What is rgbReserved? - windows

Hi there
I want to know what is this rgbReserved in RGBQuadArray and why when I change RGB colors there are some ugly lines displayed on the image? Is it related to rgbReserved?

In memory, a line of a bitmap is often stored in the format BBGGRR00BBGGRR00BBGGRR00... so that each pixel will occupy exactly four bytes, or 32 bits. This simplifies a lot of things, and can speed up computations and image manipulation. But if the bitmap specifies the red, green, and blue intensities as bytes (in the range 0..255), and doesn't contain an alpha channel, then each pixel will only need three bytes. So there is a forth unused byte per pixel. And in the pixel structure it's got to be named something. Given that the usable members are called rgbRed, rgbGreen, and rgbBlue, rgbReserved feels rather OK. Maybe rgbUnused would be even more suitable, but there is a tradition in Win32 to name (currently) unused parameters "Reserved", as in "reserved for future use". In fact, if you app works with transparent bitmaps containing an alpha channel, each pixel might be of the form BBGGRRAA, so you could use the rgbReserved as rgbAlpha.
The latter part of your question cannot be answered as it stands. I have no idea why your code doesn't work. Maybe the pixel intensities are overflowing? Maybe there is some silly bug somewhere?
As a final note: If you wonder what a member of a Win32 structure is, you can always consult the official documentation.


Read encoded files

I was trying to read some files like images, but when I try to open them with the notepad I found weird codes like this:
ÿH‹\$0H‹t$8HƒÄ _ÃÌÌÌÌÌÌH‰\$H‰l$H‰t$ WAVAWHƒì ·L
Click here to see the image
So I have the following questions:
Why do I find those weird symbols instead of zeros and ones?
Does programmers do this for security or optimization?
Is this an encoding such as ASCII that every symbol has an unique decimal and binary number associated?
Can anyone with the correspondent decoder read this information?
Thank you
Most data files like images are stored as hexadecimal. If you know the format of the file, you can use a hexadecimal editor (I use HexEdit) to look at the data.
A colour is often stored as RGB, meaning Red, Green, or Blue, so for instance, this is a dark red:
80 00 00 // (there are no spaces in the real file format, but hex editors add them.)
The format of an image depends on how it's stored. Most image formats have ways of encoding the difference between pixels rather than the actual pixels themselves, because there's a lot of information redundancy between the different pixels.
For instance, if I have a picture of the night sky with a focus on the moon, there's probably a big area in one corner that's all much the same shade of grey; encoding that without optimization would mean a hell of a lot of file that just read:
In this case, the grey is slightly bluish-purple, tending towards a brighter blue at the end. I've stored it as RGB here - R:90, G:80, B:b0 - but there are other formats for that storage too. Try them out here.
Instead of listing every pixel, I could equally say instead "6 lots of bluish-gray then it gets brighter in blue":
This reduces the amount of information I would need to transmit. Most optimizations aren't quite that human-readable, but they operate on similar lines (this is a general information principle used in all kinds of things like .zip files too, not just images).
Note that this is still a lossless format; I could always get back to the actual pixel-perfect image. Bitmaps (.bmp) are lossless (though obviously still digital; they will never capture everything a human sees).
A number of formats use the frequency of images to encode the information. It's a bit like looking at a wave form of music, except it's two-dimensional. Depending on the sampling frequency, information could easily be lost here (and often is). JPEGs (.jpg) use lossy compression like this.
The reason you see ASCII characters is because some of the values just happen to coincide with ASCII text codes. It's pure coincidence; Notepad is doing its best to interpret what's essentially gibberish. For instance this colour sequence:
happens to coincide with the letters "NOBODY", but also represents two pixels next to each other. Both are grey, especially the left (R:4e, G:4f, B:42) with the right-most one being a bit more blue (R:4f, G:44, B:59).
But that's only if your format is storing raw pixel information... which is expensive, so it probably isn't the case.
Image formats are a pretty specialist area. The famous XKCD cartoon "Digital Data" showcases the optimizations being made in some of them. This is why, generally speaking, you shouldn't use JPEG for text, but use something like PNG (.png) instead.

Is there an efficient image format to display boolean values?

If there is a two dimensional array of booleans, would there be an efficient way to represent this as an image and save this using minimal space? So just one bit for every pixel, having it either be black or white?
so you could put a bitmap header on a buffer and display it this way, you wont save any memory, but you will be able to view it... if you are looking to save space there are lots of lossless encoding techniques... huffman coding and lzw are some methods... some of those methods get grouped into formats like zip, bzip, gzip, deflate, etc
My guess is no, because in an image, the color attribute of each pixel is represented by at least 8 bits. So you in effect are using an 8-bit byte to store a value which can be represented by one solitary bit (0 or 1).
In addition, there are other attributes that describe each pixel in an image, including alpha channel, opacity, and so on.
So, in short, although it may be visually pleasing to use images to store binary data, it would in fact be using way more storage space.
Most programming languages have native support for biinary data, and these provide much more efficient storage for them.

keep original values when saving matrix to image in Matlab

Let me explain.
My program takes an x-ray in a format of the x-ray detector ".his" which goes from 0 to 65535, and from those values it can tell you how much of a certain material is in each pixel "4 cm of aluminum" for example.
It does that for every pixel and you end up with a matrix that tells you how much of a given material is there, and you can visualize that matrix and see only fat tissue in an image without the bones blocking your view, it's very cool I know.
What I want to do now is to save that matrix as an image so that I can analyse and modify that image with programs like Image J, but I also want that if I see the pixel value I see the original value, I want to see "4" and know that pixel shows 4 cm of lungs or whatever material I'm working on.
Is that possible?, my professor seems to think that it is but he's not sure how to do it, and figure that out is my job anyway.
It should be possible since with Image J I can open the ".his" format and I can do just that, I can see the values from 0 to 65535, provided I say Image J that the image is 16 bit unsigned and other properties of that kind of files, but I wouldn't know how to do that for a Matlab variable.
Thanks a lot.
So if I understand correctly, you want to save an image that also contains arbitrary metadata on every pixel (in this case an integer).
If you use an image format like PNG you could encode that extra data into the alpha channel (which would be nearly imperceptible with a value like 4/255 away from fully opaque), but you'd have to be careful when editing the image that you don't change the alpha channel by mistake.
However, this is rather finnicky and would be cumbersome to implement in Matlab.
Instead I would suggest simply saving a standard image and a text file (or binary file) alongside it with the data you want.

Decode image to bitmap ok, but why?

I would like to know why we need to decode let's say a png to a bitmap in order to show the image.
Why not just show the png like that (encoded).
I'm asking here a moron type of question on purpose. It's clear to me it's impossible to show an encoded image just like that but I want to know why, and how an image is shown on a screen because it's easy just to do :
canvas.drawBitmap(((AndroidImage)Image).bitmap, x, y, null);
I want to understand the full of it. I'm guessing we need to show every pixels one by one, but I want more details.
It's easy to know how to do, it's a bit harder to understand why.
If someone has a course/tuto/article/explanation that explains it... I would appreciate
Thanks in advance
PS : Please don't respond "you need to decode/convert png to bitmap" I know that... And that's not my question
There are lots of reasons. There is not really a direct relation between 'a value in a file' and 'a pixel on a screen'.
You need to know the width and height of the bitmap. You cannot infer this from the image size -- it has to be stored somewhere inside the image file. (Or anywhere else. Point is, you have to know its size.)
You need to know the bit depth and color model of the bitmap. You cannot meaningfully copy an 8-bit indexed image directly onto a screen that accepts 32-bit BGR ordering with an unused byte, for example.
Your example, the PNG file format, specifies that all image data is compressed. This is for a sane reason: the PNG format was designed for use on web pages, in a time period where every byte still counted. But even the lowly simple BMP file format uses a very specific form of 'encoding': in its 24-bit format, every line consists of sets of BGR values for each pixel and is padded at the end with enough bytes to make its total length evenly divisible by 4.
JPEG uses an even more advanced encoding scheme (which is too difficult to explain in a few short words) so it can compress images even more. The advanced encoding scheme allows far more compression than regular methods (which in turn means there is only the tiniest relation between 'values in the file' and 'pixels on the screen').

Create and write paletted RGBA PNG using NSImage

I'm trying to create paletted PNG image (8-bit per pixel) that uses RGBA palette (32-bit per palette entry) using Cocoa framework*.
I've tried few combinations for [NSBitmapImageRep initWithBitmapDataPlanes:…] method. It seems to create appropriate bitmap for bitsPerSample:2 bitsPerPixel:8.
However, when I try to write such bitmap with [NSBitmapImageRep representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType…] I get:
libpng error: Invalid bit depth for RGBA image
If I try other bit depths, then I get 32-bit per pixel (non-paletted) image.
*) I know I could just use libpng, but that's not an answer I'm looking for.
2 bits per sample, 8 per pixel will not get you an indexed PNG--it will, in theory, create an RGBA PNG file with 2 bits per sample, just as it suggests. Now, such an image has 256 possible colour values per pixel (including alpha channel) but it's not indexed in the sense of having a colour lookup table.
To my knowledge, there is no way to specify a colour palette when using NSBitmapImageRep. You will probably have to use libpng directly to get the effect you want. (By the way, it doesn't matter if you aren't looking for this answer. It's still the correct answer to this particular problem and saying "no!" isn't going to change the universe around you.)
However, before you do that, if you tell us why you think/know you need an indexed PNG, we may be able to point you toward a better or simpler solution.
