Assembly Analysis Tools - gcc

Does anyone have any suggestions for assembly file analysis tools? I'm attempting to analyze ARM/Thumb-2 ASM files generated by LLVM (or alternatively GCC) when passed the -S option. I'm particularly interested in instruction statistics at the basic block level, e.g. memory operation counts, etc. I may wind up rolling my own tool in Python, but was curious to see if there were any existing tools before I started.
Update: I've done a little searching, and found a good resource for disassembly tools / hex editors / etc here, but unfortunately it is mainly focused on x86 assembly, and also doesn't include any actual assembly file analyzers.

What you need is a tool for which you can define an assembly language syntax, and then build custom analyzers. You analyzers might be simple ("how much space does an instruction take?") or complex ("How many cycles will this isntruction take to execute?" [which depends on the preceding sequence of instructions and possibly a sophisticated model of the processor you care about]).
One designed specifically to do that is the New Jersey Machine Toolkit. It is really designed to build code generators and debuggers. I suspect it would be good at "instruction byte count". It isn't clear it is good at more sophisticated analyses. And I believe it insists you follow its syntax style, rather than yours.
One not designed specifically to do that, but good at parsing/analyzing langauges in general is our
DMS Software Reengineering Toolkit.
DMS can be given a grammar description for virtually any context free language (that covers most assembly language syntax) and can then parse a specific instance of that grammar (assembly code) into ASTs for further processing. We've done with with several assembly langauges, including the IBM 370, Motorola's 8 bit CPU line, and a rather peculiar DSP, without trouble.
You can specify an attribute grammar (computation over an AST) to DMS easily. These are great way to encode analyses that need just local information, such as "How big is this instruction?". For more complex analysese, you'll need a processor model that is driven from a series of instructions; passing such a machine model the ASTs for individual instructions would be an easy way to apply a machine model to compute more complex things as "How long does this instruction take?".
Other analyses such as control flow and data flow, are provided in generic form by DMS. You can use an attribute evaluator to collect local facts ("control-next for this instruction is...", "data from this instruction flows to,...") and feed them to the flow analyzers to compute global flow facts ("if I execute this instruction, what other instructions might be executed downstream?"..)
You do have to configure DMS for your particular (assembly) language. It is designed to be configured for tasks like these.
Yes, you can likely code all this in Python; after all, its a Turing machine. But likely not nearly as easily.
An additional benefit: DMS is willing to apply transformations to your code, based on your analyses. So you could implement your optimizer with it, too. After all, you need to connect the analysis indication the optimization is safe, to the actual optimization steps.

I have written many disassemblers, including arm and thumb. Not production quality but for the purposes of learning the assembler. For both the ARM and Thumb the ARM ARM (ARM Architectural Reference Manual) has a nice chart from which you can easily count up data operations from load/store, etc. maybe an hours worth of work, maybe two. At least up front, you would end up with data values being counted though.
The other poster may be right, as with the chart I am talking about it should be very simple to write a program to examine the ASCII looking for ldr, str, add, etc. No need to parse everything if you are interested in memory operations counts, etc. Of course the downside is that you are likely not going to be able to examine loops. One function may have a load and store, another may have a load and store but have it wrapped by a loop, causing many more memory operations once executed.
Not knowing what you really are interested in, my guess is you might want to simulate the code and count these sorts of things. I wrote a thumb simulator (thumbulator) that attempts to do just that. (and I have used it to compare llvm execution vs gcc execution when it comes to number of instructions executed, fetches, memory operations, etc) The problem may be that it is thumb only, no ARM no Thumb2. Thumb2 could be added easier than ARM. There exists an armulator from arm, which is in the gdb sources among other places. I cant remember now if it executes thumb2. My understanding is that when arm was using it would accurately tell you these sorts of statistics.

You can plug your statistics into LLVM code generator, it's quite flexible and it is already collecting some stats, which could be used as an example.


Is it possible to trace the OpenMP source code?

I would like to get a deep understanding of OpenMP and its internal mechanisms, its data structures, and algorithms at an operating system level (for example, I suppose that for task affinity each place has its own task queue and in the case of untied tasks there is a task migration / stealing between run queues). Is there a database of technical papers that describe all this stuff as well as a guide describing what files in the gcc source tree are of interest?
I search the gcc source tree for filenames containing the string omp and i found some results but i don't know if these are all the associated files.
I would like to get a deep understanding of OpenMP and its internal mechanisms, its data structures, and algorithms at an operating system level
OpenMP is a standard, not an implementation. There are multiple implementations. Two are mainstream: GOMP associated with GCC and IOMP associated to Clang (and ICC).
Is there a database of technical papers that describe all this stuff as well as a guide describing what files in the GCC source tree are of interest?
AFAIK, not for GOMP. The code is the reference for this as well as the associated documentation (more specifically this page). The code is modified over time so document would quickly get obsolete (especially since there are versions of the OpenMP specification released relatively frequently causing sometime changes deep in the target implementation).
Note that there are some generated documentation online like this one but it looks like it is really obsolete now.
I search the gcc source tree for filenames containing the string omp and i found some results but i don't know if these are all the associated files.
Generally, an OpenMP implementation is written in two parts. One part is in the compiler and it is meant to parse pragmas so to then convert them to runtime calls (eg. parallel sections), or to tune the compiler behaviour (eg. SIMD directives). This is a kind of front-end. Another part is the runtime which is the heat of the implementation, a kind of back-end, where the dynamic data structure lies (eg. for tasks, barrier, parallel sections, etc.). GOMP is implemented that way. That being said, the two parts are more closely interrelated than other implementations like IOMP (AFAIK, GOMP is not meant to be used from another compiler than GCC).
The code is available here. "loop.c" is probably the first file to look to understand the implementation. GOMP is relatively simple overall.
I suppose that for task affinity each place has its own task queue and in the case of untied tasks there is a task migration / stealing between run queues
Task affinity is a new feature that is only supported recently (in GCC 12). I would not be surprised if it would be a no-op (this is not rare for new features). In fact, "affinity.c" tends to confirm this. As for the queues, the last time I looked the code, GOMP was using a central queue (that does not scale).

Is There a Way of Providing asm.js or WebAssembly Code to V8 Turbofan?

After looking into the recently announce support for WebAssembly, it occurs to me that it would dramatically increase its utility if there were some way to:
Have TurboFan, the successor to the V8 JIT Crankshaft optimizer output all the assembly code it generates along with the static type signatures, and execution profile of that generated code.
Permit the programmer to provide his own asm.js/WebAssembly code for specific static type signatures that override the optimizer.
Is there some way to do this already?
There is some indication that it may be from the following passage from this article:
Under the hood, the WebAssembly implementation in V8 is designed to
reuse much of the existing JavaScript virtual machine infrastructure,
specifically the TurboFan compiler. A specialized WebAssembly decoder
validates modules by checking types, local variable indices, function
references, return values, and control flow structure in a single
pass. The decoder produces a TurboFan graph which is processed by
various optimization passes and finally turned into machine code by
the same backend which generates machine code for optimized JavaScript
and asm.js. In the next few months, the team will concentrate on
improving the startup time of the V8 implementation through compiler
tuning, parallelism, and compilation policy improvements.
To expand on the idea for a more general audience:
Typical top-down optimization involves high level programming and then execution profiling to identify which pieces of code require more effort. This is true whether the optimization is automated code generation or manual coding of optimized code. In the case of dynamically typed languages you'll frequently want to go beyond just optimizing dynamically-typed algorithms and provide code specialized for specific static types. This is, in fact, what the V8 JIT optimizer does automatically. If humans want to manually provide some particularly 'hot' specialized cases, they'd need to inform the automated optimizer, somehow, that they have already done the work so the automated optimizer can incorporate the manually optimized code rather than automatically generating suboptimal code.
No, that's not possible, and it's highly unlikely that it ever will be, given that it would probably require piercing all sorts of abstraction barriers within the system. The complexity would be enormous, and the effect on maintainability and security would probably be severe.
The web interface to WebAssembly modules (through the Wasm object) provides a clean and simple way to interface between JS and Wasm. In the future, ES6 modules might simplify interop further. It's not obvious what advantage a complicated mechanism like you propose would have over that.
For 1. you can play with the following flags:
trace_turbo: trace generated TurboFan IR
trace_turbo_graph: trace generated TurboFan graphs
trace_turbo_cfg_file: trace turbo cfg graph (for C1 visualizer) to a given file name
trace_turbo_types: trace TurboFan's types
trace_turbo_scheduler: trace TurboFan's scheduler
trace_turbo_reduction: trace TurboFan's various reducers
trace_turbo_jt: trace TurboFan's jump threading
trace_turbo_ceq: trace TurboFan's control equivalence
turbo_stats: print TurboFan statistics
They may change in future versions of V8 and aren't a stable API.
TurboFan is pretty complicated in that it consumes information from the baseline JIT / the interpreter, and may get to that information after deopt. The compiler isn't always a straight pipeline from JS / wasm to assembly. Inlining and a bunch of other things affect what happens.
For 2.: write wasm code or valid asm.js in the first place.
We've discussed performing a bunch of different types of dynamic tracing, caching traces (and allowing injection of traces for testing), but that's probably not something we'd expose considering that there's already a way to give the compiler precise type information!

Preventing performance regressions in R

What is a good workflow for detecting performance regressions in R packages? Ideally, I'm looking for something that integrates with R CMD check that alerts me when I have introduced a significant performance regression in my code.
What is a good workflow in general? What other languages provide good tools? Is it something that can be built on top unit testing, or that is usually done separately?
This is a very challenging question, and one that I'm frequently dealing with, as I swap out different code in a package to speed things up. Sometimes a performance regression comes along with a change in algorithms or implementation, but it may also arise due to changes in the data structures used.
What is a good workflow for detecting performance regressions in R packages?
In my case, I tend to have very specific use cases that I'm trying to speed up, with different fixed data sets. As Spacedman wrote, it's important to have a fixed computing system, but that's almost infeasible: sometimes a shared computer may have other processes that slow things down 10-20%, even when it looks quite idle.
My steps:
Standardize the platform (e.g. one or a few machines, a particular virtual machine, or a virtual machine + specific infrastructure, a la Amazon's EC2 instance types).
Standardize the data set that will be used for speed testing.
Create scripts and fixed intermediate data output (i.e. saved to .rdat files) that involve very minimal data transformations. My focus is on some kind of modeling, rather than data manipulation or transformation. This means that I want to give exactly the same block of data to the modeling functions. If, however, data transformation is the goal, then be sure that the pre-transformed/manipulated data is as close as possible to standard across tests of different versions of the package. (See this question for examples of memoization, cacheing, etc., that can be used to standardize or speed up non-focal computations. It references several packages by the OP.)
Repeat tests multiple times.
Scale the results relative to fixed benchmarks, e.g. the time to perform a linear regression, to sort a matrix, etc. This can allow for "local" or transient variations in infrastructure, such as may be due to I/O, the memory system, dependent packages, etc.
Examine the profiling output as vigorously as possible (see this question for some insights, also referencing tools from the OP).
Ideally, I'm looking for something that integrates with R CMD check that alerts me when I have introduced a significant performance regression in my code.
Unfortunately, I don't have an answer for this.
What is a good workflow in general?
For me, it's quite similar to general dynamic code testing: is the output (execution time in this case) reproducible, optimal, and transparent? Transparency comes from understanding what affects the overall time. This is where Mike Dunlavey's suggestions are important, but I prefer to go further, with a line profiler.
Regarding a line profiler, see my previous question, which refers to options in Python and Matlab for other examples. It's most important to examine clock time, but also very important to track memory allocation, number of times the line is executed, and call stack depth.
What other languages provide good tools?
Almost all other languages have better tools. :) Interpreted languages like Python and Matlab have the good & possibly familiar examples of tools that can be adapted for this purpose. Although dynamic analysis is very important, static analysis can help identify where there may be some serious problems. Matlab has a great static analyzer that can report when objects (e.g. vectors, matrices) are growing inside of loops, for instance. It is terrible to find this only via dynamic analysis - you've already wasted execution time to discover something like this, and it's not always discernible if your execution context is pretty simple (e.g. just a few iterations, or small objects).
As far as language-agnostic methods, you can look at:
Valgrind & cachegrind
Monitoring of disk I/O, dirty buffers, etc.
Monitoring of RAM (Cachegrind is helpful, but you could just monitor RAM allocation, and lots of details about RAM usage)
Usage of multiple cores
Is it something that can be built on top unit testing, or that is usually done separately?
This is hard to answer. For static analysis, it can occur before unit testing. For dynamic analysis, one may want to add more tests. Think of it as sequential design (i.e. from an experimental design framework): if the execution costs appear to be, within some statistical allowances for variation, the same, then no further tests are needed. If, however, method B seems to have an average execution cost greater than method A, then one should perform more intensive tests.
Update 1: If I may be so bold, there's another question that I'd recommend including, which is: "What are some gotchas in comparing the execution time of two versions of a package?" This is analogous to assuming that two programs that implement the same algorithm should have the same intermediate objects. That's not exactly true (see this question - not that I'm promoting my own questions, here - it's just hard work to make things better and faster...leading to multiple SO questions on this topic :)). In a similar way, two executions of the same code can differ in time consumed due to factors other than the implementation.
So, some gotchas that can occur, either within the same language or across languages, within the same execution instance or across "identical" instances, which can affect runtime:
Garbage collection - different implementations or languages can hit garbage collection under different circumstances. This can make two executions appear different, though it can be very dependent on context, parameters, data sets, etc. The GC-obsessive execution will look slower.
Cacheing at the level of the disk, motherboard (e.g. L1, L2, L3 caches), or other levels (e.g. memoization). Often, the first execution will pay a penalty.
Dynamic voltage scaling - This one sucks. When there is a problem, this may be one of the hardest beasties to find, since it can go away quickly. It looks like cacheing, but it isn't.
Any job priority manager that you don't know about.
One method uses multiple cores or does some clever stuff about how work is parceled among cores or CPUs. For instance, getting a process locked to a core can be useful in some scenarios. One execution of an R package may be luckier in this regard, another package may be very clever...
Unused variables, excessive data transfer, dirty caches, unflushed buffers, ... the list goes on.
The key result is: Ideally, how should we test for differences in expected values, subject to the randomness created due to order effects? Well, pretty simple: go back to experimental design. :)
When the empirical differences in execution times are different from the "expected" differences, it's great to have enabled additional system and execution monitoring so that we don't have to re-run the experiments until we're blue in the face.
The only way to do anything here is to make some assumptions. So let us assume an unchanged machine, or else require a 'recalibration'.
Then use a unit-test alike framework, and treat 'has to be done in X units of time' as just yet another testing criterion to be fulfilled. In other words, do something like
stopifnot( timingOf( someExpression ) < savedValue plus fudge)
so we would have to associate prior timings with given expressions. Equality-testing comparisons from any one of the three existing unit testing packages could be used as well.
Nothing that Hadley couldn't handle so I think we can almost expect a new package timr after the next long academic break :). Of course, this has to be either be optional because on a "unknown" machine (think: CRAN testing the package) we have no reference point, or else the fudge factor has to "go to 11" to automatically accept on a new machine.
A recent change announced on the R-devel feed could give a crude measure for this.
‘R CMD check’ can optionally report timings on various parts of the check: this is controlled by environment variables documented in ‘Writing R Extensions’.
The overall time spent running the tests could be checked and compared to previous values. Of course, adding new tests will increase the time, but dramatic performance regressions could still be seen, albeit manually.
This is not as fine grained as timing support within individual test suites, but it also does not depend on any one specific test suite.

What levels should static analyzers analyze?

I've noticed that some static analyzers operate on source code, while others operate on bytecode (e.g., FindBugs). I'm sure there are even some that work on object code.
My question is a simple one, what are the advantages and disadvantages of writing different kinds of static analyzers for different levels of analysis?
Under "static analyzers" I'm including linters, bug finders, and even full-blown verifiers.
And by levels of analysis I would include source code, high-level IRs, low-level IRs, bytecode, object code, and compiler plugins that have access to all phases.
These different facets can influence the level at which an analyzer may decide to work:
Designing a static analyzer is a lot of work. It would be a shame not to factor this work for several languages compiled to the same bytecode, especially when the bytecode retains most of the structure of the source program: Java (FindBugs), .NET (various tools related to Code Contracts). In some cases, the common target language was made up for the purpose of analysis although the compilation scheme wasn't following this path.
Related to 1, you may hope that your static analyzer will be a little less costly to write if it works on a normalized version of the program with a minimum number of constructs. When authoring static analyzers, having to write the treatment for repeat until when you have already written while do is a bother. You may structure your analyzer so that several functions are shared for these two cases, but the care-free way to handle this is to translate one to the other, or to translate the source to an intermediate language that only has one of them.
On the other hand as already pointed out in Flash Sheridan's answer, source code contains the most information. For instance, in languages with fuzzy semantics, bugs at the source level may be removed by compilation. C and C++ have numerous "undefined behaviors" where the compiler is allowed to do anything, including generating a program that works accidentally. Fine, you might think, if the bug is not in the executable it's not a problematic bug. But when you ever re-compile the program for another architecture or with the next version of the compiler, the bug may appear again. This is one reason for not doing the analysis after any phase that might potentially remove bugs.
Some properties can only be checked with reasonable precision on compiled code. That includes absence of compiler-introduced bugs as pointed out again by Flash Sheridan, but also worst-case execution time. Similarly, many languages do not let you know what floating-point code does precisely unless you look at the assembly generated by the compiler (this is because existing hardware does not make it convenient for them to guarantee more). The choice is then to write an imprecise source-level analyzer that takes into account all possibilities, or to analyze precisely one particular compilation of a floating-point program, as long as it is understood that it is that precise assembly code that will be executed.
Source code analysis is the most generally useful, of course; sometimes heuristics even need to analyze comments or formatting. But you’re right that even object code analysis can be necessary, e.g., to detect bugs introduced by GCC misfeatures. Thomas Reps, head of GrammaTech and a Wisconsin professor, gave a good talk on this at Stanford a couple of years ago:

GCC: Inline assembly - good for?

So I just found out GCC could do inline assembly and I was wondering two things:
What's the benefit of being able to inline assembly?
Is it possible to use GCC as an assembly compiler/assembler to learn assembly?
I've found a couple articles but they are all oldish, 2000 and 2001, not really sure of their relevance.
The benefit of inline assembly is to have the assembly code, inlined (wait wait, don't kill me). By doing this, you don't have to worry about calling conventions, and you have much more control of the final object file (meaning you can decide where each variable goes- to which register or if it's memory stored), because that code won't be optimized (assuming you use the volatile keyword).
Regarding your second question, yes, it's possible. What you can do is write simple C programs, and then translate them to assembly, using
gcc -S source.c
With this, and the architecture manuals (MIPS, Intel, etc) as well as the GCC manual, you can go a long way.
There's some material online.
The downside of inline assembly, is that usually your code will not be portable between different compilers.
Hope it helps.
Inline Assembly is useful for in-place optimizations, and access to CPU features not exposed by any libraries or the operating system.
For example, some applications need strict tracking of timing. On x86 systems, the RDTSC assembly command can be used to read the internal CPU timer.
Time Stamp Counter - Wikipedia
Using GCC or any C/C++ compiler with inline assembly is useful for small snippets of code, but many environments do not have good debugging support- which will be more important when developing projects where inline assembly provides specific functionality. Also, portability will become a recurring issue if you use inline assembly. It is preferable to create specific items in a suitable environment (GNU assembler, MASM) and import them projects as needed.
Inline assembly is generally used to access hardware features not otherwise exposed by the compiler (e.g. vector SIMD instructions where no intrinsics are provided), and/or for hand-optimizing performance critical sections of code where the compiler generates suboptimal code.
Certainly there is nothing to stop you using the inline assembler to test routines you have written in assembly language; however, if you intend to write large sections of code you are better off using a real assembler to avoid getting bogged down with irrelevancies. You will likely find the GNU assembler got installed along with the rest of the toolchain ;)
The benefit of embedding custom assembly code is that sometimes (dare I say, often times) a developer can write more efficient assembly code than a compiler can. So for extremely performance intensive items, custom written assembly might be beneficial. Games tend to come to mind....
As far as using it to learn assembly, I have no doubt that you could. But, I imagine that using an actual assembly SDK might be a better choice. Aside from the standard experimentation of learning how to use the language, you'd probably want the knowledge around setting up a development environment.
You should not learn assembly language by using the inline asm feature.
Regarding what it's good for, I agree with jldupont, mostly obfuscation. In theory, it allows you to easily integrate with the compiler, because the complex syntax of extended asm allows you to cooperate with the compiler on register usage, and it allows you to tell the compiler that you want this and that to be loaded from memory and placed in registers for you, and finally, it allows the compiler to be warned that you have clobbered this register or that one.
However, all of that could have been done by simply writing standard-conforming C code and then writing an assembler module, and calling the extension as a normal function. Perhaps ages ago the procedure call machine op was too slow to tolerate, but you won't notice today.
I believe the real answer is that it is easier, once you know the contraint DSL. People just throw in an asm and obfuscate the C program rather than go to the trouble of modifying the Makefile and adding a new module to the build and deploy workflow.
This isn't really an answer, but kind of an extended comment on other peoples' answers.
Inline assembly is still used to access CPU features. For instance, in the ARM chips used in cell phones, different manufacturers distinguish their offerings via special features that require unusual machine language instructions that would have no equivalent in C/C++.
Back in the 80s and early 90s, I used inline assembly a lot for optimizing loops. For instance, C compilers targeting 680x0 processors back then would do really stupid things, like:
calculate a value and put it in data register D1
PUSH D1, A7 # Put the value from D1 onto the stack in RAM
POP D1, A7 # Pop it back off again
do something else with the value in D1
But I haven't needed to do that in, oh, probably fifteen years, because modern compilers are much smarter. In fact, current compilers will sometimes generate more efficient code than most humans would. Especially given CPUs with long pipelines, branch prediction, and so on, the fastest-executing sequence of instructions is not always the one that would make most sense to a human. So you can say, "Do A B C D in that order", and the compiler will scramble the order all around for greater efficiency.
Playing a little with inline assembly is fine for starters, but if you're serious, I echo those who suggest you move to a "real" assembler after a while.
Manual optimization of loops that are executed a lot. This article is old, but can give you an idea about the kinds of optimizations hand-coded assembly is used for.
You can also use the assembler gcc uses directly. It's called as (see man as). However, many books and articles on assembly assume you are using a DOS or Windows environment. So it might be kind of hard to learn on Linux (maybe running FreeDOS on a virtual machine), because you not only need to know the processor (you can usually download the official manuals) you code for but also how hook to into the OS you are running.
A nice beginner book using DOS is the one by Norton and Socha. It's pretty old (the 3rd and latest edition is from 1992), so you can get used copies for like $0.01 (no joke). The only book I know of that is specific to Linux is the free "Programming from the Ground Up"
