Decode image to bitmap ok, but why? - image

I would like to know why we need to decode let's say a png to a bitmap in order to show the image.
Why not just show the png like that (encoded).
I'm asking here a moron type of question on purpose. It's clear to me it's impossible to show an encoded image just like that but I want to know why, and how an image is shown on a screen because it's easy just to do :
canvas.drawBitmap(((AndroidImage)Image).bitmap, x, y, null);
I want to understand the full of it. I'm guessing we need to show every pixels one by one, but I want more details.
It's easy to know how to do, it's a bit harder to understand why.
If someone has a course/tuto/article/explanation that explains it... I would appreciate
Thanks in advance
PS : Please don't respond "you need to decode/convert png to bitmap" I know that... And that's not my question

There are lots of reasons. There is not really a direct relation between 'a value in a file' and 'a pixel on a screen'.
You need to know the width and height of the bitmap. You cannot infer this from the image size -- it has to be stored somewhere inside the image file. (Or anywhere else. Point is, you have to know its size.)
You need to know the bit depth and color model of the bitmap. You cannot meaningfully copy an 8-bit indexed image directly onto a screen that accepts 32-bit BGR ordering with an unused byte, for example.
Your example, the PNG file format, specifies that all image data is compressed. This is for a sane reason: the PNG format was designed for use on web pages, in a time period where every byte still counted. But even the lowly simple BMP file format uses a very specific form of 'encoding': in its 24-bit format, every line consists of sets of BGR values for each pixel and is padded at the end with enough bytes to make its total length evenly divisible by 4.
JPEG uses an even more advanced encoding scheme (which is too difficult to explain in a few short words) so it can compress images even more. The advanced encoding scheme allows far more compression than regular methods (which in turn means there is only the tiniest relation between 'values in the file' and 'pixels on the screen').


keep original values when saving matrix to image in Matlab

Let me explain.
My program takes an x-ray in a format of the x-ray detector ".his" which goes from 0 to 65535, and from those values it can tell you how much of a certain material is in each pixel "4 cm of aluminum" for example.
It does that for every pixel and you end up with a matrix that tells you how much of a given material is there, and you can visualize that matrix and see only fat tissue in an image without the bones blocking your view, it's very cool I know.
What I want to do now is to save that matrix as an image so that I can analyse and modify that image with programs like Image J, but I also want that if I see the pixel value I see the original value, I want to see "4" and know that pixel shows 4 cm of lungs or whatever material I'm working on.
Is that possible?, my professor seems to think that it is but he's not sure how to do it, and figure that out is my job anyway.
It should be possible since with Image J I can open the ".his" format and I can do just that, I can see the values from 0 to 65535, provided I say Image J that the image is 16 bit unsigned and other properties of that kind of files, but I wouldn't know how to do that for a Matlab variable.
Thanks a lot.
So if I understand correctly, you want to save an image that also contains arbitrary metadata on every pixel (in this case an integer).
If you use an image format like PNG you could encode that extra data into the alpha channel (which would be nearly imperceptible with a value like 4/255 away from fully opaque), but you'd have to be careful when editing the image that you don't change the alpha channel by mistake.
However, this is rather finnicky and would be cumbersome to implement in Matlab.
Instead I would suggest simply saving a standard image and a text file (or binary file) alongside it with the data you want.

How can an Interlaced .png file's size be smaller than the original file?

Ok, so I tried to use the imagemagick command:
"convert picA.png -interlace line picB.png"
to make an interlace version of my .png images. Most of the time, I got the resulting image is larger than the original one, which is kinda normal. However, on certain image, the resulting image size is smaller.
So I just wonder why does that happen? I really don't want my new image to lose any quality because of the command.
Also, is there any compatibility problem with interlaced .png image?
EDIT: I guess my problem is that the original image was not compressed as best as it could be.
The following only applies to the cases where the pixel size is >= 8 bits. I didn't investigate for other cases but I expect similar outcomes.
A content-identical interlaced PNG image file will almost always be greater because of the additional data for filter type descriptions required to handle the passes scanlines. This is what I explained in details in this web page based on the PNG RFC RFC2083.
In short, this is because the sum of the below number of bytes for interlaced filter types description per interlacing pass is almost always greater than the image height (which is the number of filter types for non-interlaced images):
nb_pass1_lines = CEIL(height/8)
nb_pass2_lines = (width>4?CEIL(height/8):0)
nb_pass3_lines = CEIL((height-4)/8)
nb_pass4_lines = (width>2?CEIL(height/4):0)
nb_pass5_lines = CEIL((height-2)/4)
nb_pass6_lines = (width>1?CEIL(height/2):0)
nb_pass7_lines = FLOOR(height/2)
Though, theoretically, it can be that the data entropy/complexity accidentally gets lowered enough by the Adam7 interlacing so that, with the help of filtering, the usually additional space needed for filter types with interlacing may be compensated through the deflate compression used for the PNG format. This would be a particular case to be proven as the entropy/complexity is more likely to increase with interlacing because the image data is made less consistent through the interlacing deconstruction.
I used the word "accidentally" because reducing the data entropy/complexity is not the purpose of the Adam7 interlacing. Its purpose is to allow the progressive loading and display of the image through a passes mechanism. While, reducing the entropy/complexity is the purpose of the filtering for PNG.
I used the word "usually" because, as shown in the explanation web page, for example, a 1 pixel image will be described through the same length of uncompressed data whether interlaced or not. So, in this case, no additional space should be needed.
When it comes to the PNG file size, a lower size for interlaced can be due to:
Different non-pixel encoding related content embedded in the file such as palette (in the case of color type =! 3) and non-critical chunks such as chromaticities, gamma, number of significant bits, default background color, histogram, transparency, physical pixel dimensions, time, text, compressed text. Note that some of those non-pixel encoding related content can lead to different display of the image depending on the software used and the situation.
Different pixel encoding related content (which can change the image quality) such as bit depth, color type (and thus the use of palette or not with color type = 3), image size,... .
Different compression related content such as better filtering choices, accidental lower data entropy/complexity due to interlacing as explained above (theoretical particular case), higher compression level (as you mentioned)
If I had to check whether 2 PNG image files are equivalent pixel wise, I would use the following command in a bash prompt:
diff <( convert non-interlaced.png rgba:- ) <( convert interlaced.png rgba:- )
It should return no difference.
For the compatibility question, if the PNG encoder and PNG decoder implement the mandatory aspects of the PNG RFC, I see no reason for the interlacing to lead to a compatibility issue.
Edit 2018 11 13:
Some experiments based on auto evolved distributed genetic algorithms with niche mechanism (hosted on ) are explained here:
Those experiments show that it is possible for equivalent PNG images to have a smaller size interlaced than non-interlaced. The best images for this are tall, they have a one pixel width and have pixel content that appear random. Though, the shape is not the only important aspect for the interlaced image to be smaller than the non-interlaced image as random cases with the same shape lead to different size differences.
So, yes, some PNG images can be identical pixel wise and for non-pixel related content but have a smaller size interlaced than non-interlaced.
So I just wonder why does that happen?
From section Interlacing and pass extraction of the PNG spec.
Scanlines that do not completely fill an integral number of bytes are padded as defined in 7.2: Scanlines.
NOTE If the reference image contains fewer than five columns or fewer than five rows, some passes will be empty.
I would assume the behavior your experiencing is the result of the Adam7 method requiring additional padding.

Reading voxel values from binary file into matlab

I have a 16bit voxel data set from which I need to extract the integer values for each voxel. The data set can be downloaded from here, it is the 'Head Aneuyrism 16Bits' data set (You need to click on the blood vessels image to download the 16bit version). Its size is 512x512x512, but I don't know whether it is greyscale or color, nor if that matters. Looking at the image on the website I'd guess that it is color, but I am not sure whether the image should be taken literally.
A related question on SO is the following: How can I read in a RAW image in MATLAB?
and the following on mathworks:
Thanks to the information in the answers to these questions I managed to extract some information from the file with matlab as follows:
B=reshape(A,[512 512 512]);
I don't need to visualise the image, I only need to have the integer values for each voxel, but I am not sure whether I am reading the information in the correct way with my script.
The only way I found to try and check whether I have the correct voxel values is to visualise B using the following:
Now, with the code above, and then using implay(B) I get a black and white movie with a white disc in the center and black background and some black pixels moving in the disc (I tried to upload a frame of the movie, but it didn't work). Looking at the image on the website from which I downloaded the file, the movie frames I get seem quite different from that image, so I'd conclude that I do not have the correct voxel values.
Here are some questions related to my problem:
Do I need to know whether the image is in grey scale or color to read the voxel values correctly?
On the data set website there is only written that the data set is in 16bit format, so how do I know whether I am dealing with signed or unsigned integers?
In the SO question linked to above they use 'uint8=>uint8'. I could not find this in the matlab manual, so I wonder whether 'uint8=>uint8' is an obsolete matlab notation for 'uint8' or if it does something different. I suspect that it does something different since if I use 'int16=>int16' instead of 'int16' in my code above I get a completely black movie with implay.
It looks like you read the data correctly.
The problem when displaying it is the scale of the values. implay seems to assume the values to be in [0,1] and therefore clamps all values to be in that range, where are your data range is [0,3000].
Simply doing
B = B / max(B(:))
will rescale your data to [0,1] and looking at the data again with
shows you something much more sensible.

Can pdfbox extract vector images?

As per my understanding,
1. .eps format images are vector images.
2. When we draw something in word (like a flowchart) that is stored
as a vector image.
I am almost sure about the first, not sure about the second. Please correct me if I am wrong.
Assuming this two things, when a latex file (where .eps images are inserted) or a word file (that contains vector images) is converted into pdf, do the images get converted into raster images?
Also, I think PDFBox/xpdf can only extract raster images from the pdf (as they are embedded as XObjects), not vector images. Is that understanding correct? This question in stackoverflow is related, but have not been answered yet.
Your point 1 is incorrect, eps files are PostScript programs, they may contain vector information, or text or image data, or all of the above.
point 2 In PDF there isn't a 'vector image', an image means a bitmap and therefore cannot be vector.
If you convert a PostScript program to a PDF file, then the result depends entirely on the conversion program you use. In general vectors will be retained as vectors, and text as text. However it is entirely possible that an application might render the entire PostScript program and insert the result as an image in the PDF.
So the answer to your first question ("do the images get converted into raster images") is 'maybe, but probably not'.
I'm afraid I have no idea about the capabilities of PDFBox/xpdf, but since collections of vectors may not be arranged as 'images' (they could be held as Form XObjects, or Patterns) in any atomic fashion, there isn't any obvious way to know when to stop extracting. And what format would you store the result in anyway ?

Matlab imwrite function changes the pixel values

I tried to change some pixel values of a Grayscale image and save it using imwrite in matlab.
no problem with saving.
the problem is when I read it back, some pixel values have been changed. not exactly the same values I assigned to pixels before saving it.
I'm trying to hash images so 1unit difference will effect the hash numbers.
As mentioned by mmgp, JPG can be lossy. That means that some of the information in your image will be lost in favor of storage efficiency.
The rationale behind JPG is somewhat like that behind MP3 -- changes in hues etc. that the human eye is not particularly well-adapted to distinguish will be simplified or removed altogether, thus decreasing the amount of information in the image. The information in a JPG represents a similar-looking, but in fact very different image. This is probably what you're experiencing.
In Matlab, have a look at the output of help imwrite. You can give a parameter to the jpg write called 'Quality', which is a number between 0 and 100, 100 meaning (near-)lossless compression.
Although the JPEG standard does allow for (near-)lossless compression, it is not often used in practice (at least, in my field). More popular lossless image formats are PNG, JPEG2000 and TIFF. Read more about it here.
All of these are also available in Matlab's imwrite function.
