Rid Drop-down Arrow in Google Docs Table - drop-down-menu

I want to rid the drop-down arrow for borders that displays in each cell of a table in Google Docs. Annoying! Not a developer; just a user albeit v. strong one. Using Chrome (and sadly Windows 7 - long story but received free laptop with it and can't find free upgrade to Windows 10).

Well put! I have the same annoying problem. In a small cell, the drop-down hides some of the text. You must move to another cell to view the contents of the previous cell. I hope someone provides an answer.


What to do about this long error: This application is trying to draw a very large combo box

I cannot find any reference to this on SO.. The full message is:
"This application is trying to draw a very large combo box, 32 points
tall. Vertically resizable combo boxes are not supported, but it
happens that 10.4 and previous drew something that looked kind of sort
of okay. The art in 10.5 does not break up in a way that supports
that drawing. To avoid breaking existing apps, NSComboBox in 10.5
will use the 10.4 art for large combo boxes, but it won't exactly
match the rest of the system. This application should be revised to
stop using large combo boxes. This warning will appear once per app
Any ideas what to do about it?
I made the box in IB, and don't think I did anything special to create it.
I had this same issue. The combo box was in a cell in a table. I changed the row height setting of the table to automatic. But, this gave me an error for not being a valid setting for a cell based table. However, when I reset the table's row height to fixed, the message went away.
More Google searches seem to indicate that this has something to do with the height of the combo box. In my case, the row height of the table increased when I reset it from "Automatic". Perhaps this will give you something to go on.
I had the same error. When I dragged comboboxes out of a Stack View, Xcode messed up their heights. To correct the problem, I added height constraints of 22 to each of them. That caused the warning. When I deleted all the height constraints, the warning went away. The comboboxes didn't revert to the crazy heights they had when I dragged them out.
I've had this forever, but ignored it because I had no idea why it was happening.
From reading the other answers here...
From the storyboard I edited the Combo Box Cell inside the combo box. I changed the Cell Size from Regular to Small and back to Regular.
The problem went away.

Microsoft Progress Bar Control is missing

I need to create the progress bar on a user form. For inserting progress bar, opened toolbox , right clicked on it and choose “Additional Controls”. (Alternatively, I could go up to the “Tools”/”Additional Controls” menu). But in that list of components, “Microsoft Progress Bar Control 6.0 (SP4)” is missing. I am using Microsoft Office 2010 and Windows 7. Please help me
Two suggestions :)
1) Search your pc for MSCOMCTL.Ocx. If you find it then register it by clicking on Windows Start Button ~~> Run and then typing this text and pressing Enter
regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\MSCOMCTL.Ocx
I am assuming that the ocx is in C:\Windows\System32
If you don't have that then please download it from here and then repeat the above steps.
Once done, you will now be able to use the control.
2) Please see this link. Sometimes you don't need a progressbar control ;)
Topic: VBA - Working with Scroll Bars - The most simplest way
Link: http://www.vbforums.com/showthread.php?t=511916
You can make a makeshift loading bar whit any of the controlls you allready got, by simply useing width.
Example would be useing a label inside a frame, the frame will work as borders for it, so the top and left can be 0, then the total lenght of the frame works as max length for the label.. i think by now you see where im going whit this, basicly now all you gota do is come up whit a counter basicly a loop that counts up to max frame length :)
But, like i said whit creativity, you can use buttons, the form itself, scrollbar basicly contains itself if you dont mind it beeing a unclickable (scroll) button moveing across.

ListPicker - how to make current selection show when full page view opens

I'm using the ListPicker from the latest Silverlight Toolkit on Mango
I've got a long list (100 items) of simple text items to choose between - using single item selection mode.
When I click on the ListPicker it opens up in full screen very nicely, but it doesn't scroll to the current selection.
This is a pain for the user - who typically wants to move from "item75" to "item76"
I've looked through the available properties, events and source code, but I can't see any obvious way to get the list to scroll the current selected item into list when the full screen mode opens.
Anyone got any ideas?
I found this Which may help, i hope it does!
in Depth ListPicker
See on MSDN what some of the events that can be triggered when selecting a Listpicker item and mess around with them, you may find a Very good Solution! :)
There didn't seem to be a way to do this with the current release - but the code is open source.
The current release also has a disadvantage of using StackPanel instead of VirtualizingStackPanel - so it is very slow at displaying long lists.
Instead of using this release, I ended up going with a different list selector http://priyarules.posterous.com/categorized-list-selector-for-windows-phone-7

ToolTip while Drop Down ComboBox

I have created a combo box in my project which takes a certain amount of numbers from a file.
This Combo drops down the list of the numbers each of represents something.
That something I want to be displayed in a tooltip when the mouse hovers on the combo box.
Until now everything has gone fine.
What I want now is to see the tooltip when the mouse rolls over the list of the dop down combo.
How can I do that? Until now the internet didn't give me something to work on it.
Is there some one to assist me on that?
Is this the sort of thing you're looking for, where a tooltip appears over a ComboBox item you mouse over?
If so take a look at this article on codeproject.com:
A Windows.Forms.ComboBox with Item ToolTips for 32 bit Windows XP (SP2)
It's VB.NET and currently displays a ComboBox item's text when moused over; I'm sure you can adapt it to your specific needs.
Finally I solved the issue with Combo Box which I mentioned on this question.
Of course there is no any solution give it from Microsoft for it, but with a small trick we manage to do what we want to do from one hand, and nobody seams to understand HOW we did it from the other hand.
So if anybody wants to see this solution please set a question and I will try to answer immediately.
For "bad and worst" please put a comment on this question.
My code is in vb.net.

Looking for alternatives or improvements to drop down lists/menus on websites

Drop-down lists, menus and combo boxes are all very common user interface elements. Users are accustomed to seeing these elements in native applications and sometimes web apps, but there are a few problems with them.
You have to aim the mouse. Some menus collapse when you mouse out, and some have submenus that you have to aim at to expand.
You can't see the options without aiming the mouse first.
These are the main things that trouble me, maybe other people notice other issues as well. I normally don't use drop-down menus at all if I can help it.
The problem is that I sometimes want to present a long list of options in limited space. Issue 2 is a sacrifice I'm willing to make, but I'm wanting to know if anyone has any tricks to make these drop menus easier to use. Maybe someone has invented a new style of list control.
I'm sure that if these types of controls annoy me, then they annoy users of my site more.
Hmm..one more thing which annoys me about the dropdown list is the inability to control their width as it expands with the text (or is their something which I am unaware of ?).
For an alternate, I think about a little popup which initially displays a list of available options in form of Alphabetic index and when the user clicks on an alphabet link, it displays the relevant options to select from. This will reduce the options to select from.
On the same terms, we can use ajax to build the options on the fly as user types in.
You could try something like Mac OS/X has for its taskbar, similar to the selection bar in YouTube. I think the common term is a bubble bar where small images animate larger as the mouse rolls over them, but shrink back down to such a size that all items are visible when the mouse is not over the control.
width='20px' will keep the collapsed drop down at a width of 20px. Problem is, Inernet Explorer shows the expanded item with this width also, while all other browsers i met so far will show you the full menu.
