Should use "__imp__ApiName#N" or "_ApiName#N"? - windows

I have dumped a Windows SDK .lib file (kernel32.lib) with DUMPBIN, the output show me that there are two "versions" for every API name, for example:
So, why there are two of the same with different name mangling? .
Let say i want to call ExitProcess from NASM, wich of them should i use when declare EXTERN?, mi practice shows me that i can call any of them but i don't know which one is the "correct" or the "prefered" to stick with it.

I think the _imp_ version is meant to be used with __declspec(dllimport) on Visual C++ compilers to prevent potential conflicts with code in the same module.
You're not supposed to use that fact explicitly in your code -- just use the original function, i.e. _ExitProcess#4.


How to programmatically inject parameters/instructions into a pre-built portable executable

I have two executables, both manually created by me, I shall call them 1.exe and 2.exe respectively. First of all, both the executables are compiled by MSVS 2010, using the Microsoft compiler. I want to type a message into 1.exe, and I want 1.exe to inject that message into 2.exe (possibly as some sort of parameter), so when I run 2.exe after 1.exe has injected the message, 2.exe will display that message.
NOTE - this is not for illicit use, both these executables were created by me.
The big thing for me is:
Where to place the message/instructions in 2.exe so they can be easily accessed by 2.exe
How will 2.exe actually FIND use these parameters (message).
I fully understand that I can't simply use C++ code as injection, it must be naked assembly which can be generated/translated by the compiler at runtime (correct me if I am wrong)
Some solutions I have been thinking of:
Create a standard function in 2.exe requiring parameters (eg displaying the messagebox), and simply inject these parameters (the message) into the function?
Make some sort of structure in 2.exe to hold the values that 1.exe will inject, if so how? Will I need to hardcode the offset at which to put these parameters into?
Note- I don't expect a spoonfeed, I want to understand this aspect of programming proficiently, I have read up the PE file format and have solid understanding of assembly (MASM assembler syntax), and am keen to learn alot more. Thank you for your time.
Very few programmers ever need to do this sort of thing. You could go your entire career without it. I last did it in about 1983.
If I remember correctly, I had 2.exe include an assembler module with something like this (I've forgotten the syntax):
TARGET DB 200h ; Reserve 512 bytes
1.exe would then open 2.exe, search the symbol table for the global symbol "TARGET", figure out where that was within the file, write the 512 bytes it wanted to, and save the file. This was for a licensing scheme.
The comment from reminded me that I did not use the symbol table on that occasion. That was a different OS. In this case, I did scan for a string.
From your description it sounds like passing a value on the command line is all you need.
The Win32 GetCommandLine() function will give you ther passed value that you can pass to MessageBox().
If it needs to be another running instance then another form of IPC like windows messages (WM_COPYDATA) will work.

Using DLLs with NASM

I have been doing some x86 programming in Windows with NASM and I have run into some confusion. I am confused as to why I must do this:
extern _ExitProcess#4
Specifically I am confused about the '_' and the '#4'. I know that the '#4' is the size of the stack but why is it needed? When I looked in the kernel32.dll with a hex editor I only saw 'ExitProcess' not '_ExitProcess#4'.
I am also confused as to why C Functions do not need the underscore and the stack size such as this:
extern printf
Why don't C Functions need decorations?
My third question is "Is this the way I should be using these functions?" Right now I am linking with the actual dll files themselves.
I know that the '#4' is the size of the stack but why is it needed?
To enable the linker to report a fatal error if your compiler assumed the wrong calling convention for the function (this can happen if you forget to include header files in C and ignore all the compiler warnings or if a declaration doesn't exactly match the function in the shared library).
Why don't C Functions need decorations?
Functions that use the cdecl calling convention are decorated with a single leading (so it would actually be _printf).
The reason why no parameter size is encoded into the decorated name is that the caller is responsible for both setting up and tearing down the stack, so an argument count mismatch will not be fatal for the stack setup (though the calling function might still crash if it isn't given the right arguments, of course). It might even be possible that the argument count is variable, like in the case of printf.
When I looked in the kernel32.dll with a hex editor I only saw ExitProcess not _ExitProcess#4.
The mangled names are usually mapped to the actual exported names of the DLL using definition files (*.def), which then get compiled to *.lib import library files that can be used in your linker invocation. An example of such a definition file for kernel32.dll is this one. The following line defines the mapping for ExitProcess:
_ExitProcess#4 = ExitProcess
Is this the way I should be using these functions?
I don't know NASM very well, but the code I've seen so far usually specifies the decorated name, like in your example.
You can find more information on this excellent page about Win32 calling conventions.

Where is the definition of function nanf() on linux

I am trying to look for definition and declaration of the function nanf() - return 'Not a Number function, which is related to the floating point functionality on Linux gcc compiler environment - (glibc).
I need to use similar/same definition for nanf() on windows to build my code using Visual Studio.
I checked following header files in the Linux src/include folders but did not see anything related to nanf declaration.
Any pointers will be helpful.
thank you,
The declaration is just (C99 ยง7.12.11.3):
float nanf(const char *tagp);
or macros that expand to something equivalent. A conformant implementation is highly platform-specific, however, because the standard does not define how to interpret tagp, except to say that the behavior is equivalent to a certain call to strtof, and "The nan functions return a quiet NaN, if available, with content indicated through tagp."
Instead of trying to shoehorn C99 features into the one compiler and library that stubbornly refuses to even try to implement them, why not just use a real C compiler? There are plenty out there.

How to use a dll without knowing parameters?

I have a dll that I need to make use of. I also have a program that makes calls to this dll to use it. I need to be able to use this dll in another program, however previous programmer did not leave any documentation or source code. Is there a way I can monitor what calls are made to this dll and what is passed?
You can't, in general. This is from the Dependency Walker FAQ:
Q: How do I view the parameter and
return types of a function?
A: For most functions, this
information is simply not present in
the module. The Windows' module file
format only provides a single text
string to identify each function.
There is no structured way to list the
number of parameters, the parameter
types, or the return type. However,
some languages do something called
function "decoration" or "mangling",
which is the process of encoding
information into the text string. For
example, a function like int Foo(int,
int) encoded with simple decoration
might be exported as _Foo#8. The 8
refers to the number of bytes used by
the parameters. If C++ decoration is
used, the function would be exported
as ?Foo##YGHHH#Z, which can be
directly decoded back to the
function's original prototype: int
Foo(int, int). Dependency Walker
supports C++ undecoration by using the
Undecorate C++ Functions Command.
Edit: One thing you could do, I think, is to get a disassembler and disassemble the DLL and/or the calling code, and work out from that the number and types of the arguments, and the return types. You wouldn't be able to find out the names of the arguments though.
You can hook the functions in the DLL you wish to monitor (if you know how many arguments they take)
You can use dumpbin (Which is part of the Visual Studio Professional or VC++ Express, or download the platform kit, or even use OpenWatcom C++) on the DLL to look for the 'exports' section, as an example:
dumpbin /all SimpleLib.dll | more
Output would be:
Section contains the following exports for SimpleLib.dll
00000000 characteristics
4A15B11F time date stamp Thu May 21 20:53:03 2009
0.00 version
1 ordinal base
2 number of functions
2 number of names
ordinal hint RVA name
1 0 00001010 fnSimpleLib
2 1 00001030 fnSimpleLib2
Look at the ordinals, there are the two functions exported...the only thing is to work out what parameters are used...
You can also use the PE Explorer to find this out for you. Working out the parameters is a bit tricky, you would need to disassemble the binary, and look for the function call at the offset in the file, then work out the parameters by looking at the 'SP', 'BP' registers.
Hope this helps,
Best regards,

Using GetProcAddress when the name might be decorated

What is the correct way to use GetProcAddress() on a 32 bit DLL? On win32, there are three calling conventions, cdecl, stdcall and fastcall. If the function in the DLL is foo they will decorate the name in the following ways _foo, _foo#N and #foo#N.
But if the author of the dll has used a .def file, then the exported name will be changed to just "foo" without any decoration.
This spells trouble for me because if I want to load foo from a dll that is using stdcall, should I use the decorated name:
void *h = LoadLibraryEx(L"foo.dll", NULL, 0);
GetProcAddres((HMODULE)h, L"_foo#16");
Or the undecorated one:
void *h = LoadLibraryEx(L"foo.dll", NULL, 0);
GetProcAddres((HMODULE)h, L"foo");
? Should I guess? I've looked at lots of 32 bit DLL files (stdcall and cdecl) and they all seem to export the undecorated name. But can you assume that is always the case?
There's really no shortcut or definitive rule here. You have to know the name of the function. The normal scenario is that you know at compile time the name of the function. In which case it does not matter whether the exported name is mangled, decorated, or indeed completely unrelated to the semantic name. Functions can be exported without names, by ordinal. Again, you need to know how the function was exported.
If you are presented with a header file for a library, and want to link to it with explicit linking (LoadLibrary/GetProcAddress) then you will need to find out the names of the function. Use a tool like dumpbin or Dependency Walker to do that.
Now, the other scenario which might lead to you asking the question is that you don't know the name at compile time. For instance, the name is provided by the user of your program in one way or another. Again, it is quite reasonable to require the user to know the exported name of the function.
Finally, you can parse the PE meta data for the executable file to enumerate its exported function. This will give you a list of exported function names, and exported function ordinals. This is what tools like dumpbin and Dependency Walker do.
If __declspec(dllexport) is used during compilation and __declspec(dllimport) in header file, as well as extern "c", then you do not need to decorate those functions. The __declspec helps in using the undecorated names, but function overloads, namespaces, and classes still require same way to distinguish them.
Usually, object oriented functions are exported using function ordinals instead of their decorated names. Cast the ordinal as (char*)(unsigned short)ordinal, thus, GetProcAddress(module, (char*)(unsigned short)ordinal);
Edit: while most of Windows use UTF-16, GetProcAddress uses UTF-8, so it cannot use a wide character string.
GetProcAddress(module, L"foo") is identical to GetProcAddress(module, "f");
