Do you need dllexport macro for every single function in your library in visual studio? - visual-studio

I am new to Visual Studio, so if I say something wrong, please point me to the right direction.
I have a large C++ project that consists of shared library of around 20 classes and 7 executables, built by CMake in Linux. Each executable has its own CMake setup that links against the library.
I watched couple of videos on VS, managed to understand how to structure code and dependent libraries and successfully compiled the library statically.
I even managed to setup CMake in Visual studio, but started receiving an error that my .dll file is not Win32 application when I tried to build a project that links to it, so I dropped CMake and built the library by first making empty project and then adding necessary files (I thought it's CMake issue).
Long story short, now I have new setup for my library in VS that builds without issues. However I want my library to be dynamic because it makes ton of sense as 7 different projects depend on it and that's how I did it in Linux.
To my big surprise, even though selecting .dll will build, it cannot be linked to (I started all of this as empty project, not .dll template).
What I just discovered that building .dll library requires a macro that looks like (taken from
#define MATHLIBRARY_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define MATHLIBRARY_API __declspec(dllimport)
and before return type of any function in library I need to add the macro as:
MATHLIBRARY_API double some_function();
So if I understand correctly, this macro is "exporting" function names to .dll. Does that then mean that I need to open all 20 header files and wrap every single function in it with the macro?
Note that most header files are class declarations, do I need to wrap every single class method, just the public methods and is there a way to make a whole class "exported"?
It seems quite a cumbersome task just to build a shared library. I realize now this is why cmake failed and kinda begs the question on its cross platform capabilities if this wrapping to make .dll in VS needs to be done like this.
I am considering building my library statically, and in the same solution, add additional projects, and make a reference to the static library.
It kills modularity of the project, but it should work fine.


Regarding linking a c++/cli dll and a c++/cli exe project

I have a native c++ dll called native.dll.
I have created a c++/cli project called cliWrapper.dll. In this I have two wrapper classes for some classes in native.dll.
And the compilation for this project works fine.
However, when I try to link cliWrapper.dll with my c++/cli console program, the linker complains that I must compile cliWrapper.dll with the compiler option /clr:safe.
Compiling with such option will generate lots of errors since most of native.dll is not verifiable code.
After googling, I see that linking two .module files requires each is compiled with /clr:safe.
Does that mean it is impossible to make a dll that will allow the user to use the wrapper class to do some stuff? I know I can always put those wrapper classes back into the console project and it will compile without problem but I'm just curious about why Microsoft wants to disable such linking?

Including C++ header files in Objective-C++ when they conflict with Objective-C macros

In Xcode, I've created a "Cocoa application" project. One of its dependencies is a framework containing C++ code. I renamed AppDelegate.m to and included the framework.
The project fails to compile. The problem is that the C++ header files in the framework are using some symbols that conflict with Objective-C or Cocoa.
The C++ header files are defining functions called verify() and check(), which conflict with /usr/include/AssertMacros.h in the MacOSX10.8 SDK.
The C++ header files contain a variable called NO, which conflicts with the Objective-C macro NO.
A workaround would be to modify the C++ code in the framework to avoid these conflicts. But since it's a large C++ project maintained by another organization, this would take time and would possibly break in future updates of the C++ project.
Is there some way just to tell Clang/Xcode to treat those C++ header files as C++ instead of Objective-C++?
Reading through the /usr/include/AssertMacros.h that comes with Mac OS 10.8, it looks like you could do:
before including AssertMacros.h, which will prevent it from defining macros called verify() and check().
Regarding NO: you could use the preprocessor to rename that variable for you. For example:
#define NO NO_libraryname_renamed
#include <libraryname.hh>
#undef NO
Depending on how the NO variable is used by the library, this might cause problems — if the header is declaring it as extern, then your Cocoa app will refer to it by the wrong name, and you'll get an undefined symbol error. But as long as you're not using that variable, and the library isn't depending on your app to define that variable, then you should be fine.
(And please file a bug report with the offending library, requesting that they rename their variable.)
Mixing several languages is calling for grief. Even more so mixing Objective C++ (itself a strange hybrid) with C++. Don't do it.

Can dll built with VS2008 use dll built with VS2010

I have a dll (DLL A) built with VS2010 that uses MFC and other dlls built with VS2010.
I have another dll (DLL B) which is built with VS2008 and run on an application which is again built with VS2008. DLL A imports DLLB (with #import directive) and creates com objects. The creation of the objects itself succeeds however the application crashes somewhere. I think it crashes at the time of displaying the controls (these are just assumptions). The thing is I don`t have the source for the application. DLL A is just a plug in to that application.
The question is, is there anything to be considered when doing such mix? Is it possible at all?
Yes, it should be fine to call code across the DLL boundary if you use C linkage, ie. if the DLL boundary is using primitive C types like char* and int. If you're passing C++ references/pointers across the DLL boundary, you should really build both sides with the same compiler flags and the same compiler. There's no guarantee for example that the VS2010 compiler will layout memory for a class object in exactly the same way as the VS2008 compiler Although if you use the same byte alignment flags, the layout will most likely be the same, you can't guarantee it.

Visual Studio Macro

I am getting LNK2001 errors when trying to use Crypto++. The official advice for this is:
There are two ways you can deal with this, either change Crypto++ to export those classes, by using the CRYPTOPP_DLL macro, or link with both the DLL export library and a static library that contains the non-DLL classes and functions. The latter can be built by using the "DLL-Import" configuration of the cryptlib project.
It would be preferable to use the first option, and given that I am not experienced in using Visual Studio, I cannot find the location and execution method of the macro.
In short: Where do I find the macro and how do I execute it?
In short: Where do I find the macro and how do I execute it?
The macro is CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS. You use it when performing dynamic linking on Windows (i.e., the Crypto++ DLL).
You can 'execute' it in one of two ways. First, you can add #include <cryptopp/dll.h> to your stdafx.h. dll.h. defines it, and dll.h must be included before any other Crypto++ defines. Second, add it to your project's preprocessor macros. In either case, CRYPTOPP_IMPORTS will be defined.
I suspect you have a different error, though. You're probably not including the Crypto++ library (for static linking) or Crypto++ import lib (for dynamic linking) in your project.

Is there a way to join (link?) a managed (.net) dll at compile time?

I'm building a project which consists of two .net executables, and a class library with common components that the two executables share. For ease of distribution, I was hoping to be able to distribute the two executables without distributing the dll (grab & run distribution).
Is there any way to have visual studio compile the contents of the dll into each executable without manually copying the classes into each project (and thereby replicating the code in more than one place)?
Don't make it a DLL. Make it a static library instead.
Digging around on SO I found a duplicate question which stated the problem quite a bit more clearly than I did.
ILMerge seems to be the solution.
Static Linking of libraries created on C# .NET
