Makefile: need to do a target before including another makefile - include

Part of my Makefile:
deps: $(CPUDEPS)
#echo [DEPS] CPU
$(CMDECHO)makedepend -Y -s'# CPU sources dependencies generated with "make deps"' \
-w4096 -f- -- $(CFLAGS) -- $^ 2> /dev/null > $(CPUDEPS)
sinclude $(CPUDEPS)
Problem 1: includes are done during the first phase of processing, targets during the second phase; so, if ./mydeps.cpu doesn't exist and I "make deps", I get first the error
Makefile:335: ./mydeps.cpu: No such file or directory
I hide the error using sinclude instead of include, but the problem is still there: the old file is included, not the just-generated-one. Have to run it twice to include the updated file. This is because make does a two-phase processing; is there any way to tell make to complete the target deps before parsing the includes?
Problem 2: even if the file ./mydeps.cpu doesn't exist and make deps actually creates it, I always get a "make: Nothing to do for deps". This doesn't happen with other targets. I don't understand why and how to avoid it.

Problem 1 is non-existant: before building a target, make automatically rebuilds makefiles (with implicit rules if no explicit rule is provided). So having a rule for the makefile ensures that will always be up to date, there is no need to run deps twice. Additionally, since CPUDEPS is a makefile, it will be updated automatically before any other rule is run, so dependencies will always be updated if necessary and make deps is not needed. You can probably notice this by yourself by observing the [DEPS] line being echoed if any of the CCFILES becomes more recent that the dependency file.
For Problem 2, adding anything to the recipe ensures that make doesn't complain about having nothing to do. If there is nothing else, you can use something like #echo OK to give feedback to the user, or a simple #true if you prefer totally silent makes.

What you are trying to achieve is useless: you can use the dependencies file that was created during the previous build. That's enough.
The main reasoning behind that rule is:
if you haven't changed any of your files, then the dependencies file is up-to-date, and there's nothing to build.
if you have changed anything, even very deep into your #include chain, on an existing file that were used by previous build, then the dependencies file have already caught it. You'll rebuild what is needed.
if you change something in a new file (you add that file!) then it was not used by previous build, and not listed in dependencies. But if you really want to use it, then you have to modify at least one of your other files that was used before, and you're back on the previous case.
The solution is to create the dependencies file during the normal process of the compilation, and to optionally include it (with sinclude) if it is present.


Is it ok to have a GNU Make target that claims to generate / update a certain target file but actually doesn't?

At present, I have a makefile that has:
a target which links an executable image file from a bunch of object files
a pattern rule target that compiles the various object files the linker target depends on
I want to make the following changes.
Instead of compiling the object files outright, I want the pattern rule target mentioned above to create (for each object file that needs updating) an empty object_file_name.update file. Essentially, this target's job would be to take stock of all object files that actually need to be recompiled.
Write a new target that launches a Perl process which finds all these object_file_name.update files and, for each object file that must be recompiled, compiles it in this Perl process.
I know how to do 2) ... that part is not giving me any trouble. The part I'm worried about is 1). The reason is that that target would basically have to claim to update any needed object files while, in truth, merely creating an .update file for each such object file but not the object file itself.
I think I could trick GNU Make into not starting to try to link anything before all the object files have been built by declaring my dependencies accordingly (pseudo-code, not a valid GNU Make snippet):
# Phony target that reads the *.update files created by the pattern rule target below and then
# compiles each object file for which an *.update file exists.
# Pattern rule target to take stock of all object files that need updating. Creates an *.update file for
# each object file that needs recompiling.
%.o : %.c :
but I still worry that this might result in undefined behavior because my pattern rule target would basically be lying to GNU Make about updating the needed object files. Is my worry justified?
Basically, I want to interject an intermediate layer between GNU Make and the compiler so that GNU Make doesn't compile each object file separately. Instead, the compiling would be done in a single Perl process that has access to the complete list of object files that need to be compiled, allowing me to do various fancy things that I couldn't do if GNU Make controlled compilation directly.
Yes, it's legal and I often use this pattern.
Consider the case where you only want to kick off a long build step if a file has changed.
target: config-file
target-creator $< -o $#
Now let's say we can't give make the dependencies for config-file (because the config file creation step lacks a dependency listing ability (BAH!)).
config-file: FORCE
config-creator -o $#.tmp
cmp $#.tmp $# || mv $#.tmp $#
We ask make to build target
Make first has to build config-file
Make will always run the recipe for config-file,
as its dependency FORCE is out of date (being phony)
CRUCIALLY we only update config-file if config-creator decides something has actually changed
If cmp decides config-file.tmp and config-file are the same, and the last line of the recipe completes with no error
OTOH if cmp detects a mis-compare, it fails, and the shell goes on to execute the mv.
After running the recipe for config-file, make does actually check config-file's modification time. IF config-file has become younger than target, only then will target-creator be run.
The subtlety here is that even though config-file's recipe runs every time, config-file itself is not phony.

Including an automatically generated makefile as a trick to enforce execution of a recipe

I'm slowly losing my mind here. First, let me describe what it is I'm trying to do. We have a compiler that spews out weirdly formatted dependency files. To get these makefiles into a format GNU Make can understand, they need to be processed by a Perl script first. Technically, the Perl script doesn't convert the input dependency files it gets passed; instead it creates a new, properly formatted dependency file for each input dependency file.
Now, in order for GNU Make to know which translation units need recompiling and which don't, it obviously must have seen those dependency files before trying to make the translation unit targets, so we have the following line in our master makefile:
where $(PROCESSED_EXISTING_DEPENDENCY_FILES) is a list of all converted dependency files. My idea was to (ab-)use an automatically generated makefile whose recipe not only builds that makefile but also triggers the creation of all dependency files mentioned in the $(PROCESSED_EXISTING_DEPENDENCY_FILES) list and include that makefile just before including the converted dependency files. To ensure that the conversion takes place, the parent process of our Make process will delete the automatically created makefile first (we have a Perl wrapper process controlling GNU Make). The relevant part in the master makefile would look like this:
# Phony target that creates processed dependency files.
<recipe here>
$(info $(TARGET_BUILD_MESSAGE_PREFIX) Building $(notdir $#) ...)
$(file >$#,# Automatically generated makefile that gets included before including the existing, converted dependency files.)
$(file >>$#,$(DOLLAR)(info Including pre-converted-dependency-files-inclusion hook file ...))
$(file >>$#,)
We're already using the same basic principle in several other cases, and so far this has worked perfectly fine, but for some reason when I try this, GNU Make gets lost in an infinite loop where it will continuously re-revaluate the master makefile, include all other makefiles and then go back to re-revaluating the master makefile again.
The $(PRE_CONVERTED_DEPENDENCY_FILE_INCLUSION_HOOK) does get created, and if there are any dependency files to be converted, they are processed, too, but I'm still at a loss as to what causes this infinite loop in Make. We are using GNU Make 4.2.1 for Windows on a Windows 10 (64 bit) system.
I recommend you rework your model completely to avoid any recipes that know how to build included files, and instead follow the model for auto-dependency generation described in this post (based on how automake handles dependency generation).
Then add in the postprocessing step directly into the same recipe that generates the dependency files, rather than having a separate rule that does it. I don't think it's necessary to have two separate rules because you really don't want the intermediate step here: you just want to generate the make prerequisites definitions... similar to how normally we wouldn't have separate rules for preprocessing, compiling, assembling object files: one rule does that even though there are multiple steps involved.

Why "make all" works as expected without adding "all" to .PHONY target?

I know what a .PHONY does.
If in the folder where my Makefile is, I add an empty file called clean and after I run make clean all of the clean target will not be executed since there was not any change in the file, so the target will not run and this is correct.
If I add .PHONY: clean, than the clean is seen as a command and this is also correct.
My question is why this behavior does not happen the same to all target, since I added a all file in the folder.So basically the all target still executes like if it was a .PHONY: all
I have the fallowing makefile code.
all: test1 test2
test1: test1.o
test1.o: test1.c
test2: test2.o
test2.o: test2.c
rm -rf *.o test1 test2
How do you know that the all rule is "still executing"? That rule has no recipe, so there's no way it can be "executed".
If what you mean is that even though the all file exists in the local directory, make is still building the targets test1 and test2, that's how make works (this doesn't have anything to do with phony vs. non-phony targets). When make decides whether or not build a particular target first it tries to build all the prerequisites of that target, and all the prerequisites of those targets, etc. Only after all that is complete, can make know whether or not to build the first target (all in this case).
make clean here doesn't have any dependencies, so putting a file named clean there is enough for the target to be considered built.
make all on the other hand has dependencies. Even if you put a file named all there, Make has to check whether the all file is newer than test1 and test2. This process triggers builds of test1 and test2, and it happens to have the same effect as if all was a phony target.
The basis is that all: test1 test2 is a recipe for building a file named all, that depends on the files test1 and test2.
If you ran make all, Make would do something like this:
Analyse the Makefile.
Find out that all depends on test1 and test2.
Check the timestamp of all and see if it is "up to date".
It is "up to date" if none of the dependencies are newer than itself.
In other words, Make can skip building a file if it's newer than all it's dependencies.
Build outdated or missing files.
Now, if you would like to prevent Make from considering the targets as files, you could specify them as phony targets. That is best practice for non-file targets like all.
(This answer isn't disagreeing with either of the existing answers, but suggesting another way of thinking about this).
When you have a rule like
dst: src
you're saying two things (as you know):
if dst doesn't exist, or is older than src, then do action; and
when action completes, the file dst will exist.
With targets such as all or clean, the second statement is of course not true. Make doesn't hold you to the promise in (2), so when you say make all, it'll compute and generate the required dependencies, and not complain that there's no file all in place afterwards. You're lying to Make, but it doesn't mind (it's cool with that...). That is, this is basically a makefile hack.
Where this goes wrong, of course, is if for some reason there happens to be a file called all or clean. Then Make will take the modification date of the file all into account when calculating the dependencies, and possibly come to a conclusion you didn't expect.
So what .PHONY: all does is legitimise the hack, and tells Make ‘even if a file all exists, pretend that it doesn't’; you're basically cancelling promise (2).
Therefore, as the other answers state, mentioning .PHONY isn't necessary. It simply forestalls an error – easy to make but easy to miss – when a file matching a phony target is accidentally created.

make variables that depend on a target

I have a Variable in make that is dependant on a file that must be built before the variable can be set, is there a way to get this to work?
parsable_file: dependancies
commands to make parsable_file
targets=$(shell parse_cmd parsable_file)
$(targets): parsable_file
command to make targets
.phony: all
If I run $ make parsable_file && make all this will work (I get an error that parse_cmd cant find parsable_file but it works), but just make all will not work. Is there a Make idiom for this?
Set the variable in a file that you include in the main makefile and include a rule in the main makefile for how to build it (the one you already have should be fine).
I believe that will do what you want.
See Including Other Makefiles and How Makefiles Are Remade (which is linked from the first section) for more details on this concept.
Also, unless parseable_file has a usage independent from that parse_cmd call, it should be possible to do the creation and the parsing at the same time and just have the resulting makefile contain the correct value for $(targets) in one step.

Include generated makefile without warning message

For a project of mine I am automatically generating makefiles and including them, like this:
#echo 'SUCCESS is $(SUCCESS)'
#echo 'Creating $#'
#echo 'SUCCESS := 1' > $#
.PHONY: all clean
This works, but the include line generates a warning message:
$ make
Makefile:13: No such file or directory
I would like to silence that first warning line saying that doesn't exist. I know it doesn't exist since I have a rule written to generate it, so the warning is unnecessary (unless of course there isn't a rule for it). I do NOT want make to ignore the error where the included file doesn't exist and there is no rule for it, so prefixing include with a - to ignore the error will not work for me. I'd like something similar to bash's convention of piping stderr to /dev/null like some_cmd 2>/dev/null but for including in make.
The sample above is a very simplified example of this case. In my actual project there are a lot of automatically generated makefiles (via clang's automatic dependency generation) being included, meaning a fresh run of make will flood my screen with these warning messages.
Is anything like this possible, or am I just going to have to deal with the annoying warning messages?
I've encountered and (re-re-re-re-)solved this problem a number of times myself. Really, the problem is in the thinking surrounding when the dependency files are generated and used.
This link has the detailed description of the "resolution":
Basically it comes down to the fact that dependency files are really only necessary for rebuilding, not the initial building of your library/executable. Resultantly you don't need to have a rule for generating dependency files up front (which is in fact less efficient), you instead should generate them during the object file step as intermediate files marked precious (so they're created and tracked as side-effect files that should never be cleaned up automatically). Subsequent builds will then have the files available, which is exactly what you were trying to achieve overall. You can then make it a "-include" on the dependency files, with the foreknowledge that your object file build step will fail if the dependency file generation fails, giving an immediate error, as you've mentioned is preferred, rather than an obscure and indirect one much later.
I've actually done a couple rather large build systems implementing this method, and it does work quite well, including ones that used non-GNU toolchains. To an outside user it appears identical, but internally it performs more efficiently and isn't hiding potentially important errors.
I tried many (many!) things to see if I could prevent or redirect the error message. No luck.
But when I tried -include (include with a leading dash), it didn't give an error, and make with clean, all, and 'default' all worked properly and as expected.
Is there a particular reason you didn't want to use the -include variant? Seems to do exactly what you're looking for, and doesn't alter how the Makefile works in any way, just doesn't show the error during the first pass through the Makefile.
