Is there a way to join (link?) a managed (.net) dll at compile time? - visual-studio

I'm building a project which consists of two .net executables, and a class library with common components that the two executables share. For ease of distribution, I was hoping to be able to distribute the two executables without distributing the dll (grab & run distribution).
Is there any way to have visual studio compile the contents of the dll into each executable without manually copying the classes into each project (and thereby replicating the code in more than one place)?

Don't make it a DLL. Make it a static library instead.

Digging around on SO I found a duplicate question which stated the problem quite a bit more clearly than I did.
ILMerge seems to be the solution.
Static Linking of libraries created on C# .NET


Do you need dllexport macro for every single function in your library in visual studio?

I am new to Visual Studio, so if I say something wrong, please point me to the right direction.
I have a large C++ project that consists of shared library of around 20 classes and 7 executables, built by CMake in Linux. Each executable has its own CMake setup that links against the library.
I watched couple of videos on VS, managed to understand how to structure code and dependent libraries and successfully compiled the library statically.
I even managed to setup CMake in Visual studio, but started receiving an error that my .dll file is not Win32 application when I tried to build a project that links to it, so I dropped CMake and built the library by first making empty project and then adding necessary files (I thought it's CMake issue).
Long story short, now I have new setup for my library in VS that builds without issues. However I want my library to be dynamic because it makes ton of sense as 7 different projects depend on it and that's how I did it in Linux.
To my big surprise, even though selecting .dll will build, it cannot be linked to (I started all of this as empty project, not .dll template).
What I just discovered that building .dll library requires a macro that looks like (taken from
#define MATHLIBRARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MATHLIBRARY_API __declspec(dllimport)
and before return type of any function in library I need to add the macro as:
MATHLIBRARY_API double some_function();
So if I understand correctly, this macro is "exporting" function names to .dll. Does that then mean that I need to open all 20 header files and wrap every single function in it with the macro?
Note that most header files are class declarations, do I need to wrap every single class method, just the public methods and is there a way to make a whole class "exported"?
It seems quite a cumbersome task just to build a shared library. I realize now this is why cmake failed and kinda begs the question on its cross platform capabilities if this wrapping to make .dll in VS needs to be done like this.
I am considering building my library statically, and in the same solution, add additional projects, and make a reference to the static library.
It kills modularity of the project, but it should work fine.

How to link a native c++ static library into a managed c++ assembly

I've searched for a couple days and can't find an answer to my question, which seems to be different but related to other questions people have asked, so I'm posting a very specific question.
I have a Managed C++ assembly that my "customers" use to link with C#/.NET projects. This assembly pulls in the OpenSSL static c++ libraries without issue, but will not pull in my unmanaged C++ static library (call it "MyLib.lib").
At first this was because "MyLib.lib" used static linking of the CRT, but I switched it to use the DLL version of CRT. Unfortunately all that did was change the problem.
Now when I compile my Managed C++ assembly, it's looking for "MyLibmdd.lib" -- which of course does not exist. Why would it look for such a thing when I've specified the linker input as "MyLib.lib"? And what does it think is in "MyLibmdd.lib", and why does it require it to exist?
It doesn't require "libeay32mdd.lib" or "ssleay32mdd.lib", so why is it treating my static library differently?
Ultimately, I know I should be able to pull "MyLib.lib" into the Managed C++ project because others have done it (including OpenSSL). So it would seem there's just something I'm unaware of reguarding how "MyLib.lib" should be built.
Any ideas what things I should double-check at this point? I'm using Visual Studio 2013.
The problem was indeed that there were #pragma comment(...) lines in a number of places that prevented naming the output libraries my way. Commented those out and all seems well so far.

Can a single process load/use mscvr100.dll and msvcr110.dll without causing problems?

An mixed-mode C++ application is built using VS2012, it references the managed DLL Noesis.Javascript.dll (which I believe was built with VS2010) which in turn links at runtime with msvcr100.dll.
I have observed a crash which seems to show the code within the Noesis.Javascript.dll calling library functions from VS2012's msvcr110.dll.
Is it possible to run a single process using two different versions of the C++ runtime libraries or is what happening here the likely cause of the problem? What is the alternative?
As mentioned for instance in this answer, it is practically impossible to combine these binaries. The crash is probably caused by the incompatiblity.
You could try the following: Project Properties -> General -> Platform Toolset: Visual Studio 2010 (v100).
It is possible to use both runtime DLLs in the same process, but to do so safely requires great care to ensure that no objects from one are used in the other.

OpenCV Deploying a partial project as static or dynamic library or something else?

I'm fairly new to OpenCV and Visual Studio as well. My question is not so much technical but theoretically anyways:
I'm working on a bigger project but do not have access to all its subcomponents etc. I wrote a few classes and functions that other members want to use. However, I'm using some OpenCV specific things (because I'm lazy and dont want to implement everything all by myself) but the other members dont use it and they want to keep the project size relatively small.
My question is: How can I provide my code as a library or something similar that includes all my opencv dependencies? Can I create a dll of my code and just ship the opencv dlls with it? Is there a way to bundle everything into one file with only one header?
How would you solve this problem?
Summarizing: I want my functions in a library and shipped as small as possible (with opencv dependencies)
Put all your code in a DLL, and then ship OpenCV DLLs along with yours.
Or: put all your code in a DLL, and perform static linking with OpenCV.

How to use Windows Forms in a C/C++ application?

I have an existing project created using C/C++ under a development environment.
Currently we want to facelift the existing form using a Window Forms application but the problem is the existing project is using Common Runtime Library = No /CLR and Runtime Library = /MTd.
But the a Windows Forms application is using Common Runtime Library = /CLR and Runtime Library = /MDd.
Please advise if it possible to use a Windows Forms application to create a form in the existing project?
Is there any tutorial regarding this?
The comment from MSDN was:-
Caution Do not mix static and
dynamic versions of the run-time
libraries. Having more than one copy
of the run-time libraries in a process
can cause problems, because static
data in one copy is not shared with
the other copy. The linker prevents
you from linking with both static and
dynamic versions within one .exe file,
but you can still end up with two (or
more) copies of the run-time
libraries. For example, a dynamic-link
library linked with the static
(non-DLL) versions of the run-time
libraries can cause problems when used
with an .exe file that was linked with
the dynamic (DLL) version of the
run-time libraries. (You should also
avoid mixing the debug and non-debug
versions of the libraries in one
The simple answer is no. A more accurate answer is kind of, but you probably wouldn't want to.
It is possible to use Windows Forms (i.e. managed code) for your user interface and something else (e.g. non .NET/unmanaged code) for your domain logic. However I'd guess that if you're asking this question then that is going to be a bit much for you to do at the moment.
I suggest that you create a user interface with Windows Forms and then have that user interface call a native C/C++ DLL. Google for PInvoke on how to call an unmanaged dll (C/C++) from managed (.NET) code.
If you did that then you would be much better positioned to answer this question.
My company software often has to have modules which mix managed and unmanaged code and user interfaces. What we do is to separate the modules into their own executables and expose the functionality as COM localserver objects. This way, the unmanaged code can have a user interface written in managed code.
However, you need to do alot of plumbing to get it to work. We do it this way because our applications have been deployed in the field for years and it will take years to give the entire program a makeover into .NET
