How to include makefiles dynamically? - makefile

Is it possible to include Makefiles dynamically? For example depending on some environment variable? I have the following Makefiles:
And there is an environment variable APP_VER which could be set to,,,
But there will be only two different makefiles for 1.1 and 1.2 lines.
I have tried to write the following Makefile:
MAK_VER=$$(echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/')
include makefile$(MAK_VER).mak
all: PROD
But it does not work:
$ make all
"makefile$(echo", line 0: make: Cannot open makefile$(echo
make: Fatal errors encountered -- cannot continue.
As far as I understand make includes files before it calculates macros.
That's why it tries to execute the following statement
include makefile.mak
instead of
include makefile1.1.mak

You have two problems: your method of obtaining the version is too complicated, and your include line has a flaw. Try this:
include app$(APP_VER).mak
If APP_VER is an environmental variable, then this will work. If you also want to include the makefile called makefile (that is, if makefile is not the one we're writing), then try this:
include makefile app$(APP_VER).mak
Please note that this is considered a bad idea. If the makefile depends on environmental variables, it will work for some users and not others, which is considered bad behavior.
This should do it:
MAK_VER := $(subst ., ,$(APP_VER))
MAK_VER := $(word 1, $(MAK_VER)).$(word 2, $(MAK_VER))
include makefile app$(MAK_VER).mak

Try this:
MAK_VER=$(shell echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/')
include $(MAK_FILE)
echo $(MAK_VER)
echo $(MAK_FILE)

Modifying the outline solution
Have four makefiles:
The app.dummy.mak makefile can be empty - a symlink to /dev/null if you like. Both app.1.1.mak and app.1.2.mak are unchanged from their current content.
The main makefile changes a little:
MAK_VER = dummy
include makefile$(MAK_VER).mak
${MAKE} MAK_VER=$$(echo $(APP_VER) | sed -e 's/^\([0-9]*\.[0-9]*\).*$$/\1/') all
all: PROD now...
If you type make, it will read the (empty) dummy makefile, and then try to build the dummy target because it appears first. To build the dummy target, it will run make again, with APP_VER=1.1 or APP_VER=1.2 on the command line:
make APP_VER=1.1 all
Macros set on the command line cannot be changed within the makefile, so this overrides the line in the makefile. The second invocation of make, therefore, will read the correct version-specific makefile, and then build all.
This technique has limitations, most noticeably that it is fiddly to arrange for each and every target to be treated like this. There are ways around it, but usually not worth it.
Project organization
More seriously, I think you need to review what you're doing altogether. You are, presumably, using a version control system (VCS) to manage the source code. Also, presumably, there are some (significant) differences between the version 1.1 and 1.2 source code. So, to be able to do a build for version 1.1, you have to switch from the version 1.1 maintenance branch to the version 1.2 development branch, or something along those lines. So, why isn't the makefile just versioned for 1.1 or 1.2? If you switch between versions, you need to clean out all the derived files (object files, libraries, executables, etc) that may have been built with the wrong source. You have to change the source code over. So why not change the makefile too?
A build script to invoke make
I also observe that since you have the environment variable APP_VER driving your process, that you can finesse the problem by requiring a standardized 'make invoker' that sorts out the APP_VER value and invokes make correctly. Imagine that the script is called build:
: ${APP_VER:=} # Latest version is default
case $APP_VER in
MAK_VER=`echo $APP_VER | sed -e 's/^\(...\).*/\1/'`
*) echo "`basename $0 .sh`: APP_VER ($APP_VER) should start with two digits followed by dots" 1>&2;
exit 1;;
exec make MAK_VER=$MAK_VER "$#"
This script validates that APP_VER is set, giving an appropriate default if it is not. It then processes that value to derive the MAK_VER (or errors out if it is incorrect). You'd need to modify that test after you reach version 10, of course, since you are planning to be so successful that you will reach double-digit version numbers in due course.
Given the correct version information, you can now invoke your makefile with any command line arguments.
The makefile can be quite simple:
MAK_VER = dummy
include app$(MAK_VER).mak
all: PROD now...
The appdummy.mak file now contains a rule:
echo "You must invoke this makefile via the build script" 1>&2
exit 1
It simply points out the correct way to do the build.
Note that you can avoid the APP_VER environment variable if you keep the product version number under the VCS in a file, and the script then reads the version number from the file. And there could be all sorts of other work done by the script, ensuring that correct tools are installed, other environment variables are set, and so on.


Suppressing First Part of Output in Makefile

DEPRECATED_CHECK := $(shell grep "test454" tex/*.tex)
$(warning \test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead)
When I run this I get:
../common/Makefile.include:133: \test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead
That's fine, but I'd quite like to have only:
\test454 is deprecated. Use \test2 instead
Is this possible? Some sort of awk function? I think I need something with:
#echo \text454 is deprecated ...
But I don't know how to get this working with the basic purpose of my MWE, as it keeps complaining about missing separators.
Many thanks
You could use $(info ...) instead of $(warning ...). info doesn't prepend the file and line number.
just an aside -- I usually try to do those sort of checks as part of a sanity rule, and make everything depend on that rule instead of doing it at the top level. It gives you more flexibility that way. For example, if you didn't want to run the check when building clean, it becomes simple, or if you wanted to fail the build if a check failed, it becomes simple as well.
EDIT (adding more detail on aside)
Instead of doing an ifneq at the top level of make, you could add a target as so:
# ! grep -q "test454" tex/*.txt || echo "test454 is depricated"
.PHONY: sanity check
The add dependencies of your main targets to sanity check:
all maintarg1 maintarg2: sanity_check
This way the sanity check will be run before any of your main targets, and will output as desired. This is in my opinion, a cleaner way of doing the test. This way the test is only run if you are building any of your targets, and will not be run, if for example you are making clean, or if your makefile was included by a parent makefile, or in a bunch of other corner cases that might pop up in the future.
Just a quick note on the recipe syntax: the # is a make directive that tells make not to echo the command as it's run. The ! is bash syntax to inverse the return of grep (so ! grep returns false if the text is found, thereby causing the || part of the statement to be evaluated.). The .PHONY: sanity_check tells make to run the rule, even if a file called sanity_check already exists

Sub-makefiles and passing variables upward

I have a project that involves sub-directories with sub-makefiles. I'm aware that I can pass variables from a parent makefile to a sub-makefile through the environment using the export command. Is there a way to pass variables from a sub-makefile to its calling makefile? I.e. can export work in the reverse? I've attempted this with no success. I'm guessing once the sub-make finishes its shell is destroyed along with its environment variables. Is there another standard way of passing variables upward?
The short answer to your question is: no, you can't [directly] do what you want for a recursive build (see below for a non-recursive build).
Make executes a sub-make process as a recipe line like any other command. Its stdout/stderr get printed to the terminal like any other process. In general, a sub-process cannot affect the parent's environment (obviously we're not talking about environment here, but the same principle applies) -- unless you intentionally build something like that into the parent process, but then you'd be using IPC mechanisms to pull it off.
There are a number of ways I could imagine for pulling this off, all of which sound like an awful thing to do. For example you could write to a file and source it with an include directive (note: untested) inside an eval:
${MAKE} ${MFLAGS} -f /path/to/makefile
some_other_target : some_target
$(eval include /path/to/new/file)
... though it has to be in a separate target as written above because all $(macro statements) are evaluated before the recipe begins execution, even if the macro is on a later line of the recipe.
gmake v4.x has a new feature that allows you to write out to a file directly from a makefile directive. An example from the documentation:
If the command required each argument to be on a separate line of the
input file, you might write your recipe like this:
program: $(OBJECTS)
$(file >$ $(foreach O,$^,$(file >>$,$O))
#rm $
... but you'd still need an $(eval include ...) macro in a separate recipe to consume the file contents.
I'm very leery of using $(eval include ...) in a recipe; in a parallel build, the included file can affect make variables and the timing for when the inclusion occurs could be non-deterministic w/respect to other targets being built in parallel.
You'd be much better off finding a more natural solution to your problem. I would start by taking a step back and asking yourself "what problem am I trying to solve, and how have other people solved that problem?" If you aren't finding people trying to solve that problem, there's a good chance it's because they didn't start down a path you're on.
edit You can do what you want for a non-recursive build. For example:
# makefile1
include makefile2
my_tool: ${OBJS}
# makefile2
OBJS := some.o list.o of.o objects.o
... though I caution you to be very careful with this. The build I maintain is extremely large (around 250 makefiles). Each level includes with a statement like the following:
include ${SOME_DIRECTORY}/*/makefile
The danger here is you don't want people in one tree depending on variables from another tree. There are a few spots where for the short term I've had to do something like what you want: sub-makefiles append to a variable, then that variable gets used in the parent makefile. In the long term that's going away because it's brittle/unsafe, but for the time being I've had to use it.
I suggest you read the paper Recursive Make Considered Harmful (if that link doesn't work, just google the name of the paper).
Your directory structure probably looks like this:
|-- Makefile
|-- dir1
| `-- Makefile
`-- dir2
`-- Makefile
And what you are doing in your parent Makefile is probably this:
make -C ./dir1
make -C ./dir2
This actually spawns/forks a new child process for every make call.
You are asking for updating the environment of the parent process from its children, but that's not possible by design (1, 2).
You still could work around this by:
using a file as shared memory between two processes (see Brian's answer)
using the child's exit error code as a trigger for different actions [ugly trick]
I think the simplest solution is using standard out from a sub Makefile.
Parent Makefile
VAR := $(shell $(MAKE) -s -C child-directory)
echo $(VAR)
Child Makefile
#echo "MessageToTheParent"

How to prevent make from communicating any variable to a submake?

I am unable to prevent make from communicating any variables to a submake. I've read the manual and I've followed their advice (resetting MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) but it's still not working has I think it should.
Consider the following prototype Makefile:
${warning $(MAKEOVERRIDES)}
${warning $(MAKEFLAGS)}
${warning $(VAR)}
echo done!
If I make VAR=10 none, I get the following:
Makefile:2: VAR=10
Makefile:4: 10
make -f Makefile MAKEOVERRIDES= MAKEFLAGS= all
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Makefile:4: 10
echo done!
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/adriano/sandbox/makes'
Meaning that make is communication VAR to the submake. Is this the correct behaviour?
I've tried unexport VAR and bash -c make ... without any luck.
EDIT: I've modified none's recipe to: bash -c "echo $$MAKEOVERRIDES $$MAKEFLAGS $$VAR" ; make ...
This way I found out that VAR is actually being passed through the environment that make creates for the commands to be executed and not through the other variables (the other variables are also passed this way to make).
I think my question now is: how can I create a fresh shell/environment to run my sub make?
EDIT: Someone asked why am I trying to this; I'll try to answer to that here.
I have a "module" which uses a variable named CONFIG. In order to build this module I need to build another partially unrelated "module" which also uses CONFIG, but with a different value. The problem is that when I try to build the "sub-module" CONFIG contains the value of the "super-module." I could specify CONFIG when making the "sub-module" however both modules use many variables with the same name and trying to specify them all would make the modules tightly coupled which is something I cannot afford.
How can this be so difficult...
This is wrong:
These variables (MAKEOVERRIDES and MAKEFLAGS) are set in the environment by the parent make to be passed down to the sub-makes. Setting overrides on these values inside the recipe won't help, because make has to set the environment for the recipe before it actually starts the commands in the recipe (of course).
You have to override/remove these values in the parent makefile, so that those changes are seen by the parent make before it constructs the sub-make's environment:
$(MAKE) -f Makefile all
There's no perfect way to do this. However, you can play a trick that will work most of the time:
unexport $(shell echo '$(MAKEOVERRIDES)' | sed 's/=[^ ]*//g')
The first line tries to unexport all the variables in MAKEOVERRIDES and the second line resets MAKEOVERRIDES. There are a few issues with this. One is that if MAKEOVERRIDES is empty, it will use "unexport" by itself which unexports everything. That can be easily worked around by sticking some bogus variable before the shell function. The other is that if any variable's value contains whitespace, the expansion will consider it a variable to be unexported. That's probably OK, but it's odd.
I can't think of any better way to do it.
You don't really say why you want to do this. Have you considered doing something different, such as running the commands where you want to have a "vanilla" environment using env; for example if you want to run a command with a limited and specific set of env vars, you can run:
env -i PATH='$(PATH)' LANG='$(LANG)' runMyCommand --with --my arguments
Unfortunately some versions of env use - instead of -i; check your man page.
Alternatively, you can try to start a login shell which will re-read the user's shell setup environment from scratch:
/bin/sh -lc 'runMyCommand --with --my arguments'
EDIT: It's difficult because what you're asking to do (restrict the environment of the sub-make) is tricky.
Luckily based on your description, it doesn't seem necessary. Make has a hierarchy of importance for finding variable values. The command line is the highest level (well, there's override but we'll ignore that). After that comes variables set in the makefile itself. And last and lowest comes variables imported from the environment (well, default variables are even lower but we'll ignore that too).
So if your goal is to allow the variables in the sub-makes to not be affected by command line variables given to the upper-level makes, then all this rigmarole of getting the variables out of the environment is not necessary. Variables set in the sub-makefiles will take precedence over the values in the environment. So all you have to do is get rid of the variables set on the command line, which I've already shown how to do above, by setting MAKEOVERRIDES.

Executing commands in the directory in which the file that they were defined in is located

Consider, if you will, the following situation:
$ pwd
$ head $(find -type f)
==> ./subdir/Makefile <==
echo "executing subtarget from directory $$(pwd)"
==> ./Makefile <==
include subdir/Makefile
$ make subtarget
echo "executing subtarget from directory $(pwd)"
executing subtarget from directory /tmp/submake_example
Is there a way that I can have the command for the target subtarget executed from within the directory subdir? I'd like to be able to access the targets of included makefiles from the command line in the main directory.
After some digging and experimentation, I've discovered a couple of things.
The approach recommended by this reference, which refers to the paper Recursive Make Considered Harmful, is pretty complicated, and involves manually maintaining a directory stack throughout the makefile inclusion heirarchy.
I also discovered, independently of any reference, that the last element of the variable $(MAKEFILE_LIST) will, at least for some basic test cases, contain the name of the makefile that's currently being included. This means that it's possible to store its directory in a simply expanded, target-specific variable with code like
foo: dir := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
That's it. Then you can just use $(dir) within that rule like any other variable; it retains the value that it assumed during makefile inclusion. cd to it, put it in command paths, whatever.
You have to be careful to put the assignment to dir before any include directives in that makefile.
This won't work if there's a space in the directory name, but I gather that pretty much nothing in make works if there are spaces in file or directory names.
It's also notable that this approach uses features only found in GNU make. Sounds like a killer app to me, though I remain a bit perplexed as to why they don't just provide the directory name in a builtin variable or function.
Anyway this seems to work, at least at first glance. I'm still pretty much just floating this one without any real backup, so comments on the practicality of this approach, and alternative suggestions, are very welcome.

How does "make" app know default target to build if no target is specified?

Most Linux apps are compiled with:
make install clean
As I understand it, the make command takes names of build targets as arguments. So for example install is usually a target that copies some files to standard locations, and clean is a target that removes temporary files.
But what target will make build if no arguments are specified (e.g. the first command in my example)?
By default, it begins by processing the first target that does not begin with a . aka the default goal; to do that, it may have to process other targets - specifically, ones the first target depends on.
The GNU Make Manual covers all this stuff, and is a surprisingly easy and informative read.
To save others a few seconds, and to save them from having to read the manual, here's the short answer. Add this to the top of your make file:
.DEFAULT_GOAL := mytarget
mytarget will now be the target that is run if "make" is executed and no target is specified.
If you have an older version of make (<= 3.80), this won't work. If this is the case, then you can do what anon mentions, simply add this to the top of your make file:
.PHONY: default
default: mytarget ;
GNU Make also allows you to specify the default make target using a special variable called .DEFAULT_GOAL. You can even unset this variable in the middle of the Makefile, causing the next target in the file to become the default target.
Ref: The Gnu Make manual - Special Variables
bmake's equivalent of GNU Make's .DEFAULT_GOAL is .MAIN:
$ cat Makefile
.MAIN: foo
#echo all
#echo foo
$ bmake
See the bmake(1) manual page.
