How to install Sass as a dependency with Composer? - sass

I'm using Composer as a dependency manager for a WordPress project. I'm specifying plugins and WP-CLI as dependencies in composer.json like so:
"require": {
"johnpbloch/wordpress": "5.8.*",
"wp-cli/wp-cli-bundle": "*",
"wpackagist-plugin/akismet": "*"
Here's the documentation on installing WP CLI via Composer. This works great. However, I would also like to include the latest version of SASS this way, so that new people on the project can get that installed via Composer without having to do it manually.
I cannot count on everyone having npm, Chocolatey, or Homebrew, and I won't know what operating system they use.
Alternately, how could I install the latest version of SASS cross-OS via a script that Composer runs using post-install-cmd?

If there is no package for Sass (and it makes sense there wouldn't be, unless sass could be installed as a stand-alone binary or something like that), you cannot install Sass as a composer dependency
Which in any case wouldn't make much sense, since Sass cannot be a dependency for a PHP project, as it has nothing to do with PHP.
Alternately, how could I install the latest version of SASS cross-OS via a script that Composer runs using post-install-cmd?
The install instructions for Sass include no provisions for a "cross OS installer without using npm". So unles you write a script checking for the OS, what does it have installed, etc (which would be brittle and some serious overkill), you cannot automate this with a post-install-cmd.
Which again, wouldn't make a lot of sense in any case. If the package consumers need to use sass part of the project, it's a given they are developers and are capable of going through the sass requirements.
Point your package consumers to the appropriate documentation and be done.


Composer install and update: why does it not set the PHP interpretor in the "vendor" folder?

According to docs, composer install (composer update too, since it includes install script), among other things, downloads the requirements and puts these packages inside the vendor directory: :
It then implicitly runs the install command. This will download the dependencies' files into the vendor directory in your project.
What the docs don't say is: we often write the following in composer.JSON...
"require": {
"php": "^8.0",
... so if we try to apply what the docs say, it means that Composer would download the PHP interpretor (a package available in Packagist for example) and put it inside the vendor directory, when we run either composer install or composer update. What is the interest of putting a PHP interpretor inside a site's folder (here, vendor)?
But we know it doesn't do that. It won't download any PHP interpretor. It won't obviously put it inside the vendor directory. Instead, it will just check the server's PHP interpretor's version and returns a fatal error or something else if this version doesn't match the requirement's version.
So does it mean that in the Composer's install and update scripts, there is an exception made for PHP when treating the require's lines in the composer.JSON file?
In composer there's a special exception for require php, it only checks if your system's PHP version meets the requirement.
It's in the composer website under Package links:
Its not literally written though, its quite hard to find in the composer documentation.
If your require contains something like with
"php": "^8.0",
"ext-json": "*",
this does not mean: Install PHP or the JSON extension through Composer, but require that PHP and that extension in the given versions are already installed. That's what the documentation at tells you:
require and require-dev also support references to specific PHP versions and PHP extensions your project needs to run successfully.
A regular expression that matches all such platform requirements can be found at - currently, it contains:
const PLATFORM_PACKAGE_REGEX = '{^(?:php(?:-64bit|-ipv6|-zts|-debug)?|hhvm|(?:ext|lib)-[a-z0-9](?:[_.-]?[a-z0-9]+)*|composer-(?:plugin|runtime)-api)$}iD';
...which matches:
PHP runtimes in several versions
HHVM, a virtual machine that runs a forked version of PHP
all kinds of extensions and core libraries, like ext-json or lib-bz2
Composer itself, as some packages require special features of Composer v2 which were not available in v1
All lines in require section of composer.JSON are not packages available on a repository like Packagist: indeed, we can put some "virtual packages" inside this require section (
php is one of these virtual packages. So Composer treat the following line...
"require": {
"php": "^8.0",
... as a virtual package (other name: "plateform package"), and not a package that could be put in vendor.
Then, if we extend a little the following definition of require...
Map of packages required by this package. The package will not be installed unless those requirements can be met.
..., then we can say that "if server's PHP interpretor's version doesn't meet the requirements versions, then Composer will raise a fatal error or something like that.
**Conclusion: being seen as a "virtual/plateform package" by Composer, php won't be installed (put) in vendor directory. It will just make Composer to check if server PHP version matches or not the requirements (if not, an error will be raised). This behavior is different than for other packages that would be, them, downloaded from for example Packagist and installed (put) inside vendor directory. **

Node-sass / sass-loader alternatives

We are building a React app, with webpack, and I am using sass-loader which in turns it is using node-sass to convert SCSS into css.
The problem is that node-sass uses only python2.7, and I am working in a big company where they have extremely restricted policies on developer machines, where they allow only python3.x.
In order to install python2.7 I need to request an exception, which will goes to the company IT headquarter.
Is there an alternative for Node-sass that doesn't require python2.7?
node-sass does not require Python 2. Building native modules in Node.js does require Python 2
node-sass ships prebuilt bindings for supported platforms so you should only need Python to rebuild if your network blocks downloading those files from the GitHub releases or you're running old node-sass + new Node.js versions.
If that doesn't work for you, Dart-Sass can sometimes be used as an option in those tools

Different handling of composer update

Me and my team are working on a project that uses Composer for dependency management. There seems to be a difference in how a composer update is handled on several machines (running the same latest build version of Composer), but we can't figure out why.
When my teammate runs a composer update on a dependency it tries to remove a lot of data/nodes from the composer.lock file (like the entire dist and support nodes):
When I run the same update, it tries to re-add all those keys again:
We can't figure out why this is happening. Is this a certain setting?
Update: On further inspection, it appears that the "(dis)appearing" nodes all contain https links, could it have something to do with a (missing) SSL library or something?
It seems that one Composer prefers dist and one prefers source.
Look into ~/.composer/config.json if you defined a preferred install in any of your two composers. Or if you defined different preferred installs in the composer.json.
"config": {
"preferred-install": "dist"
You can force composer to use either dist or source with
composer update --prefer-dist
composer update --prefer-source
--prefer-source: There are two ways of downloading a package: source and dist. For stable versions composer will use the dist by default. The source is a version control repository. If --prefer-source is enabled, composer will install from source if there is one. This is useful if you want to make a bugfix to a project and get a local git clone of the dependency directly.
--prefer-dist: Reverse of --prefer-source, composer will install from dist if possible. This can speed up installs substantially on build servers and other use cases where you typically do not run updates of the vendors. It is also a way to circumvent problems with git if you do not have a proper setup.

How to skip suggestions when composer installing

Locally when I run composer install it doesn't show anything about suggestions. In our CI environment it provides a long list of suggestions I'd like to avoid. I want to see the output of what's being loaded from cache and that kind of thing, just don't want to see this. I've been through the docs and haven't been able to figure out how to hide this.
The suggestions are (among many others)...
symfony/security-core suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using the expression voter)
symfony/routing suggests installing symfony/expression-language (For using expression matching)
predis/predis suggests installing ext-phpiredis (Allows faster serialization and deserialization of the Redis protocol)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing ext-gmp (Install the GMP (GNU Multiple Precision) extension in order to speed up arbitrary precision integer arithmetic operations.)
phpseclib/phpseclib suggests installing pear-pear/PHP_Compat (Install PHP_Compat to get phpseclib working on PHP < 4.3.3.)
patchwork/utf8 suggests installing ext-intl (Use Intl for best performance)
monolog/monolog suggests installing aws/aws-sdk-php (Allow sending log messages to AWS services like DynamoDB)
How can I hide this output?
As of composer 1.6.3, there is a --no-suggest option that hides all suggestions when running composer install or composer update.
When you run composer install on a project that has a composer.lock file, it just installs the versions locked in the composer.lock file and nothing. In other words, the required packages and versions are already resolved and it's just installing it.
When you run composer install on a project with no composer.lock file, Composer will resolve the required packages and their versions and will store it in the composer.lock file before installing them. In this case, the project was not set up and you get notified about other suggested packages.
In the second case, there is no way you can hide the suggested packages list from the output (at least, at the time of writing this answer). In the first case, nothing is new, so it isn't shown at all.
The solution will be to push your composer.lock file to the server, which is a good practice after all (you don't want your production server to have other versions of the dependencies than your dev environment, newer versions might broke your site).
Since composer 1.6.3, the --no-suggest doesn't show anything about suggestions. But in composer 2, this option is deprecated, it has no effect and will break in composer 3 (see this link for more details).
Hope that will help in 2021!

How can I run SASS without installing?

I wanted to use SASS on our company's web app but I can't install any programs on production machines. Everything I searched about SASS required you to run an installation program like gem and also required HAML.
I was hoping to find just a script that processes scss files without needing to install anything else.
Well... if you have Ruby available, you could checkout the Git repository of Sass ( Do so by either typing git clone or just downloading it.
Then you could use the interactive Ruby console by typing irb. Try to require 'sass/lib/sass' (this one here) and run Sass.compile_file 'my_styles.css'.
Otherwise... why are you trying to do that? You can also install sass locally, run sass --watch on your sass folder and it compiles your scss files automatically into css files - which you can deploy on your production environment.
If you can run java program in your build system, you could use JRuby for compiling sass. See this answer for more details
Here's a solution for using Sass without using the command line or installing dependencies. It works with Windows, OS X, and Linux. It has a graphical interface, and no installer, just unzip and double-click.
You can also use the java library which can be embedded into any java based web-app. It will compile sass on the fly and return the resulting css. This is especially useful if the Sass sources change (i.e. for customizing reasons) and an ahead of time compilation is not possible. (Note: I'm the author of the project - and it is also not yet a complete implementation of the Sass standard).
Alternatively, what you could do is:
Install Ruby
Download the Sass Gem
Navigate to download location
Run: gem install sass-3.3.4.gem
Voila! Sass is installed.
Use the online Sass compiler SassMeister. You just have to paste your sass code on the left panel and get the css code on the right.
