How to get Microsoft CRM for Development Purposes? - dynamics-crm

I am a recent graduate, who has done some work experience at a company developing/designing Microsoft Dynamics CRM Solutions. I have moved on from there and have no official ties anymore. However, I do see the future in this product and I would like to keep developing solutions and increasing my development knowledge of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.
Taking into account the above and that I have a job in a different IT area. As well as the fact that I am determined to start this from scratch... What are my options?
My intentions for the future(1-3 yrs) is to develop Microsoft CRM 2013 Solutions and hopefully sell to local small businesses.

MSDN subscription or using trial subscription on CRM Online instance or using trial key:
Or if you want to be a startup, you might be eligible for BizSpark subscription:

I think your best bet would be to get an online subscription. Your solution's code should be 100% compatible with the new CRM APIs in the SDK. Running everything from an online CRM solution would ensure it will work. This will also ensure that when the next version is released, you will be ready for it.
Unless Microsoft changes their licensing, this might be your only reasonably priced choice.

Try the Demo Builder:
It's a Wizard base tool that will guide you through the process of setting up an online demo environment.
There are a bunch of templates that you can select from that will give you a good idea of the different scenarios where CRM can be deployed.


Is Office Fabric used in creating the Exchange Admin Center? What else is?

I need to create an administrative portal that is visually consistent with Office 365 and Exchange online / 2016
What UX experience is most similar to the admin portal in these situations?
I discovered Office Fabric but not sure what else is needed to get an Exchange administrator page.
Office UI Fabric team member here. I'm not sure if Fabric is currently used in the Exchange Admin Portal (I don't think so today), but as Slava points out, Fabric is the framework we use to build many of the apps & experiences throughout Office 365, with many pages and experiences being onboarded all the time. It's your best bet if you want to build a new UX that looks and feels like Office, specifically the Fabric-React components, since we stress-test these in our own products and hold them to a very high standard in terms of performance, accessibility, and feature set.
Yes, your research is correct. Office UI Fabric is the front-end framework for building experiences that fit seamlessly into Office and Office 365. Mainly the product made to be replicate Office applications (Word, Outlook, etc.) in 3rd party apps and add-ins. It should be suitable for administrative portal as well, but probably not that reach.
Office UI fabric has two mayor parts: One is Office UI Fabric Core which includes set of style sheets and the second Office UI Fabric JS which delivers built-in components you may use out of box with the core styles.

new to CRM, how to get CRM environment for learning and work around

I m a .net developer and new to CRM. Unfortunately at my work we don't have CRM. I m intrested in learning CRM but not sure how I can get CRM environment for practice and learning.
Please guide should I go for CRM 2015 ? Should it be installed on labtop or Azure or is there a way I can pay and use some environment already avilable for learners ?
Kindly also help is there a licence for learners or which licence or installation is recommended for me.
Thank you so much for your precious time and valuable guidance.
Thanks again.
Hopefully this link lasts, but you can sign up for a free CRM Online trial that is CRM 2015. It will give you a 30-day trial that you may extend through the admin portal. You will walk through setting up an account, and Microsoft will automatically spin the environment up for you. See the link below.

Develop Sharepoint 2013 365 Workflow in Visual Studio

My clients have bought an Office 365 SharePoint 2013 site and I'm in the process of configuring it.
Their business rules require a very complicated Workflow which can just about be developed in SharePoint Designer. However, as I'm an experienced Visual Studio .NET developer I'd rather do it programmatically and hopefully save some time.
At present I can't figure out how to connect my desktop version of Visual Studio to the Cloud-based SharePoint site. I've downloaded the Workflow Manager tool but I'm struggling to figure out how to configure the Farm Databases etc. Available documentation seems patchy.
Has anyone out there found a way of doing this? This link suggests that it might not be possible.
According to this article it's possible, though probably not really nice.
You will have to deploy your Workflow as a SharePoint App. Which means you will only be able to call the webservices.
Another option which might be worth looking at is Nintex, which has a module for office 365 as well.
Nintex has alot of useful functions, though I don't know how good the office 365 version is.
You would have to check whether it suits your requirements.

Getting Started with Programming Microsoft CRM 4

I have gone through all the msdn stuff for getting started with the SDK for Microsoft CRM 4.
I am trying to find any other basic examples / blog posts about implementing the SDK for MS CRM4. Does anyone know of some blogs that cover this?
You'd do well to check out the Microsoft CRM SDK over at MSDN. You could also browse the google groups, or check out sites to well known CRM MVPs.
Best advice, however, is to just start fooling around with it. It's very intuitive once you understand the process of getting things done.
I was in your shoes a while back, and I started by thinking of a "mini project" and doing it. It will force you to find out more about CRM and you'll gain "practical experience".
How about getting a book - Working with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 and working through some exercises there?

How & where can I setup servers for a learning development project?

I am a board member of the Fox Valley .Net User Group. We are starting a Special Interest Group to do a software project from start to finish. We want to focus on having senior .Net members help junior .Net members learn tools and technologies. We want to learn how to use or better use the following software:
Team Foundation Server 2008 - Very Important to Learn
MS Build - Very Important to Learn
Visual Studio Team Systems 2008 - Very Important to Learn
SQL Server 2008 - Somewhat Important to Learn
My Plan:
Create different virtual machines for TFS 2008, Build Server, SQL Server 2008.
This project is planned to assist all who participate to learn the tools and practices needed to stay atop the .Net development world. We find that lots of members of the user group are still using VB 6, .Net 1.1, SQL 2000, non agile practices and other legacy things in there daily job.
My Questions:
Where can I host these VMs so everyone has access and keep the cost low or zero?
If hosting is not possible, does CodePlex offer TFS access? Does it offer agile? Work Items? Reports?
Does anyone have any better ideas?
Thanks for the help and ideas!
Have you looked into the available virtual labs Hosted by Microsoft?
That would eliminate your responsibility for hosting anything. You would also not have to be concerned about any licensing issues with the software that is installed on the Virtual Images.
There are a number of labs for Team System on the Microsoft site.
You can also go to the root Virtual Labs Site where there is a complete listing of available labs. Ths way the responsibilty for hosting is not yours, Microsoft has taken care of it.
Also don't forget to look at Microsoft Learning, there are frequently free offerings for newer technologies that give someone a basic overview, you won't be an expert but it will give you a basic understanding. There are also more indepth offerings but they are usually pay for access.
Good luck and hopefully this helps.
Now that sounds like an interesting project.
1) Perhaps one of the local hosting companies will sponsor a box to host the VMs, or ask one of the ISVs for a host in the DMZ. It is hard work to rein in a sponsor but it will also give you a lot of contacts in the industry.
2) I doubt Codeplex will be a solution for this project as it is very TFS-centric.
3) Have you asked the local Microsoft office? The office here in Copenhagen, Denmark have often helped a lot, even with issues that they knew nothing about but they have always found just the right guy.
Looks like the best way is to use CodePlex.
