Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist - windows

Can anybody tell me how to do the following in in a Windows batch script? (*.bat):
Create a folder only if it doesn't already exist
In more detail, I want to create a folder named VTS on the C:\ drive, but only if that folder doesn't already exist. I don't want to overwrite the contents of the folder if it already exists and the batch is executed.

You just use this: if not exist "C:\VTS\" mkdir C:\VTS it wll create a directory only if the folder does not exist.
Note that this existence test will return true only if VTS exists and is a directory. If it is not there, or is there as a file, the mkdir command will run, and should cause an error. You might want to check for whether VTS exists as a file as well.

if exist C:\VTS\NUL echo "Folder already exists"
if not exist C:\VTS\NUL echo "Folder does not exist"
See also
(Update March 7, 2018; Microsoft article is down, archive on )

Just call mkdir C:\VTS no matter what. It will simply report that the subdirectory already exists.
Edit: As others have noted, this does set the %ERRORLEVEL% if the folder already exists. If your batch (or any processes calling it) doesn't care about the error level, this method works nicely. Since the question made no mention of avoiding the error level, this answer is perfectly valid. It fulfills the needs of creating the folder if it doesn't exist, and it doesn't overwrite the contents of an existing folder. Otherwise follow Martin Schapendonk's answer.

mkdir C:\VTS 2> NUL
create a folder called VTS and output A subdirectory or file TEST already exists to NUL.
(C:&(mkdir "C:\VTS" 2> NUL))&
change the drive letter to C:, mkdir, output error to NUL and run the next command.

set myDIR=LOG
IF not exist %myDIR% (mkdir %myDIR%)

I use this way, you should put a backslash at the end of the directory name to avoid that place exists in a file without extension with the same name as the directory you specified, never use "C:\VTS" because it can a file exists with the name "VTS" saved in "C:" partition, the correct way is to use "C:\VTS\", check out the backslash after the VTS, so is the right way.
#echo off
#break off
#title Create folder with batch but only if it doesn't already exist - D3F4ULT
#color 0a
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "C:\VTS\" (
mkdir "C:\VTS\"
if "!errorlevel!" EQU "0" (
echo Folder created successfully
) else (
echo Error while creating folder
) else (
echo Folder already exists

You can use:
if not exist "C:\VTS\" mkdir "C:\VTS"
You can also expand the code to replace any missing expected files.
if not exist "C:\VTS\important.file" echo. > "C:\VTS\important.file"

This should work for you:
IF NOT EXIST "\path\to\your\folder" md \path\to\your\folder
However, there is another method, but it may not be 100% useful:
md \path\to\your\folder >NUL 2>NUL
This one creates the folder, but does not show the error output if folder exists. I highly recommend that you use the first one. The second one is if you have problems with the other.

You need to create a folder if it doesn't exist eh? Well, here is an example of how to do it.
First, I check to see if the folder doesn't already exist by entering this code:
if not exist "FOLDERPATH" (
So if I run the code. And if the folder already exists, It will do nothing. This is what we do if the folder already exists:
if exist "FOLDERPATH" (
rmdir /s /q "FOLDERPATH"
Now if I run the code, It will re-create the folder if it already exists. This is the example code:
#echo off
if not exist "C:\ExamplePath\" (
echo Creating Folder...
mkdir "C:\ExamplePath\"
if exist "C:\ExamplePath\" (
echo Re-Creating Folder...
rmdir /s /q "C:\ExamplePath"
Now the if exist part is Optional. If the folder already exists, you can jump to an label instead like this:
if exist "FOLDERPATH" (
goto :ExampleLabel
echo Hi.
Hopefully, this could help with your problem.

Personally, I would do this:
if not exist "C:\YourFolderPathHere\" (
mkdir C:\YourFolderPathHere\
) else (
echo Folder already exists!
Let's break that down:
if not exist "C:\YourFolderPathHere\": this checks for the folder. The Backslash (\) after the path is very important, else it will look for a file rather than a folder.
mkdir C:\YourFolderPathHere\: Creates the directory if the above statement is true.
echo Folder already exists!: prints to console that it already exists.
Here's the same code, but with comments:
::Does the folder exist?
if not exist "C:\YourFolderPathHere\" (
::No, make it.
mkdir C:\YourFolderPathHere\
) else (
::Yes, don't make it, and print text.
echo Folder already exists!
One-line version:
if not exist "C:\YourFolderPathHere\" mkdir C:\YourFolderPathHere\
Haven't tested it though, so don't quote me on it.

i created this for my script I use in my work for eyebeam.
set lookup=0
IF EXIST "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\CounterPath\RegNow Enhanced\default_user\" (set lookup=1)
:IF CHECK is still 0 which means does not exist. It creates the folder
IF %lookup%==0 START "" mkdir "%UserProfile%\AppData\Local\CounterPath\RegNow Enhanced\default_user\"


See if file exists and rename using Windows command line

I have spent a lot of time trying to figure this out and am quite frustrated.
All I want to do is see if a file exists (which it does) and then rename it. I am working in the command line in Windows 10.
IF exist C:\content\info.txt (
ren "C:\content\info.txt" "C:\content\info_new.txt"
) ELSE (
echo "Couldn't find file."
I keep getting the error "Syntax of the command is incorrect". I know the file exists because I ran the following earlier.
if exist C:\content\info.txt echo "info.txt is in C:\content\info.txt."
I am entering all of this directly into the command prompt, and not calling it from a .bat file. Am I missing something here? Any help would be appreciated.
you don't have to give the full location while renaming the file. Just do this:
IF exist C:\content\info.txt (
ren "C:\content\info.txt" "info_new.txt"
) ELSE (
echo "Couldn't find file."
You need to go to the directory first, then change the filename. Like this:
IF exist C:\content\info.txt (
cd C:\content
ren info.txt info_new.txt
) ELSE (
echo "Couldn't find file."
Here is working one liner, if the file is there, no need of else
IF exist C:\content\info.txt ren C:\content\info.txt info_new.txt

How does the "if exist" command work in Windows batch scripts?

In Windows batch scripts, usually we can find if exist xxx or if not exist xxx.
Does this search all files in the computer, or any specific folder or path, for the xxx specified?
If you have not specified a folder, it will look in current folder.
But you can work use wildcards.
if exist *.png echo There are images here
will output the text if in the current folder there are any files with the extension .png
or you can specify a full path, for example
if exist d:\temp\*.png echo There are images there
if you want it to check if something exist. and then make it execute something afterwards. then this is how you do it:
if exist "D:randomstuff\random\ranodom\allala.jpg" goto anotherLabel
if not exist "D:randomstuff\random\ranodom\allala.jpg" goto addwrite
MKDIR D:randomstuff\random\ranodom\
echo this image doesn't exist> D:randomstuff\random\ranodom\allala.txt
or you can do this:
if exist randomfile.txt (
for /f %%A in (randomfile.txt) do set text=%%A
) else (
goto notexist.
basically what you do. you insert the path to whatever file you want it to check if exist (with file name)
and then you just set it to do an actionl wether its to create, add in, overwrite, copy, change label. etc.

copy paste files using CMD

I want to accomplish the following: copy File A from Directory A to Directory B but File A already exist in Directory B and i don't want to overwrite it, simply put the new file in Directory B with a (1) or something so i'll know the difference. i can't manually name the file in the script as i plan to make it a batch file and run it every few hours therefore resulting in the same file existing with different names. IE. File A, File A(1), File A(2) so on and so on. please help. Thank you
Use Xcopy command with parameter /D
C:\> xcopy D:\source_dest E:\target_dest /E /D
/E parameter make that it copy files with subfolders
/D parameter make that it copy files without overwrite
if want more help inform me .if it works vote up
A cyclic copy refers to the situation where the source directory
contains the destination directory. Since the destination directory
is part of the source, the copying process eventually starts copying
the destination directory to a deeper portion of the destination.
This process will continue until, of course, the finite disk space
eventually runs out.
To avoid this condition but to achieve the objective, one can
specify a temporary destination which is on another volume (e.g.,
D:\temp\) and later copy the temporary destination to the final
destination, and delete the temporary directory at the end.
just check file exist before run xcopy command then run copy command
if NOT EXIST c:\directory B\File A ( xcopy c:\Directory A\File A c:\Directory B )
The following is made for folders but you can modify it for files.
Makes a backup of existed folder directory (and all contents in it) with new increase number in folder name [like TEST(1)... TEST(2)... folder].
The first part :Start will set the %PathFolder% variable with path to folder name (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and then will search if exist. If NOT exists, will create it (xcopy), else, If exist, will directing the %PathFolder% variable to :Search label (for-)loop section for further handling...
Tip: Can be used %1 variable to set PathFolder set "PathFolder=%1" so it will work when you Drag-n-Drop a folder on this current saved batch file.
The second part :Search will search in the %PathFolder% variable (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and will make a COPY of "TEST" folder (and all contents in it) with an increase number added in parenthesis at the end of folder name [like TEST(1)]. If already exist TEST(1) then will copy TEST folder as TEST(2) ... or TEST(3) ... and so on.
::Make a backup of existed folder directory (and all contents in it) with new increase number in folder name.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "IncrNum=1"
::The following will set the "%PathFolder%" variable with path to folder name (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and then will search if exist. If NOT exists, will create it (xcopy), else, If exist, will directing the "%PathFolder%" variable to :Search label (for-)loop section for further handling...
::Tip: Can be used %1 instead of %userprofile%\Desktop\TEST in [set "PathFolder=..."] line so it will work when you Drag-n-Drop a folder on this current saved batch file.
set "PathFolder=%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST"
if NOT exist "%PathFolder%" (
xcopy %PathFolder% %PathFolder% /i /y
exit /b
) else (
goto :Search
exit /b
::The following will search in the "%PathFolder%" variable (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and will make a COPY of "TEST" folder (and all contents in it) with an increase number added in parenthesis at the end of folder name [like TEST(1)]. If alredy exist TEST(1) then will copy TEST folder as TEST(2) ... or TEST(3) ... and so on.
for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('dir /b /s /a:d "%PathFolder%*"') do (
if exist %%G^(%IncrNum%^) (
echo At "%%~dpG" a folder "%%~nG(%IncrNum%)" alredy existed.
set /a IncrNum+=1
goto :Search
) else (
echo The "%%~nG" folder and all contents in it
echo will be copied now as "%%G(%IncrNum%)".
xcopy %%G %%G^(%IncrNum%^) /i /y
exit /b
set "PathFolder="

using space in path for copying files using batch script

I want to copy all the *.jar files to another directory i wrote the below script
echo Enter path to ILM_HOME:
set /p ILM_HOME=
echo Deployment in progress
copy WEB-INF/lib/*.jar "%ILM_HOME%"/webapp/WEB-INF/lib
I use C:\Documents and Settings\asimon\Desktop\test as my input
It gives me syntax of the command is incorrect
I think the problem is Documents and Settings I even put "%ILM_HOME%" and I don't need c:\Docume~1\asimon\Desktop\test any other solution?
This is working
#echo off
echo Enter path to ILM_HOME:
set /p ILM_HOME=
IF EXIST "%ILM_HOME%\stopApplimation.bat" (
echo Deployment in progress
xcopy WEB-INF\lib\*.jar "%ILM_HOME%\webapp\WEB-INF\lib"
CALL "%ILM_HOME%\stopApplimation.bat"
CALL "%ILM_HOME%\startApplimation.bat"
) ELSE (
echo %ILM_HOME% path is incorrect.
also any linux solution is also helpfull with .sh for the below 2 statements
for linux, how can i replace the above 2 statements?
Did you try
xcopy WEB-INF\lib\*.jar "%ILM_HOME%\webapp\WEB-INF\lib"?
In your batch use CALL "%ILM_HOME%\stopApplimation.bat"

How to verify if a file exists in a batch file?

I have to create a .BAT file that does this:
If C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler exists, exit;
If C:\myprogram\html\data.sql does not exist, exit;
In C:\myprogram\sync\ delete all files and folders except (test, test3 and test2)
Copy C:\myprogram\html\data.sql to C:\myprogram\sync\
Call other batch file with option sync.bat myprogram.ini.
If it was in the Bash environment it was easy for me, but I do not know how to test if a file or folder exists and if it is a file or folder.
You can use IF EXIST to check for a file:
IF EXIST "filename" (
REM Do one thing
) ELSE (
REM Do another thing
If you do not need an "else", you can do something like this:
set __myVariable=
IF EXIST "C:\folder with space\myfile.txt" set __myVariable=C:\folder with space\myfile.txt
IF EXIST "C:\some other folder with space\myfile.txt" set __myVariable=C:\some other folder with space\myfile.txt
set __myVariable=
Here's a working example of searching for a file or a folder:
REM setup
echo "some text" > filename
mkdir "foldername"
REM finds file
IF EXIST "filename" (
ECHO file filename exists
) ELSE (
ECHO file filename does not exist
REM does not find file
IF EXIST "filename2.txt" (
ECHO file filename2.txt exists
) ELSE (
ECHO file filename2.txt does not exist
REM folders must have a trailing backslash
REM finds folder
IF EXIST "foldername\" (
ECHO folder foldername exists
) ELSE (
ECHO folder foldername does not exist
REM does not find folder
IF EXIST "filename\" (
ECHO folder filename exists
) ELSE (
ECHO folder filename does not exist
Here is a good example on how to do a command if a file does or does not exist:
if exist C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler echo Now Exiting && Exit
if not exist C:\myprogram\html\data.sql Exit
We will take those three files and put it in a temporary place. After deleting the folder, it will restore those three files.
xcopy "test" "C:\temp"
xcopy "test2" "C:\temp"
del C:\myprogram\sync\
xcopy "C:\temp" "test"
xcopy "C:\temp" "test2"
del "c:\temp"
Use the XCOPY command:
xcopy "C:\myprogram\html\data.sql" /c /d /h /e /i /y "C:\myprogram\sync\"
I will explain what the /c /d /h /e /i /y means:
/C Continues copying even if errors occur.
/D:m-d-y Copies files changed on or after the specified date.
If no date is given, copies only those files whose
source time is newer than the destination time.
/H Copies hidden and system files also.
/E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.
/T Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not
include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes
/I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file,
assumes that destination must be a directory.
/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
existing destination file.
`To see all the commands type`xcopy /? in cmd
Call other batch file with option sync.bat myprogram.ini.
I am not sure what you mean by this, but if you just want to open both of these files you just put the path of the file like
If it was in the Bash environment it was easy for me, but I do not
know how to test if a file or folder exists and if it is a file or
You are using a batch file. You mentioned earlier you have to create a .bat file to use this:
I have to create a .BAT file that does this:
Type IF /? to get help about if, it clearly explains how to use IF EXIST.
To delete a complete tree except some folders, see the answer of this question: Windows batch script to delete everything in a folder except one
Finally copying just means calling COPY and calling another bat file can be done like this:
MYOTHERBATFILE.BAT sync.bat myprogram.ini
