How to make a text event call on a function and how to display images in AS3? - image

Originally the AS3 script would trace some words for a certain string I typed in the textfield (ti). I want to know how to display and image, instead.
I know in AS2 it was loadMovie but I don't know how to do this in AS3. And would the loadit in the newvid function be the movieclip that changes or something else? (O got that function newvid script off a website.)
ti.border = true
ti.addEventListener(TextEvent.TEXT_INPUT, onInput);
function onInput(event:TextEvent):void {
if('happyface')!=-1) newvid;
else if('sadface')!=-1) trace ('sadface.jpg');
function newvid() {
var loadit = new Loader();
loadit.load(new URLRequest("happyface.jpg"));

Loader class lets you load another SWF or Image file. Once loaded your loadit object becomes another display object. You can fix it's position, hide/show it or listen to it's events. Following is a very comprehensive example of using Loader class
Also check out the example in Loader documentation for example.

imho you need the Loader class, you should add a listener
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.INIT, onInit);
loader.load(new URLRequest("norton.swf"));
private function onInit(e:Event):void {


MessagingCentre Does it pass object by value or by reference?

With reference to .Net Maui: How to read/write (get/set) a global object from any content page (MVVM)
I now have a need to pass an object that is rather a large (>500Mb), it is an OpenMap extract, a RouterDb object (Itinero
Though I am trying to use MVVM some packages (Mapsui) use code behind so I am left with a mixture of ViewModel and Codebehind. I can overcome the limitation of not having any kind of global object reference by using the MessagingCenter which works remarkably well.
I am wondering if this mechanism can handle the passing of large objects (megabytes) or if internally it simply passes a reference to the object. I suspect from my experiments that it is trying to pass a copy of the object and failing, as I end up with a null object.
Here's the code
MessagingMarker.cs - just a placeholder class
namespace RouteIt.Models;
public class MessagingMarker
In my MainPageViewModel.cs
//Takes about 10seconds to load
using (var stream = new FileInfo(#"C:\Users\Gordon\source\repos\RouteIt\Resources\Raw\gb.routerdb").OpenRead())
routerDb = RouterDb.Deserialize(stream);
//send message to codebehind containing object or reference?
MessagingCenter.Send(new MessagingMarker(), "RouterDbLoaded", routerDb);
and in my receiving MainPage.xaml.cs constructor
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MessagingMarker, RouterDb>(this, "RouterDbLoaded", (sender, arg) =>
routerDb = arg;
router = new(routerDb);
Any thoughts? (And yes perhaps I need to re-struture my app, but at this stage I don't want to really, one day Mapsui might support mvvm apparently.)
As always thanks for at least reading :)

displaying images from an ArrayCollection in ListItemRenderer in flex

I am facing the following problem,
I have an object called "data". It has three properties, one of it being itemRendererData. The "itemRendererData" is an ArrayCollection of objects having many properties one of which is the property "imageURL" (datatype:String).
I am working in flex. I have defined the view and the item renderer properly. The view has the data. I am supposed to get the images from the url specified by imageURL property.
In the itemRenderer, I have declared, source
source = {data.itemRendererData.imageURL}
But the images are not being displayed.
Use a the FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE handler rather than binding, which is actually the proper way to handle this and gives you far more control.
public function CustomItemRenderer() {
this.addEventListener(FlexEvent.DATA_CHANGE, this.dataChangeHandler);
this.addEventListener(FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE, this.creationCompleteHandler);
private function creationCompleteHandler(e:FlexEvent) {
if ( {
this.image.source =;
private function dataChangeHandler(e:FlexEvent) {
if ( && this.initialized) {
this.image.source =;
You will notice that I have a handler for FlexEvent.CREATION_COMPLETE as well. This is because the data is actually set before the components are created. So the first time a renderer is loaded, this.image is null and this.image.source will error out.
If that doesn't work, you also need to make sure that the Image/BitmapImage is not a direct child of the renderer. I never did figure out why this was, but adding it as a child of Group fixed that issue where the image was being set but not rendering. Again, I have no idea why this was and I tested for a few hours trying to figure it out.
As an added tip, avoid MXML-based ItemRenderers in mobile applications. They are noticeably slower than pure-AS3 renderers.

Asynchronous image loading in AS3

I understand that images are to be loaded asynchronously in AS3, and that that synchronisation should be handled using events and event listeners.
So, in a simple case, it would look like this:
var loader : Loader = new Loader();
var im_file: URLRequest = new URLRequest ("imfile.png");
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading_complete);
function loading_complete (e : Event) : void
{ // ... do smt with your loaded data // }
What I want to do is have a PreLoader class that will load all the images I need beforehand.
In that case, how do I let all the other classes know when the loading is done?
Do I dispatch events? What is the best practise in this case?
Thanks in advance,
Most likely you want to create a queue and add your image paths to the queue. Then after each image is done loading, you proceed to the next item in the queue. When all images are loaded, you dispatch a COMPLETE event or something similar to let your app know it's all done.
Check QueueLoader or Casalib for how they implement single or bulk image loading.
Adding to the answer that #Boon provided, this is how you could go about the actual setting up of the image queue.
Firstly, you need a list that will store all of the images that still need to be loaded. This makes it easy for you to define as many images as you want. It can be the 'queue':
var queue:Array = [
The next thing to do is set up what I would call the 'core' method of what we're doing. It will handle loading the next image as well as notifying us when the queue is empty. It looks something like this:
function loadNext():void
if(queue.length > 0)
// Notice here that we use .pop() on the queue, which will select and
// remove the last item from queue.
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest( queue.pop() );
var photo:Loader = new Loader();
photo.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadComplete);
// The queue is finished - dispatch an event or whatever you fancy to
// let the rest of the application know we're done here.
trace("Queue finished.");
And then of course our listener function to deal with the completion of loaded images. Notice here that we call loadNext() - this is the key to beginning the load of the next image in the queue only once the currently loading image has finished.
function loadComplete(e:Event):void
addChild( as Bitmap);
// Begin loading next image in the queue.
And to start the process we of course just use this, which will either immediately notify us that the queue is finished if it's empty, or start loading the images in sequence.
// Start loading the queue.
Additional / tidy up:
If you want to be able to recycle this code or just tidy up, you can easily make this into a class. The class could be called ImageQueue and its structure will contain the above queue array, loadNext() method and loadComplete() method. It can also have an add() method for adding images to the queue initially in a cleaner manner.
Here is the foundation of that class, which you can finish up if you're interested:
public class ImageQueue
private var _queue:Array = [];
public function add(image:String):void{ }
public function loadNext():void{ }
private function _loadComplete(e:Event):void{ }

Tools/Guide to Creating an Image Looper in GWT

I'm setting out to create a weather model display tool (web application), and from what I've seen, I'm really liking the idea of using Google Web Tools, and especially the SmartGWT toolkit. My one biggest sticking point at this point is finding some way to create a sort of image "looper" (displaying all images in a particular "set" one after another, not unlike a slide show). For reference, I need functionality (at least on a basic level) similar to this: (though it certainly need not be exactly like that).
Does anyone know of (ideally) some sort of GWT module that can do image looping? Or if not, does it sound like something an intermediate programmer could figure out without too much trouble (I'm willing to accept a challenge), even if I've never explicitly used GWT before? I'm sure I could whip together something that pulls each image in as it goes through a loop, but prefetching them would be even more ideal.
Please comment if you need clarification on anything!
As far as I'm aware there's not a pre-fab solution to do this, although maybe SmartGWT has something I don't know about. In any case, it won't be too hard to roll your own. Here's some code to get you started:
public class ImageLooper extends Composite {
// List of images that we will loop through
private final String[] imageUrls;
// Index of the image currently being displayed
private int currentImage = 0;
// The image element that will be displayed to the user
private final Image image = new Image();
// The Timer provides a means to execute arbitrary
// code after a delay or at regular intervals
private final Timer imageUpdateTimer = new Timer() {
public void run() {
currentImage = (currentImage + 1) % images.length;
// Constructor. I'll leave it to you how you're going to
// build your list of image urls.
public ImageLooper(String[] imageUrls) {
this.imageUrls = imageUrls;
// Prefetching the list of images.
for (String url : imageUrls)
// Start by displaying the first image.
// Initialize this Composite on the image. That means
// you can attach this ImageLooper to the page like you
// would any other Widget and it will show up as the
// image.
// Call this method to start the animation
public void playAnimation() {
// Update the image every two seconds
// Call this method to stop the animation
public void stopAnimation() {
One annoying thing with this implementation is that you have no way of knowing when your list of images has finished loading; Image.prefetch doesn't have a callback to help you here.

Composite WPF: Showing/Hiding Views?

I am getting up to speed on Composite WPF, building a small demo app to work through the issues. My app has one region, and two modules, Module A and Module B. Each module contains a simple "Hello World" text block. Both modules are set up as load-on-demand, as per this MSDN How-To.
The shell has two buttons, "Load Module A" and "Load Module B". When a button is clicked, the corresponding module is loaded. So, lets say I click "Load Module A", then "Load Module B". Module A, then Module B load as expected. But if I click "Load Module A" again, nothing happens.
I'm stuck at this point. I think my problem is that I need to activate and deactivate the views in the modules, rather than using load-on-demand. But I have no idea how to do that, and I can't find any documentation or blogs that talk about it.
So, here's my question: How to I load/unload (or show/hide) views? If someone can point me to sample code, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks for your help.
I found my answer. Here is the approach: Load all the modules at startup, then activate and deactivate views as you need them. I am going to write this issue up as a CodeProject article, but here is an outline of how to do it:
(1) In the module Initialize() method, add the module, but don't activate it:
public void Initialize()
// Get main region
var mainRegion = m_RegionManager.Regions["MainRegion"];
// Load Module B
var newView = new ModuleBView();
mainRegion.Add(newView, "ModuleA.ModuleAView");
Note that the Add() method has two parameters. The second parameter is the name of the view, which we set to the value produced by the ToString() method of the view. We'll see why in the next step.
(2) When activating a view, we need to deactivate the previous view. But we may not know the name of the view, so we deactivate all active views:
public static void ClearRegion(IRegion region)
// Get existing view names
var oldViewNames = new List<string>();
foreach (var v in region.Views)
var s = v.ToString();
// Remove existing views
foreach (var oldViewName in oldViewNames)
var oldView = region.GetView(oldViewName);
Since we set the name of each view equal to its ToString() value, we can get the names easily without knowing anything about them in advance.
(3) Now we activate the new view. I do it in an MVVM ICommand.Execute() method:
public void Execute(object parameter)
// Get main region
var mainRegion = m_ViewModel.RegionManager.Regions["MainRegion"];
// Clear region
// Activate Module A view
var moduleAView = mainRegion.GetView("ModuleA.ModuleAView");
Hopefully, that will be enough to get you going. Like I said, I plan to do a more complete writeup, with demo code, for CodeProject.
David Veeneman
Foresight Systems
