windows app live video - windows

Whats the best and easiest way to play an incoming live video stream in a c++ windows application (visual studio 2010) and write some notes (eg. this is a blue ball) on the stream display? ActiveX? DirectX? Flash?
I have Windows SDK 7.1 installed. Do I need to install any other software?
Appreciate any pointers.

In simplest, you can do everything you ask with just directshow. There is managed library that wraps it for you.
So - try to find an example that just gets video from capture device to the renderer. Then, insert SampleGrabber filter in between those, and modify frame data accordingly. I am using such technique to draw timestamp on the recorded video in my recorder, I am even drawing it with simple GDI+ calls.
Thing to consider: you'll have to watch out for PICTURE format - some webcams have YUY2 as default or ONLY format. You'll want RGB24 format to be able to wrap Bitmap then Graphics around it.


Is it possible to grab a snapshot from a previously recorded video on Windows Phone 7?

I'd like to know if it's possible to grab snapshots from previously recorded videos. Those videos are recorded in the app itself.
By the way, I'd like to grab the snapshot from a video file saved in IsolatedStorage without having to play the video.
Is it possible? If so, how can I do it?
I am not aware of an official platform feature to do this. However, if the video file is within your app's isolated storage, you might be able to:
Send the video to a server to do the processing
Add codecs/C# code to your app to process the raw MPEG4 frames.
Try using WriteableBitmap to capture a specific frame when using the media element. Since most media is handled in hardware, however, it is possible that the frame will be blank.
I solved the problem by creating the thumbnail while recording the video (captureSource.CaptureImageAsync()). To do that, I used the same instance of the CaptureSource I'm using to record the video.

capture video from screen for stream

i am looking for differnt solutions to capture video stream from monitor screen and send it to vidoestreaming server to broadcast in web. it must occuring in "live".
i'd not like to use external services like "procaster" for broad.
OS: Windows.
it will be great to know the ideas and expirience people have to accomplish that.
Thanks all.
Recently, I build a GoLang project called ScreenStreamer, is a tool to stream current active window or full screen (Linux's or Windows's) to other device, like phone or another PC, as MJPEG over http or FLV over rtmp, it's very realtime (delay < 100ms). It works on Windows and Linux.
After building it, you can run it as:
# enter the project root directory
cd ./src/ScreenStreamer
# run it
./mjpeg or .\mjpeg.exe
# use a web browser or other video player, open http://host:port/mjpeg
./rtmp or .\rtmp.exe
# use a video player, open rtmp://host:port/live/screen
Windows SDK includes Push Source Filters Sample, which in turn contains CPushSourceDesktop filter/class.
CPushSourceDesktop: Copy of current desktop image (GDI only)
It captures desktop image and pushes it into DirectShow pipeline. From there on you can process it using video compression codec and stream it to remote location. A decent screen image compression codec is included with Windows Media subsystem, network streaming will have to be a custom or third party component. Alternatively, it is possible to make the capture class a virtual camera and have Windows Media Encoder broadcast it (or, it already has a simila feature built in).
Alternatively, you can check VNC (or one of the clones) source code and see how it hooks windows and captures image updates, then compresses them and makes it available for remote applications.
Note that you will have to specifically capture non-GDI images (such as coming from video/gaming applications, which use hardware acceleration and non-RGB surffaces).

Camera capture in Windows Phone 7 through an XNA application

I know that Microsoft hasn't officially supported doing any video capture applications as of yet. I've found the Clarity Consulting blog entry that highlights how to use the camera through Silverlight (entry is here: But, as of yet, I have been unsuccessful in porting the code to be used by an XNA framework.
Has anyone had any luck either using the Windows Phone 7 camera in an XNA application? If so, care to share your wisdom?
Generally you can access the camera the same way you do it in Silverlight - there is the CameraCaptureTask - you need to add a reference to Microsoft.Phone first and then call it from the game.
Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.CameraCaptureTask task = new Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.CameraCaptureTask();
task.Completed += new EventHandler<Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhotoResult>(task_Completed);
That would be for static capture, and your event handler is like this:
void task_Completed(object sender, Microsoft.Phone.Tasks.PhotoResult e)
// Do something with e.ChosenPhoto
Currently, video recording is done through the undocumented way - this will most likely get your app submission disapproved from the Marketplace, but it is possible nonetheless.
What's done that way is a MP4 file is constantly updated in the IsolatedStorage as the recording is in progress. But then again, there are methods present to include the file in the media library.
Think you are a bit unclear about the whole microsoft and supporting cameras.
Microsoft released not too long ago Expression Encoder 4 which allows you not only to video screen capture your screen but as well access all devices connected to your pc.
I would believe this would be much more ideal then being restrained to only using a windows 7 phone especially for an xna game.
Hope this sheds some light.
Nowadays you can use FileSink to save video from a CaptureSource like VideoCaptureDevice into a file.

windows phone 7 saving to camera roll - after cameracapturetask

I followed the many examples to do a cameracapturetask
Now I would like to save the photo to my camera. I can't seem to find that info on how to do so. I've seen some stuff using the media library. Is there a simple way using one of the tasks?
You can save the picture using MediaLibrary.SavePicture on the stream given to you as e.ChosenPhoto in the CameraCaptureTask_Completed event.

QuickTime video codec configuration

So I'm porting an app from Windows to Mac, and part of the app deals with creating movie files. On Windows, there's a group of functions like ICOpen and ICConfigure, which signify to the video compression driver to open up a configuration box for the selected codec. Is there anything like that for QuickTime on Mac?
You will need to use straight Quicktime-C calls for this, but the function you want is called MovieExportDoUserDialog.
See the QTMovieExportSettings article on CocoaDev for the full details.
