Visual Studio 2010: How can I build a project and not its dependencies? - visual-studio-2010

I want to be able to build a web project and not its dependencies since I know that I have not modified any of the dependencies since the last build. I am looking to cut down the build time if possible. Is there a way to do this?

You could have a solution by
check the setting in Tools >> Options >> Projects and Solutions >>
Build and Run setting : Only build startup projects and dependencies on Run.
If you want to go for sophistication then :
build >> Configuration Manager
from the "Active solution configuration:" dropdown select ""
give a name to your configuration and keep checked the "Create new project configurations" checkbox.
and then choose that config that you want and set the build or not check boxes.

To accomplish this in something I am working on, I created my own solution, added the projects I needed (including the projects I never wanted compiled), and then in the Configuration Manager turned off the check boxes for building the projects I didn't want to build, just as arora described above.
I've also made a copy of an existing solution (that had 16 components in it), saved it under new name (foo.sln -> foo.mine.sln), and then disabled the build of all the other sub-projects except the one(s) I am working on, that way I know for sure that I got the correct build settings.
It's not the simplest solution, but it works well for me, and takes less than 2 minutes to set up and is easy to understand. I normally add the new solution to the version control ignore list so that it never gets checked in.

Rather than project references you can just add the references to the dlls directly (the Add Reference dialog has tabs for these types, choose browse rather than project and remove the other projects from your solution). I typically create a full lib and web project solution for major development. Then just a solution for the website project for fixes where I don't need updated libs/dlls.
Although it is nice to have them autocompile if they have changed during heavy development. If they haven't changed it just refreshes them and recopies them to the bin folder.

Well one way would be to remove project references. Instead stick to dll references. You could use a post build script for dependent projects that copy the updated dll to the web project whenever they change.


Is it possible to change the configuration of visual studio according to the startup project?

I am having one solution with multiple projects.
I am basically creating building blocks to build more complicated projects later on. These projects are sometimes dependent on one another, thought I am trying to keep it losely coupled.
It is sometimes necessary to debug one of the projects to test whether certain functions actually behave the way they should. ( I am going to create test projects for each individual project in the future. ).
Since they are all .lib files, everytime I make a certain project the startup project to test it, I need to switch the configuration properties to create a .exe file otherwise it wont run.
Is there a way to change the configuration of your projects based on what project is the startup project? So that I can instantly run this instead of manually changing the properties everytime I take a differnt startup project.
Your plan won't work the way you want. But I suppose you could add an extra project that can load the correct lib file and launch it. Then in the debug settings of each lib project specify that debugging will launch your extra project with the path to the lib to load as an argument.
It will require a small custom project, but will make your life easier. It'll look something like this in the debug settings:

Possible to store build configuration in a file other than solution file?

I work with a solution that has a lot of projects in it. I created a new build configuration to speed up working with it.
To speed up compiling, I set most of the projects not to build in my new build configuration.
To speed up debugging, I set most of the projects to build for release in my new build configuration.
This is great, until I have to check in a change to the project file, or get the latest from someone else's changes to the project file. It is painful to merge the changes, or shelve and unshelve them constantly.
Is it possible to store my build configuration in a separate file? Ideas for workarounds welcome.
To answer the question directly: no you cannot store your config in a seperate file. Unless that seperate files is also a solution file of course. But there are some workarounds, all stored locally on your machine (too long for a comment so I'm posting an answer anyway):
I set most of the projects not to build in my new build configuration
just build them once, then unload the projects so they will not be built again. These settings are stored in the .suo file.
if you insist on keeping a seperate build configuration: ask the team if it's ok to push it into the source control, maybe others can benefit from it as well?
or write a script to transfrom the original solution file into one having our build config. That can be as simple as applying a patch, which you should keep up-to-date
To speed up debugging, I set most of the projects to build for release
write a script to delete the pdb files of those projects
for C++: add all namespaces of those projects to the natstepfilter file

Validate C# project file against a template during build

I know that you can create a template project to ensure that certain required settings (for ex: code analysis, treat warnings as errors, platforms, etc.) are set in a new project.
I want to enforce this as a part of the CI process i.e. in the build I want to validate the C# project files against a template (or an XML file) and cause a build failure if the project files don't conform to it. I need suggestions and ideas on how this can be achieved.
I want to try this with TFS 2010 and VS 2010.
I am writing a custom task to search for all the C# project files and compare the Xml structure of the Template project file with the Actual project file and report any difference as error.
I usually tackle this by customizing my build process to run Code Analysis/StyleCop/etc against all projects regardless of project settings.
Likewise for Treat Warnings as Errors. I just override the proejct settings at the build-level so that no matter what people do to the projects I know that everything I want to run is being run at build time.

How should I manage dependencies across projects in an Xcode workspace?

I'm working on an iOS app project, and add the json-framework project to the workspace. The project navigator on the left shows both projects, and the build scheme selector shows the schemes from both projects too. Now I want to add the libjson.a target from the json-framework project as a dependency on the iOS app target in the other project. The expected result is that whenever the app target is built, it builds (if necessary) the library target and links the app target against it. Here are the ways I've tried to do this:
Build both as part of the same scheme. The way I try this is to edit the scheme for my app, adding 'libjson.a' to the 'Build' portion of the scheme, and by the way "Find Implicit Dependencies" is checked. Then I go to the target editor for my app target, and in "Build Phases"->"Link Binary With Libraries", I choose 'libjson.a' from the list of workspace libraries.
When I subsequently try to build the scheme, I see it build the library target, but building the app target fails with linker error "Library not found for -ljson" - suggesting that it hasn't actually discovered that the library has been built. Indeed in the project navigator, the entry under the app project for the library is still red indicating that the file doesn't exist.
Add the json target as an explicit dependency. To try this, I don't modify the build scheme, but go to the target editor for my app target and click the add button under 'Target Dependencies'. No targets from other projects in the workspace show up, so this is a non-starter.
Drag the JSON project into the other project, then add the target as a dependency. This is what I would have done in Xcode 3. In the project navigator, I grab the library project and drag it over the app project. This brings up the usual 'add files' pane, which I just dismiss by clicking 'Finish'.
There are now two entries for the library project in the project navigator: one at the top level, and one under the app project. I can now add the library target as a dependency of the app target using the target editor, and can link against it without error in the link libraries phase. But it looks broken: there are multiple entries for the same project in the navigator. Is there a different way to do this?
What should be considered the "Xcode 4-ish" way of connecting these targets in different projects in the same workspace? It would seem lacking if multiple projects in the same workspace can't actually interact with each other.
I’ve just set a test project up, pretty much as you describe in version 3, by creating a new workspace and dragging the two Xcode project into it, nested as shown.
You can delete the sibling project if you have it already.
Hitting build on this and it just works, as far as I can see.
I imagine there is internal path-confusion if you have two projects, and I’d be inclined to fiddle with location settings in "View"->"Utilities"->"File Inspector" and see what effect that has.
Another thing to try is to set your paths up in Xcode "Preferences…"->"Source Trees" and refer to them that way, as described here: Easy, Modular Code Sharing Across iPhone Apps: Static Libraries and Cross-Project References
HTH. Andy W.
I managed to get dependencies between projects in a workspace to work as I described here:
Unfortunately I can't find a way to get Xcode to discover implicit dependencies or index everything in the build as advertised. I found workaround to both but I'm hoping that less manual configuration will be needed as Xcode 4 matures.
I was going to ask the same question, thinking that my own solution couldn't be right. But I don't see it mentioned here, and it does seem to work. Clearly XCode 4 is a work in progress. :)
I have a workspace with two projects: a static library and an app which uses the library. The projects are siblings. Each project has its own scheme, and each scheme is set to only build one target. In other words, I added two projects to the workspace and that's it.
To add the static library as a dependency of the app, I just drag the libsomething.a product from the library project (Project Navigator) into the "Link Binary with Libraries" list for the app target. That's it. Now when I build the app the library project is built first and then linked. Interestingly, when I modify the app's scheme to use a different configuration (eg, Release instead of Debug), the library is built using the same configuration.
So it works, and there is clearly some automatic dependency checking going on here. But it feels wrong. Then again, so does the modal scheme editor/manager and lack of a workspace object in the project navigator... I never thought I'd say it, but the Visual Studio UI (bleh) is a lot clearer.
My bullet-proof solution to do this :
Create "Per Debug-Release / Per Architecture" settings in Build Settings in the Main project (not the lib), to include either
depending on the configuration (you can create those kind of configuration by clicking on the + next to Debug or Release and choose either "Any iOS Simulator SDK" or "any iOS SDK".
You need to do that for both "Header Search Path" (in case your library copy some headers files, which is more than likely) AND for "Library Search Paths". Which means that for each setting, you'll probably end-up with 4 different paths (debug sim , debug ios, release sim, release ios).
That would make sure the configuration of both projects match.
Now, to auto-compile the lib, that is to create the dependency, you can use the "Build Phase -> Link to Binary With Libraries -> + -> select the .a file" advice given above.
That's the only way I managed to have something that builds and link correctly for every environment on xcode 4.5
Note : I even added the -lmyLib flag in "other linker flags", but i'm not sure that's really necessary
I've had some success with creating framework-like static libraries, though it's not a perfect solution.
I see the next variants:
Explicit dependency in a project[About]
Implicit dependency in a workspace[About]
See the Xcode user guide: Xcode Concepts -> Xcode workspace under 'Projects in a Workspace Share a Build Directory'.
All projects in a single workspace share a build directory. Dependencies are discovered automatically and build if needed:
"Xcode examines the files in the build directory to discover implicit dependencies. For example, if one project included in a workspace builds a library that is linked against by another project in the same workspace, Xcode automatically builds the library before building the other project, even if the build configuration does not make this dependency explicit. You can override such implicit dependencies with explicit build settings if necessary. For explicit dependencies, you must create project references."

What is the best practice for sharing a Visual Studio Project (assembly) among solutions

Suppose I have a project "MyFramework" that has some code, which is used across quite a few solutions. Each solution has its own source control management (SVN).
MyFramework is an internal product and doesn't have a formal release schedule, and same goes for the solutions.
I'd prefer not having to build and copy the DLLs to all 12 projects, i.e. new developers should to be able to just do a svn-checkout, and get to work.
What is the best way to share MyFramework across all these solutions?
Since you mention SVN, you could use externals to "import" the framework project into the working copy of each solution that uses it. This would lead to a layout like this:
<MyFramework files>
<ProjectA1 files>
MyFramework <-- this is a svn:externals definition to "import" MyFramework
<MyFramework files>
With this solution, you have the source code of MyFramework available in each solution that uses it. The advantage is, that you can change the source code of MyFramework from within each of these solutions (without having to switch to a different project).
BUT: at the same time this is also a huge disadvantage, since it makes it very easy to break MyFramwork for some solutions when modifiying it for another.
For this reason, I have recently dropped that approach and am now treating our framework projects as a completely separate solution/product (with their own release-schedule). All other solutions then include a specific version of the binaries of the framework projects.
This ensures that a change made to the framework libraries does not break any solution that is reusing a library. For each solution, I can now decide when I want to update to a newer version of the framework libraries.
That sounds like a disaster... how do you cope with developers undoing/breaking the work of others...
If I were you, I'd put MyFrameWork in a completely seperate solution. When a developer wants to develop one of the 12 projects, he opens that project solution in one IDE & opens MyFrameWork in a seperate IDE.
If you strong name your MyFramework Assemby & GAC it, and reference it in your other projects, then the "Copying DLLs" won't be an issue.
You just Build MyFrameWork (and a PostBuild event can run GacUtil to put it in the asssembly cache) and then Build your other Project.
The "best way" will depend on your environment. I worked in a TFS-based, continuous integration environment, where the nightly build deployed the binaries to a share. All the dependent projects referred to the share. When this got slow, I built some tools to permit developers to have a local copy of the shared binaries, without changing the project files.
Does work in any of the 12 solutions regularly require changes to the "framework" code?
If so your framework is probably new and just being created, so I'd just include the framework project in all of the solutions. After all, if work dictates that you have to change the framework code, it should be easy to do so.
Since changes in the framework made from one solution will affect all the other solutions, breaks will happen, and you will have to deal with them.
Once you rarely have to change the framework as you work in the solutions (this should be your goal) then I'd include a reference to a framework dll instead, and update the dll in each solution only as needed.
svn:externals will take care of this nicely if you follow a few rules.
First, it's safer if you use relative URIs (starting with a ^ character) for svn:externals definitions and put the projects in the same repository if possible. This way the definitions will remain valid even if the subversion server is moved to a new URL.
Second, make sure you follow the following hint from the SVN book. Use PEG-REVs in your svn:externals definitions to avoid random breakage and unstable tags:
You should seriously consider using
explicit revision numbers in all of
your externals definitions. Doing so
means that you get to decide when to
pull down a different snapshot of
external information, and exactly
which snapshot to pull. Besides
avoiding the surprise of getting
changes to third-party repositories
that you might not have any control
over, using explicit revision numbers
also means that as you backdate your
working copy to a previous revision,
your externals definitions will also
revert to the way they looked in that
previous revision ...
I agree with another poster - that sounds like trouble. But if you can't want to do it the "right way" I can think of two other ways to do it. We used something similar to number 1 below. (for native C++ app)
a script or batch file or other process that is run that does a get and a build of the dependency. (just once) This is built/executed only if there are no changes in the repo. You will need to know what tag/branch/version to get. You can use a bat file as a prebuild step in your project files.
Keep the binaries in the repo (not a good idea). Even in this case the dependent projects have to do a get and have to know about what version to get.
Eventually what we tried to do for our project(s) was mimic how we use and refer to 3rd party libraries.
What you can do is create a release package for the dependency that sets up a path env variable to itself. I would allow multiple versions of it to exist on the machine and then the dependent projects link/reference specific versions.
Something like
$(PROJ_A_ROOT) = c:\mystuff\libraryA
and then reference the version you want in the dependent solutions either by specific name, or using the version env var.
Not pretty, but it works.
A scalable solution is to do svn-external on the solution directory so that your imported projects appear parallel to your other projects. Reasons for this are given below.
Using a separate sub-directory for "imported" projects, e.g. externals, via svn-external seems like a good idea until you have non-trivial dependencies between projects. For example, suppose project A depends on project on project B, and project B on project C. If you then have a solution S with project A, you'll end up with the following directory structure:
| \---A.csproj
+---B <--- A's dependency
| \---B.csproj
\---C <--- B's dependency
Using this technique, you may even end up having multiple copies of a single project in your tree. This is clearly not what you want.
Furthermore, if your projects use NuGet dependencies, they normally get loaded within packages top-level directory. This means that NuGet references of projects within externals sub-directory will be broken.
Also, if you use Git in addition to SVN, a recommended way of tracking changes is to have a separate Git repository for each project, and then a separate Git repository for the solution that uses git submodule for the projects within. If a Git submodule is not an immediate sub-directory of the parent module, then Git submodule command will make a clone that is an immediate sub-directory.
Another benefit of having all projects on the same layer is that you can then create a "super-solution", which contains projects from all of your solutions (tracked via Git or svn-external), which in turn allows you to check with a single Solution-rebuild that any change you made to a single project is consistent with all other projects.
| \---A.csproj
+---B <--- A's dependency
| \---B.csproj
\---C <--- B's dependency
