Scheme looping through list - scheme

I am trying to write some code that will loop through a list and add like terms. I'm trying to cons the cdr of the input list to a null list and then just compare the car of the list to the car of the new list and traverse down the list but my code just isn't working. What am I doing wrong here?
(define loop-add
(lambda (l temp outputList)
(if (or (equal? (cdr l) '()) (equal? (pair? (car l)) #f))
(if (equal? l '())
(let ((temp (cdr l)))
(if (equal? temp '())
(loop-add (cdr l) outputList)
(if (equal? (cdr (car l)) (cdr (car temp)))
(loop-add l (cdr temp) (cons (append (cdr (car l)) (cdr (car (cdr l)))) outputList))
(loop-add l temp outputList))))))))
but the problem now is at the end line its just going to be an infinite loop. I need a way to recur with the input list but with temp being the cdr of the previous temp list.

Start by writing a procedure that can transform your input list into a new list of the unique terms in the original list, so
(get-unique-terms '((2 1) (3 4) (5 3) (2 4)))
(1 4 3) ; or something like that
Call this new list TERMS. Now for each element in TERMS you can search the original list for matching elements, and get a sum of the coefficients:
(define (collect-like-terms l)
(let ((terms (get-unique-terms l)))
;; For each element of TERMS,
;; Find all elements of L which have a matching term,
;; Sum the coefficients of those elements,
;; Make a record of the sum and the term a la L.
;; Collect the results into a list and return.

Here's a simple solution in Racket:
(define (loop-add l)
(define table
(for/fold ([h (hash)]) ([i l])
(dict-update h (cadr i) (lambda (v) (+ v (car i))) 0)))
(dict-map table (lambda (key val) (list val key))))
(loop-add '((2 1) (3 4) (5 3) (2 4)))


Scheme - returning first n-elements of an array

I'm trying to write a function in Scheme that returns the first n elements in a list. I'm want to do that without loops, just with this basic structure below.
What I've tried is:
(define n-first
(lambda (lst n)
(if (or(empty? lst) (= n 0))
(append (car lst) (n-first (cdr lst) (- n 1))))))
But I'm getting an error:
append: contract violation
expected: list?
given: 'in
I've tried to debug it and it looks that the tail of the recursion crashes it, meaning, just after returning the empty list the program crashes.
When replacing "append" operator with "list" I get:
Input: (n-first '(the cat in the hat) 3)
'(the (cat (in ())))
But I want to get an appended list.
A list that looks like (1 2 3) i constructed like (1 . (2 . (3 . ()))) or if you're more familiar with cons (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))). Thus (list 1 2 3)) does exactly that under the hood. This is crucial information in order to be good at procedures that works on them. Notice that the first cons cannot be applied before the (cons 2 (cons 3 '())) is finished so a list is always created from end to beginning. Also a list is iterated from beginning to end.
So you want:
(define lst '(1 2 3 4 5))
(n-first lst 0) ; == '()
(n-first lst 1) ; == (cons (car lst) (n-first (- 1 1) (cdr lst)))
(n-first lst 2) ; == (cons (car lst) (n-first (- 2 1) (cdr lst)))
append works like this:
(define (append lst1 lst2)
(if (null? lst1)
(cons (car lst1)
(append (cdr lst1) lst2))))
append is O(n) time complexity so if you use that each iteration of n parts of a list then you get O(n^2). For small lists you won't notice it but even a medium sized lists of a hundred thousand elements you'll notice append uses about 50 times longer to complete than the cons one and for large lists you don't want to wait for the result since it grows exponentially.
try so
(define first-n
(lambda (l)
(lambda (n)
((lambda (s)
(s s l n (lambda (x) x)))
(lambda (s l n k)
(if (or (zero? n)
(null? l))
(k '())
(s s (cdr l) (- n 1)
(lambda (rest)
(k (cons (car l) rest))))))))))
(display ((first-n '(a b c d e f)) 4))
(display ((first-n '(a b)) 4))
In scheme you must compute mentally the types of each expression, as it does not have a type checker/ type inference included.

Nested List Issue in Lisp

So I have to write a method that takes in a list like (nested '(4 5 2 8)) and returns (4 (5 () 2) 8).
I figured I needed to write 3 supporting methods to accomplish this. The first gets the size of the list:
(define (sizeList L)
(if (null? L) 0
(+ 1 (sizeList (cdr L)))))
input : (sizeList '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
output: 7
The second drops elements from the list:
(define (drop n L)
(if (= (- n 1) 0) L
(drop (- n 1) (cdr L))))
input : (drop 5 '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
output: (5 6 7)
The third removes the last element of a list:
(define (remLast E)
(if (null? (cdr E)) '()
(cons (car E) (remLast (cdr E)))))
input : (remLast '(1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
output: (1 2 3 4 5 6)
For the nested method I think I need to do the car of the first element, then recurse with the drop, and then remove the last element but for the life of me I can't figure out how to do it or maybe Im just continually messing up the parenthesis? Any ideas?
Various recursive solutions are possible, but the problem is that the more intuitive ones have a very bad performance, since they have a cost that depends on the square of the size of the input list.
Consider for instance this simple solution:
; return a copy of list l without the last element
(define (butlast l)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((null? (cdr l)) '())
(else (cons (car l) (butlast (cdr l))))))
; return the last element of list l
(define (last l)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((null? (cdr l)) (car l))
(else (last (cdr l)))))
; nest a linear list
(define (nested l)
(cond ((null? l) '())
((null? (cdr l)) l)
(else (list (car l) (nested (butlast (cdr l))) (last l)))))
At each recursive call of nested, there is a call to butlast and a call to last: this means that for each element in the first half of the list we must scan twice the list, and this requires a number of operations of order O(n2).
Is it possible to find a recursive solution with a number of operations that grows only linearly with the size of the list? The answer is yes, and the key to this solution is to reverse the list, and work in parallel on both the list and its reverse, through an auxiliary function that gets one element from both the lists and recurs on their cdr, and using at the same time a counter to stop the processing when the first halves of both lists have been considered. Here is a possible implementation of this algorithm:
(define (nested l)
(define (aux l lr n)
(cond ((= n 0) '())
((= n 1) (list (car l)))
(else (list (car l) (aux (cdr l) (cdr lr) (- n 2)) (car lr)))))
(aux l (reverse l) (length l)))
Note that the parameter n starts from (length l) and is decreased by 2 at each recursion: this allows to manage both the cases of a list with an even or odd number of elements. reverse is the primitive function that reverses a list, but if you cannot use this primitive function you can implement it with a recursive algorithm in the following way:
(define (reverse l)
(define (aux first-list second-list)
(if (null? first-list)
(aux (cdr first-list) (cons (car first-list) second-list))))
(aux l '()))

recursion over list of characters in scheme

I have found a recursive problem in one page that says the following:
If a person enter a string with two consecutive letters that are the same, it should put a 5 between them. For example if I enter "hello"
it should print "hel5lo"
I have done the following program in Scheme:
(define (function listT)
(if (empty? listT)
(if (eq? (car listT) (car (cdr listT)))
(display 5)
(display (car listT))
(function (cdr listT)))
and tested with:
(function'( 'h 'e 'l 'l 'o))
and the problem I got is
car: contract violation
expected: pair?
given: ()
I suppose that is because at one moment (car (cdr listT)) will face an empty list, have tried with a conditional before, but still with some issues.
Is it possible to do it only using recursion over the list of characters with cdr and car? I mean not with new variables, strings, using reverse or loops?
Any help?
This happens when there is only one character left in the list; (cdr listT) will be the empty list '() and the car of the empty list is undefined.
So you either need to check that the cdr isn't empty, for example:
(define (f str)
(let loop ((lst (string->list str)) (res '()))
(if (null? lst)
(list->string (reverse res))
(let ((c (car lst)))
(loop (cdr lst)
(cons c
(if (and (not (null? res)) (char=? c (car res)))
(cons #\5 res)
or, instead of looking one character ahead, turn around your logic and keep track of the last character, which is initialised to some value that will be different in every case (not as elegant as the first solution though IMO):
(define (f str)
(let loop ((prev #f) (lst (string->list str)))
(if (null? lst)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(if (equal? c prev)
(cons #\5 (cons c (loop c (cdr lst))))
(cons c (loop c (cdr lst)))))))))
[EDIT alternatively, with an explicit inner procedure:
(define (f str)
(define (inner prev lst)
(if (null? lst)
(let ((c (car lst)))
(if (equal? c prev)
(cons #\5 (cons c (inner c (cdr lst))))
(cons c (inner c (cdr lst)))))))
(list->string (inner #f (string->list str))))
> (f "hello")
> (f "helo")
> (f "heloo")
Side note: don't double quote:
> '('h 'e 'l 'l 'o)
'('h 'e 'l 'l 'o)
> (car '('h 'e 'l 'l 'o))
This is probably not what you expected. Instead:
> '(h e l l o)
'(h e l l o)
> (car '(h e l l o))
> (list 'h 'e 'l 'l 'o)
'(h e l l o)
> (car (list 'h 'e 'l 'l 'o))
Also note that these are symbols, whereas, since you start from a string, you want characters:
> (string->list "hello")
'(#\h #\e #\l #\l #\o)
I see you are still struggling with my answer. Here's a solution that should be as minimal as you requested, I hope this is it:
(define (f lst (prev #f))
(unless (null? lst)
(when (equal? (car lst) prev) (display "5"))
(display (car lst))
(f (cdr lst) (car lst))))
or even
(define (f lst)
(unless (null? lst)
(display (car lst))
(when (and (not (null? (cdr lst))) (equal? (car lst) (cadr lst)))
(display "5"))
(f (cdr lst))))
> (f '(h e l l o))
> (f '(h e l o))
> (f '(h e l o o))
I have found a solution:
(define (func lisT)
(if (empty? (cdr lisT))
(display (car lisT))
(if (eq? (car lisT) (car (cdr lisT)))
(display (car lisT))
(display 5)
(display (car lisT))
(func (cdr lisT))
Here's a solution including just one, top-level recursive function:
(define (insert list item)
(if (< (length list) 2) ;; not enough elements to compare?
list ;; then just return the input
(let ((first (car list)) ;; capture the first element,
(second (cadr list)) ;; the second element,
(rest (insert (cdr list) item))) ;; and the recursively processed tail
(cons first ;; construct a list with the first element
(if (eq? first second) ;; compare the first two and return either
(cons item rest) ;; the item before the rest
rest))))) ;; or just the rest
It takes as input a list and an item to be inserted between each two consecutive identical elements. It does not display anything, but rather returns another list with the result of the insertion. For example,
(insert '(1 2 2 3 3 3 2 2 1) 0)
results in
(1 2 0 2 3 0 3 0 3 2 0 2 1)
This hopefully solves your problem and seeds further experimentation.
Here is a straightforward function from a list to a list:
(define (add5s s)
(cond ((null? s) s)
((null? (cdr s)) s)
((equal? (car s) (cadr s)) (cons (car s) (cons 5 (add5s (cdr s)))))
(else (cons (car s) (add5s (cdr s))))
A list either:
is null
has one element
begins with two equal elements
begins with two unequal elements
A list with a 5 put between consecutive equal elements is respectively:
the list
the list
the first element followed by a 5 followed by the rest of it with a 5 put between consecutive equal elements
the first element followed by the rest of it with a 5 put between consecutive equal elements
A Scheme string is not a list of characters or a list of symbols. If you want to input and output strings then you should use the corresponding string operators. Or write a function that defines this one, calls it with string->list of an input string and outputs list->string of this one's result list. Or a function like this one but that branches on string->list of its input string and outputs list->string of what this one returns.
(It is really not clear what code is to be written. You say "enters a string", but your "tested" code is a function that takes a list as argument, rather than reading from a port. And you say "put a 5" but you print argument list elements or a 5 via display to a port, rather than returning a value of the type of the argument. And you give an example passing an argument that is a list of quoted symbols rather than just symbols let alone characters. (If you want to pass a list of symbols then use '(h e l l o) or (list 'h 'e 'l 'l 'o).) Say exactly what is to be produced, eg, a function with what arguments, return value and effect on ports.)

Power set in Scheme with ordered output

So I am familiar with the algorithm for creating a power set using Scheme that looks something like this:
(define (power-set set)
(if (null? set) '(())
(let ((power-set-of-rest (power-set (cdr set))))
(append power-set-of-rest
(map (lambda (subset) (cons (car set) subset))
So this, for (1, 2, 3, 4), would output:
(() (4) (3) (3 4) (2) (2 4) (2 3) (2 3 4) (1) (1 4) (1 3) (1 3 4) (1 2) (1 2 4)
(1 2 3) (1 2 3 4))
I need to figure out how to output the power set "in order", for example:
(() (1) (2) (3) (4) (1 2) (1 3) (1 4) (2 3) (2 4) (3 4) (1 2 3) (1 2 4) (1 3 4)
(2 3 4) (1 2 3 4))
Doing a little research, it seems as if the best option would be for me to run a sort before outputting. I am NOT allowed to use built in sorts, so I have found some example sorts for sorting a list:
(define (qsort e)
(if (or (null? e) (<= (length e) 1))
(let loop ((left null) (right null)
(pivot (car e)) (rest (cdr e)))
(if (null? rest)
(append (append (qsort left) (list pivot)) (qsort right))
(if (<= (car rest) pivot)
(loop (append left (list (car rest))) right pivot (cdr rest))
(loop left (append right (list (car rest))) pivot (cdr rest)))))))
I cannot figure out how I would go about sorting it based off of the second, or third element in one of the power sets though. Can anyone provide an example?
Here's a powerset function that returns the items in the correct order, without sorting. It requires Racket and uses its queues to implement breadth-first processing:
(require srfi/1 data/queue)
(define (powerset items)
(define fifo (make-queue))
(enqueue! fifo (cons '() items))
(let loop ((result '()))
(if (queue-empty? fifo)
(reverse result)
(let* ((head-entry (dequeue! fifo))
(subset (car head-entry))
(rest-items (cdr head-entry)))
(pair-for-each (lambda (next-items)
(enqueue! fifo (cons (cons (car next-items) subset)
(cdr next-items))))
(loop (cons (reverse subset) result))))))
We maintain a FIFO queue of pairs, each consisting of a subset (in reversed order) and a list of items not included in it, starting with an empty subset so all the original items are still not included in it.
For each such pair, we collect the subset into the result list, and also extend the queue by extending this subset by each item from the not-included items. Processing stops when the queue is empty.
Because we extend subsets each time by one element only, and in order, the result is ordered too.
Here's a compare function that should work for your needs. It assumes that the numbers in the two input arguments are sorted already.
(define (list-less? lst1 lst2)
;; Compare the contents of the lists.
(define (helper l1 l2)
;; If two lists are identical, the answer is false.
;; This scenario won't be exercised in the problem.
;; It's here only for the sake of completeness.
(if (null? l1)
;; If the first item of the second list is greater than
;; the first item, return true.
(if (> (car l2) (car l1))
(or (< (car l1) (car l2)) (helper (cdr l1) (cdr l2))))))
;; First compare the lengths of the input arguments.
;; A list of smaller length are assumed to be "less"
;; than list of greater length.
;; Only when the lists are of equal length, do we
;; compare the contents of the lists.
(let ((len1 (length lst1)) (len2 (length lst2)))
(if (> len1 len2)
(or (< len1 len2) (helper lst1 lst2)))))

how to delete third element in a list using scheme

This is what I want:
(delete-third1 '(3 7 5)) ==> (3 7)
(delete-third1 '(a b c d)) ==> (a b d)
so I did something like:
(define (delete-third1 LS ) (list(cdr LS)))
which returns
(delete-third1 '(3 7 5))
((7 5))
when it should be (3 7). What am I doing wrong?
Think about what cdr is doing. cdr says that "given a list, chop off the first value and return the rest of the list". So it's removing only the first value, then returning you the rest of that list (which is exactly what you are seeing). Since it returns a list, you don't need a list (cdr LS) there either.
What you want is something like this:
(define (delete-n l n)
(if (= n 0)
(cdr l)
(append (list (car l)) (delete-n (cdr l) (- n 1)))))
(define (delete-third l)
(delete-n l 2))
So how does this work? delete-n will delete the nth element of a list by keeping a running count of what element we are up to. If we're not up to the nth element, then add that element to the list. If we are, then skip that element and add the rest of the elements to our list.
Then we simply define delete-third as delete-n where it removes the 3rd element (which is element 2 when we start counting at 0).
The simplest way would be: cons the first element, the second element and the rest of the list starting from the fourth position. Because this looks like homework I'll only give you the general idea, so you can fill-in the blanks:
(define (delete-third1 lst)
(cons <???> ; first element of the list
(cons <???> ; second element of the list
<???>))) ; rest of the list starting from the fourth element
The above assumes that the list has at least three elements. If that's not always the case, validate first the size of the list and return an appropriate value for that case.
A couple more of hints: in Racket there's a direct procedure for accessing the first element of a list. And another for accessing the second element. Finally, you can always use a sequence of cdrs to reach the rest of the rest of the ... list (but even that can be written more compactly)
From a practical standpoint, and if this weren't a homework, you could implement this functionality easily in terms of other existing procedures, and even make it general enough to remove elements at any given position. For example, for removing the third element (and again assuming there are enough elements in the list):
(append (take lst 2) (drop lst 3))
Or as a general procedure for removing an element from a given 0-based index:
(define (remove-ref lst idx)
(append (take lst idx) (drop lst (add1 idx))))
Here's how we would remove the third element:
(remove-ref '(3 7 5) 2)
=> '(3 7)
This works:
(define (delete-third! l)
(unless (or (null? l)
(null? (cdr l))
(null? (cddr l)))
(set-cdr! (cdr l) (cdddr l)))
if you want a version that does not modify the list:
(define (delete-third l)
(if (not (or (null? l)
(null? (cdr l))
(null? (cddr l))))
(cons (car l) (cons (cadr l) (cdddr l)))
and if you want to do it for any nth element:
(define (list-take list k)
(assert (not (negative? k)))
(let taking ((l list) (n k) (r '()))
(if (or (zero? n) (null? l))
(reverse r)
(taking (cdr l) (- n 1) (cons (car l) r)))))
(define (delete-nth l n)
(assert (positive? n))
(append (list-take l (- n 1))
(if (> n (length l))
(list-tail l n))))
(define (nth-deleter n)
(lambda (l) (delete-nth l n)))
(define delete-3rd (nth-deleter 3))
