Depend on the make file itself - makefile

In the event that a Makefile itself is changed, a safe bet would be to consider all targets out of date.
Is there a clever way to add this dependency? Are there any alternatives?

Make sure the object files depend on the makefile:
$(OBJFILES) : Makefile
Where Makefile is the name of the make file.

A safe bet, but a terrible idea. Example: you're using automake and update to add a single source file. The correct response is to compile just the new file and link it in. In your scheme everything would be rebuilt.
Moreover, adding the dependency isn't going to do anything unless you touch the file, something like:
$(SRCS): Makefile
touch $#
This will then trip up editors that use the mtime to detect concurrent modification (emacs is one example).
If you're doing something major, just run make clean all after doing the change.

Since GNU make version 4.3 it is now possible with the use of those two special variable:
To add new prerequisite to every target
To get the path of the make file
To have every target depend on the current make file:
Put near the top of the file (before any include since it would affect the MAKEFILE_LIST) the following line:
.EXTRA_PREREQS:= $(abspath $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
To have every target depend on the current make file and also the make files which were included
Put the following line at the end of your file:
.EXTRA_PREREQS+=$(foreach mk, ${MAKEFILE_LIST},$(abspath ${mk}))


Is it ok to have a GNU Make target that claims to generate / update a certain target file but actually doesn't?

At present, I have a makefile that has:
a target which links an executable image file from a bunch of object files
a pattern rule target that compiles the various object files the linker target depends on
I want to make the following changes.
Instead of compiling the object files outright, I want the pattern rule target mentioned above to create (for each object file that needs updating) an empty object_file_name.update file. Essentially, this target's job would be to take stock of all object files that actually need to be recompiled.
Write a new target that launches a Perl process which finds all these object_file_name.update files and, for each object file that must be recompiled, compiles it in this Perl process.
I know how to do 2) ... that part is not giving me any trouble. The part I'm worried about is 1). The reason is that that target would basically have to claim to update any needed object files while, in truth, merely creating an .update file for each such object file but not the object file itself.
I think I could trick GNU Make into not starting to try to link anything before all the object files have been built by declaring my dependencies accordingly (pseudo-code, not a valid GNU Make snippet):
# Phony target that reads the *.update files created by the pattern rule target below and then
# compiles each object file for which an *.update file exists.
# Pattern rule target to take stock of all object files that need updating. Creates an *.update file for
# each object file that needs recompiling.
%.o : %.c :
but I still worry that this might result in undefined behavior because my pattern rule target would basically be lying to GNU Make about updating the needed object files. Is my worry justified?
Basically, I want to interject an intermediate layer between GNU Make and the compiler so that GNU Make doesn't compile each object file separately. Instead, the compiling would be done in a single Perl process that has access to the complete list of object files that need to be compiled, allowing me to do various fancy things that I couldn't do if GNU Make controlled compilation directly.
Yes, it's legal and I often use this pattern.
Consider the case where you only want to kick off a long build step if a file has changed.
target: config-file
target-creator $< -o $#
Now let's say we can't give make the dependencies for config-file (because the config file creation step lacks a dependency listing ability (BAH!)).
config-file: FORCE
config-creator -o $#.tmp
cmp $#.tmp $# || mv $#.tmp $#
We ask make to build target
Make first has to build config-file
Make will always run the recipe for config-file,
as its dependency FORCE is out of date (being phony)
CRUCIALLY we only update config-file if config-creator decides something has actually changed
If cmp decides config-file.tmp and config-file are the same, and the last line of the recipe completes with no error
OTOH if cmp detects a mis-compare, it fails, and the shell goes on to execute the mv.
After running the recipe for config-file, make does actually check config-file's modification time. IF config-file has become younger than target, only then will target-creator be run.
The subtlety here is that even though config-file's recipe runs every time, config-file itself is not phony.

How to trigger the rebuild of a Makefile prerequisite file ONLY when a specific target is called?

I haven't found an answer so far, so I think this is not a repeat question.
I have some Makefile along the lines of:
include prerequisite_2
all: prerequisite_1 prerequisite_2
rm *.mod
mkdir somedir
re-write existing file
The issue is that I want the prerequisite_2 to rebuild whenever the default goal is called (all) or when prerequisite_2 is called from the command line, and I know I can use touch prerequisite_2, FORCE or .PHONY to achieve this. However, I DO NOT want it to run every time (the written file contains dependency information for the Fortran files involved) as it doesn't make sense to also rebuild this when calling: make clean
Is it possible to emulate the effects of FORCE or .PHONY only when the depending targets are called?
You can see what the goal targets are by looking at the MAKECMDGOALS variable.
So you can do something like:
ifeq (,$(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),$(filter-out all prerequisite-2,$(MAKECMDGOALS))))
include prerequisite-2
The if condition will be true if MAKECMDGOALS is the empty string, or if it contains only all and/or prerequisite-2 but not if it contains any other target.
Usually, this is not what you want though. Usually you want to disable the include only if certain targets (clean is the classic example) are used.
This exact situation is even discussed in the GNU make manual.

Makefile pattern rules not working

I am learning makefiles, and can't just wrap my head around this problem i am having, and would like to understand how/why this fail.
I have half a dozen erlang files in a src directory. I want to compile these into a ebin directory, without having to define a rule for each and every one of them. According to the Gnu make documentation, pattern rules should be right up my alley.
However, with the following makefile, all I get from make is make: *** No targets. Stop. Why is that?
ebin/%.beam: src/%.erl
mkdir -p ebin
erlc -o ebin $<
Edit: Based on this answer, I now understand that i would have to explicitly declare the targets, for instance by using make ebin/cmplx.beam. However, i still do not understand how i should write my makefile to get my desired behaviour - since I have half a dozen targets (and in other projects even more), this seems like an unnecessary hassle. Is there not a way to define targets based on the source file names?
The target rule tells make that whenever it needs to produce a beam file in the ebin directory, and there exists a corresponding erl file in the src directory, it can use erlc.
However, this doesn't tell make that this is what it needs to do. You could explicitly tell make what it needs to do by giving it a target on the command line:
make ebin/foo.beam
If you don't give a target on the command line, make will pick the first non-pattern rule in the makefile as its target. However, your makefile doesn't have any non-pattern rules, so there is no target.
What you probably want is that for each existing erl file in src, make should consider the corresponding beam file in ebin to be a target. You can achieve that by calling wildcard and patsubst:
erl_files=$(wildcard src/*.erl)
beam_files=$(patsubst src/%.erl,ebin/%.beam,$(erl_files))
ebin/%.beam: src/%.erl
mkdir -p ebin
erlc -o ebin $<
all: $(beam_files)
(The indented lines need to be actual physical tabs, not spaces.)
That way, running make will rebuild all beam files that are out of date. all gets chosen as the default target, and it in turn depends on all beam existing or potential, each of which in turn depends on the corresponding erl file.
This trick is described in the GNU make manual.

make variables that depend on a target

I have a Variable in make that is dependant on a file that must be built before the variable can be set, is there a way to get this to work?
parsable_file: dependancies
commands to make parsable_file
targets=$(shell parse_cmd parsable_file)
$(targets): parsable_file
command to make targets
.phony: all
If I run $ make parsable_file && make all this will work (I get an error that parse_cmd cant find parsable_file but it works), but just make all will not work. Is there a Make idiom for this?
Set the variable in a file that you include in the main makefile and include a rule in the main makefile for how to build it (the one you already have should be fine).
I believe that will do what you want.
See Including Other Makefiles and How Makefiles Are Remade (which is linked from the first section) for more details on this concept.
Also, unless parseable_file has a usage independent from that parse_cmd call, it should be possible to do the creation and the parsing at the same time and just have the resulting makefile contain the correct value for $(targets) in one step.

Makefile: need to do a target before including another makefile

Part of my Makefile:
deps: $(CPUDEPS)
#echo [DEPS] CPU
$(CMDECHO)makedepend -Y -s'# CPU sources dependencies generated with "make deps"' \
-w4096 -f- -- $(CFLAGS) -- $^ 2> /dev/null > $(CPUDEPS)
sinclude $(CPUDEPS)
Problem 1: includes are done during the first phase of processing, targets during the second phase; so, if ./mydeps.cpu doesn't exist and I "make deps", I get first the error
Makefile:335: ./mydeps.cpu: No such file or directory
I hide the error using sinclude instead of include, but the problem is still there: the old file is included, not the just-generated-one. Have to run it twice to include the updated file. This is because make does a two-phase processing; is there any way to tell make to complete the target deps before parsing the includes?
Problem 2: even if the file ./mydeps.cpu doesn't exist and make deps actually creates it, I always get a "make: Nothing to do for deps". This doesn't happen with other targets. I don't understand why and how to avoid it.
Problem 1 is non-existant: before building a target, make automatically rebuilds makefiles (with implicit rules if no explicit rule is provided). So having a rule for the makefile ensures that will always be up to date, there is no need to run deps twice. Additionally, since CPUDEPS is a makefile, it will be updated automatically before any other rule is run, so dependencies will always be updated if necessary and make deps is not needed. You can probably notice this by yourself by observing the [DEPS] line being echoed if any of the CCFILES becomes more recent that the dependency file.
For Problem 2, adding anything to the recipe ensures that make doesn't complain about having nothing to do. If there is nothing else, you can use something like #echo OK to give feedback to the user, or a simple #true if you prefer totally silent makes.
What you are trying to achieve is useless: you can use the dependencies file that was created during the previous build. That's enough.
The main reasoning behind that rule is:
if you haven't changed any of your files, then the dependencies file is up-to-date, and there's nothing to build.
if you have changed anything, even very deep into your #include chain, on an existing file that were used by previous build, then the dependencies file have already caught it. You'll rebuild what is needed.
if you change something in a new file (you add that file!) then it was not used by previous build, and not listed in dependencies. But if you really want to use it, then you have to modify at least one of your other files that was used before, and you're back on the previous case.
The solution is to create the dependencies file during the normal process of the compilation, and to optionally include it (with sinclude) if it is present.
