CodeIgniter: Lifecycle of the Controllers - codeigniter

The text is quite long, the question is actually simple and written in bold. The other text is only for trying to explain the problem.
I have recently started to use CodeIgniter for developing my website. Currently, I'm writing a side menu where you can filter the items showed in the view (basic e-commerce functionality).
The idea I had was to have an array in my Shop-controller where I store my filtering values which are passed to and from my filterview, so the filter menu kan handle several types of filters.
The problem is that it seems like the constructor of the controller is run each time the controller is called. I thought that the controller was constructed only once when the user enters the website. I'm pretty new at website devlopment and am mainly a C++-guy, so this seems a bit strange for me.
My question is pretty simple actually: Is it true that the controller instance is created at each call to a controller function? Otherwise, what am I doing wrong to cause the controller instance to be reinstantiated at each controller call...
I hope that my question is not too fuzzy. It is important for me to understand the lifecycle behaviour of CodeIgniter to be able to find a simple solution for this. I would like to avoid using $_SESSION, because I would like to use a OOP like solution.

Is it true that the controller
instance is created at each call to a
controller function? Otherwise, what
am I doing wrong to cause the
controller instance to be
reinstantiated at each controller
Yes, the controller instance is re-instantiated every time you make a call to that controller. In CodeIgniter, there is no such thing as a persistent instance of your controller for each user interacting with your application (unlike single-user apps built in C++). What you do have is session management, where you use Session variables to store data persistent to that particular session between the user's browser and your web server (more). Another way to do this is by using cookies. I personally prefer session over cookies.
There is no harm in using $_SESSION for the purpose of your filter, and it is not against OOP principles. What matters is how you use the data stored in your Session variable once your controller instance has loaded ( that's where the OOP concepts come into play).

Shivaas, the same answer can by safely used with models? What about autoloading models? I mean, autoloading it's just a way to avoid typing $this->load->model('the_model') when needed? There's no way to use singleton pattern without recurring to use session/database?
private $instance;
function init_model() {
if ($this->instance === NULL) {
$this->instance = array();
return $this->instance;
Once init_model exits, the class instance is destroyed so $instance will be always initialized to a new array()?


Laravel Create Function to be used in different Controllers/in the same Controller

It's more a general question, I want someone to point me to the direction I should go.
1) FUNCTION FOR SAME CONTROLLER: I have two methods: Store and Update in the same controller. They both should contain some complex request validation (which I can't do via validator or form request validation because it's too complex). This means for me now using the same code twice in two methods... How can I take this code, create a function and use it in both Store and Update methods just with a single line, like:
2) FUNCTION FOR DIFF. CONTROLLERS: I have another code which I use in many different Contollers. It transliterates Russian letters into Latin ones ('Сергей' = 'Sergey' and so on). How and where should I register this function to be able using it in different Contollers?
I have read something about helpers. Should I use them? If you an experienced Laravel develper and say so, I will read everything about them. Or, if you advice something else - I'll read about that.:) I just don't want to spend time reading about something useless or "not right way to-do-it".
Appreciate any help!
1) You could create a form request validation or you could just create a private function that would handle the validation and return the result.
2) You can create a helpers.php file, see here, and you put your translation function inside. Then you can call it from anywhere:
In a controller transliterate_this($data);
In a view {{ transliterate_this($data); }}.
You can do complex validation even inside a FromRequest. You can override the getValidatorInstance for example, or any other method from the base class to plug your validation logic on top of the basic validation rules. Else just consider making an external class to handle that complex validation and inject it in your controllers using Laravel's IoC container.
You should create a facade to provide that feature. Then you can easily use it anywhere (and additionally create a helper method for it if that makes you feel better). Something like Transliterate::toLatin($str)
everyone! Thank you all for great answers. But I have discovered that the problem was that I didn't know anything about Object-Oriented Programming.
(Ans I was working in Laravel:)).
After I took an Object Oriented Bootcamp from Laracasts, I started 'seeing' how Laravel actually works and I know can easily create methods inside classes and use them in other classes.
(of course, you can read something else on OOP, but Jeffrey Way has really outstanding explanation talent!)

Why is session data only available in the controller in CakePHP?

So, I like CakePHP and use it lots. When 2.0 came out, I was pleased to see the AuthComponent be made available throughout your whole application as a static class, which makes lots of things much easier - i.e. you no longer have to pass user data as an argument to model methods.
Recently on a project, I have perceived the need to access methods of the SessionComponent from a Model. Specifically, when a user logs in, some checks are performed to see if the user has a valid subscription to the site. This is all done in the model. If the user no longer has a valid subscription, there are a few reasons why that might be. It seems easiest to return false from the model, and at the same time set a flash message giving the reason for the expired subscription. Rather than return an array something like this:
array('status' => 0, 'message' => 'You\'re not welcome here anymore')
which needs interpreting in the controller.
There are other times I have wanted to deal with sessions in models, but this is the example that came to mind.
So, I'd like to know, am I right in wanting to access the SessionComponent in models? Should I just use $_SESSION directly when I have this need? Or am I doing things wrong - are there better ways to code?
you can always use
anywhere in your application. so also in the model.
see previous posts like Reading a session variable inside a behavior in cakephp 2
but be adviced, that you should try to avoid it if possible.
models are supposed to be as stateless as possible - mixing them with sessions makes that more and more blurry.
According to CakePHP cookbook:
Usage of the $_SESSION is generally avoided in CakePHP, and instead
usage of the Session classes is preferred.
There are several different configurations where you can store session data, f.ex. in the database. So, by using CakeSession changes to session configuration will not affect every place where you access session data.
I would advice not to use SessionComponent from the model. Better pass parameters to the model with necessary data. Take a look at Understanding Model-View-Controller.
Passing session control to the Model violates MVC. You should use the model to make the decisions and the controller to reflect those decisions to the application. In a correct MVC enviroment the Model won't even know you are using sessions much less manipulating it.
Also, using the $_SESSION var violates the framework encapsulation. If you find yourself needing to do that, yes, you went wrong somewhere.
You can write and read data in session in model by using Authcomponent and session
App::uses('AuthComponent', 'Controller/Component');
App::import('Component', 'Session');
and you can write and read data using following functions
CakeSession::write('', '1');

Codeigniter Inter Controller Communication

I am new to MVC, CodeIginter. Instead of getting things easy, it needs lot of code to be written for a simple application. These are might be happening becouse I am new. So I have few confusions about this thing. Any kind of help is appreciated.
1) Methods are written in one controller can not be accessed in another controller classes. I have to write a new function for the same functionality.
2) To create website administration panel (back-end) in none mvc panel, we usually create it in a new folder. Is this thing possible in CodeIgniter? If not what about the admin (back-end)??
Let's try to clear some of your doubts about this.
1) Calling a controller's method from another controller is not possible, and it's whtouth meaning by the way.
A controller is supposed to get an action from the URL (which is routed by CI to the right controller for the task) and, based on that, decide which Model and which model's method needs be called to elaborate the data requested.
The model, then, hands back the result of this elaboration to the controller, which , in turns, decides to which view pass this results.
The view, eventually, is structured to get those datas and display them.
SO, as you can see, calling a controllers' method from another controller is nonsense, it would be like going to a page and finding another one instead; if you want to pass to another controller the request...well, there's the redirect for that.
If you find out you have the same functionalities in several moment, think twice:
What is a funcionality? Do you mean somehtin like "display posts" in controller "archive" and "display posts" in controller "news" ? they're hardly the same functionality; they can maybe share views, or models, but that's it.
For functions that doesn't relate to URLs, but involve some further elaboration (which might be wrong to do in Models) and are nonetheless called in a controller, you have library instead. Think at the "form_validation" library, which is called in a controller's method, but has its own peculiar (and encapsulated) functionalies. Ora a "session" library, or an "authentication" library
2) To create an admin panel the easiest thing is: create an "admin" controller (which is accesible then to, and put all the administration actions there, in its methods: create_page(), edit_page(), manage_users(), whatever.
In order to avoid people accessing it freely you need to build an authentication system, which, in its simplest and barabone strucutre, might be a check of wheter a session is set or not (maybe a check done at __construct() time).
But you can find nice Auth libraries out there already made, such as Ion Auth or Tank Auth (the 2 most popular to my knowledge)
Hope things are a bit clearer now. See also Interstellar_Coder's comment at this answer if you're interested in the modular HMVC approach.
1) Methods are written in one controller can not be accessed in another controller classes. I have to write a new function for the same functionality.
What's the functionality about? Perhaps you should write a library/helper instead, controller's logic should be limited to request flow or something else but not too complicated. For that, put the functionality in the model, or if more general, in library/helper.
2) To create website administration panel (back-end) in none mvc panel, we usually create it in a new folder. Is this thing possible in CodeIgniter? If not what about the admin (back-end)??
I don't get it, could you elaborate more?

Code Igniter App: Is-logged-in function: where to put

I'm building a simple login system for the CI based site and I I'm unsure of where to place my function:
// check if session logged in stuff exists
// if not check for cookie and reset from that
// return true or false
To start with I need to call this from some public pages so they they can display 'You're logged in as [blah]. Continue to members area'.
Would it make sense to put this in my login model, call it from my controller(s) and then simply pass the result (logged_in: true/false) to my views?
This might be a Model or it might be a Library issue. The question becomes how you are storing whether they are logged in. Personally, I generally put it in a Library which calls a specific Model, it seems less elegant at first, but realistically, I don't want my Model to know anything about my $_SESSION or my $this->session, one of which would be necessary if I wanted to have a good authentication system.
As to how to communicate with the view, there are a couple of ways:
Have it as a special variable passed to the view:
Bonus: It is the most obvious.
Detriment: You will need to place it into every single call to view. This means either you override your loader or you update all of your controls (might be gross).
Have it defined as a constant:
Bonus:By far the easiest if you have logic in the view.
Detriment:Constants are rarely the way to go, they are hard to debug, and it is not a very CodeIgniter way of doing things.
Have a helper function (literally a "helper" function)
Bonus:Universally accessible value which is relatively easy to debug.
Detriment:Requires a helper to know about a Library and/or Model (this is actually true of the built in form_helper, but it still opens up a proverbial can of worms) and it will probably be a one-function helper file.
Conditionally include a view from the controller
Bonus:It removes all logic from your view.
Detriment:You still need to make your controllers aware of the logic.
Personally, I am most likely to use #'s 3 & 4, but each has its advantages.

CodeIgniter $this->load->vars($array)

CodeIgniter has a method $this->load->vars($array) that is ideally used in the parent Controller to provide global access to system variables directly in the view. For example:
$this->data['username'] = "john";
Then in the view, you can easily access john by echoing $username.
My question is, is it possible to use $this->load->vars($array) from within a Model instead of a Controller? This will allow me to abstract away some details from my Controller, making it cleaner. What changes would I have to make to get this working? Would you recommend it; do you think it breaks MVC?
Also, I'm using Datamapper ORM, so my models actually extend the Datamapper object and not the Model object.
Is it possible to use $this->load->vars($array) from within a Model instead of a Controller?
As mentioned, yes you can do this, you can even load a view from a Model, or even run $this->load->vars() in a view and load yet another view.
This will allow me to abstract away some details from my Controller, making it cleaner.
This is like sweeping the dirt under the rug, it didn't go away - it just went somewhere else where you are bound to deal with it later.
Would you recommend it; do you think it breaks MVC?
It's not going to "break" anything, but it implies that maybe your concept of MVC is somewhat broken. If it has nothing do do with the data layer and everything to do with the view layer, it doesn't belong in the Model. There's a good chance there may be some other stuff that doesn't quite belong there as well...
I'm using Datamapper ORM, so my models actually extend the Datamapper object and not the Model object.
You may need to call get_instance() and assign it to a variable or class property for use in DM models, so you can access the Codeigniter object.
Example: $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->vars();
Return the data from the Model in the simplest, most reusable form possible, and then assign it to the view variables in the Controller. If I'm hunting down the source of some variables in a view file, the last place I'd look for them is in the Model. You may end up revisiting this project in the future, so try to be consistent as much as you can, and stick to the suggested, expected practices.
