Document Outline pane. This is a much faster way to move from control to control and you can rename them in-place instead of going to the property grid. It also has the advantage that you can see by the selection indicator in the designer which control you have selected in the document outline and vice versa.
By default, navigate to View -> Other Windows -> Document Outline.
Here is a screenshot. I know you are using VS2010 and this is VS2012, but it works the same way:
"Replace in Files" which can be found by shift+ctrl+H would be the easiest way to rename all "TextBox" to "txt".
As for the second point, you could either hand-code the controls to use your prefix or write some kind of Visual Studio add-in that would do the translation for you would be the approach I'd take.

VS2012 Text Editor Width

Is it possible to change the width of the text editor in VS2012 - I've got a fairly wide screen and use fairly small text so I end up with a lot wasted real-estate in the middle of my screen.
I don't want to turn off word wrap - I just want the wrap to start further right on the line. If that makes sense!?
You can set this with HTML in Visual Studio 2012 but there is no global setting and it's missing in quite a few languages.
You can just put another "dummy" window next to the one you are writing in, so the actual editor window will be smaller. You can put it on the left if you want to pan the text to the right, and to the right if you want to shorten the lines.
I actually found the answer elsewhere; VS doesn't appear to provide this functionality but Resharper does. Resharper -> Options -> Code Editing -> C# -> Formatting Style -> Line Breaks and Wrapping -> Right margin (columns)
I put mine to 200 which fixed the issue
I know that this is not what you are looking for, but I believe it solves the same problem. I too have a fairly large screen and try to make use of it as optimally as possible.
I hate tabbing between code or design tabs and try to avoid that as much as possible.
VS has a feature that permits the user to create Horizontal or Vertical Tab groups and ever since I have started using it, I have found it very helpful. These options are present in the context menu by right clicking the tab or in the VS Window Menu (Menus are seen only if the tab groups feature is not active).
I have created a screenshot with Vertical Tab Groups created as shown below. In this example, I have a overview of both the designer and the code view at the same time.
We can use tab groups whenever there is a dependency such as comparing code, redesigning a module, etc. I know it takes a little time to get used to this feature but try it out and see :)

Can I add my own code snippets to xcode 4?

It'd be really handy to have collection KVC accessor snippets in xcode, as they're a pain to do by hand. Has anyone who's been using 4 for a while worked out how to add new ones?
(...we're allowed to talk about it now, right?)
Yes, it's quite easy - you just highlight text you want to use as a snippet and drag it into the snippets area (dragging selected text can be difficult, I find it works better if you drag from the left edge of the editor). It brings up a dialog box asking you to name it.
Also, you can have custom parameters in snippets - if you put the text <#paramName#> anywhere in the code you are dragging, when you use the snippet it will come up as a replaceable parameter that you can tab between just like in the official Snippets.
Also make sure to set a completion prefix, which makes it shorter to activate the snippet as you are typing. The nice thing about using Snippets over other solutions like global system text expanders, is that snippets can also be limited to being valid in a certain area of code - so for example a snippet that filled out a string formatting line can be marked as valid only within a block, not outside a method. That way the completion prefix only hits in areas where it's valid to use.
You can edit a snippet by clicking once on it, a box will come up with the snippet text and some other snippet settings you can edit.
A tip to help you drag the code every time, select text then click + hold (do not move mouse) until mouse pointer changes from "I" to pointer. You'll then be able to drag the selected text to the Code Snippet Library.
Drag the highlighted code to the Snippet library. (It can be stubborn and not want to drag. Holding the mouse button down for a moment before dragging seems to help.)
You can use Snippets to manage code snippets in Xcode. Check out this demo
Simply select the code, the press ALT key and drag it into the code snippets library and rename it there, Make sure to press the ALT key, other than this you won'n be able to drag it.

Are these NotePad++ features available in TextMate?

I'm a NotePad++ user, new to TextMate.
There are some features that I really like in NP++ but couldn't figure out if TextMate support them.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
View 2 text windows side by side
Drag a file onto another opened Window
For this one, I don't know how to generate a screenshot ;-p. Basically, you can drag a file from Windows Explorer and drop it into NP++ to have it opened.
A lot of long time TextMate users are leaving TextMate land, actually. So, I'm not sure it's the right time to move to TextMate.
Emacs and Vim both do what you want and more. If you can afford the learning curve it's definitely worth it.
As for your question:
View 2 text windows side by side
You can have two or more windows for the same document. Assuming you are in a "project" right-click your file in the drawer and choose Open "foo.ext" in New Window. The two "views" contents are more or less in sync but doing cool things like columnar editing tends to break the syncing.
Due to how Mac OS X manages windows, the new window will probably be too large/too small and/or placed in a less than useful place. I use ShiftIt system wide to manage my windows and in such a case have them the same size side by side.
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
What do you use this for? Is this visual highlight or non-contiguous selection?
Type ctrlw to select the word, then ⌘e to make the word your search term, then ⇧⌘f or Edit > Find > Find in Project… It will show all instances of the search term in another window. You can then "jump" to any occurence and do whatever you want.
If you only want to jump from occurence to occurence, select the word then type ⌘e then ⌘g to jump to the next occurence.
Another way is to type ctrls, a little text field appears at the bottom of your window where you can type a word and see its first occurence selected in real time. Repeatly typing ctrls will cycle through the occurences.
Drag a file onto another opened Window
You can drag & drop a file on TextMate's icon in the Dock. You can also right-click the file and choose Open with TextMate *or Open with…*. If you are in a "project" you can right-click and choose Add Existing Files…. Opening multiple files in TextMate will automatically create a "project" for you.
View 2 text windows side by side
I just tried this and it doesn't seem to recognize this functionality. the only time any sort of "add" icon came up was when I dragged the file into an open document and then released, but that resulted in adding the contents of the file into the document.
I just did a quick google search for "textmate split view" and it still doesn't seem to be supported according to some of the answers i found (one from macromates wiki).
Double click on a variable and have all instances highlighted
This also doesn't seem to be supported. This post suggests using the command + f (find), put the word into find, then command + g to jump to the next instance of that word.
There are definitely some things that can be added to textmate to make it more robust. If you are looking for something similar and are on a windows machine, you should check out e text editor. I loved that editor when I was working on a windows machine - split view is supported, but not sure about the highlighting. One thing that e also beats out textmate is the real time regular expression highlighting.

Reuse Edit Control as Command Window

This is a GUI application (actually MFC). I need a command window with the ability to display a prompt like such:
Name of favorite porn star:
The user should be able to enter text after the prompt like such:
Name of favorite porn star: Raven Riley
But I need to prevent the user from moving the cursor into the prompt area. Users should also be prevented from backspacing into the prompt in order to prevent the following:
Rrraven Rrrileeey Ruuuulez!!! Name of favorite porn star:
Also need to control text selection and so on. And finally, I should have no problem retrieving only the text the user entered (minus prompt text).
Will it be better to create my own window class from scratch (i.e inherit from CWnd) or should I reuse the Windows EDIT control (i.e. inherit from CEdit)?
A similar command window can be seen in AutoCAD and Visual Studio (in debug mode).
I think you'd be better off creating a subclass of CEdit and limiting filtering key-presses. I suppose the hard part is not letting the user move the caret to the prompt area, but you can probably write some code to make sure the caret always get sent back to where it belongs (the input part).
Anyway, if you really, really want to implement your own control (it's not that difficult after all) I recommend you read Jacob Navia's "technical documentation" on how he built the LCC compiler and environment. Actually, it seems the docs are not online anymore, but I'm sure you can get them through his e-mail (
Edit: I liked your previous example better. Keep it classy, LOL :)
I had a very similar requirement and did exactly what davidg suggested; subclassed a edit control and filtered key presses. This was actually using Qt not MFC but the principle will be exactly the same.
You need to remember to filter keys such as home as well as left and backspace. I just checked to see if the move would move the caret into the prompt and if it did ignored the keypress.
Another thing to watch for is pasting multiline text, you will have to choose whether to just paste the first line or all lines, adding the prompt on all lines after the first. When subclassing the control you get lots of behaviour which won't work exactly as you want it.
