How can I run SASS without installing? - sass

I wanted to use SASS on our company's web app but I can't install any programs on production machines. Everything I searched about SASS required you to run an installation program like gem and also required HAML.
I was hoping to find just a script that processes scss files without needing to install anything else.

Well... if you have Ruby available, you could checkout the Git repository of Sass ( Do so by either typing git clone or just downloading it.
Then you could use the interactive Ruby console by typing irb. Try to require 'sass/lib/sass' (this one here) and run Sass.compile_file 'my_styles.css'.
Otherwise... why are you trying to do that? You can also install sass locally, run sass --watch on your sass folder and it compiles your scss files automatically into css files - which you can deploy on your production environment.

If you can run java program in your build system, you could use JRuby for compiling sass. See this answer for more details

Here's a solution for using Sass without using the command line or installing dependencies. It works with Windows, OS X, and Linux. It has a graphical interface, and no installer, just unzip and double-click.

You can also use the java library which can be embedded into any java based web-app. It will compile sass on the fly and return the resulting css. This is especially useful if the Sass sources change (i.e. for customizing reasons) and an ahead of time compilation is not possible. (Note: I'm the author of the project - and it is also not yet a complete implementation of the Sass standard).

Alternatively, what you could do is:
Install Ruby
Download the Sass Gem
Navigate to download location
Run: gem install sass-3.3.4.gem
Voila! Sass is installed.

Use the online Sass compiler SassMeister. You just have to paste your sass code on the left panel and get the css code on the right.


How to install Sass as a dependency with Composer?

I'm using Composer as a dependency manager for a WordPress project. I'm specifying plugins and WP-CLI as dependencies in composer.json like so:
"require": {
"johnpbloch/wordpress": "5.8.*",
"wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle": "*",
"wpackagist-plugin/akismet": "*"
Here's the documentation on installing WP CLI via Composer. This works great. However, I would also like to include the latest version of SASS this way, so that new people on the project can get that installed via Composer without having to do it manually.
I cannot count on everyone having npm, Chocolatey, or Homebrew, and I won't know what operating system they use.
Alternately, how could I install the latest version of SASS cross-OS via a script that Composer runs using post-install-cmd?
If there is no package for Sass (and it makes sense there wouldn't be, unless sass could be installed as a stand-alone binary or something like that), you cannot install Sass as a composer dependency
Which in any case wouldn't make much sense, since Sass cannot be a dependency for a PHP project, as it has nothing to do with PHP.
Alternately, how could I install the latest version of SASS cross-OS via a script that Composer runs using post-install-cmd?
The install instructions for Sass include no provisions for a "cross OS installer without using npm". So unles you write a script checking for the OS, what does it have installed, etc (which would be brittle and some serious overkill), you cannot automate this with a post-install-cmd.
Which again, wouldn't make a lot of sense in any case. If the package consumers need to use sass part of the project, it's a given they are developers and are capable of going through the sass requirements.
Point your package consumers to the appropriate documentation and be done.

Can I use Sass in my production environment with Ruby only installed on my development environment?

Sass needs Ruby to work. I can install Ruby in my development environment. Nonetheless, I cannot do it in some production environments (hostings).
The reason I think it might work is because the .css files are created every time I run the sass command in my local environment, so once I deploy (push) my website to my server, it has all the .css files already transcribed.
Am I wrong? Do I still need to run the sass command in my server?
You are right. Once the SCSS files are compiled into CSS, you dont need ruby anymore and can use the CSS files as is.

How do I start a SASS project in Sublime Text 2

I have all the correct packages installed and have SASS running. Now I just need to figure out how to start a project with it. Are there any pre-built templates that show you the file structure, etc...Any help would be great!
An easy way would be to install Compass ( and then it's a simple as running:
compass create project-name
Which would create the structure for you.
And then to compile
compass watch
More can be seen here

Integrate Jekyll to run into WebStorm on Windows

Is it possible to run Jekyll as External Tool into WebStorm? (same for RubyMine, IntelliJ IDEA, ...)
The most obvious thing is to run the jekyll.bat file:
...but this doesn't work.
I haven't found any solution so after some trial+error I discover this working configuration:
In this example I am using: RubyInstaller + gem install jekyll.
If you prefer using straight Ruby+DevKit then Program and Parameters paths must be changed according.

Use Bourbon SASS library with LiveReload

I'd love to use Bourbon with LiveReload but I can't seem to get them to work together. Anybody successfully made these two play nice?
If you use the 'Run a custom command after processing changes' option rather than the standard compilation option, then you can use the commands as detailed on the readme.
# Example (project root directory)
sass --watch stylesheets/sass:stylesheets -r ./stylesheets/sass/bourbon/lib/bourbon.rb
I wrote a blog post covering this.
If you install the latest version (3.0.0) of Bourbon and install bourbon into your compass sass directory:
bourbon install --path ./sass
You can then use LiveReload with one small tweak. You will need to replace LiveReload's version of SASS with at least 3.2.3, since Bourbon requires this.
Instructions on how to replace LiveReload's default SASS version can be found here:
This seems to work for me.
I've been told you can get it to work by passing the lib/bourbon.rb file into the "Run a custom command" option in LiveReload. See attached image.
