Codeigniter Inter Controller Communication - model-view-controller

I am new to MVC, CodeIginter. Instead of getting things easy, it needs lot of code to be written for a simple application. These are might be happening becouse I am new. So I have few confusions about this thing. Any kind of help is appreciated.
1) Methods are written in one controller can not be accessed in another controller classes. I have to write a new function for the same functionality.
2) To create website administration panel (back-end) in none mvc panel, we usually create it in a new folder. Is this thing possible in CodeIgniter? If not what about the admin (back-end)??

Let's try to clear some of your doubts about this.
1) Calling a controller's method from another controller is not possible, and it's whtouth meaning by the way.
A controller is supposed to get an action from the URL (which is routed by CI to the right controller for the task) and, based on that, decide which Model and which model's method needs be called to elaborate the data requested.
The model, then, hands back the result of this elaboration to the controller, which , in turns, decides to which view pass this results.
The view, eventually, is structured to get those datas and display them.
SO, as you can see, calling a controllers' method from another controller is nonsense, it would be like going to a page and finding another one instead; if you want to pass to another controller the request...well, there's the redirect for that.
If you find out you have the same functionalities in several moment, think twice:
What is a funcionality? Do you mean somehtin like "display posts" in controller "archive" and "display posts" in controller "news" ? they're hardly the same functionality; they can maybe share views, or models, but that's it.
For functions that doesn't relate to URLs, but involve some further elaboration (which might be wrong to do in Models) and are nonetheless called in a controller, you have library instead. Think at the "form_validation" library, which is called in a controller's method, but has its own peculiar (and encapsulated) functionalies. Ora a "session" library, or an "authentication" library
2) To create an admin panel the easiest thing is: create an "admin" controller (which is accesible then to, and put all the administration actions there, in its methods: create_page(), edit_page(), manage_users(), whatever.
In order to avoid people accessing it freely you need to build an authentication system, which, in its simplest and barabone strucutre, might be a check of wheter a session is set or not (maybe a check done at __construct() time).
But you can find nice Auth libraries out there already made, such as Ion Auth or Tank Auth (the 2 most popular to my knowledge)
Hope things are a bit clearer now. See also Interstellar_Coder's comment at this answer if you're interested in the modular HMVC approach.

1) Methods are written in one controller can not be accessed in another controller classes. I have to write a new function for the same functionality.
What's the functionality about? Perhaps you should write a library/helper instead, controller's logic should be limited to request flow or something else but not too complicated. For that, put the functionality in the model, or if more general, in library/helper.
2) To create website administration panel (back-end) in none mvc panel, we usually create it in a new folder. Is this thing possible in CodeIgniter? If not what about the admin (back-end)??
I don't get it, could you elaborate more?


How to handle conditional rendering of views related to same controller's action?

I am developing a simple CRMish application. Let's say I can create tasks and clients. Both can be created independently, but they can also be created in a process. I have a views called create.blade.php for these two actions.
When you are creating a task for example, at some point you have a button choose a customer / create a customer which opens a modal dialog (so you can pick a customer and assign it to a task in one step :)). And here it starts to get muddy. I want my form part from create.blade.php to be rendered in modal dialog and to do so I need to fetch this hitting my create action, which normally returns full form that extends master.blade.php.
How would you handle this kind of design problem? For now it would be a little, innocent switch or if before return view() in my create action but I know that it will look like spaghetti carbonara at some point.
My ideas are as follows:
ifs/switch as long as it's readable and it's only about returning
different views (but you know it will include logic, different
variables etc. at some point..)
move ifs/switch logic to some request class and call return
view($request->getView()) so my controller will be a little bit
cleaner and follow SRP
create different classes for "ajax" requests, and "normal" requests.
same as above but because the logic of fetching some data used in
form etc. are common for both of the scenarios I can create a base
abstract class of TaskController and than extend this for "normal"
request and "ajax" request scenario. This is most advanced idea, but
I think i follow SRP as well as I remove code duplication cause
fetching common data will be placed in abstract class
Do you have any other ideas of how to handle this?
I have ended up with a little conditional in my create.blade.php view.
#extends((( Request::ajax()) ? 'layouts.modal' : 'layouts.master' ))
According to #Kristo I wont overengineer, and stick with this simple & readable solution.
I have created a little extension, as I decided that I will not load my modals via Ajax but simply inject them on compile time. Here is the code :)

model calls in CodeIgniter

Can we make model calls only from controller?
I make model calls from view also, is it wrong to do so.
Please suggest me.
Well although it's possible, it's really encouraged to do this from the controller and pass the data to the view.
Why? Because heavier calculations such as database request will make the site load funny.
You might first load opening of page, then menu, then the contest takes half a second to pop up due to query being run inside rendering, and not before.
So basic practice:
Let the controller run the heavy stuff, and render the view file simply with given data and avoid rendering too much of it's on.
The Controller serves as an intermediary between the Model, the View,
and any other resources needed to process the HTTP request and
generate a web page.
In the MVC structure, the Model is the part that deals with data/database, view are designs/layouts, and controllers are the intermediary between the model and the view.
To answer your question, the Model and the View should never be directly connected in any sense. CodeIgniter may allow you to do so, but it is not what MVC is made for.
You may want to read a little more about MVC structure as a whole

what is the best structure for a project in codeigniter and how to use it?

I have some weeks since im using CI, but now I've found some problems about the structure of my project, I would like someone to give me some clues because I am kinda stuck, the problem is this:
I have my project MVC, so, I am dividing it into files (each per functionality) for example, there is a file with all the functions corresponding at login, and other with all related at post (it's an example), but now I am on a moment where I need to use login or posting into another part of the project, reading I found out i cannot call a controller from another, I can use the helper but still I will need to use a model, so I have to take that code and paste it into the controller where I'm calling the model and so on (and it's not good), I found out I can use modules, still I don't want to go over them until someone could give me an experience of this, i wouldnt like to change the project, is any way I could run all those controllers (i know i can use run:: I'm not sure if i can send parameters in it), any ideas please?
Thanks in advance.
Fair warning, this type of question will get shot down by many SO moderators, but I'll give you some tips regardless:
Controller actions are single-use. If you find yourself with duplicate code in multiple controllers (or, needing to call a controller function from another controller), that's a sure sign you should move that code to a model or library.
Models are object-specific, not action-specific. I wouldn't have a model dedicated to logins, unless you have multiple types of logins (most apps/sites just have member logins, but you might have administrators, etc. that are stored in a different table from the rest). Instead, have a User_model class, and make function login($email, $password) a method of that class.
Controller-to-model interaction should be very concise. If you find yourself with 30 lines of code passing data back and forth between the same controller and model, you might be trying to do too much with that one controller action.
Keep your models fat, controllers skinny, and views dumb.

Code Igniter App: Is-logged-in function: where to put

I'm building a simple login system for the CI based site and I I'm unsure of where to place my function:
// check if session logged in stuff exists
// if not check for cookie and reset from that
// return true or false
To start with I need to call this from some public pages so they they can display 'You're logged in as [blah]. Continue to members area'.
Would it make sense to put this in my login model, call it from my controller(s) and then simply pass the result (logged_in: true/false) to my views?
This might be a Model or it might be a Library issue. The question becomes how you are storing whether they are logged in. Personally, I generally put it in a Library which calls a specific Model, it seems less elegant at first, but realistically, I don't want my Model to know anything about my $_SESSION or my $this->session, one of which would be necessary if I wanted to have a good authentication system.
As to how to communicate with the view, there are a couple of ways:
Have it as a special variable passed to the view:
Bonus: It is the most obvious.
Detriment: You will need to place it into every single call to view. This means either you override your loader or you update all of your controls (might be gross).
Have it defined as a constant:
Bonus:By far the easiest if you have logic in the view.
Detriment:Constants are rarely the way to go, they are hard to debug, and it is not a very CodeIgniter way of doing things.
Have a helper function (literally a "helper" function)
Bonus:Universally accessible value which is relatively easy to debug.
Detriment:Requires a helper to know about a Library and/or Model (this is actually true of the built in form_helper, but it still opens up a proverbial can of worms) and it will probably be a one-function helper file.
Conditionally include a view from the controller
Bonus:It removes all logic from your view.
Detriment:You still need to make your controllers aware of the logic.
Personally, I am most likely to use #'s 3 & 4, but each has its advantages.

In MVC, where is the correct place to put authorization code?

In MVC, where is the correct place to put authorization code?
The controller?
The Model?
In the view?
All over the place?
I vote for putting it where it makes sense. Most of my authorization stuff is handled via decorating controller actions (or even some controllers) with the AuthorizeAttribute -- or an attribute derived from it. In a few cases -- like my menus -- I've resorted to putting the authorization check in the view code itself, rather than calculating it in each controller and passing flags down in ViewData. There are a few instances where certain aspects of the model are only available to particular roles and in those cases I've resorted to extending the model with methods that can take the current user and roles and do the check there.
I think authorization is a cross-cutting concern. Should be in one place - an aspect that can be declaratively applied where it's needed.
The Controller!
Your View should only handle user interface and display
Your Model should represent the data in your system.
Your Controller should handle the logic of how the system works.
Authorising a user involves taking the credentials provided from the View, checking them against some sort of authorisation list in the model and then performing a check.
This is done in the controller:
Get user credentials from View
if(compare with user list in model returns match)
authorise users
refuse access
If you have to choose between M, V or c, the C is the correct place. But, I recommend an architecture where your app is all contained in libraries and the UI is just a thin veneer. You end up calling down the stack from the Controller, but the code is not in the controller.
In MVC, the Model is just a model, or a "dumb data object", if you will. It is designed to hold state, and should not dictate behavior. The View is for the user to interact with and is also "dumb"; the view handles UI. The controller is where behavior sits, or is the entry point into behavior in the case where the app logic is in libraries. Make sense?
Controller is just for switching through different ways. View is just for... viewing.
So you should make all authorization codes in the Model layer. Ideally, everything will work just fine. If not, then the controller will take the user to the proper login box.
