Meaning of average complexity when using Big-O notation - algorithm

While answering to this question a debate began in comments about complexity of QuickSort. What I remember from my university time is that QuickSort is O(n^2) in worst case, O(n log(n)) in average case and O(n log(n)) (but with tighter bound) in best case.
What I need is a correct mathematical explanation of the meaning of average complexity to explain clearly what it is about to someone who believe the big-O notation can only be used for worst-case.
What I remember if that to define average complexity you should consider complexity of algorithm for all possible inputs, count how many degenerating and normal cases. If the number of degenerating cases divided by n tend towards 0 when n get big, then you can speak of average complexity of the overall function for normal cases.
Is this definition right or is definition of average complexity different ? And if it's correct can someone state it more rigorously than I ?

You're right.
Big O (big Theta etc.) is used to measure functions. When you write f=O(g) it doesn't matter what f and g mean. They could be average time complexity, worst time complexity, space complexities, denote distribution of primes etc.
Worst-case complexity is a function that takes size n, and tells you what is maximum number of steps of an algorithm given input of size n.
Average-case complexity is a function that takes size n, and tells you what is expected number of steps of an algorithm given input of size n.
As you see worst-case and average-case complexity are functions, so you can use big O to express their growth.

If you're looking for a formal definition, then:
Average complexity is the expected running time for a random input.

Let's refer Big O Notation in Wikipedia:
Let f and g be two functions defined on some subset of the real numbers. One writes f(x)=O(g(x)) as x --> infinity if ...
So what the premise of the definition states is that the function f should take a number as an input and yield a number as an output. What input number are we talking about? It's supposedly a number of elements in the sequence to be sorted. What output number could we be talking about? It could be a number of operations done to order the sequence. But stop. What is a function? Function in Wikipedia:
a function is a relation between a set of inputs and a set of permissible outputs with the property that each input is related to exactly one output.
Are we producing exacly one output with our prior defition? No, we don't. For a given size of a sequence we can get a wide variation of number of operations. So to ensure the definition is applicable to our case we need to reduce a set possible outcomes (number of operations) to a single value. It can be a maximum ("the worse case"), a minimum ("the best case") or an average.
The conclusion is that talking about best/worst/average case is mathematically correct and using big O notation without those in context of sorting complexity is somewhat sloppy.
On the other hand, we could be more precise and use big Theta notation instead of big O notation.

I think your definition is correct, but your conclusions are wrong.
It's not necessarily true that if the proportion of "bad" cases tends to 0, then the average complexity is equal to the complexity of the "normal" cases.
For example, suppose that 1/(n^2) cases are "bad" and the rest "normal", and that "bad" cases take exactly (n^4) operations, whereas "normal" cases take exactly n operations.
Then the average number of operations required is equal to:
(n^4/n^2) + n(n^2-1)/(n^2)
This function is O(n^2), but not O(n).
In practice, though, you might find that time is polynomial in all cases, and the proportion of "bad" cases shrinks exponentially. That's when you'd ignore the bad cases in calculating an average.

Average case analysis does the following:
Take all inputs of a fixed length (say n), sum up all the running times of all instances of this length, and build the average.
The problem is you will probably have to enumerate all inputs of length n in order to come up with an average complexity.


Do problem constraints change the time complexity of algorithms?

Let's say that the algorithm involves iterating through a string character by character.
If I know for sure that the length of the string is less than, say, 15 characters, will the time complexity be O(1) or will it remain as O(n)?
There are two aspects to this question - the core of the question is, can problem constraints change the asymptotic complexity of an algorithm? The answer to that is yes. But then you give an example of a constraint (strings limited to 15 characters) where the answer is: the question doesn't make sense. A lot of the other answers here are misleading because they address only the second aspect but try to reach a conclusion about the first one.
Formally, the asymptotic complexity of an algorithm is measured by considering a set of inputs where the input sizes (i.e. what we call n) are unbounded. The reason n must be unbounded is because the definition of asymptotic complexity is a statement like "there is some n0 such that for all n ≥ n0, ...", so if the set doesn't contain any inputs of size n ≥ n0 then this statement is vacuous.
Since algorithms can have different running times depending on which inputs of each size we consider, we often distinguish between "average", "worst case" and "best case" time complexity. Take for example insertion sort:
In the average case, insertion sort has to compare the current element with half of the elements in the sorted portion of the array, so the algorithm does about n2/4 comparisons.
In the worst case, when the array is in descending order, insertion sort has to compare the current element with every element in the sorted portion (because it's less than all of them), so the algorithm does about n2/2 comparisons.
In the best case, when the array is in ascending order, insertion sort only has to compare the current element with the largest element in the sorted portion, so the algorithm does about n comparisons.
However, now suppose we add the constraint that the input array is always in ascending order except for its smallest element:
Now the average case does about 3n/2 comparisons,
The worst case does about 2n comparisons,
And the best case does about n comparisons.
Note that it's the same algorithm, insertion sort, but because we're considering a different set of inputs where the algorithm has different performance characteristics, we end up with a different time complexity for the average case because we're taking an average over a different set, and similarly we get a different time complexity for the worst case because we're choosing the worst inputs from a different set. Hence, yes, adding a problem constraint can change the time complexity even if the algorithm itself is not changed.
However, now let's consider your example of an algorithm which iterates over each character in a string, with the added constraint that the string's length is at most 15 characters. Here, it does not make sense to talk about the asymptotic complexity, because the input sizes n in your set are not unbounded. This particular set of inputs is not valid for doing such an analysis with.
In the mathematical sense, yes. Big-O notation describes the behavior of an algorithm in the limit, and if you have a fixed upper bound on the input size, that implies it has a maximum constant complexity.
That said, context is important. All computers have a realistic limit to the amount of input they can accept (a technical upper bound). Just because nothing in the world can store a yottabyte of data doesn't mean saying every algorithm is O(1) is useful! It's about applying the mathematics in a way that makes sense for the situation.
Here are two contexts for your example, one where it makes sense to call it O(1), and one where it does not.
"I decided I won't put strings of length more than 15 into my program, therefore it is O(1)". This is not a super useful interpretation of the runtime. The actual time is still strongly tied to the size of the string; a string of size 1 will run much faster than one of size 15 even if there is technically a constant bound. In other words, within the constraints of your problem there is still a strong correlation to n.
"My algorithm will process a list of n strings, each with maximum size 15". Here we have a different story; the runtime is dominated by having to run through the list! There's a point where n is so large that the time to process a single string doesn't change the correlation. Now it makes sense to consider the time to process a single string O(1), and therefore the time to process the whole list O(n)
That said, Big-O notation doesn't have to only use one variable! There are problems where upper bounds are intrinsic to the algorithm, but you wouldn't put a bound on the input arbitrarily. Instead, you can describe each dimension of your input as a different variable:
n = list length
s = maximum string length
=> O(n*s)
It depends.
If your algorithm's requirements would grow if larger inputs were provided, then the algorithmic complexity can (and should) be evaluated independently of the inputs. So iterating over all the elements of a list, array, string, etc., is O(n) in relation to the length of the input.
If your algorithm is tied to the limited input size, then that fact becomes part of your algorithmic complexity. For example, maybe your algorithm only iterates over the first 15 characters of the input string, regardless of how long it is. Or maybe your business case simply indicates that a larger input would be an indication of a bug in the calling code, so you opt to immediately exit with an error whenever the input size is larger than a fixed number. In those cases, the algorithm will have constant requirements as the input length tends toward very large numbers.
From Wikipedia
Big O notation is a mathematical notation that describes the limiting behavior of a function when the argument tends towards a particular value or infinity.
In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms according to how their run time or space requirements grow as the input size grows.
In practice, almost all inputs have limits: you cannot input a number larger than what's representable by the numeric type, or a string that's larger than the available memory space. So it would be silly to say that any limits change an algorithm's asymptotic complexity. You could, in theory, use 15 as your asymptote (or "particular value"), and therefore use Big-O notation to define how an algorithm grows as the input approaches that size. There are some algorithms with such terrible complexity (or some execution environments with limited-enough resources) that this would be meaningful.
But if your argument (string length) does not tend toward a large enough value for some aspect of your algorithm's complexity to define the growth of its resource requirements, it's arguably not appropriate to use asymptotic notation at all.
The time complexity of an algorithm is independent of program constraints. Here is (a simple) way of thinking about it:
Say your algorithm iterates over the string and appends all consonants to a list.
Now, for iteration time complexity is O(n). This means that the time taken will increase roughly in proportion to the increase in the length of the string. (Time itself though would vary depending on the time taken by the if statement and Branch Prediction)
The fact that you know that the string is between 1 and 15 characters long will not change how the program runs, it merely tells you what to expect.
For example, knowing that your values are going to be less than 65000 you could store them in a 16-bit integer and not worry about Integer overflow.
Do problem constraints change the time complexity of algorithms?
If I know for sure that the length of the string is less than, say, 15 characters ..."
We already know the length of the string is less than SIZE_MAX. Knowing an upper fixed bound for string length does not make the the time complexity O(1).
Time complexity remains O(n).
Big-O measures the complexity of algorithms, not of code. It means Big-O does not know the physical limitations of computers. A Big-O measure today will be the same in 1 million years when computers, and programmers alike, have evolved beyond recognition.
So restrictions imposed by today's computers are irrelevant for Big-O. Even though any loop is finite in code, that need not be the case in algorithmic terms. The loop may be finite or infinite. It is up to the programmer/Big-O analyst to decide. Only s/he knows which algorithm the code intends to implement. If the number of loop iterations is finite, the loop has a Big-O complexity of O(1) because there is no asymptotic growth with N. If, on the other hand, the number of loop iterations is infinite, the Big-O complexity is O(N) because there is an asymptotic growth with N.
The above is straight from the definition of Big-O complexity. There are no ifs or buts. The way the OP describes the loop makes it O(1).
A fundamental requirement of big-O notation is that parameters do not have an upper limit. Suppose performing an operation on N elements takes a time precisely equal to 3E24*N*N*N / (1E24+N*N*N) microseconds. For small values of N, the execution time would be proportional to N^3, but as N gets larger the N^3 term in the denominator would start to play an increasing role in the computation.
If N is 1, the time would be 3 microseconds.
If N is 1E3, the time would be about 3E33/1E24, i.e. 3.0E9.
If N is 1E6, the time would be about 3E42/1E24, i.e. 3.0E18
If N is 1E7, the time would be 3E45/1.001E24, i.e. ~2.997E21
If N is 1E8, the time would be about 3E48/2E24, i.e. 1.5E24
If N is 1E9, the time would be 3E51/1.001E27, i.e. ~2.997E24
If N is 1E10, the time would be about 3E54/1.000001E30, i.e. 2.999997E24
As N gets bigger, the time would continue to grow, but no matter how big N gets the time would always be less than 3.000E24 seconds. Thus, the time required for this algorithm would be O(1) because one could specify a constant k such that the time necessary to perform the computation with size N would be less than k.
For any practical value of N, the time required would be proportional to N^3, but from an O(N) standpoint the worst-case time requirement is constant. The fact that the time changes rapidly in response to small values of N is irrelevant to the "big picture" behaviour, which is what big-O notation measures.
It will be O(1) i.e. constant.
This is because for calculating time complexity or worst-case time complexity (to be precise), we think of the input as a huge chunk of data and the length of this data is assumed to be n.
Let us say, we do some maximum work C on each part of this input data, which we will consider as a constant.
In order to get the worst-case time complexity, we need to loop through each part of the input data i.e. we need to loop n times.
So, the time complexity will be:
n x C.
Since you fixed n to be less than 15 characters, n can also be assumed as a constant number.
Hence in this case:
n = constant and,
(maximum constant work done) = C = constant
So time complexity is n x C = constant x constant = constant i.e. O(1)
The reason why I have said n = constant and C = constant for this case, is because the time difference for doing calculations for smaller n will become so insignificant (compared to n being a very large number) for modern computers that we can assume it to be constant.
Otherwise, every function ever build will take some time, and we can't say things like:
lookup time is constant for hashmaps

Why big-Oh is not always a worst case analysis of an algorithm?

I am trying to learn analysis of algorithms and I am stuck with relation between asymptotic notation(big O...) and cases(best, worst and average).
I learn that the Big O notation defines an upper bound of an algorithm, i.e. it defines function can not grow more than its upper bound.
At first it sound to me as it calculates the worst case.
I google about(why worst case is not big O?) and got ample of answers which were not so simple to understand for beginner.
I concluded it as follows:
Big O is not always used to represent worst case analysis of algorithm because, suppose a algorithm which takes O(n) execution steps for best, average and worst input then it's best, average and worst case can be expressed as O(n).
Please tell me if I am correct or I am missing something as I don't have anyone to validate my understanding.
Please suggest a better example to understand why Big O is not always worst case.
First let us see what Big O formally means:
In computer science, big O notation is used to classify algorithms
according to how their running time or space requirements grow as the
input size grows.
This means that, Big O notation characterizes functions according to their growth rates: different functions with the same growth rate may be represented using the same O notation. Here, O means order of the function, and it only provides an upper bound on the growth rate of the function.
Now let us look at the rules of Big O:
If f(x) is a sum of several terms, if there is one with largest
growth rate, it can be kept, and all others omitted
If f(x) is a product of several factors, any constants (terms in the
product that do not depend on x) can be omitted.
f(x) = 6x^4 − 2x^3 + 5
Using the 1st rule we can write it as, f(x) = 6x^4
Using the 2nd rule it will give us, O(x^4)
What is Worst Case?
Worst case analysis gives the maximum number of basic operations that
have to be performed during execution of the algorithm. It assumes
that the input is in the worst possible state and maximum work has to
be done to put things right.
For example, for a sorting algorithm which aims to sort an array in ascending order, the worst case occurs when the input array is in descending order. In this case maximum number of basic operations (comparisons and assignments) have to be done to set the array in ascending order.
It depends on a lot of things like:
CPU (time) usage
memory usage
disk usage
network usage
What's the difference?
Big-O is often used to make statements about functions that measure the worst case behavior of an algorithm, but big-O notation doesn’t imply anything of the sort.
The important point here is we're talking in terms of growth, not number of operations. However, with algorithms we do talk about the number of operations relative to the input size.
Big-O is used for making statements about functions. The functions can measure time or space or cache misses or rabbits on an island or anything or nothing. Big-O notation doesn’t care.
In fact, when used for algorithms, big-O is almost never about time. It is about primitive operations.
When someone says that the time complexity of MergeSort is O(nlogn), they usually mean that the number of comparisons that MergeSort makes is O(nlogn). That in itself doesn’t tell us what the time complexity of any particular MergeSort might be because that would depend how much time it takes to make a comparison. In other words, the O(nlogn) refers to comparisons as the primitive operation.
The important point here is that when big-O is applied to algorithms, there is always an underlying model of computation. The claim that the time complexity of MergeSort is O(nlogn), is implicitly referencing an model of computation where a comparison takes constant time and everything else is free.
Example -
If we are sorting strings that are kk bytes long, we might take “read a byte” as a primitive operation that takes constant time with everything else being free.
In this model, MergeSort makes O(nlogn) string comparisons each of which makes O(k) byte comparisons, so the time complexity is O(k⋅nlogn). One common implementation of RadixSort will make k passes over the n strings with each pass reading one byte, and so has time complexity O(nk).
The two are not the same thing.  Worst-case analysis as other have said is identifying instances for which the algorithm takes the longest to complete (i.e., takes the most number of steps), then formulating a growth function using this.  One can analyze the worst-case time complexity using Big-Oh, or even other variants such as Big-Omega and Big-Theta (in fact, Big-Theta is usually what you want, though often Big-Oh is used for ease of comprehension by those not as much into theory).  One important detail and why worst-case analysis is useful is that the algorithm will run no slower than it does in the worst case.  Worst-case analysis is a method of analysis we use in analyzing algorithms.
Big-Oh itself is an asymptotic measure of a growth function; this can be totally independent as people can use Big-Oh to not even measure an algorithm's time complexity; its origins stem from Number Theory.  You are correct to say it is the asymptotic upper bound of a growth function; but the manner you prescribe and construct the growth function comes from your analysis.  The Big-Oh of a growth function itself means little to nothing without context as it only says something about the function you are analyzing.  Keep in mind there can be infinitely many algorithms that could be constructed that share the same time complexity (by the definition of Big-Oh, Big-Oh is a set of growth functions).
In short, worst-case analysis is how you build your growth function, Big-Oh notation is one method of analyzing said growth function.  Then, we can compare that result against other worst-case time complexities of competing algorithms for a given problem.  Worst-case analysis if done correctly yields the worst-case running time if done exactly (you can cut a lot of corners and still get the correct asymptotics if you use a barometer), and using this growth function yields the worst-case time complexity of the algorithm.  Big-Oh alone doesn't guarantee the worst-case time complexity as you had to make the growth function itself.  For instance, I could utilize Big-Oh notation for any other kind of analysis (e.g., best case, average case).  It really depends on what you're trying to capture.  For instance, Big-Omega is great for lower bounds.
Imagine a hypothetical algorithm that in best case only needs to do 1 step, in the worst case needs to do n2 steps, but in average (expected) case, only needs to do n steps. With n being the input size.
For each of these 3 cases you could calculate a function that describes the time complexity of this algorithm.
1 Best case has O(1) because the function f(x)=1 is really the highest we can go, but also the lowest we can go in this case, omega(1). Since Omega is equal to O (the upper bound and lower bound), we state that this function, in the best case, behaves like theta(1).
2 We could do the same analysis for the worst case and figure out that O(n2 ) = omega(n2 ) =theta(n2 ).
3 Same counts for the average case but with theta( n ).
So in theory you could determine 3 cases of an algorithm and for those 3 cases calculate the lower/upper/thight bounds. I hope this clears things up a bit.
Big O notation shows how an algorithm grows with respect to input size. It says nothing of which algorithm is faster because it doesn't account for constant set up time (which can dominate if you have small input sizes). So when you say
which takes O(n) execution steps
this almost doesn't mean anything. Big O doesn't say how many execution steps there are. There are C + O(n) steps (where C is a constant) and this algorithm grows at rate n depending on input size.
Big O can be used for best, worst, or average cases. Let's take sorting as an example. Bubble sort is a naive O(n^2) sorting algorithm, but when the list is sorted it takes O(n). Quicksort is often used for sorting (the GNU standard C library uses it with some modifications). It preforms at O(n log n), however this is only true if the pivot chosen splits the array in to two equal sized pieces (on average). In the worst case we get an empty array one side of the pivot and Quicksort performs at O(n^2).
As Big O shows how an algorithm grows with respect to size, you can look at any aspect of an algorithm. Its best case, average case, worst case in both time and/or memory usage. And it tells you how these grow when the input size grows - but it doesn't say which is faster.
If you deal with small sizes then Big O won't matter - but an analysis can tell you how things will go when your input sizes increase.
One example of where the worst case might not be the asymptotic limit: suppose you have an algorithm that works on the set difference between some set and the input. It might run in O(N) time, but get faster as the input gets larger and knocks more values out of the working set.
Or, to get more abstract, f(x) = 1/x for x > 0 is a decreasing O(1) function.
I'll focus on time as a fairly common item of interest, but Big-O can also be used to evaluate resource requirements such as memory. It's essential for you to realize that Big-O tells how the runtime or resource requirements of a problem scale (asymptotically) as the problem size increases. It does not give you a prediction of the actual time required. Predicting the actual runtimes would require us to know the constants and lower order terms in the prediction formula, which are dependent on the hardware, operating system, language, compiler, etc. Using Big-O allows us to discuss algorithm behaviors while sidestepping all of those dependencies.
Let's talk about how to interpret Big-O scalability using a few examples. If a problem is O(1), it takes the same amount of time regardless of the problem size. That may be a nanosecond or a thousand seconds, but in the limit doubling or tripling the size of the problem does not change the time. If a problem is O(n), then doubling or tripling the problem size will (asymptotically) double or triple the amounts of time required, respectively. If a problem is O(n^2), then doubling or tripling the problem size will (asymptotically) take 4 or 9 times as long, respectively. And so on...
Lots of algorithms have different performance for their best, average, or worst cases. Sorting provides some fairly straightforward examples of how best, average, and worst case analyses may differ.
I'll assume that you know how insertion sort works. In the worst case, the list could be reverse ordered, in which case each pass has to move the value currently being considered as far to the left as possible, for all items. That yields O(n^2) behavior. Doubling the list size will take four times as long. More likely, the list of inputs is in randomized order. In that case, on average each item has to move half the distance towards the front of the list. That's less than in the worst case, but only by a constant. It's still O(n^2), so sorting a randomized list that's twice as large as our first randomized list will quadruple the amount of time required, on average. It will be faster than the worst case (due to the constants involved), but it scales in the same way. The best case, however, is when the list is already sorted. In that case, you check each item to see if it needs to be slid towards the front, and immediately find the answer is "no," so after checking each of the n values you're done in O(n) time. Consequently, using insertion sort for an already ordered list that is twice the size only takes twice as long rather than four times as long.
You are right, in that you can say certainly say that an algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time in the best or average case. We do that all the time for, say, quicksort, which is O(N log N) on average, but only O(N^2) worst case.
Unless otherwise specified, however, when you say that an algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time, you are saying the algorithm runs in O(f(n)) time in the worst case. At least that's the way it should be. Sometimes people get sloppy, and you will often hear that a hash table is O(1) when in the worst case it is actually worse.
The other way in which a big O definition can fail to characterize the worst case is that it's an upper bound only. Any function in O(N) is also in O(N^2) and O(2^N), so we would be entirely correct to say that quicksort takes O(2^N) time. We just don't say that because it isn't useful to do so.
Big Theta and Big Omega are there to specify lower bounds and tight bounds respectively.
There are two "different" and most important tools:
the best, worst, and average-case complexity are for generating numerical function over the size of possible problem instances (e.g. f(x) = 2x^2 + 8x - 4) but it is very difficult to work precisely with these functions
big O notation extract the main point; "how efficient the algorithm is", it ignore a lot of non important things like constants and ... and give you a big picture

Can O(k * n) be considered as linear complexity (O(n))?

When talking about complexity in general, things like O(3n) tend to be simplified to O(n) and so on. This is merely theoretical, so how does complexity work in reality? Can O(3n) also be simplified to O(n)?
For example, if a task implies that solution must be in O(n) complexity and in our code we have 2 times linear search of an array, which is O(n) + O(n). So, in reality, would that solution be considered as linear complexity or not fast enough?
Note that this question is asking about real implementations, not theoretical. I'm already aware that O(n) + O(n) is simplified to O(n)?
Bear in mind that O(f(n)) does not give you the amount of real-world time that something takes: only the rate of growth as n grows. O(n) only indicates that if n doubles, the runtime doubles as well, which lumps functions together that take one second per iteration or one millennium per iteration.
For this reason, O(n) + O(n) and O(2n) are both equivalent to O(n), which is the set of functions of linear complexity, and which should be sufficient for your purposes.
Though an algorithm that takes arbitrary-sized inputs will often want the most optimal function as represented by O(f(n)), an algorithm that grows faster (e.g. O(n²)) may still be faster in practice, especially when the data set size n is limited or fixed in practice. However, learning to reason about O(f(n)) representations can help you compose algorithms to have a predictable—optimal for your use-case—upper bound.
Yes, as long as k is a constant, you can write O(kn) = O(n).
The intuition behind is that the constant k doesn't increase with the size of the input space and at some point will be incomparably small to n, so it doesn't have much influence on the overall complexity.
Yes - as long as the number k of array searches is not affected by the input size, even for inputs that are too big to be possible in practice, O(kn) = O(n). The main idea of the O notation is to emphasize how the computation time increases with the size of the input, and so constant factors that stay the same no matter how big the input is aren't of interest.
An example of an incorrect way to apply this is to say that you can perform selection sort in linear time because you can only fit about one billion numbers in memory, and so selection sort is merely one billion array searches. However, with an ideal computer with infinite memory, your algorithm would not be able to handle more than one billion numbers, and so it is not a correct sorting algorithm (algorithms must be able to handle arbitrarily large inputs unless you specify a limit as a part of the problem statement); it is merely a correct algorithm for sorting up to one billion numbers.
(As a matter of fact, once you put a limit on the input size, most algorithms will become constant-time because for all inputs within your limit, the algorithm will solve it using at most the amount of time that is required for the biggest / most difficult input.)

How to calculate O(log n) in big O notation?

I know that O(log n) refers to an iterative reduction by a fixed ratio of the problem set N (in big O notation), but how do i actually calculate it to see how many iterations an algorithm with a log N complexity would have to preform on the problem set N before it is done (has one element left)?
You can't. You don't calculate the exact number of iterations with BigO.
You can "derive" BigO when you have exact formula for number of iterations.
BigO just gives information how the number iterations grows with growing N, and only for "big" N.
Nothing more, nothing less. With this you can draw conclusions how much more operations/time will the algorithm take if you have some sample runs.
Expressed in the words of Tim Roughgarden at his courses on algorithms:
The big-Oh notation tries to provide a sweet spot for high level algorithm reasoning
That means it is intended to describe the relation between the algorithm time execution and the size of its input avoiding dependencies on the system architecture, programming language or chosen compiler.
Imagine that big-Oh notation could provide the exact execution time, that would mean that for any algorithm, for which you know its big-Oh time complexity function, you could predict how would it behave on any machine whatsoever.
On the other hand, it is centered on asymptotic behaviour. That is, its description is more accurate for big n values (that is why lower order terms of your algorithm time function are ignored in big-Oh notation). It can reasoned that low n values do not demand you to push foward trying to improve your algorithm performance.
Big O notation only shows an order of magnitude - not the actual number of operations that algorithm would perform. If you need to calculate exact number of loop iterations or elementary operations, you have to do it by hand. However in most practical purposes exact number is irrelevant - O(log n) tells you that num. of operations will raise logarythmically with a raise of n
From big O notation you can't tell precisely how many iteration will the algorithm do, it's just estimation. That means with small numbers the different between the log(n) and actual number of iterations could be differentiate significantly but the closer you get to infinity the different less significant.
If you make some assumptions, you can estimate the time up to a constant factor. The big assumption is that the limiting behavior as the size tends to infinity is the same as the actual behavior for the problem sizes you care about.
Under that assumption, the upper bound on the time for a size N problem is C*log(N) for some constant C. The constant will change depending on the base you use for calculating the logarithm. The base does not matter as long as you are consistent about it. If you have the measured time for one size, you can estimate C and use that to guesstimate the time for a different size.
For example, suppose a size 100 problem takes 20 seconds. Using common logarithms, C is 10. (The common log of 100 is 2). That suggests a size 1000 problem might take about 30 seconds, because the common log of 1000 is 3.
However, this is very rough. The approach is most useful for estimating whether an algorithm might be usable for a large problem. In that sort of situation, you also have to pay attention to memory size. Generally, setting up a problem will be at least linear in size, so its cost will grow faster than an O(log N) operation.

what is order of complexity in Big O notation?

Hi I am trying to understand what order of complexity in terms of Big O notation is. I have read many articles and am yet to find anything explaining exactly 'order of complexity', even on the useful descriptions of Big O on here.
What I already understand about big O
The part which I already understand. about Big O notation is that we are measuring the time and space complexity of an algorithm in terms of the growth of input size n. I also understand that certain sorting methods have best, worst and average scenarios for Big O such as O(n) ,O(n^2) etc and the n is input size (number of elements to be sorted).
Any simple definitions or examples would be greatly appreciated thanks.
Big-O analysis is a form of runtime analysis that measures the efficiency of an algorithm in terms of the time it takes for the algorithm to run as a function of the input size. It’s not a formal bench- mark, just a simple way to classify algorithms by relative efficiency when dealing with very large input sizes.
The fastest-possible running time for any runtime analysis is O(1), commonly referred to as constant running time.An algorithm with constant running time always takes the same amount of time
to execute, regardless of the input size.This is the ideal run time for an algorithm, but it’s rarely achievable.
The performance of most algorithms depends on n, the size of the input.The algorithms can be classified as follows from best-to-worse performance:
O(log n) — An algorithm is said to be logarithmic if its running time increases logarithmically in proportion to the input size.
O(n) — A linear algorithm’s running time increases in direct proportion to the input size.
O(n log n) — A superlinear algorithm is midway between a linear algorithm and a polynomial algorithm.
O(n^c) — A polynomial algorithm grows quickly based on the size of the input.
O(c^n) — An exponential algorithm grows even faster than a polynomial algorithm.
O(n!) — A factorial algorithm grows the fastest and becomes quickly unusable for even small values of n.
The run times of different orders of algorithms separate rapidly as n gets larger.Consider the run time for each of these algorithm classes with
n = 10:
log 10 = 1
10 = 10
10 log 10 = 10
10^2 = 100
2^10= 1,024
10! = 3,628,800
Now double it to n = 20:
log 20 = 1.30
20 = 20
20 log 20= 26.02
20^2 = 400
2^20 = 1,048,576
20! = 2.43×1018
Finding an algorithm that works in superlinear time or better can make a huge difference in how well an application performs.
Say, f(n) in O(g(n)) if and only if there exists a C and n0 such that f(n) < C*g(n) for all n greater than n0.
Now that's a rather mathematical approach. So I'll give some examples. The simplest case is O(1). This means "constant". So no matter how large the input (n) of a program, it will take the same time to finish. An example of a constant program is one that takes a list of integers, and returns the first one. No matter how long the list is, you can just take the first and return it right away.
The next is linear, O(n). This means that if the input size of your program doubles, so will your execution time. An example of a linear program is the sum of a list of integers. You'll have to look at each integer once. So if the input is an list of size n, you'll have to look at n integers.
An intuitive definition could define the order of your program as the relation between the input size and the execution time.
Others have explained big O notation well here. I would like to point out that sometimes too much emphasis is given to big O notation.
Consider matrix multplication the naïve algorithm has O(n^3). Using the Strassen algoirthm it can be done as O(n^2.807). Now there are even algorithms that get O(n^2.3727).
One might be tempted to choose the algorithm with the lowest big O but it turns for all pratical purposes that the naïvely O(n^3) method wins out. This is because the constant for the dominating term is much larger for the other methods.
Therefore just looking at the dominating term in the complexity can be misleading. Sometimes one has to consider all terms.
Big O is about finding an upper limit for the growth of some function. See the formal definition on Wikipedia
So if you've got an algorithm that sorts an array of size n and it requires only a constant amount of extra space and it takes (for example) 2 n² + n steps to complete, then you would say it's space complexity is O(n) or O(1) (depending on wether you count the size of the input array or not) and it's time complexity is O(n²).
Knowing only those O numbers, you could roughly determine how much more space and time is needed to go from n to n + 100 or 2 n or whatever you are interested in. That is how well an algorithm "scales".
Big O and complexity are really just two terms for the same thing. You can say "linear complexity" instead of O(n), quadratic complexity instead of O(n²), etc...
I see that you are commenting on several answers wanting to know the specific term of order as it relates to Big-O.
Suppose f(n) = O(n^2), we say that the order is n^2.
Be careful here, there are some subtleties. You stated "we are measuring the time and space complexity of an algorithm in terms of the growth of input size n," and that's how people often treat it, but it's not actually correct. Rather, with O(g(n)) we are determining that g(n), scaled suitably, is an upper bound for the time and space complexity of an algorithm for all input of size n bigger than some particular n'. Similarly, with Omega(h(n)) we are determining that h(n), scaled suitably, is a lower bound for the time and space complexity of an algorithm for all input of size n bigger than some particular n'. Finally, if both the lower and upper bound are the same complexity g(n), the complexity is Theta(g(n)). In other words, Theta represents the degree of complexity of the algorithm while big-O and big-Omega bound it above and below.
Constant Growth: O(1)
Linear Growth: O(n)
Quadratic Growth: O(n^2)
Cubic Growth: O(n^3)
Logarithmic Growth: (log(n)) or O(n*log(n))
Big O use Mathematical Definition of complexity .
Order Of use in industrial Definition of complexity .
