One of my projects involves drawing text. The project is based around a mid-level 16-bit microcontroller, a dsPIC33FJ128GP802. It is capable of 40 MIPS, but about 92% of that is reserved for background processing (outputting an on screen display), so on average it gets 3 MIPS to render stuff. The processor has hardware multiply, assisted divide (18 cycles) and a full 16-bit barrel shifter.
The original method was simple. It just called the set pixel routine for each pixel that needed to be written, however, this is quite slow: each pixel write requires an address decode, bit mask, and write to memory - on average, around 60 cycles per pixel. Also, two bits need to be written for each pixel to be set: one in the mask array (which determines if the pixel is visible or not), and one in the level array (which determines if the pixel is white or black.) For a single character, 8x14 pixels, this means 13,440 cycles plus overhead. Which is a lot, given the lack of much processing power.
Because of this, I came up with an algorithm for drawing horizontal lines. It could efficiently write up to 16 pixels in about 20 cycles, which is a 60 fold improvement on setting pixels individually; it could also handle lines which did not lie on word boundaries (using some clever bit math), and even lines which lie entirely inside one word. (Note - one word is 16 bits and the video memory is stored as an 4 arrays of 3,072 words, a front buffer and back buffer.) I'm not certain if the algorithm is original - I doubt it - but for those curious, I've documented it here.
Now I'm racking my brains out trying to figure out a way to set multiple distinct pixels across multiple words. Ideally, it would work like this - we want to write this word starting at bit 4 (bits counted from zero) of the first word and allow it to overflow into the next:
Memory before : 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
Word to write : 1111 1010 1111 1111
Memory after : 0000 0111 1101 0111 1111 1000 0000 0000
If anyone knows of any such algorithm or has done something in the past similar to this it would be great to know how you did it. I'm having a major brain block right now.
Can you rShift 5 bits, do an AND on the first WORD and then lShift 11 then AND on the second WORD or am I missing something?
In the days before sophisticated graphics accelerators, people hid whatever they could implement behind an interface such as bitblt. There is a quick write-up of one example of this in passing at Some of these worked by auto-generating and then executing machine code. The approach from that paper is described as "Effectively, the draw implementation is the above with
enough conditionals and function calls pushed outside
enough loops to make the overhead bearable." One version I saw was quite long, with a variety of common special cases extracted "fast paths".
I always wanted to ask this, I know that ASCII uses numbers to represent characters like 65 = A
Whats the point? computer understand when i press A is A why we need to convert to 65?
You have it backwards: computers understand when you press an A because of codes like ASCII. Or rather, one part of the computer is able to tell another part of the computer that you pressed an A because they agree on conventions of binary signals like ASCII.
At its lowest level, each part of the computer "knows" that it is in one of two states - maybe off and on, maybe high voltage and low voltage, maybe two directions of magnetism, and so on. For convenience, we label these two states 0 and 1. We then build elaborate (and microscopic) sequences of machinery that each say "if this thing's a 1, then do this, if it's a 0 do this".
If we string a sequence of 1s and 0s together, we can write a number, like 1010; and we can make machinery that does maths with those numbers, like 1010 + 0001 = 1011. Alternatively, we can string a much longer sequence together to represent the brightness of pixels from the top left to bottom right of a screen, in order - a bitmap image. The computer doesn't "know" which sequences are numbers and which are images, we just tell it "draw the screen based on this sequence" and "calculate my wages based on this sequence".
If we want to represent not numbers or images, but text, we need to come up with a sequence of bits for each letter and symbol. It doesn't really matter what sequence we use, we just need to be consistent - we could say that 000001 is A, and as long as we remember that's what we chose, we can write programs that deal with text. ASCII is simply one of those mappings of sequences of bits to letters and symbols.
Note that A is not defined as "65" in ASCII, it's defined as the 7 bit sequence 1000001; it just happens that that's the same sequence of bits we generally use for the number 65. Note also that ASCII is a very old mapping, and almost never used directly in modern computers; it is however very influential, and a lot of more recent mappings are designed to use the same or similar sequences for the letters and symbols that it covers.
I’m writing a Radix-2 DIT FFT algorithm in VHDL, which requires some fractional multiplication of input data by Twiddle Factor (TF). I use Fixed Point arithmetic’s to achieve that, with every word being 16 bit long, where 1 bit is a sign bit and the rest is distributed between integer and fraction. Therefore my dilemma:
I have no idea, in what range my input data will be, so if I just decide that 4 bits go to integer and the rest 11 bits to fraction, in case I get integer numbers higher than 4 bits = 15 decimal, I’m screwed. The same applies if I do 50/50, like 7 bits to integer and the rest to fraction. If I get numbers, which are very small, I’m screwed because of truncation or rounding, i.e:
Let’s assume I have an integer "3"(0000 0011) on input and TF of "0.7071" ( 0.10110101 - 8 bit), and let’s assume, for simplicity, my data is 8 bit long, therefore:
3x0.7071 = 2.1213
3x0.7071 = 0000 0010 . 0001 1111 = 2.12109375 (for 16 bits).
Here comes the trick - I need to up/down round or truncate 16 bits to 8 bits, therefore, I get 0000 0010, i.e 2 - the error is way too high.
My questions are:
How would you solve this problem of range vs precision if you don’t know the range of your input data AND you would have numbers represented in fixed point?
Should I make a process, which decides after every multiplication where to put the comma? Wouldn’t it make the multiplication slower?
Xilinx IP Core has 3 different ways for Fixed Number Arithmetic’s – Unscaled (similar to what I want to do, just truncate in case overflow happens), Scaled fixed point (I would assume, that in that case it decides after each multiplication, where the comma should be and what should be rounded) and Block Floating Point(No idea what it is or how it works - would appreciate an explanation). So how does this IP Core decide where to put the comma? If the decision is made depending on the highest value in my dataset, then in case I have just 1 high peak and the rest of the data is low, the error will be very high.
I will appreciate any ideas or information on any known methods.
You don't need to know the fixed-point format of your input. You can safely treat it as normalized -1 to 1 range or full integer-range.
The reason is that your output will have the same format as the input. Or, more likely for FFT, a known relationship like 3 bits increase, which would the output has 3 more integer bits than the input.
It is the core user's burden to know where the decimal point will end up, you have to document the change to dynamic range of course.
Several Google Maps products have the notion of polylines, which in terms of underlying data is basically just a sequence of lat/lng points that might for example manifest in a line drawn on a map. The Google Map developer libraries make use of an encoded polyline format that churns out an ASCII string representing the points making up the polyline. This encoded format is then typically decoded with a built in function of the Google libraries or a function written by a third party that implements the decoding algorithm.
The algorithm for encoding polyline points is described in the Encoded Polyline Algorithm Format document. What is not described is the rationale for implementing the algorithm this way, and the significance of each of the individual steps. I'm interested to know whether the thinking/purpose behind implementing the algorithm this way is publicly described anywhere. Two example questions:
Do some of the steps have a quantifiable impact on compression and how does this impact vary as a function of the delta between points?
Is the summing of values with ASCII 63 a compatibility hack of some sort?
But just in general, a description to go along with the algorithm explaining why the algorithm is implemented the way it is.
Update: This blog post from James Snook also has the 'valid ascii' range argument and reads logically for other steps I wondered. E.g. the left shifting before storing which makes place for the negative bit as the first bit.
Some explanations I found, not sure if everything is 100% correct.
One double value is stored in multiple 5 bits chunks and 0x20 (binary '0010 0000') is used as indication that the next 5 bit entry belongs to the current double.
0x1f (binary '0001 1111') is used as bit mask to throw away other bits
I expect that 5 bits are used because the delta of lat or lons are in this range. So that every double value takes only 5 bits on average when done for a lot of examples (but not verified yet).
Now, compression is done by assuming nearby double values are very close and creating the difference is nearly 0, so that the results fits in a few bytes. Then this result is stored in a dynamic fashion: store 5 bits and if the value is longer mark with 0x20 and store the next 5 bits and so on. So I guess you can tweak the compression if you try 6 or 4 bits but I guess 5 is a practically reasonable choice.
Now regarding the magic 63, this is 0x3f and binary 0011 1111. I'm not sure why they add it. I thought that adding 63 will give some 'better' asci characters (e.g. allowed in XML or in URL) as we skip e.g. 62 which is > but 63 which is ? is really better? At least the first ascii chars are not displayable and have to be avoided. Note that if one would use 64 then one would hit the ascii char 127 for the maximum value of 31 (31+64+32) and this char is not defined in html4. Or is because of a signed char is going from -128 to 127 and we need to store the negative numbers as positive, thus adding the maximum possible negative number?
Just for me: here is a link to an official Java implementation with Apache License
Could you please suggest an error detection scheme for detecting
one possible bit flip in the first 32 bytes of a 33-byte message using
no more than 8 bits of additional data?
Could Pearson hashing be a solution?
Detecting a single bit-flip in any message requires only one extra bit, independent of the length of the message: simply xor together all the bits in the message and tack that on the end. If any single bit flips, the parity bit at the end won't match up.
If you're asking to detect which bit flipped, that can't be done, and a simple argument shows it: the extra eight bits can represent up to 256 classes of 32-byte messages, but the zero message and the 256 messages with one on bit each must all be in different classes. Thus, there are 257 messages which must be distinctly classified, and only 256 classes.
You can detect one bit flip with just one extra bit in any length message (as stated by #Daniel Wagner). The parity bit can, simply put, indicate whether the total number of 1-bits is odd or even. Obviously, if the number of bits that are wrong is even, then the parity bit will fail, so you cannot detect 2-bit errors.
Now, for a more accessible understanding of why you can't error-correct 32 bytes (256 bits) with just 8 bits, please read about the Hamming code (like used in ECC memory). Such a scheme uses special error-correcting parity bits (henceforth called "EC parity") that only encode the parity of a subset of the total number of bits. For every 2^m - 1 total bits, you need to use m EC bits. These represent each possible different mask following the pattern "x bits on, x bits off" where x is a power of 2. Thus, the larger the number of bits at once, the better the data/parity bit ratio you get. For example, 7 total bits would allow encoding only 4 data bits after losing 3 EC bits, but 31 total bits can encode 26 data bits after losing 5 EC bits.
Now, to really understand this probably will take an example. Consider the following sets of masks. The first two rows are to be read top down, indicating the bit number (the "Most Significant Byte" I've labeled MSB):
| |
v v
33222222 22221111 11111100 0000000|0
10987654 32109876 54321098 7654321|0
-------- -------- -------- -------|-
1: 10101010 10101010 10101010 1010101|0
2: 11001100 11001100 11001100 1100110|0
3: 11110000 11110000 11110000 1111000|0
4: 11111111 00000000 11111111 0000000|0
5: 11111111 11111111 00000000 0000000|0
The first thing to notice is that the binary values for 0 to 31 are represented in each column going from right to left (reading the bits in rows 1 through 5). This means that each vertical column is different from each other one (the important part). I put a vertical extra line between bit numbers 0 and 1 for a particular reason: Column 0 is useless because it has no bits set in it.
To perform error-correcting, we will bitwise-AND the received data bits against each EC bit's predefined mask, then compare the resulting parity to the EC bit. For any calculated parities discovered to not match, find the column in which only those bits are set. For example, if error-correcting bits 1, 4, and 5 are wrong when calculated from the received data value, then column #25--containing 1s in only those masks--must be the incorrect bit and can be corrected by flipping it. If only a single error-correcting bit is wrong, then the error is in that error-correcting bit. Here's an analogy to help you understand why this works:
There are 32 identical boxes, with one containing a marble. Your task is to locate the marble using just an old-style scale (the kind with two balanced platforms to compare the weights of different objects) and you are only allowed 5 weighing attempts. The solution is fairly easy: you put 16 boxes on each side of the scale and the heavier side indicates which side the marble is on. Discarding the 16 boxes on the lighter side, you then weigh 8 and 8 boxes keeping the heavier, then 4 and 4, then 2 and 2, and finally locate the marble by comparing the weights of the last 2 boxes 1 to 1: the heaviest box contains the marble. You have completed the task in only 5 weighings of 32, 16, 8, 4, and 2 boxes.
Similarly, our bit patterns have divided up the boxes in 5 different groups. Going backwards, the fifth EC bit determines whether an error is on the left side or the right side. In our scenario with bit #25, it is wrong, so we know that the error bit is on the left side of the group (bits 16-31). In our next mask for EC bit #4 (still stepping backward), we only consider bits 16-31, and we find that the "heavier" side is the left one again, so we have narrowed down the bits 24-31. Following the decision tree downward and cutting the number of possible columns in half each time, by the time we reach EC bit 1 there is only 1 possible bit left--our "marble in a box".
Note: The analogy is useful, though not perfect: 1-bits are not represented by marbles--the erroring bit location is represented by the marble.
Now, some playing around with these masks and thinking how to arrange things will reveal that there is a problem: If we try to make all 31 bits data bits, then we need 5 more bits for EC. But how, then, will we tell if the EC bits themselves are wrong? Just a single EC bit wrong will incorrectly tell us that some data bit needs correction, and we'll wrongly flip that data bit. The EC bits have to somehow encode for themselves! The solution is to position the parity bits inside of the data, in columns from the bit patterns above where only one bit is set. This way, any data bit being wrong will trigger two EC bits to be wrong, making it so that if only one EC bit is wrong, we know it is wrong itself instead of it signifying a data bit is wrong. The columns that satisfy the one-bit condition are 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16. The data bits will be interleaved between these starting at position 2. (Remember, we are not using position 0 as it would never provide any information--none of our EC bits would be set at all).
Finally, adding one more bit for overall parity will allow detecting 2-bit errors and reliably correcting 1-bit errors, as we can then compare the EC bits to it: if the EC bits say something is wrong, but the parity bit says otherwise, we know there are 2 bits wrong and cannot perform correction. We can use the discarded bit #0 as our parity bit! In fact, now we are encoding the following pattern:
0: 11111111 11111111 11111111 11111111
This gives us a final total of 6 Error-Checking and Correcting (ECC) bits. Extending the scheme of using different masks indefinitely looks like this:
32 bits - 6 ECC bits = 26 data
64 bits - 7 ECC bits = 57 data
128 bits - 8 ECC bits = 120 data
256 bits - 9 ECC bits = 247 data
512 bits - 10 ECC bits = 502 data
Now, if we are sure that we only will get a 1-bit error, we can dispense with the #0 parity bit, so we have the following:
31 bits - 5 ECC bits = 26 data
63 bits - 6 ECC bits = 57 data
127 bits - 7 ECC bits = 120 data
255 bits - 8 ECC bits = 247 data
511 bits - 9 ECC bits = 502 data
This is no change because we don't get any more data bits. Oops! 32 bytes (256 bits) as you requested cannot be error-corrected with a single byte, even if we know we can have only a 1-bit error at worst, and we know the ECC bits will be correct (allowing us to move them out of the data region and use them all for data). We need TWO more bits than we have--one must slide up to the next range of 512 bits, then leave out 246 data bits to get our 256 data bits. So that's one more ECC bit AND one more data bit (as we only have 255, exactly what Daniel told you).
Summary:: You need 33 bytes + 1 bit to detect which bit flipped in the first 32 bytes.
Note: if you are going to send 64 bytes, then you're under the 32:1 ratio, as you can error correct that in just 10 bits. But it's that in real world applications, the "frame size" of your ECC can't keep going up indefinitely for a few reasons: 1) The number of bits being worked with at once may be much smaller than the frame size, leading to gross inefficiencies (think ECC RAM). 2) The chance of being able to accurately correct a bit gets less and less, since the larger the frame, the greater the chance it will have more errors, and 2 errors defeats error-correction ability, while 3 or more can defeat even error-detection ability. 3) Once an error is detected, the larger the frame size, the larger the size of the corrupted piece that must be retransmitted.
If you need to use a whole byte instead of a bit, and you only need to detect errors, then the standard solution is to use a cyclic redundancy check (CRC). There are several well-known 8-bit CRCs to choose from.
A typical fast implementation of a CRC uses a table with 256 entries to handle a byte of the message at a time. For the case of an 8 bit CRC this is a special case of Pearson's algorithm.
I'm having trouble understanding the algorithm being used in this FPGA circuit. It deals with redundant versus non-redundant number format. I have seen some mathematical (formal) definitions of non-redundant format but I just can't really grasp it.
Excerpt from this paper describing the algorithm:
Figure 3 shows a block diagram of the scalable Montgomery multiplier. The kernel contains p w-bit PEs for a total of wp bit cells. Z is stored in carry-save redundant form. If PE p completes Z^0 before PE1 has finished Z^(e-1), the result must be queued until PE1 becomes available again. The design in [5] queues the results in redundant form, requiring 2w bits per entry. For large n the queue consumes significant area, so we propose converting Z to nonredundant form to save half the queue space, as shown in Figure 4. On the first cycle, Z is initialized to 0. When no queuing is needed, the carry-save redundant Z' is bypassed directly to avoid the latency of the carry-propagate adder. The nonredundant Z result is also an output of the system.
And the diagrams:
And here is the "improved" PE block diagram. This shows the 'improved' PE block diagram - 'improved' has to do with some unrelated aspects.
I don't have a picture of the 'not improved' FIFO but I think it is just a straight normal FIFO. What I don't understand is, does the FIFO's CPA and 3 input MUX somehow convert between formats?
Understanding redundant versus non-redundant formats (in concrete examples) is the first step, understanding how this circuit achieves it would be step 2..
A bit of background and a look at suggests the following:
Doing a proper binary add is relatively slow and/or area-consuming, because of the time that it takes to propagate the carries properly.
If you work bit-wise in parallel you can take three binary numbers, sum the bits at the same location in each number, and produce two binary numbers.
Slide 27 points out that 0001 + 0111 + 1101 = 1011 + 0101(0).
Since a multiplier needs to do a LOT of additions, you build the adder tree as a collection of reductions of 3 numbers to 2 numbers, eventually ending up with two numbers as output, abcde....z
and ABCDE...Z0. This is your output in redundant form, and the true answer is in fact abcde...z + ABCDE...Z0