Can we export the Entity Data in CRM Solution along with Entities (CRM 5.0) - dynamics-crm

I am moving my CRM Solution from Local and importing that in Development Environment.
Wondering if there is any way to export the Data along with the Entities?
Appreciate your Responses.

Not as part of the solution package, no. Try exporting it to excel and then importing through the import wizard.

I'm about to try the Reference Data Transporter from MSCRM 2011 ToolKit:

I had some problems with that so now I'm trying the Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 Instance Adapter as recommended by a guy at Microsoft partner support.
However, I can't get this to install properly. In fact the installation is generally tortuous.


Transfer Managed custom entities in unmanaged solution from dynamics crm 365 on premise to online

I want to upgrade my ms crm 365 on prem V9.1 to ms crm 365 online .
I create a dev environment of dynamics crm 365 online (latest version).
when i tried to export and import an unmanaged solution with all my entities ,i got an exception that there are same custom managed entities that need their managed solution as dependency.
because i cant export a managed solution and i dont have the original solution, i can't transfer all my entities .
I recently upgraded from crm 2011 to crm 365 on prem, and the entities were created in crm 2011 version ,in crm 2011 we worked with unmanaged and for same reason someone create a managed solution.
Now i have managed solution witch i can't export .
I thought about uninstalling the managed solution and creating these entities again, But because these entities were created years ago there is a lot of data under this entities .
so deleting and creating the entities is my last option.
How can i solve this problem ? how can i transfer this entities ?

What is the correct way to access Microsoft Dynamics 365 data on the cloud? SDK vs Web Api

I'm .NET Web Developer and new to Microsoft's CRM, so bear with me. I'm trying to find the correct way to connect to Microsoft Dynamics 365 and retrieve some PDF files. I need to know which is the correct way to do so. I have some questions of some topics found Googling around that don't make sense to me.
Accessing through the SDK
I have found this Microsoft documentation which explains the SDK. However there is a NOTE that says that this has changed with the 2016 update, and Googling more around, it seems to be that the SDK it's not used anymore. I am wrong?
Accessing data using Web API
There's yet another Microsoft documentation that tries to explain the way to connect through a Web Api, however from the start, it says: "This section contains reference documentation of the types, functions, and actions that constitute the Web API for Microsoft Dataverse and Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (on-premises)".
That "On-Premises" comment bothers me. I don't want to learn something that doesn't work for me. Why the web api seems to work only on premise? Why not Dynamics in the cloud?
And for what you can see, I'm utterly confused as to how in the world I can access data to retrieve a file programmatically through C# code from Microsoft Dynamics 365 cloud based.
Please, if you can point me in the right direction, I will really appreciate it.
Thank you!
If your language is C# you can use the SDK provided by Microsoft, it works with the Online (cloud) version.
If you are using .NET Framework you can use this NuGet package:
If you are using .NET Core/.NET 5.0+ you can use this NuGet package (but in public preview):
Some details about these packages here:
Adding to Guido's excellent information here are a few more considerations:
Plugins and custom workflows are custom .NET assemblies where you would use the SDK. They currently only support the full .NET Framework.
To call into the system from a JavaScript library on a form (a.k.a. Client-side scripting), you'd use the WebAPI.
For console apps, web apps, and other external code, you can choose between the SDK and WebAPI. (And as Guido points out, the .NET Core version of the SDK is in preview).
When using the SDK there are two possible coding approaches: Early Bound and Late Bound.
With early bound, you generate proxy classes for DataVerse tables. The classes have properties for each column/attribute, which enables intellisense.
With late bound, you use the string names of tables and attributes.
This article has more info.
Tools for generating early bound classes include Microsoft's CrmSvcUtil.exe, Daryl LaBar's Early Bound Generator in the XrmToolbox,
and the commercial Visual Studio add-on for DataVerse XrmToolkit.
If you're going the WebAPI route, David Yack's API Helper might interest you.

Importing Azure SQL database into Visual Studio 2013

I am setting up VS 2013 for development with Azure SQL Database (I am new to Azure). I have set up a database on Azure and a Solution on VS 2013. The local machine is Windows 8.1 Pro, with SQL server 2014 Express. I am trying to import the database on Azure into the VS solution. I have changed the Target platform on VS to “Microsoft Azure SQL Database”. I have checked that VS can see the Azure database by using “Test Connection” – all appears well.
When I start the Import Database, I get the following error:
You cannot import a 1025 database because you project’s target platform is set to 130. To learn more about changing your target platform and/or source database, or the supported database editions for specific target platforms, please refer to Import Schema help page.
I cannot find the help referred to in the error message. I have tried changing the target to SQL server 2014, no joy. Can anyone give me some pointers?
This issue could be SSDT version issue. Can you download and install the latest RTM or Preview version of SSDT from
If you need to try out all GA and Preview features of Azure SQL DB, SSDT Preview would cover it. Otherwise SSDT RTM version will provide the stability.
For this:
Created the SQL project
Set target to Azure SQL
Instead of "Import" did "Synchronize"
The numbers refer to they type of sql installation, with 130 being 2014, and 1025 being the azure cloud. Exporting data from azure is a little more complicated than you would expect with a VM, because of the way SQL Azure works behind the scenes. First to literally answer your question here is the link to how to use the import export services so you can get the DB on your local 2014 install. However I imagine what you want to do is actually develop for that server without some painful import export process, which is why I think this link that talks about what tools to use might be more helpful.
Anyway, good luck, SQL azure is very much a product in it's infancy.
I was able to work around the problem by working from VS 2013 and creating the Db in VS and publishing to Azure following the tutorial:
I hope I will not need to import a Db in the future!
Thank you to all those that edited & answered. I hope to be able to return the favour.
Importing from Azure into a Sql Server Project works in Visual Studio 2015 with no issues.

Dynamics CRM Online 2011 vs Dynamics CRM Online 2013 [API Changes]

I am doing some research on building integrations for Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online. The integration I am building will be for Dynamics CRM Online 2013, but I am curious if the 2013 version shares an API with the 2011 version.
Does anyone know if an integration built for Dynamics CRM Online 2013 will be backwards compatible with Dynamics CRM Online 2011?
Any insight here would be appreciated.
Also, if anyone has good resources for working with these API's using Ruby that would be awesome...
I wrote some integration for CRM 2011 Online (C# and PHP/SOAP) and I can happily say both still work.
Any integration written with CRM4 in mind would need some modifications I believe (this may just be changing the endpoints) but 2011 and 2013 seem to work ok together.
If you are wanting to connect using a non .Net language be careful as it can be significantly more painful then creating a wrapper for the web service then talking to that from Ruby.
To connect with a non .Net language you need to use SOAP. I have put some posts here (PHP code but it should be easy enough to convert)
I currently don't have it working with Active Directory authentication though!
Everything that I've read about the API changes from 2011 to 2013 has boiled down to the removal of the CRM 4 aspx endpoint. Besides that, most of the changes to CRM are front end.
I read somewhere that a solution made in 2013 can't be exported in 2011. So I don't think will be retro-compatible.
Introduction to solutions
here it is from the SDK:
Version compatibility
Solutions exported from an older version can be imported into newer versions. Solutions exported from newer versions cannot be imported into older versions. This includes major and minor version differences.
Solutions exported from a Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 environment or a Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online organization prior to the Fall '13 Service Update can be imported into organizations using the initial release of Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online Fall '13 Service Update. However as updates are applied and include new features or metadata definitions, these new features or definitions cannot be included in a solution that is installed on an organization that is not current with the definition that the solution was exported from.

How to get Microsoft CRM for Development Purposes?

I am a recent graduate, who has done some work experience at a company developing/designing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solutions. I have moved on from there and have no official ties anymore. However, I do see the future in this product and I would like to keep developing solutions and increasing my development knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Taking into account the above and that I have a job in a different IT area. As well as the fact that I am determined to start this from scratch... What are my options?
My intentions for the future(1-3 yrs) is to develop Microsoft CRM 2013 Solutions and hopefully sell to local small businesses.
MSDN subscription or using trial subscription on CRM Online instance or using trial key:
Or if you want to be a startup, you might be eligible for BizSpark subscription:
I think your best bet would be to get an online subscription. Your solution's code should be 100% compatible with the new CRM APIs in the SDK. Running everything from an online CRM solution would ensure it will work. This will also ensure that when the next version is released, you will be ready for it.
Unless Microsoft changes their licensing, this might be your only reasonably priced choice.
Try the Demo Builder:
It's a Wizard base tool that will guide you through the process of setting up an online demo environment.
There are a bunch of templates that you can select from that will give you a good idea of the different scenarios where CRM can be deployed.
