Where is a clear documentation about Windows API? [closed] - windows

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Where Can I learn all the API of Windows ?

The MSDN library is generally considered as the canonical source for WinAPI development.

For a complete reference online, I frequently turn to MSDN.
If you want a book, I would recommend Petzold for WinAPI and Prosise for MFC. Neither is cheap, and their publish dates are a little old, but they're both fantastic books.

IF i may propose a book, i propose you
Programming Windows by Charlse Petzold
the Charles Petzold's guide to windows programming, i think that is the ultimate guide to the Windows API


Intel RealSense - Development Tool [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I going to develop one application by using intel realsense sdk. I want to know which development tool ( Unity3d, .Not ) is best for that ? am good in C#.
Please suggest me ?
you definitely can try unity!
i've done some project in the past using intel realsense sdk+unity and they worked flawlessly.
the documentation is also great.
You can use the C# SDK: https://software.intel.com/en-us/intel-realsense-sdk
Or.. if you want something more simple, easy to use (and less powerful), try: SharpSenses: https://github.com/SharpSenses/SharpSenses
Disclaimer: I'm the author of SharpSenses :)

Where can I find documentation on Skype Desktop API? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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The Skype desktop API was being closed, but they've reversed that decision. I'm now not able to register as a developer (http://developer.skype.com/) as they're 'not accepting new registrations'.
I need to start looking into this as I want to develop a call recording component for Mac (and Windows, but most importantly Mac).
So is there a mirror for the documentation somewhere so that I know how this works? And is there any example code for this?
A comment in this question seems to imply that they provide both tracks of audio readily so I believe that once I can get this info, it should be quite a simple task!
Turns out the Wayback Machine has my answer:
Who would have thought it? ;)

ScadaBR or Mango(a scada software) [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Mango is a scada software.And now I want to develop its graphic views and have a breakthrough in it.I am really confused what to do next. So could somebody gives me ideas? I will be appreciated..
Thank you for any help provided!
Best regards
ScadaBR is a branch from Mango M2M when it was formerly an Open Source Project. Since version 1.12 Mango has changed its license.
Both SCADAs are great, fully functional with lots of protocols and easy to modify (forum and documentation available). But ScadaBR will always be an OS project. It has a SOAP API and recently a REST API. ScadaBR is a Brazilian project and does not yet has a English translation for its website or wiki. Only a forum for english speakers. I suggest the use of Chrome with auto translate, it should do the trick =]
Mango M2M

Any good tutorials / resources to learn Win32 GDI? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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So far i have been searching on google and haven't fount a single good tutorial which is comprehensive. Does any one know of any good site or book which teaches Win32 GDI?
Petzold (Programming Windows, now in its >=5th edition) has good coverage.
GDI has been replaced by Direct2D and DirectWrite, which are available down to Vista, and substantially more performant and flexible. You might want to double-check that you really need to support XP, which is already past end-of-life.
I found bobobobo's blog to be quite helpful for getting started with Win32 and related concepts.

tipc protocol in windows [closed]

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Closed 11 months ago.
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Any idea for TIPC protocol on Windows systems or any similar protocol which is available on windows ?
The Wikipedia basically says it's general-purpose communication library.
If you're designing an HPC cluster, take a look at "Microsoft High Performance Computing" in MSDN: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa496121.aspx bot keep in mind that API only exists on some editions of their server OSes.
I think you'll only get better answer when you'll describe what kind of tasks are you going to accomplish.
P.S. I don't actually get the point of TIPC, even after reading the programmer's guide.
It seems using the API is not easier then using sockets.
But when you're using sockets, at least you've got tons of good books, online manuals, and easy to use debugging and diagnostic tools.
