How to verify if a file exists in a batch file? - windows

I have to create a .BAT file that does this:
If C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler exists, exit;
If C:\myprogram\html\data.sql does not exist, exit;
In C:\myprogram\sync\ delete all files and folders except (test, test3 and test2)
Copy C:\myprogram\html\data.sql to C:\myprogram\sync\
Call other batch file with option sync.bat myprogram.ini.
If it was in the Bash environment it was easy for me, but I do not know how to test if a file or folder exists and if it is a file or folder.

You can use IF EXIST to check for a file:
IF EXIST "filename" (
REM Do one thing
) ELSE (
REM Do another thing
If you do not need an "else", you can do something like this:
set __myVariable=
IF EXIST "C:\folder with space\myfile.txt" set __myVariable=C:\folder with space\myfile.txt
IF EXIST "C:\some other folder with space\myfile.txt" set __myVariable=C:\some other folder with space\myfile.txt
set __myVariable=
Here's a working example of searching for a file or a folder:
REM setup
echo "some text" > filename
mkdir "foldername"
REM finds file
IF EXIST "filename" (
ECHO file filename exists
) ELSE (
ECHO file filename does not exist
REM does not find file
IF EXIST "filename2.txt" (
ECHO file filename2.txt exists
) ELSE (
ECHO file filename2.txt does not exist
REM folders must have a trailing backslash
REM finds folder
IF EXIST "foldername\" (
ECHO folder foldername exists
) ELSE (
ECHO folder foldername does not exist
REM does not find folder
IF EXIST "filename\" (
ECHO folder filename exists
) ELSE (
ECHO folder filename does not exist

Here is a good example on how to do a command if a file does or does not exist:
if exist C:\myprogram\sync\data.handler echo Now Exiting && Exit
if not exist C:\myprogram\html\data.sql Exit
We will take those three files and put it in a temporary place. After deleting the folder, it will restore those three files.
xcopy "test" "C:\temp"
xcopy "test2" "C:\temp"
del C:\myprogram\sync\
xcopy "C:\temp" "test"
xcopy "C:\temp" "test2"
del "c:\temp"
Use the XCOPY command:
xcopy "C:\myprogram\html\data.sql" /c /d /h /e /i /y "C:\myprogram\sync\"
I will explain what the /c /d /h /e /i /y means:
/C Continues copying even if errors occur.
/D:m-d-y Copies files changed on or after the specified date.
If no date is given, copies only those files whose
source time is newer than the destination time.
/H Copies hidden and system files also.
/E Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
Same as /S /E. May be used to modify /T.
/T Creates directory structure, but does not copy files. Does not
include empty directories or subdirectories. /T /E includes
/I If destination does not exist and copying more than one file,
assumes that destination must be a directory.
/Y Suppresses prompting to confirm you want to overwrite an
existing destination file.
`To see all the commands type`xcopy /? in cmd
Call other batch file with option sync.bat myprogram.ini.
I am not sure what you mean by this, but if you just want to open both of these files you just put the path of the file like
If it was in the Bash environment it was easy for me, but I do not
know how to test if a file or folder exists and if it is a file or
You are using a batch file. You mentioned earlier you have to create a .bat file to use this:
I have to create a .BAT file that does this:

Type IF /? to get help about if, it clearly explains how to use IF EXIST.
To delete a complete tree except some folders, see the answer of this question: Windows batch script to delete everything in a folder except one
Finally copying just means calling COPY and calling another bat file can be done like this:
MYOTHERBATFILE.BAT sync.bat myprogram.ini


How to auto create folder based on filename and move the file into it's folder using .BAT

I have already solved my question... What I haven't solved is how to do this if the .bat file is located in a parent folder and that it should work on all subfolders?
Right now, there's a limitation that it only create folders if the .bat file is located in the same folder as the files. It can't create folders if the files are inside a subfolder.
What I have is:
the filename of this .bat is :
#echo off
for %%i in (*) do (
if not "%%~ni" == "organize" (
md "%%~ni" && move "%%~i" "%%~ni"
How I do it right now:
I place the .bat file in a folder together with the files
When I click it, it will create folders with a name based on the files inside that folder
It will also move each files in those folders of the same name
What I need:
Place the .bat file in the main folder with many subfolders containing the files
Click it to perform the same tasks above
Apologies if my explanation is confusing... I hope it's still understandable.
Thank you in advance!
Your attempt is very close to working but beware the wrinkles of using a simple approach without checking each detail so, start here:-
#echo off & Title %~n0
REM I recommend using cd /d "%~dp0" to ensure you start from the known cmd file folder location not some system folder
cd /D "%~dp0"
REM add the /R switch to run through subdirs
for /R %%i in (*) do (
REM replace organize to %~n0 so as to aid renaming by other users
if not "%%~DPni" == "%~DPn0" (
REM to allow for nested paths we need a fuller DP location for N (check it works exactly as desired then remove the echos)
echo md "%%~DPni" && echo move "%%~i" "%%~DPni"
BEWARE files with double .dot.s such as cmd.exe.lnk so check those echo's first
md "C:\Users\me\Favorites\Links\cmd.exe"
move "C:\Users\me\Favorites\Links\cmd.exe.lnk" "C:\Users\me\Favorites\Links\cmd.exe"

Bat script to find and replace files in multiple subfolders - replace .java files with .class files from specific folder

I am new to windows batch scripting .. please help on this scenario
I have file structures as below ::
Need to find and replace dir1 files in respective subfolders i.e and from dir2 files i.e one.class and two.class ( need to replace certain .java files with .class files from specific folder )
much appreciated for your help.
for /f "delims=" %%a in ('dir /b /a-d "c:\workspace\changeset\com\folder\*.java"') do (
if exist "c:\workspace\target\class\com\folder\%%~na.class" (
echo copy "c:\workspace\target\class\com\folder\%%~na.class" "c:\workspace\changeset\com\folder\%%a")
The required COPY commands are merely ECHOed for testing purposes. After you've verified that the commands are correct, change ECHO COPY to COPY to actually copy the files. Append >nul to suppress report messages (eg. 1 file copied)
Note that execution directly from the prompt and as lines with a batch file are different. The metavariable (loop-control variable) %%x must be referenced as %%x for a batch line and %x if executed from the command prompt. Since it makes little sense to repeatedly execute a line containing a for from the prompt (it's easier to create a batch file), I post the batch-file version. User's responsibility to adjust for direct-from-prompt if desired.
Read each filename in /b basic form /a-d without directories and assign the filename+extension to %%a.
If a file in the other directory called thenamepartofthefile.class exists, then copy that file to the first directory.
Please post the entire problem to be solved. The approach can change radically, as in this case.
SET "sourcedir1=U:\sourcedir\changeset"
SET "sourcedir2=U:\sourcedir\target"
FOR /f "delims=" %%a IN (
'dir /b /s /a-d "%sourcedir1%\*.java" '
) DO (
SET "javadir=%%~dpa"
SET "classfile=!javadir:%sourcedir1%=%sourcedir2%!%%~na.class"
IF EXIST !classfile! ECHO COPY "!classfile!" "%%a"
You would need to change the settings of sourcedir1 and sourcedir2 to suit your circumstances.
Essentially, the same approach and the same comments re messages. The difference is that this procedure uses files and subdirectories in the dir list and substitutes the first part of the directoryname in deriving the expected name of the .class file.

copy paste files using CMD

I want to accomplish the following: copy File A from Directory A to Directory B but File A already exist in Directory B and i don't want to overwrite it, simply put the new file in Directory B with a (1) or something so i'll know the difference. i can't manually name the file in the script as i plan to make it a batch file and run it every few hours therefore resulting in the same file existing with different names. IE. File A, File A(1), File A(2) so on and so on. please help. Thank you
Use Xcopy command with parameter /D
C:\> xcopy D:\source_dest E:\target_dest /E /D
/E parameter make that it copy files with subfolders
/D parameter make that it copy files without overwrite
if want more help inform me .if it works vote up
A cyclic copy refers to the situation where the source directory
contains the destination directory. Since the destination directory
is part of the source, the copying process eventually starts copying
the destination directory to a deeper portion of the destination.
This process will continue until, of course, the finite disk space
eventually runs out.
To avoid this condition but to achieve the objective, one can
specify a temporary destination which is on another volume (e.g.,
D:\temp\) and later copy the temporary destination to the final
destination, and delete the temporary directory at the end.
just check file exist before run xcopy command then run copy command
if NOT EXIST c:\directory B\File A ( xcopy c:\Directory A\File A c:\Directory B )
The following is made for folders but you can modify it for files.
Makes a backup of existed folder directory (and all contents in it) with new increase number in folder name [like TEST(1)... TEST(2)... folder].
The first part :Start will set the %PathFolder% variable with path to folder name (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and then will search if exist. If NOT exists, will create it (xcopy), else, If exist, will directing the %PathFolder% variable to :Search label (for-)loop section for further handling...
Tip: Can be used %1 variable to set PathFolder set "PathFolder=%1" so it will work when you Drag-n-Drop a folder on this current saved batch file.
The second part :Search will search in the %PathFolder% variable (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and will make a COPY of "TEST" folder (and all contents in it) with an increase number added in parenthesis at the end of folder name [like TEST(1)]. If already exist TEST(1) then will copy TEST folder as TEST(2) ... or TEST(3) ... and so on.
::Make a backup of existed folder directory (and all contents in it) with new increase number in folder name.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "IncrNum=1"
::The following will set the "%PathFolder%" variable with path to folder name (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and then will search if exist. If NOT exists, will create it (xcopy), else, If exist, will directing the "%PathFolder%" variable to :Search label (for-)loop section for further handling...
::Tip: Can be used %1 instead of %userprofile%\Desktop\TEST in [set "PathFolder=..."] line so it will work when you Drag-n-Drop a folder on this current saved batch file.
set "PathFolder=%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST"
if NOT exist "%PathFolder%" (
xcopy %PathFolder% %PathFolder% /i /y
exit /b
) else (
goto :Search
exit /b
::The following will search in the "%PathFolder%" variable (%userprofile%\Desktop\TEST) and will make a COPY of "TEST" folder (and all contents in it) with an increase number added in parenthesis at the end of folder name [like TEST(1)]. If alredy exist TEST(1) then will copy TEST folder as TEST(2) ... or TEST(3) ... and so on.
for /f "tokens=*" %%G in ('dir /b /s /a:d "%PathFolder%*"') do (
if exist %%G^(%IncrNum%^) (
echo At "%%~dpG" a folder "%%~nG(%IncrNum%)" alredy existed.
set /a IncrNum+=1
goto :Search
) else (
echo The "%%~nG" folder and all contents in it
echo will be copied now as "%%G(%IncrNum%)".
xcopy %%G %%G^(%IncrNum%^) /i /y
exit /b
set "PathFolder="

Files having same prefix to be moved to another directory

I have a files which doesn't have extension ending A_INI, A_FIF. And I need to write a code to search this files by user entering only A, if Exist I need to copy A_INI, A_FIF to another folder.
Example folder contains A_INI, A_FIF, A_LOG by prompting user enters file name as A.
I have to check files starting with A_* and if exist i have to move it to another folder.
How can this be achieved using batch script?
Not tested:
#echo off
set "source_dir=C:\source"
set "destination_dir=C:\dest"
set /p "mask=Enter a pattern: "
pushd "%source_dir%"
for %%# in ("%mask%_*") do (
copy /y "%%~#" "%destination_dir%"

batch file to check if the specific word "test" exist in the files, IF exist copy the whole folder to another location

How can I check if the word "test" exist in any files inside a folder(that contain tons of folders and files) .. and if exist, copy the whole folder to another location.
Please help thank you
findstr /c:"test" *.txt > NUL
if not errorlevel 1 xcopy *.* anotherlocation
If you want to check all files beneath current folder at any level, add /S switch in findstr command. Do the same in xcopy command to copy the whole folder structure.
#echo off
findstr /c:"Finished schedule" E:\Init.log > NUL
if "!errorlevel!"=="0"
( echo "OK" )
else ( echo "NOK" )
