WinAPI functions in new .exe - winapi

I've been looking recently into creating a new native language. I understand the (very) basics of the PE format and I've grabbed an assembler with a fairly kind interface off the webs, which I've successfully used to implement some simple functions. But I've run into a problem using functions from a library. The only way that I've called library functions from a dynamically compiled function previously is to pass in the function pointer manually- something I can't do if I create PE files and execute them in their own process. Now, I'm not planning on using the CRT, but I will need access to the Win API to implement my own standard libraries. How do I generate a reference to a WinAPI function so that the PE loader will patch it up?

You need to write an import table. It's basically a list of function names that you wish to use in your application. It's pointed to by the PE header. The loader loads the DLL files into the process memory space for you, finds the requested function in their export table and leaves the address for it in the import table. You then usually dereference that and jmp there.
Check out Izelion's assembly tutorial for the full details and for asm examples.

How about starting by emitting C instead of assembly? Then writing directly to ASM is just an optimization.
I'm not being facetious: most compilers turn out some kind of intermediate code before the final native code pass.
I realize you're trying to get away from all the null-delmited rigmarole, but you'll need that for the WinAPI functions anyway.
Re-reading your question: you do realize that you can get the WinAPI function addresses by calling LoadLibrary(), then calling GetProcAddress(), and then setting up the call...right?
If you want to see how to bootstrap this from pure assembly: the old SDKs had ASM sample code, probably the new ones still do. If they don't, the DDK will.


Best way to fix IAT and relocs when patching (merging) two different binaries (x86 PE)?

First of - Hello and thank you for reading this,
I have one DLL which I do not have the source code but need to add some functionalities into it.
I made up another DLL implementing all these needed functionalities in C - using Visual Studio.
Now I need to insert the generated code from this new DLL into the target DLL (it has to be done at the file level {not at runtime}).
I am probably creating a new PE section on the target DLL and put there all the code/data/rdata from the dll I made up. The problem is that I need somehow to fix the IAT and the relocs relative to this new inserted code on the target DLL.
My question is:
What is the best way to do it?
It would be nice if Visual Studio came up with an option to build using only (mostly) relative addressing - This would save me a lot when dealing with the relocs.
I guess I could encapsulate all my vars and constants into a struct, hopefully MSVC would then only need to relocate the address of this "container" struct and use relative addressing to access its members. But don't know if this is a good idea.
I could even go further and get rid of the IAT by making a function pointer which would dynamically load the needed function module (kind of the Delay Load Module). And again, put this function pointer inside the "container" struct I said before.
The last option I have is to make it all by hand, manually editing the binary in hex... which I really didn`t want to do, because it would take some good time to do it for every single IAT entry and reloc entry. I have already written a PE file encryptor some time ago so I know most of the inner workings and know it can be done, just want to know your thoughts and maybe a tool already exists to help me out?
Any suggestions is highly appreciated!
Thanks again for your time for reading this!
Since you are asking for suggestions, take a look at the very good PORTABLE EXECUTABLE FILE FORMAT – A REVERSE ENGINEER VIEW PDF Document. The Section "Adding Code to a PE File" describes some techniques (and presents Tools) to add code to an existing PE image without having the code of the target image (your scenario) by manipulation the IAT table and Sections tables.

GCC technical details

I don't know if this is the right place for things like this, but I am curious about a few aspects of the GCC front-end/back-end architecture:
I know I can compile .o files from C code and link them to C++ code, and I think I can do it the other way round, too. Does this work because the two languages are similar, or because the GCC back-end is really language-independent? Would this work with ADA code too? (I don't even know if that makes sense, since I don't know ADA or if it even has "functions", but the question is understood. If it makes no sense, think "Pascal" or even "my own custom language front-end")
Where would garbage-collection be implemented? For example, a Java front-end. The way I understand, if compiling to a JVM back-end, the "platform" will take care of the GC, and so the front-end needs not do anything about it, but if compiling to native code, would the front-end send garbage-collecting GENERIC code to the back-end, or does it turn on some flag telling the back-end to produce garbage-collecting code? The first makes more sense to me, but that would mean the front-end produces different output based on the target, which seems to miss the point of the GCC's front-end/back-end architecture.
Where would language-specific libraries go? For instance, the standard Java classes or standard C headers. If they are linked in at the end, then could a C program theoretically call functions from the Java library or something like that, since it is just another linked library?
Yes, the backend is at least reasonably language independent. Yes, it works with Ada.
GCJ generates native code which uses a runtime library. The garbage collector is part of the runtime library.
GCJ implements the CNI, which allows you to write code in C++ that can be used as native methods by Java code -- but being able to do this is a consequence of them having designed it in, not just an accidental byproduct of using the same back-end.
It is possible because calling convention is compatible, but name mangling is different (no mangling in C). To call C function from C++ you should declare it with extern "C". And to call C++ function from C you should declare it with mangled name (and may be with additional or different type args). The calling Fortran code is possible in some cases too, but argument passing convention is different (pass by ref in Fortran).
There were actually a converters from C++ to C (cfront) and from fortran to c (f2c) and some solutions from them are still used.
garbage-collection is implemented in run-time library, e.g. boehm. Backend should generate objects compatible with selected GC library.
Compiler driver (g++, gfortran, ..) will add language-specific libraries to linking step.

Should use "__imp__ApiName#N" or "_ApiName#N"?

I have dumped a Windows SDK .lib file (kernel32.lib) with DUMPBIN, the output show me that there are two "versions" for every API name, for example:
So, why there are two of the same with different name mangling? .
Let say i want to call ExitProcess from NASM, wich of them should i use when declare EXTERN?, mi practice shows me that i can call any of them but i don't know which one is the "correct" or the "prefered" to stick with it.
I think the _imp_ version is meant to be used with __declspec(dllimport) on Visual C++ compilers to prevent potential conflicts with code in the same module.
You're not supposed to use that fact explicitly in your code -- just use the original function, i.e. _ExitProcess#4.

How to create a drop-in replacement for an existing dll?

Beyond creating a dll with all the same functions with the same interface and calling conventions, does the replacement dll need to exactly duplicate the export map including ordinal numbers of the original as well? So that not only explicit loading via GetProcAddress works, but implicit linking as well?
(edit: this is an unmanaged, c/c++ windows dll I'm talking about, not .net)
You will need to mimic every export that any other client is using, you don't need to mimic "dead" exports that no one is using. You need to keep the ordinals only if other clients are linked by using ordinal instead of export name (which is quite rare).
There a is something that you need to keep in mind: If the dll contains C++ classes and it is not using extern "C" then you need to maintain binary comparability, meaning the classes in the replacement dll needs to have the same fields in the same order as the original classes. If your using interfaces that you need to keep the vtable with the same arguments for each method.

Within a DLL, how is the function table structured?

I've been looking into the implementation of a device library that doesn't explicitly support my operating system. In particular, I have a disassembled DLL, and a fair amount of supporting source code. Now, how is the function table/export table structured?
My understanding is that the first structure of the .data section is a table of RVAs. Next is a table of strings linked by index to that first address table. This makes sense to me, as a linker could translate between symbols and addresses.
How do functions referenced by ordinals fit into this picture? How does one know which function has such and such ordinal number, and how does the linker resolve this? In other words, given that some other DLL imports SOME_LIBRARY_ordinal_7, how does the linker know which function to work with?
Thanks, all!
More information...
Im working with the FTDI libraries, and would like to resolve which function is being invoked. In particular, I see something like:
extern FTD2XX_Ordinal_28: near
how might I go about determining which function is being referenced, and how does the linker do this?
To learn how the linkers and the loader works on Windows, probably the most accessible information comes from a set of columns Matt Pietrek did more than a decade ago:
July 1997:
April 1998:
September 1999:
And the biggest and best one:
Peering Inside the PE: A tour of the Win32 Portable Executable File Format (from 1994!)
