How to add a custom icon to Setup Project in Visual Studio? - visual-studio

I am trying to add a custom icon to setup project. So instead of standard installer logo I have my custom logo.
To make it clear, here is the icon, which I want to change:

Right-click the Setup Project in Solution Explorer and select View > User Interface.
This will display all the screens of the installer.
The picture that you want to change is the property BannerBitmap.
You can customize this for any screen of the installer.

Just to add to dhirschl's answer ... you also have the option to change the default BannerBitmap so that all your setups have your own logo automatically and you don't have to worry about fixing it every time you create a new setup.
Clear instructions on how to do this are provided by René van Bemmelen and can be found here on the Microsoft forums.


How to register custom functions add in with different view in excel

I was trying to run the sample project with custom functions add-in using this link:
I made sure that I meet all the prerequisites for running the project. I installed the certificates, and run the project successfully, but I'm stuck at step 3, of registering the custom functions add-ins by going to the insert tab and adding the respective add-in by selecting from the developer section. The problem I'm facing is that I have a different view and organization of options in my excel client application and I could not find the developer section from where I can register my Add-in. I'm attaching the images of the ribbon that I have in excel.
So if you will look into the images, you will see that there is manage my addins options, which will only show the add-ins that have been sideloaded manually but not the ones that were sideloaded using the script in this project. So I don't know where can I find the developer Section. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I'm also part of the Insider program which can be seen in the given image
If you're a member of the Office Insider program and are running Excel for Windows build number 10827 or later, the Insert ribbon should look like the following screenshot (with red rectangles highlighting the items you choose to register your custom functions add-in).
Have you joined the Office Insider program?
What build number of Excel for Windows are you running?
(Screenshot taken from the Custom Functions Tutorial).
So I fixed my problem after I found out that custom functions only works with the Insider Channel and not with Monthly Targeted, which I had beforehand. I got help from this link:

I wish to add a button on the admin dashboard in Joomla 3.5, where in code do I need to make changes?

This button would be 'share' and placed at the article editor just like we have buttons like 'save','edit' etc
I facing a problem understanding joomla code structure and which file I need to make changes so as to add this button. Should it be administrator/layout/editor/ ?
There is a free plugin that can help you share your contents in social network. have a look .
Also there are several other plugins that may suit your requirements then to hack the core files
if you want to develop your custom editor button then you can check this link
Add Custom Button to Joomla's Article Editor (TinyMCE)

Remove Application Ribbon from new SubArea in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2015

I want to remove the ribbon that automatically creates when a new SubArea is created with XrmToolBox's SiteMap Editor.
See screendump
Do anyone know how to do this?
I solved the problem by using the Application Ribbon. There is some icons that you can hide/unhide at the top of the screen. I think those buttons you automatically get when you create a new SubArea is only shown in the application ribbon, and not in the entities.
Atleast they dissapeared in my solution, by just hiding those buttons in the "home" workspace inside the application ribbon.
There is also some code you can try, but i dont know where :)
I think its the same code for all buttons, just different names of course.The code above is for the NewActivity button.
I believe that's out-of-box behavior and you can't do anything with it. One thing you can try - open a feature request at Connect portal.

How to hide excluded files in visual studio?

I have a project with hundreds of pages classes and controls. many of them are excluded but as they appear in the project browser they clutter it and make it difficult to find the files I need. I don't want to delete them since every once in a while i get back to them for review. is there any way to show/hide the excluded files with a button toggle?
I don't have the button for show all files. see picture:
Yes, there is a button to hide/show excluded files.
The button is under solution explorer tab.
Please check this link for VS2008:
Important Update:
After trials on VS2012 I found out that if you create New Web Site the hide/show button will not appear for no apparent reason. However, if you create New Project the hide/show button will appear!! So, it seems that you have to avoid creating New Web Site... but create New Project instead to have the button on Solution explorer. Try moving your work to a New Project rather than your current solution Good Luck!

Adding ajaxControlToolKit to visual studio 2010

When trying to add the AjaxControlToolkit.dll file I am getting this message:
"Security Warning: This file is possibly downloaded from a network location, and it can potentially harm your computer. Only load assemblies from publisher you trust.
Do you want to load it anyway ?
I chose YES, and although the ajax controlls do not add to my tab.
What should I do ?
I just download the Ajax. So you might downloading it form not trusted site. Try, and you go there go to downloads and choose either the first one which is Ajax Control Toolkit 4 or whatever you need. Let me know if you need any help or if you face any thing.
Try to add the AjaxControlToolkit using NuGet. See the official Codeplex page for instructions.
Adding a DLL does not necessary result in adding Controls to the toolbar. You can specificy in the settings dialog of the toolbar if controls from perticular assembly should be shown.
